The Beauty of Love Nkanyezi's Story

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I've been sitting on my bed, lost in my

thoughts for the past 2 hours.
My thoughts were disturbed by a soft knock
on the door. I quickly gathered myself
together and said, "come in"
As soon as I saw who opened the door a
slight smile creeped up on my face. It was
my son, Nkosinathi. He looked at me for a
long time like he's searching for something.
He quickly walked towards me and wiped my
tears while frowning.
I didn't even realize that I was crying, he
looked in my eyes and said ,"He isn't worth
your tears mami, you're drifting away from
P 1-1
me and I just can't risk losing another parent."
He said this with a slightly frustrated yet
smooth voice.
I looked at him and gave him a genuine smile
and said to him, "Don't worry about me
Nathi I will be okay in no time infact lets go
out for dinner I'm too lazy to cook."
He let out a slight chuckle and said,
"Okay, let me go take a shower, please don't
take your time - Pleaseeeee!."
I let out a loud laugh and chased him out my
of room.
I took a quick shower.
I have been avoiding taking long showers
because I tend to think a lot about what has
been happening which will then lead to tears
and the tears will lead to an emotional
P 1-2
breakdown which will lead to depression
which will lead to - its just a hectic a cycle you
I got dressed in a simple jean, an oversized t
shirt, a sweater and black heeled boots.
I got out of my room and walked down the
stairs Nathi ran towards me before I got to
the bottom and looked at me like I'm crazy
and asked me what I'm wearing. Haibo this
"I'm wearing clothes Nathi , is there a
problem?" I ask giving him a mean stink eye.
"Yes mami there is a big problem you look
like you're a granny."

P 1-3
I continued to walk down the stairs towards
the mirror in the lounge and realized that
what I look older than I actually am.
I look at Nathi and give him a sinister smirk
and tell him to give me an hour and I'll be
I quickly rush up the stairs to my room and
take out a black catsuit, a gold puffer jacket
and Gucci combat boots with a black
I sit in front of my dressing table and start
doing my makeup as I'm busy Nathi walks in
with my phone in his hand I notice he looks
pissed off.
"He called, right?" he nods, puts my phone
on the dressing table and walks out.
P 1-4
SMH I wonder what he wants. I thought he
made it known that he never wants to see
me, Nathi and Lihle ever again.
Oh well let me finish before Nathi starts
sulking and being a baby.
I scream Nathi's name and he comes flying in
then says, "Wow mami,you look amazing!"
I laugh and tell him to take pictures of me,
He protests but ends up taking the pictures
although they don't come out as nice as I
had expected.
"Nathi who taught you how to take pictures,
no my child lets go take outside."
He starts complaining about it being late and
that we should go. Nathi is so dramatic I

P 1-5
honestly don't know where he got it from
(he most definitely got it from me).
"Nathi its not even 5pm yet but okay lets
stop with this photoshoot obviously we not
going anywhere with it."
I walk down the stairs and go to the drawer
where the all the car keys stay as I'm about to
take a set of keys, I'm not even sure for which
car, Nathi appears and takes the keys I
despise the most the keys of my Mercedes
Benz AMG G63.
I give him a look he just ignores me and
walks out.
This boy will be the death of me!! I walk out
of the house after making sure everything is
I walk to the car and just stare at it.
P 1-6
This was once my favourite car.
I remember when Nathi's dad bought it for
That was one of the greatest days of my life
about 6 years ago.
He bought it for me when he found out I was
pregnant with Lihle, after the divorce I
avoided driving this car at alll costs.
I get in and start the car and look at Nathi
and roll my eyes at him, after a few minutes
of driving we get to Mall of Africa and buy
our movie tickets and go eat dinner at spur
(Nathi's choice not mine) we eat dinner
while laughing and making fun of people we
see walking past.

P 1-7
After dinner, we go watch our movie
honestly I wasn't even paying attention to
that movie.
As we walk out of the cinema it crosses my
mind Nathi's birthday is in 8 days and I don't
have any plans!!!
I look at my son and I can't get over how
much he looks like his father.
"Soooo,what do you want for your
He looks at me innocently and says so
sweetly yet sounds so evil, "Oh me?,
Oh nothhhiing" I laugh.
"Nathi tell me now or I wont get it for you!"

P 1-8
"Ah ish ok I want a new phone and I want
you to teach me how to drive "he says while
flashing he's eyelashes at me.
I let out a giggle and say "okay ill see what I
can do."
He's mad if he thinks im going to teach him
how to drive.
The smile on his face was priceless then he
said, "ohh and I'd also like it if you could
meet my girlfriend, we've been dating for
almost 1 year"
I look at him shocked not because he said he
has a girlfriend no I couldn't care less about
that I'm stuck at the 1 year part.
We on our way home now and I'm
interrogating him about this girlfriend of his.
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He looks so in love it's so cute. He tells me
they met at school and stayed friends for 1
week then they started dating, her name is
Namikho or something like that I don't know.
She's younger than Nathi by 1 year and
about 5 days meaning her birthday is in a
few days also, that's cute man.
Nathi literally begged me to meet her on her
birthday I reluctantly agreed.
I just hope that Nathi doesn't break this girl's
heart the way he's father did to mine.

P 1-10

Our divorce was not an easy one at all, I

doubt I'll ever trust men again after the
stunts Banzi pulled on me but I mean if he
wants to play dirty, I'm game.
As soon as we get home I decide to call my
brother to talk to Lihle but then he tells me
that she is fast asleep.
I took her there because of what happened
with Banzi.
I wanted Nathi to go but he flat out
refused and told me he isn't
leaving me alone. This child is so
annoying yoh! That's exactly what I
wanted, to just be alone!
P 2-1
A few days back, Banzi was supposed to take
the kids for these May (winter) school
holidays as per our arrangement in court -I
got the cars, the kids and all our investment
properties( A two bedroom and 1 bath
apartment in Parktown and another 3
bedroom, 2 ½ bathroom house in a estate in
Rivonia), and he got the house and money
and company.
Hectic right!, but not for long im taking MY
company back after the stunt he pulled
A few years ago :
At 8 months pregnant with Lihle , I had
decided to bring my husband lunch, you
know housewife things. He's PA told me that
P 2-2
he's having a meeting so I waited for about
two hours and decided that I should just give
it to him and leave and as I entered the
office I got the shock of my life, I saw my
husband humping and pumping into another
woman, she was out of it-all I heard were
moans and groans from them.
They didn't even realize that I was there,
even after the lunchbox fell on the floor, that
means they were having it good, after a few
seconds Banzi looked up and saw me, he
froze for a moment looking scarred and
shocked and just continued banging this lady.
I stood there in absolute shock, he continued
up until the lady noticed my presence and
quickly pushed Banzi off her, she tried to
cover herself with Banzis shirt then said,
P 2-3
while giving me a nasty look, "Phiwo, tell
your PA that she should knock before she
catches her boss and his wife again."
"Wife?", I said in an almost whisper while
looking straight into Banzi's eye, he looked
so annoyed and pissed off.
She smiled while looking at her huge ring and
said, " Yes, we tied the knot 4 years ago."
I felt a sharp pain on my chest and I let out a
loud cry, I started feeling really light headed,
I heard voices and started seeing double, it
was lights out for me.
A few hours later I woke up in hospital.
I sat up and realized I was connected to a

P 2-4
I let out a heavy sigh and rubbed my belly
and felt my baby girl kick.
I looked up and saw Nana walk in I thought
that something might be wrong with my
baby since she's my gynaecologist.
Cool right, imagine having your best friends
as you're Gynaecologist, Lawyer or
" What happened babe?", she said.
I sigh then narrate the whole story while
shedding a few tears in between.
As soon as I finished she looked so angry, she
stood up and walked to the window and
made a call, I figured she was talking to Sindy
by the way she spoke on the phone.

