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3/11/23, 4:59 PM REVIEW PRACTICE - UNIT 1

REVIEW PRACTICE - UNIT 1 Puntos totales 23/28

This is not an exam. The objective of this review practice is not to determine who fail or
passes, but rather help you identify those aspects of the lesson you need to study/practice
more.. This is a review practice for unit 1. If you fail any of the questions, make sure to
review them at the end of the practice.

Correo *

Untitled Section 0 de 0 puntos

Name: *

Farah Mayerli

Last name: *

Saldaña Arias

ID (Cédula) -  ex. 000-0000000-0 *

402-1426537-9… 1/16
3/11/23, 4:59 PM REVIEW PRACTICE - UNIT 1

Instructor: *

Ricardo Martinez

Shift (morning, afternoon, evening) *


Unit 1 - Review 19 de 20 puntos

Unit 1 - Part 1
Read the sentences about people. Choose the missing word A, B, C or D for each space

1. An ________ person wants to be very successful in their career. * 1/1

A. arrogant

B. inspiring

C. ambitious

D. optimistic… 2/16
3/11/23, 4:59 PM REVIEW PRACTICE - UNIT 1

2. Ben is a highly _______ scientist and is getting an important new job. * 1/1

A. respected

B. arrogant

C. naive

D. recognized

3. Paula is _______ about her job saving endangered animals and can’t *1/1
imagine doing anything else.

A. interested

B. strong

C. involved

D. passionate

4. It is hard to make a ________ person do something he or she doesn’t *1/1

want to do.

A. stubborn

B. loyal

C. motivated

D. respected… 3/16
3/11/23, 4:59 PM REVIEW PRACTICE - UNIT 1

5. Jamie is trying to ________ up cake because he knows he eats too *1/1
many sweet things.

A. keep

B. give

C. take

D. go

6. I only eat vegetables now – it’s hard so I hope I can _______ it up. * 1/1

A. hold

B. keep

C. take

D. cut

7.  Many people think it’s exciting to have_______ at something new from *1/1
time to time.

A. a break

B. an idea

C. a go

D. help… 4/16
3/11/23, 4:59 PM REVIEW PRACTICE - UNIT 1

8. If Tom _______ to get financial support for this business idea, it’s sure to *1/1
do well.

A. manages

B. succeeds

C. arrives

D. achieves

9. In business, you can’t afford to be too __________ and worry when *1/1
people are negative about you.

A. sensitive

B. arrogant

C. naive

D. loyal

10. Brigitte is a ________ friend, so I know she’ll be with me through *1/1


A. naive

B. arrogant

C. self-confident

D. loyal… 5/16
3/11/23, 4:59 PM REVIEW PRACTICE - UNIT 1

11. Anna is rather ________ – she believes things that people say too *1/1

A. stupid

B. naive

C. arrogant

D. loyal

12. Mario said we will be the CEO of the company after being here for *1/1
only 2 months. I think he is too __________.

A. ambitious

B. stupid

C. loyal

D. sensitive

Unit 1 -  Part 2
Read the story about a woman’s neighbor. Then choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for
each space.… 6/16
3/11/23, 4:59 PM REVIEW PRACTICE - UNIT 1

My remarkable neighbour

13. I like listening to my neighbor’s stories about the history of our street. *1/1
She is 86 and has lived in the street since she was three. Her children
have left home now but they and her grandchildren _______ her often.

A. are visiting

B. had visited

C. visit

D. visited… 7/16
3/11/23, 4:59 PM REVIEW PRACTICE - UNIT 1

14. One day, when she _______ her granddaughter from primary school, a *1/1
teacher came up to her.

A. was getting

B. has got

C. is getting

D. gets

15. ‘In our history lessons at the moment, the students _______ about life *1/1
in the1940s,’ he said. ‘Could you come and tell them about your
schooldays back then?'

A. learn

B. learn

C. are learning

D. had learnt

16. ‘Who  _______ you this idea?’ my neighbor asked the teacher in *1/1

A. did give

B. gave

C. does give

D. gives… 8/16
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17. ‘Of course, it was my granddaughter!’ my neighbor told me. ‘So I had *1/1
to do it even though I _______ in public before. Luckily, the children
seemed really interested in my talk and had lots of questions.'

