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Republic of the Philippines

Region VII, Central Visayas
Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City, Philippines


Subject: TLE –Wellness Massage Grade: 10 Quarter: 3 Week: 4

MELC: LO1.Apply wellness massage techniques Competency Code: TLE_HEWM9-12WT-111a-j-3
1.4Perform wellness massage technique1.5Perform self-assessment for wellness massage session
Name __________________________________________________ Section ________ Date ___________
School __________________________________________________ District ________________________

A. Readings/ Discussions
The initial consultation will be the longest and provide detailed information, which must be accurately
recorded on a treatment card .It is important before doing the actual massage, get client‘s body
temperature and blood pressure.
Importance of doing detailed consultation prior to massage
 To introduce yourself and get to know the client
 To establish a rapport with the client and put her/him at ease
 To develop mutual trust and gain the client‘s confidence
 To gain information on the client‘s past and present state of mental and physical health
 To identify any contra-indications
 To gain insight into the client‘s lifestyle, responsibilities, work environment, leisure activities etc.
 To identify the client‘s needs and expectations of the treatment
 To establish the most appropriate form of treatment and to discuss and agree this with the client
 To explain the treatment fully to the client, including the procedure, expected effects, timing and
TAWAS: Traditional Alternative/Asian Wellness Analytic System Our ancestors are well-known
when it comes to wellness massage. TAWAS is a Filipino Traditional spiritual diagnostic system used by
Hilot in determining the cause of illness of the patient. Now-a-days, PJHA re-develop TAWAS as Hilot
modality in determining illness through Traditional Alternative/Asian Wellness Analytic System.
Hilot Wellness Modern Tawas consist of the following:
a. Palpation of hot and cold syndrome (Pagkapa)
Hilot Pagkapa is done with the palm at surface of the hand palpating the body surface of the patient in
determining balance of hot and cold.
b. Palpation of skin tissues/ and stiff muscles (Pagsasalat) Hilot Pagsalat
Uses tips of the fingers in determining stiffness and knotting of muscles and tissues. The objective of
this procedure is to palpate parts of the body for presence of lumps, protuberances, swelling,
c. Palpating the activities of the internal organs through pulse (Pagpupulso) Hilot Pagpupulso
Is a traditional Asian/ oriental way of determining the activity of internal organs by observing the
characteristics of the pulse.
d. Use of banana leaf strip in determining energetic balance (Pagsasalat/ Panghihila)
Uses banana leaf strip coated in virgin coconut oil and heated through a candle flame and apply to the
body of the patient to determine energetic balance
Massage Pressure Areas Learning the basics
You don‘t need to be a massage therapist to give a massage. You can use simple touch techniques to
help heal and soothe your friends and loved ones – and even yourself and relieve pain, to give
pleasure or simply to express love
Basic Massage Pressure Areas

The body has lines of energy that end in specific zones in your hand



Effects of Massage Strokes

Mechanical responses to techniques occur as a direct result of the manipulation of the tissues from components
such as pressure, range of motion, and the pushing, pulling, lifting, compressing, and twisting of the tissue.
Reflexive response and is the result of changes directed through the nervous system. When the nerves in the area
are stimulated, they create a response either locally or systemically.
1. Effleurage
2. . Petrissage
3. Percussion or Tapotemen
4. Vibrations
1. Effleurage It is where the hands skim over the surface of the tissues The word ‗effleurage‘ comes from
the French verb effleurer, which means ‗to skim over‘

Differences between effleurage and stroking

 Effleurage must always follow the direction of  Stroking may be performed in any direction.
venous return back to the heart and the direction The pressure during effleurage may be light,
of lymphatic drainage towards the nearest group moderate or heavy, but always increases at the
of lymphatic nodes end of the stroke towards the lymphatic nodes.
The pressure of stroking is selected at the
commencement and is maintained throughout. It
also may be light, moderate or heavy pressure
depending on the type of massage given.
 When performing effleurage, hand contact is  When performing stroking, the hands may
maintained during the return of the stroke, maintain contact or may lift off the part on return.
although little pressure is applied

Effleurage Technique
1. Ensure that the client is warm and comfortable.
2. Take up a walk standing position with the outside foot forward: make sure you can reach all parts.
3. Remember to bend the front knee as the movement progresses and use body weight to apply pressure (pressure
must not be applied through the arms and shoulders alone). Keep your back straight.
4. Ensure that your hands are warm, relaxed and supple – they must mould and adapt to the body contours.
5. The hands must move in the direction of venous return back to the heart, beginning distally and working
6. The strokes must be directed towards, and end at, a group of lymphatic nodes wherever possible.
7. The pressure should increase slightly at the end of the stroke.
8. The hands maintain contact on the return of stroke but apply little pressure.
9. The movement must be smooth and rhythmical, with continuous flow and even pressure.
10. The whole of the palmar surface of the hand, fingers and thumb should maintain contact with the body in a
relaxed manner. (Do not extend, abduct or link the thumbs, and do not spread the fingers out, as these habits will
give uneven pressure.)
11. The hands usually work together with even pressure and rhythm. However, the hands may be used alternately
when care must be taken to maintain an even pressure under each hand and to synchronise the flow and rhythm.
2. On small areas, one hand may work while the other supports the tissues. On very small areas such as the face,
fingers or toes, the thumbs only may be used in a sweeping action.