P 2-5
She came back to me and gave me a warm
long much needed hug and I just let it all out,
I cried for my 10 year old son, I cried for the
baby I'm carrying, I cried for my so called
husband. I cried so much that I fell asleep.
When I woke up Nana did a thorough check-
up on me and my mini.
All looked well, except for the obvious blood
pressure, she suggested i stay in hospital
until my due date so she can monitor me, I
agreed because really don't want to go
As soon as Sindy walked in she ran into my
arms and gave me a huge hug and rubbed
my belly and looked into Nana's eyes and
asked to hear the full story.
P 2-6
Nana told her and Sindy immediately told me
to file for divorce.
Me: Guys, I'm 34 weeks pregnant, I'm due in
about 13 days and you guys expected me to
make such a big decision. No guys we can
discuss this in the coming month, now please
get me food, a lot of it!
We all immediately break out in laughter.
I stayed in hospital for about 1 week, my
brother and his wife came to visit me and
decided to take Nathi to stay with them
because they lived closer to his school and
they thought I might need some time with
my baby after giving birth.
My parents had flew in and are staying at my
house, Banzi hasn't set foot in this hospital
P 2-7
ever, Nathi has been here 3 times and is
always asking about his father and I've
honestly ran out of excuses.
Today I decided to take a walk around the
hospital with Sindy and Nana, they've been
here everyday.
We spoke of baby names and I've decided on
a names, Andiswa Lihle Zulu. They loved
Sindy looked at me and said "Babe, I know
you said we should drop the issue of the
divorce, but I just want to ask you, if you are
going to divorce him, I will completely
understand if you don't want to answer." I
gave her a bored look and pointed them
towards a nearby bench.

P 2-8
After sitting comfortable, I looked at them
and said, "I love Banzi, so much at that but
what he did is honestly sickening, the fact
that he actually continued having sex with
her even after he saw me just proves the lack
of respect he has for me, I mean he has kids,
did he not think of his fuc-"
"Breathe Baby girl, breathe, calm down love,
calm down", Nana said to me and I did just
that. I looked at them and said, "I'm
divorcing that man whore, but as I said we
will talk more after I give birth."
They had the biggest smiles plastered on
their faces. I love my friends. Soon after they
left and I went back to my room.

P 2-9
That night I started feel pain on my lower
back and abdomen, then I had cramps here
and there, I needed to pee but when I stood
up from my bed I felt a splash of water on the
ground and I immediately thought "Ohhh
SNAP !".
I sent Nana a text saying "it's time", after a
few minutes she didn't respond so I pressed
the nurse button on the bed, and called
Nana since she wasn't responding to my text,
she picked up after the 5th ring, I told her it's
I heard her scream in excitement and heard
some shuffling.
I hung up because I figured she's making her
way here.

P 2-10
The nurse arrived and moved me to a private
maternity ward, the few minutes I felt of not
feeling pain were the greatest, but that
moment didn't last long.
I was screaming, crying, kicking, punching
and throwing things at anyone and everyone,
especially Nana, finally my baby, after 9
hours of labour, baby Andiswa Lihle Zulu was

P 2-11
6 months down the line and still no sign of
Banzi, I sent him pictures of Lihle every
month but he chose to ignore me, I had sent
divorce papers two days ago and I'm
expecting a call from his lawyer soon, so we
can set up a date for a meeting.
Sindy, Nana, Themba and Khaya have been
great, they came to visit almost everyday. I'm
grateful because I never feel alone. Themba
and Khaya have stopped being friends with
Zwelibanzi because of his attitude towards
I'm currently staying with my brother but I
will move out as soon as the divorce is
Lihle is amazing, she knows when to cry and
when not to, I love her so so much but the
way she's so fat so much you'd swear she's
10 months old.
Nathi is so excited to be a big brother,
everyday after school he rushes to do his
homework then comes to watch me feed,
burp and put Lihle to sleep.
Today I have decided to talk to Nathi about
his father I hope this talk goes well. I left
Lihle with my mother as I want to spend
some time with Nathi.
I make my way to Nathi's school and wait for
him outside the car, after a few minutes I see
him running towards me with the biggest
smile on he's face, I catch him and hug him
very tight.
We drive to the nearest mall while
conversing about his day, he's such a blabber
mouth. At the mall we buy a few essential
groceries, including snacks and all, we then
make our way to a restaurant, Spur – typical
kid's choice! After our food arrives, we have
small talk here and there, then I decide to
bring out the big guns.
I look at him and ask, "How is it living with
Malume (uncle) and your cousins, are you
enjoying it?" He looks at me with a slightly
smile and says yes but he misses his baba
"Nathi, my baby, I want you to know that I
love you okay, and I'll always love you and
care for you. I don't know what the future
holds for our family but just know that you
and Lihle are my life, okay?"
"Mami, I know you love me and I love you
but I'm not a baby anymore, I'm a man now,
but Ma where is Baba?,"
He said the last part with a hallow voice.
I sigh and say, "Nathi, me and you're dad are
going through a few problems and I don't
know if we will be able to solve our problems
but just because we have a few issues that
shouldn't affect your relationship with him,
okay? Despite everything baby, he is still
your father and you should always respect
and love him, do we understand each other
He looks down with tears in his eyes and
nods slowly. I pull him towards me and he
lets out a soft cry, soft enough that people in
the restaurant don't hear him cry.
I hug him tight and kiss his forehead. I settle
the bill and walk out while holding Nathi's
I would carry him but no thanks he's 10 years
old and is as tall as me so I am not about to
put myself through a hell of an exercise.
P 3-1
When we get home Nathi runs out of the car,
I know for a fact he's going to see Lihle. As I
unpack the groceries I hear my phone ring,
its Banzi, I roll my eyes and answer.
"What?" , I say rudely.
"Is that how you speak to me now huh?"
I chuckle and say, "So you called to monitor if
I still know how to respond to a phone call or
"So, you divorcing me huh. I always knew
you were a fake slut who was just after my
money, you such a bit.."
:Go jump off a cliff Zwelibanzi, and leave me
and my offspring alone!"
I hang up.
He's money, what money?, because as far as
I am concerned I own 60% of 'his' company.
Banzi is such a joke WOW, he is a real clown!
Why would I want his money, what money,
which money because with out me, nigga
would be broke as Hell!

P 3-2

My Name is Nkanyezi Esihleuthando Zulu 29

years of age, I am 1 of 3 children being the
2nd child of Thandolwethu Mariam Zulu (55)
and Mandlakhe Solomon Zulu (57).
I was born and bred in Scottsburg, KwaZulu-
Natal. I come from a very well established
family, my father is a well known Cardiologist
and is a shareholder at one of the Life
hospitals in Johannesburg and my mother is
a business woman, she is an architect and
owns an architectural company called
"". My siblings are:

P 4-1
- Nqobizitha Muziwethu Zulu, 36 years, has
3 kids is married to Londiwe Thandie Zulu.
He is a medicalsurgeon.
- Nkanyezi Esihleuthando Zulu,29 years,has
2 kids is divorced to Phiwokwakhe Zwelibanzi
Khumalo 32 years. I am a Chartered Account.
- Nomzamo Mbaliyothando Zulu,27 years,
has no kids,not married or divorced (dating
Nkosenye SimonDlamini).She is a teacher.
I have 2 children, Nkosinathi Sanele
Zulu, 15 years and Andiswa Lihle Zulu, 5
years. __________
About 15 years ago I met Banzi. He was a

P 4-2
e met in high school he was in grade 10 and I
was in grade 8.
Myself and my childhood best friends Unathi
Xulu(Nana) and Sindiswa(Sindy) Nkosi, were
walking trying to find our Natural Sciences
class, we figured that we should ask
someone for help and so me being the loud
mouth of the group, walked up to a group of
three boys with these two on my tail.
Me: Sanibonani (hello), I'm not sure if any
one of you would be able to assist me here.
I'm looking for Mr Amos's class, my
timetable says its classroom A2. Please help
me because we are running late and I really
don't want to get into trouble on the second
week of school.

P 4-3
They looked at me then looked behind me
and saw Nana and Sindy,then looked at each
other and they smirked.
Guy 1: What's in it for us then?
Me: Uhmm, I don't know but whatever it is I
promise to give you but please help us.
They then said that they will escort us to our
class and wait for us so we can discuss our
"deal" during 1st break.
The boys apologized on our behalf for being
late and explained to the teacher that we
were lost.
Soon after, the lesson ended, Nana and Sindy
were so excited to go see those boys and I
have no clue why.

