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careers of our interest

Rocio: hi. you are Araceli, aren’t you? I'm Rocio, I used to sit behind you, do you remember me?

Araceli: Rocio? Yes, indeed. I´m Araceli, it's been a long time since I haven't seen you. How have

you been? Are you studying?

Rocio: yes i agree it was a long time. Everything has been fine. I started a medical career last year.

Belinda: hey! What's up? Are you now close friends? Since when do you talk so much to each


Araceli: Wow! Belinda I didn't expect to find you here. I just met Rocio a few minutes ago.

Rocio: Yes, we did, nice to see you belinda, we were talking about our careers.

Araceli: you seem to be studying medicine, aren't you? You are using a white coat. It suits you ;)

Belinda: Thank you! But no, I do not study medicine. Actually, I'm practicing volleyball at a

volleyball academy. I want to be a professional player.

Rocio: That sounds great! I have just remembered I always used to see you practicing volleyball by

yourself after our classes.

Belinda: Yeah! I used to practice every day after our classes because I wanted to improve my skills.

Araceli: It sounds very difficult but your effort will be worth it. So what would happen if you got


Belinda: I remember one day I jumped badly, injured my knee and immediately went to the

pharmacy to buy an anti-inflammatory for myself

Rocio: What's wrong with you?! Why would you do that? you could have lost your leg. There is a

correct way to treat each type of injury. i had learnt this information my first year at the university

Araceli: Speaking of medicine, I have heard that the last years of the career are very difficult. aren’t

they?   How is it going?

Rocio:They truly are. Since November started, I haven't been able to sleep well in days, but lately I

have gotten used to it.

Belinda: I can see you in your face! Speaking of injuries, my dog bit her tongue and now she isn’t

able to eat. What do you recommend to her?

Araceli: You should feed her with softer food. Something similar happened to my friend's cat. but

hey! you should ask that to a vet!

Belinda: Thank you! I will do it. But where can I get that kind of food?

Araceli: My friend, who studies at the same u as me, is a vet. I think he can get you that food. 

Rocio: Your friend seems to know a lot about that. Are you two studying the same career?

Araceli:I would have liked it, but I decided to study gastronomy. I'm in my second year right now.

Belinda:I like how they decorated their dishes. They make them look elegant. I always ask myself

what they do after they take a photo of the dishes? no offense.

Araceli: I'm in my first year and I still don't do that kind of practice, but I'm used to hearing those

questions. However I think they take it to their houses, I don’t know.

Rocio: I would like to take a bite of those delicious dishes. And how did you know that you wanted

to study that career? Did your parents recommend it to you? 

Araceli: Everything started when my sister decided to prepare some tasty, juicy and spicy fried

wings!!! She proceeded to eat it all by herself in front of me. From that moment my life was no

longer the same, I would make my own food for myself.

Belinda: I see you've been through a lot!! That was your character development / villain arc!! 

Araceli: I know right!!?

*suena una alarma del teléfono móvil de Rocío*

Rocio: Sorry ladies, I got to go. medical stuff. you wouldn’t understand. 

Belinda: Wait a minute!! give us your number, I would like to continue the conversation.

Araceli: You’re right! That was a nice conversation! Do you have time next weekend? I would like

to share a cup of coffee with you.

Rocio: Of course I would like it. This is my number. Call me tomorrow. bye bye.
Araceli: Until the next time!
Belinda: see ya!

Belinda: I think it's time to go too.

Araceli: Oh! I understand, you can go first. I think I will be here a little more. 
Belinda: Well, until next time!!
Araceli: good bye ;)!! 
Total : (ROCIO: 10 líneas BELINDA: 12 líneas ARACELI:15 líneas)

Miércoles 18( rocio 3 lineas) (belinda 2 lineas ) (Araceli 3 lineas )

jueves 19 (rocio 3 lineas) (belinda 3 lineas)(Araceli 2 Líneas)
viernes 20 (rocio 2 líneas) (belinda 2 líneas)  (Araceli 4 líneas)
Martes 24(rocio 2 lineas) (Belinda 2 lineas) (Araceli 3 lineas)
Jueves 26 ( completo) (repaso)

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