A. has never spoken

B. never spoke

C. was never speaking

D. had never spoken

(18) ‘ _______?’ I asked. ‘Everything! They even wanted to know what (19) *1/1
_______ for breakfast in 1940! I was quite famous for a time but it was a
few years ago now.

A. Who with

B. Where to

C. How long

D. What about… 9/16
3/11/23, 4:59 PM REVIEW PRACTICE - UNIT 1

(18) ‘________?’ I asked. ‘Everything! They even wanted to know what (19) *0/1
_______ for breakfast in 1940! I was quite famous for a time but it was a
few years ago now.

A. I ate

B. did I eat

C. had I eaten

D. I have eaten

Respuesta correcta

A. I ate

20. I wonder _______ the children still remember my lesson.' * 1/1

A. what

B. who

C. whether

D. which

Unit 1 - Review 4 de 8 puntos

Unit 1 - Part 3
This section of the practice has 8 questions. There's only 1 listening for the whole listening
section, and it includes all the questions and instructions. It includes the instructions for
every task, time for reading the questions, repetition, and correct timing for the questions.
You should not pause it, as the listening gives you enough time for everything and it is
important to train your ear.… 10/16
3/11/23, 4:59 PM REVIEW PRACTICE - UNIT 1

You will hear eight short recordings. For each one, choose the best answer. You will
hear each recording twice.

Unit 1 - Review practice audio

1. You overhear two friends talking in a supermarket. What is the man *1/1

A. accepting an invitation

B. trying to break off the conversation

C. explaining what the woman should do

2. At a swimming pool, you overhear a diving instructor explaining *1/1

something to a diver.What technique does he want her to use next?

A. to enter the water in a straight line

B. to imagine how her body will look

C. to jump higher on the board… 11/16
3/11/23, 4:59 PM REVIEW PRACTICE - UNIT 1

3. You hear a man and woman talking in a café. What is the woman trying *1/1
to do?

A. communicate her wish to leave

B. introduce a new topic of conversation

C. express her disagreement with the man

4. You overhear a driving instructor talking to a learner driver.What point *0/1

is he explaining?

A. You should know how wide your car is.

B. You should check in the mirror before stopping.

C. You should always look out for cyclists.

Respuesta correcta

A. You should know how wide your car is.

5. You hear a mother talking to her son.What is the mother doing? * 0/1

A. suggesting that her son changes what he does

B. asking her son about his plans for the day

C. checking her son understands her instructions

Respuesta correcta

A. suggesting that her son changes what he does… 12/16
3/11/23, 4:59 PM REVIEW PRACTICE - UNIT 1

6. You hear a tennis instructor talking to a student. What is the instructor *0/1

A. reminding the player of the progress he has made

B. explaining how the player can improve his game

C. bringing the player’s lesson to an end

Respuesta correcta

B. explaining how the player can improve his game

7.  You hear a teacher talking to a class.What is the teacher doing? * 1/1

A. commenting on progress

B. checking understanding

C. explaining an unusual topic

8. You hear two friends talking in the street.What is the man doing? * 0/1

A. apologising for his mistakes

B. explaining what he thinks the woman should do

C. bringing the conversation to an end

Respuesta correcta

B. explaining what he thinks the woman should do

Rewriting sentences 0 de 0 puntos… 13/16
3/11/23, 4:59 PM REVIEW PRACTICE - UNIT 1

Here are some sentences about people.
For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first
sentence, using the word given. Type in only the missing words.
Do not change the word given.
You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

The word that you have to use when rewriting is: stories.

has been writing stories

The word that you have to use when rewriting is: disappeared.

had dissappeared

Respuesta correcta

had disappeared… 14/16
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The word that you have to use when rewriting is: know.

know why was changed

Respuesta correcta

know why the boss changed

The word that you have to use when rewriting is: up.

gave up

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 Formularios… 15/16
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