P 4-4
As soon as we exited the class we walked
towards them.
Guy 1: We realized that we don't know any
of your names, care to do some
Guy 2: YAH, ladies first.
They laughed and I was annoyed..
Me: My name is Nkanyezi, Her name is
Sindiswa and Her, Unathi.
Sindy & Nana: Hey/Hello..
Guy 3 who had been quiet the whole time
finally said while looking at me,
"I'm Phiwokwakhe, This is

Muziwekhaya(Guy 1) and this is

P 4-5
Thembinkosi Guy 2)" Me: Nice to

meet you all, but I'm sure you didn't

just want to ask us about our names


Khaya: We are here to talk business.

Themba: So our deal is that you guys bring us
lunch for the rest of this week and next
week, basically for the next two weeks.
Phiwo: We also just wanted to ask if you
would like to be our friends?
Sindy: Of course we'd love to be your friends
no doubt there.

P 4-6
Me: Ooookay, what don't you eat?
Them: We eat everything!
A few weeks later we had kinda grown close
with these boys personally I had particularly
grown close to Phiwo, whom I've learnt has
a second name which I loved so much, Banzi
(short for Phiwokwakhe Zwelibanzi
Khumalo) .
We grew close to a point where we started
We dated and of course I got hate from his
exes and people started gossiping about me,
but I didn't care.

P 4-7
After 7 months of dating I met his family and
he met mine. My brother grilled him more
than my father did, imagine, but all-in-all my
family loved Banzi, although they were mad
angry for dating in grade 8, if only they knew
I hade my first boyfriend in grade 4.
On Banzi's 17th birthday, I was 14 in grade 9
and he was in grade 11. I decided to give him
my virginity. The 24th of September. Little
did I know that, that beautiful gesture would
give me my first son.
I was doing grade 9 around November when
I found out I was pregnant, all hell broke
loose. My brother and my father beat Banzi
up, my mother was scolding me about safe
sex and that I wasn't ready to be a mother
and all. Banzi's parents were so angry and
P 4-8
disappointed. Those were one if the worst
weeks of my life, everyone was so
Nana and Sindy were my support system on
steroids, they saved me from bullies,
mockery, gossip and everything else.
Everyone thought Banzi would run away
from responsibility but no, he even went out
to get a weekend and holiday job so he could
start saving up to get us an apartment when
I finish high-school, which I found amazing as
he was doing matric, he had to sacrifice so
much, writing he's finals.
People started noticing my pregnancy when I
started grade 10, they would make fun of
me, and since Banzi had already left the

P 4-9
school. People started saying that he just
used me and dumped me with a baby.
Banzi left for UJ at the end of January to
study Business Management and Tourism.
He was doing 2 courses at once.
The baby was born on June 4, Banzi was so
We named him Nkosinathi Sanele Zulu, he
took my surname as Banzi hadn't paid lobola
or paid damages yet.
Banzi stayed for 2 months and left again, he
came back as frequently as he could. Nana
and Sindy bought Nathi so many clothes and
They would also help me study and catch up
with school work. I had to write 2 of my
P 4-10
exams after I had given birth because I
missed the exam, so they helped me prepare
for those exams.
Without them, I would have failed my
Accounting papers.
Soon after I matriculated, applied at UJ to
study Accounting and as a gift for passing
with 3 distinctions, my dad bought me and
Banzi a small apartment in Parktown, my
mom bought me a small car.
Which I found unnecessary as Banzi already
had a car from he's parents.
When I got to Joburg, I had to fly with the
whole family, my sister was going to skip 2
days of school, as I was getting married at

P 4-11
We signed at home affairs and I was a
Khumalo but obviously not culturally.
The traditional aspects of our marriage toom
place later that year as Banzi had
accumulated more than enough money.
We were more than stable. I had an
allowance from my parents, Banzi had a
weekend job as a driver for some big
company. I was doing well at school.
My friends were close, they were studying at
Nana; Gynaecology.
Nathi was growing.
P 4-12
Banzi paid lobola and paid damages for me
and Nathi when he was 4 years old.
We had the both the white and traditional
wedding a few days later, including
Umembeso and Umbondo; I was officially
Nkanyezi Esihleuthando Khumalo.
Our marriage was not an easy one, Banzi
felt less of a man because I had been
earning more than him, from my parents
and from my part time job at one of the
banks. Soon after, he graduated and got a
stable job.
He was working as a manager at the head
offices of Tourism SA.
Nathi was growing and talking non stop
and very naughty and stubborn, he was
P 4-13
a mama's boy. He was so sweet, few
months after he started crèche he told
me he has a girlfriend, lol.
I sensed trouble from there, I don't know
who taught him about girlfriends and
A few years down the line, I graduated from
UJ, got a job.
We moved from Parktown to Houghton, we
bought a huge house; my mom offered to
help build our house but we bought a house
instead of building; Banzi's choice not mine, I
really wanted to get a house designed by me
but Banzi wanted non of that. He said it was a
waste of money; I found at very confusing as
we lived in a 10 bedroomed house, yet it was

P 4-14
just three of us; but I learnt not to argue as I
would lose that battle badly.
We rented out the Parktown apartment to
Themba and Khaya.
After 5 years of marriage and an 7 year old
son, Banzi decided that it was time to grow
as an entrepreneur; he wanted to open up a
business, it would be Transporting business;
Trucks, Vans, Busses, Cars; dealing with
flights too.
He had everything in order... except for the
So I made him a deal; if I invest in his
company, I had to become a sole share
holder, I wanted 60% of the shares in he's
P 4-15
It took a long time to convince him but he
reluctantly agreed to my terms.

We called our lawyers, yes we were married

but had different lawyers.
Of course Sindy was my lawyer; they drew up
a contract, stating that the only time I or him
were allowed to inform the public that I am
sole owner or sole shareholder is if by some
reason our marriage does not work out or
one partner passes away.
I was also going to get paid as I would be
working as an Accounts manager; part-time.
My mother offered to build the office
building, as a gift. I don't know how many
gifts she's given us or has tried to give us, my
P 4-16
mother is so dramatic at times - but we
agreed as we would need all the sponsors we
could get.
In 1 year, business was booming, the
company had secured over 50 clients, which
meant more money for us; soon after the
company had also grown exposure to the
media, they were all over Banzi, but luckily
for some odd reason never got to know that I
was his wife not that I had much of a
problem as it meant that Nathi would get a
normal childhood, without media
everywhere he goes.

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P 4-17
Now that me and Banzi are divorced, I have
the opportunity to take my company back
and I have a few tricks up my sleeve as well.
Zwelibanzi needs to watch his back.
Today I'm going to fetch Lihle and I need to
speak to my brother and visit my sister but I
think I will go see Zamo first.
I go take a bath and get ready.
As I make my way to the kitchen I pass Nathi
who is busy smiling and blushing on he's
phone, yeah neh
"Morning my love", I say to the love struck
teen sitting on the bar stool in the kitchen.

P 5-1
"Morning mommy, you look beautiful. Are
you going out?", he asks.
"Yeah, I'm going to see Zamo today and fetch
Lihle.", I say while looking around the kitchen
"Oh okay, enjoy..... uhm.... Mami what are
you looking for?". He asks this while looking
at me confused.
"Uhm, I'm looking for my food, I mean like its
11am and you look like you've been awake
for some time so I'm sure you've eaten, so
I'm looking for my food." I say while giggling,
I know very well this child didn't make me
food and I'm starving.

P 5-2
"Ah, you want food?.... Ah ma..... I ate cereal
but if you want I could make you cereal too?"
He wants looking like he wants me to say no.
Evil child!
"No, its fine. I'll just raid Zamo's kitchen,
anyways Nathi I will try be back before 4:30,
please don't go anywhere, please, if you
need anything just call me. If I'm not back
before that time please defrost mince
meat.", I say.
He nods.
I go upstairs to go wear my shoes and fetch
my phone and handbag.
I kiss Nathi's forehead and tell him I love him
before walking outside to the G wagon.

P 5-3
I get in and before starting it I just sit and just
ask myself why I ever hated this car for 5
whole years.
I laugh at that thought and drive to Zamo's
place and on my way there I call her to tell
her that I'm on my way. I don't want to catch
her and her man having sex, no thank you!
I drive in, yes I let myself in, I mean she 'gave'
me a spare key.
[Gave and took is the same thing in my
I make my way in and I smell bacon, a smile
forms on my face. I meet her in the kitchen.