Stroke Technique
1. The therapist‘s stance depends on the direction of movement – walk standing (one foot in front of the other) if
working top to bottom, stride standing (feet apart) if working from side to side.
2. The hands must be warm, relaxed and supple; they may mould and adapt to the contours of the body but this
is not always so.

3. The wrists must be very flexible and loose.

4. The movement can be performed in any direction.
5. The pressure is selected at the commencement of the stroke and maintained throughout the stroke. This
pressure may be light to moderate for a relaxing massage, or firm and heavy for a vigorous massage.
6. The movements must be rhythmical with continuous flow. The hands may or may not be lifted off the part at
the end of the stroke.
7. The whole of the palmar surface of the hand, fingers and thumb may remain in contact with the part, or the
fingers only may be used.
8. The hands usually work alternately, one hand commencing a stroke as the other reaches the end.
9. The hands may work in opposite directions if working across the back, one beginning on the right side, the
other on the left side, then crossing the back. Stroking is frequently performed from the nape of the neck to the
base of the spine, or transversely across the abdomen, back or thigh.


A. Head - use pinching, sliding and pressed release manipulation - pinching – is to squeeze between your
thumb and finger often in a painful way - sliding - - pressed release –
*Shoulder – use figure of eight tech-kneading or gliding
*Forearm – use sliding and thumb walking
*Hand – use press release, slide and rotate
B. Back Area Procedure in Massaging
Back Area
Procedure in Massaging Back Area
Step 1: Starting on the back use a smooth stroking movement ―gliding‖ downwards with thumb on either
side of the spine (do not press the bones – outside them) and then take the hands to the side and glide
back up the shoulders
Step 2: From kneeling position at your partner‘s side use the whole of your hand and a smooth stroking
movement to pull up steadily. One hand at a time working all the way up and down one side of partners
back few time then repeat to other side.
Step 3: Squeeze the muscles from one hand to the others, to knead the muscles of the back of the shoulder
and release deep selected muscles tension, make sure you knead generously, rather than using pinching
movement, repeat to the other side.
Step 4: Stretch the back using forearm to glide in different direction, try to keep a constant, steady
pressure. Lift off the arm when they reach the neck and buttocks. Return to the centre of the back and
repeat a few times.
B. Leg Area Procedure in massage of the leg area
Step 1: moving down to the lower extremities – foot area, press the muscles of the scalp then protect the
tendon area.
Step 2: Do not put over pressure on the area behind the knee, but glide over knead the back of the thigh,
then stroke all the way up leg handover hand, always moving in an upward direction repeat on le

C. Foot Area Procedure in massaging the foot area.

Step 1. . Use the stroke of press on, release, rotate and slide, repeat these movement to the other side of
the foot
After Care – end of Manipulation
Use the mild warm-up, massage for the ending manipulation, sliding from the back of shoulder up to
the buttock then up to the channel of leg and foot.
B. Exercises 1. Identification: Directions: Connect a line from the given situations to the specific part of the
hand that corresponds to the reflexes needed by your clients. Note: There are items having the same answers.

1. Your client complaining of being bloated.

2. Via experiences migraine attacks.
3. You wanted to regulate the hypertension of
your client by targeting their liver.
4. You wanted to give comfort to the tired back
of your parents.
5. Improving or giving relaxation to your
client’s eyesight

6. Che experiences asthma attack, pressing what

point in the foot can help her feel comfortable?
7. This point helps relieve rheumatism in the
8. The point that relieves dysmenorrhea.
9. Regulates thyroid gland processes.
10. Can regulate testosterone of males.

Exercises: 2.
Direction: Create a simple Client‘s Information Sheet
C. Assessment/Application/Outputs (Please refer to DepEd Order No. 31, s. 2020)

Demonstration: Student will find a partner and perform effleurage. Ask your partner to give you his/her rating.
Name of Clients Date Time Pressure Effect Rating Clients
Duration 25% 50% Total Signature


D.Suggested Enrichment/Reinforcement Activity/ies.

Answer the following questions and write your answer in a separate sheet of paper
Your father works at a company in Cebu City, since the implementation of the quarantine brought by the
pandemic CoViD-19, transportation services are limited to the public he enforced to walk from your house to his
workplace. Based on the knowledge you learned in our lesson about the parts of the body that can be reflexed,
what parts of his body you must massage, and why it may bring comfort to him? Explain.



Prepared by:


Reviewed by:



For the Teacher: Please advise the students to read the discussion carefully to ensure total assimilation of the
topic. In doing so, they will be able to answer the given exercises smoothly.

For the Learner: Read the self-learning home task carefully from the first part to the last part. This will help
you get a clearer understanding of the subject matter.

For the Parent/Home Tutor: Please guide your child as he/she go through with the whole self-learning home
task. Make sure that he/she handles her time properly in order to prevent any deviations of the whole learning
B. Exercises

C. Assessment/ Application/ Outputs

D. Reinforcement Activity

In an oslo paper, draw or sketch at least ten kitchen tools, materials and equipment.

E. References

K to 12 Commercial Cooking Learning module . com (images)

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