P 5-4
"Zama, Zamisto, Zamaraiza, my favourite, my
ha..", I sing with a big smile, while making
myself comfortable on the counter top.
"Yezi, no man, just sit down on the couch
and I'll dish up for you. So much noise at
11:40am though, why?", she says laughing.
"Because that son of mine didn't make me
food so I just felt like abusing you today, plus
I know you love my beautiful voice but
seriously I missed you and we have got to
talk.", I say the last part with a smirk.
She looks so interested, she likes things this
After eating we clean up the kitchen and
lounge and sit in her room with a glass of
wine in hand, I won't drink much I still have
P 5-5
to go to pick up my drama queen and I know
she will want me to answer her never ending
I start talking , "So a few days ago, I went to
drop the kids of at Banzi's place for the
holidays right and as we walked in the door,
he chased us away. I don't even know why but
all I know is that he made it clear he never
wants to see us again and I quote, "Nkanyezi,
I never want to see you and your rubbish kids
ever again; get the fuck out of me and my
wife's house you skank whore and your
offspring." I just took my brood and left I
drove straight to Nqoba's place and told him
what happened and dropped off Lihle, you
know how Nathi is, he didn't want to go and I
didn't have energy to argue with him so I left
it. I cried so much that I didn't even realize
that I was neglecting my children but thanks
P 5-6
to Nathi, I'm back on my feet again, I'm even
driving the G wagon again."

She looks so shocked, angry, hurt and

disappointed all in one; she really liked Banzi.
When we were still dating in high school, she
was one of the people who always got along
with him. She always had our back and we
had hers too.
"Wow Yezi, honestly I'm just so glad you left
that marriage for your own mental health,
my kids that I deal with at school are more
mature than him honestly. As for him
disowning his own kids yoh... he has got a
liver. It only shows that now you really have
to get full custody of these kids, he shouldn't
be part of their lives if he is going to be such
a bad parent, and where was he's dear wife

P 5-7
when this happened?" , Zamo says with
concern written all over her face.
"These past few years, Banzi has been off
and normally I would be worried but right
now, I don't care.
Siphokazi ( Banzi's wife) is out of the country,
she went on some holiday with her father I
think. Honestly Zamo at this point I'm really
tired of him. My kids deserve better, so
much better. I'm meeting up with Sindy
tomorrow, I need to get my life on track."
We convers more for a few minutes and I
start to notice that its going to 2pm so I say
my goodbyes and I love you's, Zamo tells me
to be strong and to give her one of my cars

P 5-8
since I have 4 more at home chilling doing
She's happy I'm back to driving my car,
I make my way to Nqoba's place and my
skwiza (sister in law), Thandie opens the
door and greets me with the biggest hug and
smile, I giggle and hug her back.
We walk to the lounge while making small
talk about Lihle and how much she claims
she misses me. I say claims because all she
misses is playing Talking Angela on my
phone but as we walk in she comes flying in
screaming "Mamiiiiii!!!!!"

I pick her up and kiss her all over her face,

"My Lihle, did you miss me baby?"
P 5-9
"I missed you mami and the phone." She says
this while looking at me with her hands on
my face, I know she wants me to give her my
I put her down and give it to her.
"Thank you mami." She says flashing her
eyelashes at me.
I just love how much she looks like me.
I ask Thandie where Nqoba is and she tells
me he's in he's study so I make my way
I knock twice and let myself in.
"okay thank you, I will call you back later, sho

P 5-10
I walk in and go sit on the couch, "Hey buthi,
how are you?" I say to him after he ends he's

"Yezi, I'm good how are you, the last time

you were here, you weren't good." He says
looking very worried.
"I'm okay buthi, I was just hurt by what Banzi
did but everything will work out because I'm
meeting up with Sindy tomorrow, I want to
get full custody of my kids I want him far
away from my family." I say.
"I'm glad your okay, you're here to fetch
Lihle? Are you staying for dinner?" he asks

P 5-11
"Yep, I'm here for Lihle but unfortunately I
can't stay long, I left Nathi alone." I say to
him while we walk out the study together.

"You should've just took them to KZN, I

shipped my kids there last week, I wanted
time with my wife." He says smiling.

"Haa, no I wouldn't, mom wouldn't want to

bring them back, I'll take them in December
not now but buthi I need to get going now,
it's almost 4 and I still have to drive another
hour." I say to him.
"it's okay but please keep me posted with all
information in terms of the custody."
I nod and call for Lihle and my baby
comes walking with Thandie who is
P 5-12
holding her bag. We all make our way
outside, they see the car and smiles
form on their faces.
Me and Lihle say our goodbyes and hit the
road. We get home just after 5pm.
I pick Lihle up as she fell asleep after 5
minutes of driving and make our way to my
room, I put her down and go to the kitchen.
"Nathi, we home!", I scream about 2 times.
I call him and he picks up after the longest
"Where are you?" - me
"Uhm, McDonald's."

P 5-13
"I thought I made it clear not to go
anywhere, who are you with at
"I'm with Sizwe ma."
"Ohh okay, please buy chicken the ready
made one, cake, donuts and some snacks,
okay? And buy your sister something at
McDonald's. Be home in 1 hour 30 minutes,
hurry your already in trouble." I say and hang
Nathi will honestly be the death of me I
mean I told him not to go anywhere.
I might as well start cooking, I'm going to
make mince and rice, I'm very lazy to make
anything solid.

P 5-14
As I'm about to drain the rice, Nathi and
Sizwe (He's friend that lives in the estate)
walk in with 2 plastic bags each and
McDonald's paper bags about 5 of them and
a chicken licken plastic.
"Mamzo." Sizwe says coming to hug me.

A strong smell of spray reaches my nostrils, I

don't know why its so strong but whatever I
hug him back and tell them to pack the
Nathi is avoiding looking into my eyes, he
knows he's in trouble.
After a few minutes Nathi escorts Sizwe to
his house, I don't know why but he does

P 5-15
When he gets back he hands me the Chicken
Licken plastic and 2 McDonald's paper bags. I
look at him confused.
"it's yours mami, I know how much you love
McDonald's and hot wings so I bought it for
you." - him.
"Thank you, I'll deposit your money that you
used to buy the groceries after I finish
cooking." - me
"No need ma, I didn't mind buying with my
own money."
"Oh okay, go bath your spray smells different
today, or maybe its because you sprayed the
whole bottle, I don't know why but
whatever. And just because you bought me
food that doesn't mean your off the hook. No
P 5-16
phone, TV or video games for the next 5
days." - I say with a straight face
"But mami, please I'm sorry, its Nami's
birthday in 2 days please mami forgive me."
He looks so broken.
"Nkosinathi!" - I say in an authoritative tone.
He makes his way upstairs busy mumbling
and sulking, while I continue cooking.
After a few minutes I finish cooking, I switch
off my stove and go upstairs.
I find Lihle still sleeping, I wake her up and
she crys, I pick her up and tickle her so she
stops crying.
Her laughs and giggles just brighten up my
P 5-17
I kiss her face all over and spin her around.
She tries talking but is stopped by laughter.

"I'm hungry mama" - she says holding my

"okay baby let's go eat."
As we make our way out the door, she sees
Nathi and she starts becoming restless, she
wants me to let go and put here down
because she keeps trying to break free from
my hold.
I put her down and she rushes to Nathi.
I go to the kitchen and start dishing up
dinner and moving it to the dining room

P 5-18
Nathi and Lihle are totally ignoring me today,
they having their own conversation without
me, I feel so left out.
After dinner ask I ask Nathi to put the dishes
in the dishwasher and wash the pots for me.
He will put Lihle to sleep because all I need is
my bed right now, I'm so tired and today has
been a long day, tomorrow will be even
longer; I need to meet up with Sindy, then I
need to go to the mall to buy Nathi's girlfriend
a gift, I also need to get my hair and nails
done, I also need to go to Soweto to get my
car customized, but I think I'll do that another
day; I'm thinking of all this while changing
into my pyjamas and throwing myself onto
my bed.

P 5-19
As I'm drifting off to sleep, I hear my door
opening, I jump up immediately and switch
on my side lamp.
I realized that its Nathi, he's holding Lihle in
his arms, she looks fast asleep.
I figure that they want to sleep with me,
yeah neh I can't even sleep in peace now.
Perks of being a mom.
I take sleeping beauty from Nathi and put
her in the middle and switch off the light
after Nathi has made himself comfortable in
the blankets.
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P 5-20

Today I'm meeting the mysterious girlfriend I

bought her a jacket and a pair of sneakers.
I ended up not taking away Nathi's phone, I
felt sorry for him because he was trying to
make it up to me buy making me breakfast,
lunch and cooking dinner and not to
mention cleaning the house.
Yesterday I met up with Sindy and she told
me she would send papers to Banzi, she also
advised me to go back to working, she told
me to go check on the company, which I'm
planning on doing very soon, maybe in about
2 weeks or so.

P 6-1
I also did my hair and I must say I look good.
I ended up driving to Soweto to drop of the
G63, I needed to give it some customization
so I'll be getting it back in 11 days and I'm so
But back to the issue at hand, Nathi's girl is
coming over for dinner; Nathi took her out
to Gold Reef today he was lucky because
today was warm. If I'm not mistaken Sizwe
and a few of their school friends went with
I made lasagne, grilled chicken, grilled pork
and some salads too.
My drama queen went for a date with Zamo,
she promised to bring her back tomorrow

P 6-2
morning. My poor baby has been traveling,
Nathi sends me a text asking me to pick him
up because he's Uber app isn't working.
I say okay and tell him to give me 1 hour.
I go take a shower and get dressed in jeans,
a sweater and sneakers and make my way
As I make my way into the Gold Reef parking
lot, I start to wonder about how many
people I'm picking up from here.
I text Nathi and tell him that I've arrived and
After a few minutes I see him, 2 other girls
and Sizwe making their way to the car.

P 6-3
Nathi knocks on my window and when I
open he gives me pleading eyes and asks,
"Mami, could you please drop of Nami's
friend Linda in Fourways, I was going to Uber
her but my app isn't working."
"Ish Nathi, okay!!" I say.
I see Nathi opening the door for a girl, I think
it's Nami and Sizwe opens for the other girl
who I figure is Linda.
Sizwe being the loud mouth screams,
"Mamzooooo!!, this is Linda, Linda meet my
Linda looks so shy man , "Hello Ma."
"Hey Linda, how are you?", I say with a

P 6-4
"I'm good Ma."
I look at Sizwe and wink at him, "So Sizwe, is
this your girlfriend?"
"Yes, she's my girlfriend.", he says looking at
Linda who is blushing.
Yoh look at these kids, dating at the age of
14/15/16 and looking so in love, while me at
29 and single and out of love.
I look at Nathi and he smiles at me and says,
"Mami, this is my girlfriend Nami, Nami this
is my mother."
"Hello Ma, I hope your well.", she says
smiling a shy smile.
I giggle and greet her back and tell her that
I'm living.
P 6-5
"Happy Birthday." - I say smiling at her.
"Thank you" she says.
"Nathi, get in the car hawu, its going to 2
now and I still have to drop Linda off."
He gets in and we hit the road.
Hehe this child is testing me.
"What are you doing Nathi?"
"I'm connecting my phone to the Bluetooth
and changing the song" - he says like he
didn't just switch off my music.
"Nathi, you seem to be forgetting that this is
my car, so my car; my music." I say to him.

P 6-6
"But ah mama wena you listen to these
Amapiano songs and I want to listen to
something else." He says sulking.
"Nami baby girl, talk to your boyfriend
before I tell him to walk home.", I say which
causes everyone to break into laughter.
"Linda, what time are you supposed to be
home?" I ask after a few minutes
"Uhm anytime before 7pm ma.", she
I nod and ask her if she could join us for a
late lunch, she agrees.
After about 15 more minutes of driving, we
finally arrive home just after 2pm.

P 6-7
I'll dish up at 4pm and drop these kids off at
As soon as we get home I tell Nathi to go
change into something warm and get Nami
some to wear.
I tell Sizwe to go change and come back for
lunch and to bring clothes for Linda.
He leaves with Nathi after he comes back
changed and has given Nami her clothes.
"Now it's just us galzz." I say laughing after
the leave.
"So tell me about yourselves?" I continue.
They look so shy.
"Come on guys don't be so shy, I don't bite
okay let me tell you about myself first." I start
P 6-8
blabber about myself and tell them about
myself, about my favourite foods, drinks,
colour, just the basics, I crack a few jokes here
and there just to make them comfortable and
it worked like a charm, because they did start
telling about themselves, they seem like
great kids, they are best friends, since
primary and are of the same age.
As we converse more while setting the table,
Nathi and Sizwe walk in looking all too happy
and energetic. That strong scent of perfume
is there.
I catch Nami side eyeing Nathi. I wonder

P 6-9
After eating and cleaning up, I give Nami her
gift and she is very appreciative about the
I drove to Fourways to drop off Linda and
Nami, they we're having a sleepover.
I met Linda's parents and we had a good
conversation with her mother, she's very
calm and collected her father too is very
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P 6-10
Tomorrow is Nathi's 16th birthday and I have
so much to do.
At the moment I just finished showering and
I'm going through my closet looking for an
I find a cute black dress with a green bomba
jacket with black and white vans
I put on a short bob black wig and make my
way out of the house after telling Nathi that I
have left.
I couldn't take Lihle or Nathi with me to run
my errands because my children are lazy to
wake up.

P 7-1
Its 8am and my first stop is a B&B in
Centurion to finalize payments and
reservations for the 17 people Nathi invited
to his 4 day party which starts this evening.
"Hello, my name is Nkanyezi Zulu, I'm here to
finalize the payments and to check if catering
for dinner is set.", I say to the receptionist at
the B&B.
"Good morning Ms Zulu, It seems like the
payments have already been finalized, by a
Mr... Khumalo, yes by a Mr Phiwokwakhe
Khumalo." , The receptionist says.
"Ohh, Okay thank you. Please direct me to
the dining area and kitchen so I can check
out the décor and food." , I say.

P 7-2
I check the décor and the rest of the final
touches and I'm happy with all necessary
"Thank you for paying for the B&B." – me.
After 2 minutes or so, he calls.
"Hi Nkanyezi, thank you for finally answering
the phone. Its never a problem taking care of
my children." – him.
" Zwelibanzi, you don't have children so I
don't know what you're talking about. I'm
sure you got the paperwork concerning the
custody of my children, all I need from you is
your signature or else we can take this
matter to court." – I say to him as I make my
way to the car.

P 7-3
"Nkanyezi... please, don't do this...I won't sign
that shit. Hell no. Those are my children and I
have every right to see them! Don't piss me
off Nkanyezi. Ngiyakucela (please), don't
make me angry." "See you in court
Zwelibanzi." - I hang up after I say my part.
Cake : Check
Accommodation : Check
Catering : Check
Guests :
Gifts :

P 7-4
I'm driving home from Fourways mall I just
picked up Nathi's phone.
I did get him the iPhone 8 what what plus.
had to get the back of the actual phone
painted on and customized with an
astronaut on it, I also got him some
sweaters, shoes and socks from a vintage
clothing store.
Nathi and I are suckers for vintage clothes,
shoes, jackets and cars.
I'm still not teaching him how to drive, well
not yet atleast.
It's around 2 pm when I get home and I
am hungry and tired and as soon as I walk
into the house I'm welcomed by a big hug
from Lihle. I pick her up and kiss her all
P 7-5
She's 5 but the way my baby is so short, she
looks 3, she totally gets it from me.
She is all giggles as we walk together to the
In the kitchen we find Nathi making a chicken
"Mamiiiiii, I'm making you a salad so just sit
down and relax." Nathi says with a huge
smile on his face.
I let out a slight giggle and make my way to
the sitting room.
I take my phone out and start texting my
Personal Trainer because wowww I am very
much out of shape.

P 7-6
Once upon a time I had a flat stomach, now
it just looks... crazy, I haven't been in the
gym for about 18 months and I need to get
myself back on track as soon as possible.
Nathi brings me food and I devour it.
After eating Lihle has already passed out on

the couch, Nathi is looking at me like he

wants something. "What do you want wena,

busy looking at me like I owe you

something." I say.

"Aww ma, uhm please take me to the barber.

I want to get a haircut, then we can go to the
B&B after."

P 7-7
I roll my eyes, I'm annoyed at this boy.
"You're so annoying bruh..." I say to Nathi.
"I love you too my love!!" he screams as he
runs up stairs
Nathi's party was an absolute bomb!!
On the first night we had dinner with all
Nathi's friends and thier parents.
On his birthday Nathi and he's brood had a
massive party in the dining hall while I went
out with Lihle to the mall for movies, lunch
and some shopping.
On the last 2 days they really didnt do much
,just chilling and going out for dinner and
P 7-8
I'm glad everyone had fun, I met Linda and
Nami again so that was good.
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P 7-9

"Tasha's at The Zone; Rosebank - 4pm." –


Well I need to go to Soweto to fetch my car
and then go to Rosebank for my meeting and
if I have time I will pick Nathi and Lihle from
school. Holidays are finally over.
After dressing up in simple sweater and
sweatpants, I request an Uber and make my
outside. The trip is very costly but what can I
do, I am extremely excited to see my car.

P 8-1
The original colour was a bright white
exterior, and all brown interior. Nothing
Getting to the workshop in Soweto I'm
immediately directed to my car and it looks
The exterior is matte black, with a bright red
lining around the car with red rims too.
I got the car lifted too so I could get bigger
wheels, although if I'm being honest, I'm a
bit short, so it worries me how I'll get in and
I like my cars big. I know it will be a mission
to get inside but I'm a big girl I'll make a

P 8-2
The interior is red and white.

Lihle is not allowed to eat in

this car The car seats are red

leather with my name on the

head-rests, Yezi ...

I'm so in love with this new look!!!

I make my final payment and drive home.
At home I go straight to my bedroom and
change my sweats.
I change into blue Kappa track pants, a while
sleeveless crop top, an oversized denim
jacket and gold high heels with gold

P 8-3
jewellery. I do light make up and style my
hair into two buns.
Just before driving out I text Sindy and Nana
telling them that dinner is at my place
It's 2:45pm and I have
time to go pick up my
minions. I make my
way to their school
and all eyes are on
"I'm at the school parking lot, Please fetch
Lihle. Hurry I have a meeting in Rosebank at
4." – an SMS to Nathi.

P 8-4
Lihle's crèche is a 2 minute walk from Nathi's
school so they always come home together
with Uber or with a taxi.
I see Nathi making out with Nami behind my
car, sies! I'm so grossed out.
I open the door and step out the car and I
see Nathi covering Lihle's eyes with his
I clear my throat and embarrassment flushes
on Nami and Nathi's faces.
I walk towards them and give them a dead
stare and just pick up Lihle and put her inside
the car. .
"Ma, I'm sorry you had to see that. I'm really
reaaaaalllyy sorry." Nami says shyly.

P 8-5
I let out a giggle, "Don't worry about it baby
girl but we have to go now so finish up your
goodbyes you guys will see each other on
I had to drive home and back to Rosebank
with these minions because Nathi wanted to
go out with Lihle so they went to change
and get their overnight bags because I'm
going to drop them off at Nqoba's for the
After a few minutes of driving to Rosebank
Lihle falls asleep, which gives me the
opportunity to talk to Nathi.
"Ma your car looks so good, I'm loving the
outside. I know for a fact I'm going to be the
talk of the school for a long time."
P 8-6
I laugh, "I know right, it looks completely
different from how it was before, it dented
my bank account really badly, but it was
totally worth it." He smiles while shaking his
Awkward Silence.
"So... err...How was school?"
"School was okay I guess, I'm just struggling
with my Maths but I know with your help I'll
be all good." "Yesss wena Grade 10 is
showing you flames!" I say while laughing

P 8-7
"Nooooo, it's not! Everything is easy!"
"Whatever!" I say while rolling my eyes
There's an awkward silence for a while so I
clear my throat and say, "I'm meeting with
your father today, I need to finalize some
things concerning the custody of you and
He tightens his jaws, starts cracking his
knuckles and takes a deep breath, "He was at
my party you know? He had the audacity to
come and see my on my birthday, he said he
was there to show some love to his first
born... I don't have a father anymore..." I let
out a loud sigh and say okay...
I just left them at the entrance of the cinema
after paying for their tickets and giving them
money for snacks, games and McDonald's..
P 8-8
OHHH SNAP IT'S 4:15pm!!
I rush to Tasha's and I spot him.
"Sorry I'm late I had to run a few errands..."
"It's not a problem I just got here a few
minutes ago, you look beautiful by the
"Thank you,"
After placing our orders and having our
meals over an awkward debate about which
is better between BMW and MERCEDES
BENZ... After eating I pull out an envelope
and pass it to him.
"What's this?"
"Open it and you'll see,"

P 8-9
"Open it and you'll see,"
He opens the envelope and starts reading it
and each time he reads his eyes grow wider
in shock.
"What the hell, you want me to sell you MY
shares of my very own company, that's
absolute nonsense!"
"We could do this the easy way, which is you
selling me 30% of your shares and you are left
with 10% or the hard way which is selling you
out of your company and the moment you are
unemployed the court will immediately grant
me full custody of my kids without visitation
as you would be an unfit parent, but either

P 9-1
way I still get my children because with you
being left with 10% of your shares it means I
would be earning way more than you which
will also grant the court more reason to give
my kids to me and me only. So do you want
this the easy way or the hard way, plus the
fact that you married another woman without
my permission, that's pure evidence?"
I say with a smirk on my face while waving
the black pen around.
He roughly grabs the pen and signs where he
needs to after reading .
"Now I need you to inform your staff or
should I say My staff that there will be a new
boss lady in town on Monday. Tomorrow
there will be furniture being delivered to my
office and an interior decorator will be

P 9-2
coming in too so just be prepared. I will
email you all the details about my changes.
Enjoy the rest of your evening send my
regards to Siphokazi. BYE!"
That felt so good!!!! I love being savage!!
Let me go buy some wine and some
groceries from Woollies while I'm at a mall.
Ohh I also need some formal pantsuits... I'll
do that tomorrow..

As I'm standing in the detergent section I

start to realize that the washing soap I need
Is too high up for me and I cant reach it so as
I'm trying to figure out how I'll get it without
asking for help I feel someone lightly tap my

P 9-3
As I turn around I'm met by the most
beautiful eyes and smile in the world. Golden
brown eyes and snow white teeth, oh my..
my knees are failing me I feel like fainting,
it's getting hot now...

"Uhm hi, I couldn't help but notice that you

were struggling with either choosing a
washing power or with reaching for a certain
washing powder, can I be of assistance?"


TOGETHER - my inner self screams..

P 9-4
Uhh.. uhm, yes actually if you could be so
kind and get me that soap at the top, the
hand wash and the washing machine one
too.. I'll need 2 of each.. please," I say shyly...
He gets them for me with no problem at all,
he's tall like really tall, or maybe its because
I'm short.

"Thank you so much,"

"Anything for a beautiful lady." The mystery
man says with a small smile on his face.
"Daddy I got them we can go pay now," says
a young beautiful girl maybe around the age
of 12/13 holding a trolley filled with

P 9-5
"Okay princess lets go, it was great meeting
you Ms Zulu." He says and winks at me.
What the hell!!
How does he know my name..
Oh God!
I hope this isn't some psycho!!
I'm sitting on my bed with my friend, Zamo is
here too, we are drinking wine, vodka, gin,
ciders, everything!!!!, these girls are sleeping
over until Monday morning so we might as
well get drunk AF!!

P 9-6
I just told them about the guy at the mall and
they think its romantic and cute, me? I think
its creepy.
I also tell them about what went down with
my meeting with Banzi and Sindy literally
started jumping on the bed and said, "This
deserves a song shout out!!! Siri play shout
out to my ex by little mix!!!"
We all start screaming and sing even though
we don't know all the lyrics.




P 9-7








P 9-8
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P 9-9

It's my first day of work today. I haven't been

in an Office in more than 6 years.
I last had an actual job in 8 years. I've been

surviving on investments and the shares

from Mnutgwa.corp I had decided to quit

my accounts manager position because I

was pregnant with Lihle.

I just finished getting dressed in a white lace

bodysuit, a white blazer jacket with tight
white formal pants with black pencil heels.
I top it off with a white handbag.

P 10-1
I did braids yesterday so I just let them loose
and I'm good to go.
Its 7am so I drop off Nathi and Lihle at school
and drive to Wimpy for breakfast.
After having my breakfast I drive to
Parktown and I notice that I'm late.
I'm driving a charcoal black Rolls Royce and
I'm parked where everyone can see me.
I text my girls and tell them that I'm about to
go in. They wish me the best of luck and
send hearts and kisses.
I step out the car and make my way into the
My heels are making a loud sound on the
ceramic tiles.
P 10-2
As I'm walking I feel the intense stares.
I make my way to the receptionist who looks
very beautiful, AN ABSOLUTE GODDESS! She
has beautiful blue eyes, her hair is curly and
long, she looks so beautiful.
"Good morning, I'm looking for someone to
direct me to my office."
"May I ask who you are ma'am"
"Oh apologies, my name is Nkanyezi Zulu,
the new CEO."
"Ohh I'm sorry ma'am, let me take you to
your office, uhm Thembi, please fill in for me
just for a few minutes while I show Ms Zulu
around." She says

P 10-3
She starts by giving me a mini tour of the
Then to the boardrooms there's a
boardroom for each floor.
As we open my office door a smile forms on
my face because this office is just amazing!
It's a coner office looking out into the lights,
it's on the top floor, inside it has a rose gold
and white with a touch of green.
It has a white 3 seater couch with rose gold
throw pillows, 2 brown side tables with pot
The bathroom, oh my it's so beautiful, it has
a shower as well, I don't know why but
"Wow!" the receptionist says.
P 10-4
"I know right!!!" I say excitedly.
I drop my handbag on the table and tell her
to sit on the couch.
"What's your name, how long have you been
working for Mntungwa.corp?"
"My name is Melissa Adams, I've been
working here for almost 4 years ma'am.. I
was working for Mr Khumalo as his assistant
but he had me moved to reception front
desk a year ago."
"Call me Yezi, ma'am is too formal. Listen
Melissa, I need you to set up meeting with
each department, there's 8 departments
here so ill be meeting with 3 departments
today and tomorrow ill meet with 2 then on
Wednesday ill be meeting with 3. On
P 10-5
Thursday and Friday I need to meet up with
our prime investors and clients. I also need
you to find a replacement for a receptionist,
I want you to be my PA, please."
"Oh my, I'm so honoured. Thank you, let me
get started on finding a replacement and
setting up the boardroom. Your first
meeting will most probably start in an 2
hours time. Thank you so much again
I smile and give her a hug.
"Oh before you leave, please just make sure I
meet with every single staff member, except
the drivers
obviously I'll meet with them in
about a week or so. You may

P 10-6
leave now" She nods and
continues to walk out.
Now let me go and check out this building
even more.
This building is 11 stories high
and each story has it's own
receptionist. My office is on
the 11th floor.
I make my way to the 10th floor and
everything seems well, so is the 9th, 8th, 6th
and 5th floors.
As I make my way to the 4th floor I see that
the receptionist is doing her make up and is
watching videos on her phone.

P 10-7
As I look around I see that there's a group of
people surrounding a certain cubicle. I see
they laughing at something, maybe a video.
"Good morning, I need to see the manager
of this department. Now.
"Haii sisi, you can't stomp in here and make
demands, you don't have an appointment so
please wait, who do you think you are
making demands here, yoh!" she says with
an very bad attitude.
I let out a chuckle and start looking for the
management office myself, this is the
marketing department.
I knock once, and let myself in after I find the
door written,
"Mr M. Mazibuko : Marketing Manager"
P 10-8
I walk around the office, there's no one. Oh
well let me make myself comfortable in this
chair while I wait for this Mazibuko guy.
"Who the fuck are you and what are you
doing in my office."
"So early in the morining and already
swearing, but anyways. Good morning Mr
Mazibuko, my name is Nkanyezi Zulu. CEO of
Mntungwa.corp. I always thought work
starts at 8am not 9:17am." I say to him.
"SHIT!" he cusses
"Anyway, nice meeting you Mr M." I leave
the office
Just before entering the elevator I give the
receptionist a dead stare and she clicks her
tongue at me.
P 10-9
I checked out the 3rd, 2nd and 1st floors and
everything seemed good.
I checked the time and my meeting is
starting in 5 minutes.
I make my way to my office and I find Mel
waiting for me with a file.
"Your meeting with the, Tourism, Transport
and Marketing, Advertising, HR, Accounts, IT
and then uou will meet with the cleaners
and waiters/waitresses and the chefs in the
cafeteria. The meetings will be for less than
30 minute each. You'll meet with the
marketing department just before the end of
day. Lets go now the meeting is about to
P 10-10
I'm sooo tired and hungry, I have been
reading files throughout lunch so I never
really ate much.
I'm about to go deal with the marketing
I put on my shoes and make my way to the
I find Mel outside the boardroom.
We make our way inside and find everyone
talking and just doing their own things.
I see Mr Mazibuko and I wink at him. Shame
poor man looks so scared.
"Hello good people, I take it you all know
why you're here, if not let me start by
introducing myself. My name is Nkanyezi
P 10-11
Zulu and I am the new CEO of
Mntungwa.corp and I have noticed that this
department is slacking, very much at that,
this department is one of the most
important departments in this company, so I
need everyone to pull up their socks or else
unemployment will be knocking on your
door. Any questions?"
They went silent.
I spoke more about how we can increase the
growth of the business and how we could
use different marketing strategies.
I also told them that from tomorrow and
going into the next 2 weeks they would be
working from 7am until 5pm because they

P 10-12
need to pitch more ideas and create more
business portals.
They normally start at 8am and end at 3pm.
"Okay meetings dismissed, Mr. Mazibuko,
and your receptionist stay."
After everyone cleared out I moved to sit
across Mr. Mazibuko and the lady with my
file in front of me.
"Michael Mazibuko, I see it says here that
you have been working here for 6 years,
interesting... Well Mike, you need to make
sure by the end of the next month, your
department has reached a 15% increase in
markets because I don't want to have a
failure of a company, are we clear Mr Mike,
P 10-13
"Cristal clear Ms Zulu."
"Thank you, you may leave."


right?" She

"Look, I won't fire you or give you a warning
in writing, but I'm putting you on the front
desk, and if I do hear one complaint about
you, you'll be in trouble. This company is on
the verge of a disaster. I'm doing this for the
sake of growth at least by the end of th year
we should all get good bonuses, but I really
can't be doing all the work, we all need to
work together and respect one another, you
seem like a very smart woman, but you need
P 10-14
to learn respect. So from tomorrow you'll be
working at the front desk and you'll be
working hand in hand with Melissa. Have a
good day Ms. Sithole, go home and rest
tomorrow is a big day. "
She looks at me and walks out, but as she's
walking out she looks at me and says
"Ms. Zulu, I'm very sorry for being
disrespectful and for having an affair with
your ex- husband years ago."
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for 100+ reads❤.

P 10-15

I'm meeting with the clients today, and I am

really scared because I will be the only
female in this meeting.
I met the investors yesterday and everything
went well.
I need to dress to impress today so I grab my
outfit and put it on.
I'm wearing a Pink corset blazer top with
pink tight formal pants, Chanel earrings, a
silver necklace and Pink ankle high pencil
I tie my braids up and accessories with silver
and pink hairclips after doing my makeup.
I decided to drive the G63 today. I really
need to make a grand entry.
I take pictures of myself and my outfit and
send it to my friends. They go crazy!!!
After dropping off my minions at school I
drive to work, again people stare at me,
probably because of the car since I have
been driving the Rolls Royce the whole
I grab my handbag and go up to my office.
As I'm looking through the portfolios of our
clients I see that one of our biggest clients
are on the edge of pulling out their contact
because the company isn't making much
As I'm about to Google Zungu Kingdom.Inc,
which is our biggest client.
Melissa walks in looking drop dead
gorgeous, wearing a tight black long sleeve
above the knees dress with white blocked
heels and silver jewelry.
"Look at you Melz!!!, if I didn't know better
I'd say that you are looking for a boyfriend in
that boardroom."
We share a laugh and start going over key
concepts of the meeting, then she takes out
a small bottle and tells me to drink so that I
can calm down.
I drink and it burns my throat, Ahh this girl
gave me Whiskey!!!!
"You're such a hoe, mxm!" I say to her after
letting out a giggle
"I know right!, let's go, its 10:30 now. The
meeting is starting." I take a deep breath and
we start walking to the boardroom.
In the boardroom I find the shock of my life.
The guy from Woolworths is Sitting on my
breathe Yezi... be cool!!!
I look around an I see someone who looks
like him but a few years younger. Maybe my
age or younger.

P 11-1
I make my to him and say, "Good morning.."
"Sawubona MaZulu, You look beautiful." He
says with a smirk.
Oh my... oh my ..
I clear my throat and say, "Thank you Mr?"
He lets out a chuckle and stands
up, "Sit down MaZulu, your
meeting is starting." who is this
I sit down and listen to Melissa as she
introduces everyone.
When she gets to my mystery man she says,
"Last but not least, we have Mr Malibongwe
Zungu, CEO and co owner of Zungu
Electronics and Mr Sithembiso Zungu, COO
and share holder of Zungu Electronic. Thank
you everyone. I shall now hand over to our
new CEO and owner of Mntungwa.corp. Ms
Zulu over to you"
Ohh my God! Okay Yezi... concentrate!!!!
You can do this!
It's just before 1pm when the meeting
That went extremely well. I'm now shaking
hands with our clients who are pleased at
my plans of taking this company to higher
People start clearing out and I try search for
Malibongwe and Sithembiso with my eyes
but I can't find them so I walk out the
boardroom and make my way to my office to
fetch my handbag.
I see a note on my desk,
Lunch at
Tiger's Milk?
Your future
This guy though.
I take that note, squash it and throw it in my
I go past Spur to collect my take away and
drive to pick up Lihle and Nathi.
P 11-2
"You need to stop sending me gifts, it's
creepy." I say to him .
He looks at me and chuckles.
"Why are you coming closer
Malibongwe." I give him a
stern look. He smiles and
continues coming closer
towards me.
He was standing by the door and now his
standing in front of me, infront of my desk in
my office.
He swiftly moves his right hand to my waist
and his left moves to my weave.
"You smell
good." oh
gosh, his
P 12-1
voice.. It's ...
"Thank you."
He leans in towards me and whispers in my
ear, "I'll pick you up at 5pn tomorrow for
He kisses my neck and leaves.
I should fill you in on the last 10 days. Well
besides today i had last seen Malibongwe on
the day of the meeting, but i saw his
presence. Trust me.
Hes been sending me gifts, lunch, flowers,
choclates, sweets.

P 12-2
But today minutes before he entered my
office with Mellisa chasing behind him trying
to tell him that he doesnt have an
appointment. He gave me a pure gold
bracelet with Louis Vuitton monogram
Thats when i realized that he's very shy, he
leaves cute notes as well.
Yesterday he wrote a
poem. It was so cute, i
almost cried. I dont
even have he's number
to thank him.

P 12-3
After he leaves i try get back to work but he's
apple and cinnamon scent is driving me crazy
so i pack up and go home early.
As soon as i park inside the garage and walk
towards the house I'm met by a bunch of red
roses on the doorstep and a note, he always
sends notes and ends them off with
Your future baby daddy/husband .
I think his shy. It's cute .
I think i like him, dont look at me like that.
You'd like him too..
I pick up the flowers and go to bed after
wiping off my make up and throwing off my

P 12-4
I'm woken up by my
phone, i check the time
and its 14:40. Ive been
knocked out for 3 hours.
I check my phone, its Nathi. Well school is
I put on a tracksuit and drive to pick up the
"What do you think of this one?"
They all say no and i turn back into the
woadrobe to put on something else.
P 12-5
I put on black jeans and a black turtleneck
and my Louis Vuitton combat boots.
"I like this one guys, i dont wanna go back
and change.."
They all look at me and nod.
"Ok go take a shower and then we'll make a
plan about your hair. "
I leave them, when i say them. I'm speaking
about Zamo, Nana, Sindy, Thandie and
Noma. Noma is Sizwes mother.
We're all really close friends. All 5 of us.
She recently came back from rehab. After
her husband passed on she had a drinking
problem, she would black out after drinking
and Sizwe would come running here and I'd

P 12-6
have to hold her hair back when she's puking
her intestines out .
Thats why Sizwe calls me his second mom.
He lived with us for 3 months, while his mom
was is rehab..
The kids are at Nqobas place with his nanny.

We'll have to pay her more because shes

watching 7 of them. As I'm showering i hear

Zamo say, "And shave too! Who knows you

might be getting some tonight!" I laugh and

finish my shower.

"Did you shave?"

P 12-7
"No Nomzamo Zulu, i did not shave and i will
not shave."
We all break into laughter and start talking
about silly things while i lotion and put on a
Thandie will do my hair, she owns a hair
salon so she'll install my wig, while Noma
does my make up.
Yesterday when i dropped off the kids at
Nqoba's, i told Thandie about Mali and she
packed her overnight bag and told me that
we are going to pick up Nana, Sindy and
Noma because we need to celebrate me
finding love again.
I dont even know the guy yet but she was so
excited. Thats why they are going all out.
P 12-8
Sindy is ironing my clothes. Zamo and Nana
are taking pictures with my phone.
I hear my phone ring.
"Its a private number babe, must i pick it
"Yes please, put it on speaker."
"Mazulu omuhle"
"Is that him!!"
"Omg he calls you Mazulu omuhule!"
They all say this at the same time.

P 12-9
I hear him laugh, "I can tell you're not alone,
I'm on my way, no need to direct me. I know
where you live."
He hangs up.
Everyone starts to get busy again.
"How does he know where you live?"
I shrug my shoulders and say, "I have no clue
because I've never heard gate security say he
is here or has been here."
"Ok we're done get dressed."
I do as told, after being forced to wear
laceyunderwear. Its not like we are going to
do anything on the first date.
My phone rings, its gate security and Noma
tells them to let him in.

P 12-10
It takes about 3 minutes to get to my house
from the gate so i grab my handbag and
throw in my purse, my phone, peper spray
(just in case of emergancy; a lasy could never
be too safe), some poweder (in case i feel a
little oily).
As im about to grab a jacket, Sindy grabs it
off my habd and says "leave it".
"Sindiswa, its cold."
"I know, but leave it, if you feel

cold he'll see and give you his

jacket." I roll my eyes and

leave the jacket, as im about

to respond we hear a hoot.

P 12-11
We all run to the window and peek.
He's leaning on the car with a box of
chocolates and a bunch of pink roses, my
favourite colour...
The girls pack there purses and bags and we
all exit together after i send them my live
location via WhatsApp.
They leave after waving at Mali.
I walk towards him..
"You look beautiful Mazulu, woza la.".
The way he said "woza la", made me so
weak i could faint.
I walk towards him and he
gives me the box of choclates
P 12-12
and the roses. I give him a
smile and kiss him on his
cheek after saying thank you.
He has a huge smile plastered all over his
face, its so beautiful to see.
"Let me put these inside and lock up then we
can go."
He nodds and lets go off my waist.
I fast walk to the house and as soon as im in
the house i find a vase and put the flowers
in the vase.

P 12-13
I hear tires screeching so i run outside and i
see Mali holding he's right arm and h, and
theres blood on he's white shirt and on he's
hand where he is holding.
I search in my bag for a scarf and tie it
around he's stomach, he groans.
"I'm o..kay d..on't cry.."
I wipe my tears and try get him into he's car.
Oh what a beautiful car, its about to be
stained with blood.
After getting him into the passenger seat, i
tried to get him to go to the back but he

P 12-14
I run to the house and quickly lock up and
get into he's car.
"Keys Mali, where are the car keys!!"
I search he's right pocket and find it.
I start the car and he tells me he's adress and
i put it on the GPS.
I drive as fast as possible and trying to press
on he's wound at the same time.
As soon as i get to his house im met by 2
bodyguards at the gate.
I explain that he has been shot so 1 goes
inside the house and the other stays behind
to help me bring him into the house.

P 12-15
We get into the house and im in to much of a
panic to admire the house.
We take him to a room in he's basement that
has a drip and has a hospital bed
looks like a hospital room.
What does this guy do?

P 12-16

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