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DATE :28-05-223
Based on the investigation, it was clearly stated that only one section represented the

lowest levels as well as the higher-level managerial positions. The implication of this is that the

lower levels, do more operational works and implement most of the decisions which are made by

them managers and it somehow makes the research to lack adequacy in that it does not represent

this sufficient number who have significant influence. Adequate research requires representation

that is sufficient and adequate to yield results that are reliable and valid.

The report sheds light on the nature of motivation which is dominant. It says the main

motivation for work is extrinsic specifically monitory. An effective organization should also have

number of intrinsic and extrinsic motivators to justify its grounds for motivation. Extrinsic

motivated employees are more likely to switch to any competitor in each situation as such it is

better to have employees that are more loyal to the company and then facilitate many transitions

in the economic conditions which are normally common in business cycles.

The type of data collected has implications in that the parameters for open questions could

be a challenge to understanding that open questions allow respondents to express themselves, but

the quality of the researcher would there been able to combine the open questions to answer the

closed questions to make a prediction as well as understand and interpret the meaning of

responses. The value of each unity of the response is important but the research from the open-

ended questions did not show how or which questions were answered using the open questions

has guided by the researcher.

It has been shown that substantially primary research methods were engaged to gather

qualitative data and other supportive methods were observations. The challenge of this nature of
investigation is that it most relies in the interpretation of the researcher based on his analysis. The

solution to such challenges is to adjust the sample size, use methods that are more transparent

such as machine based interviews, observational research by a focus group, use of third party

researchers, and giving interviewees confidence regarding protection of the information and

opinions .



The conclusion about the assessment is that the company needs and adjustments in

several areas such as communication. The performance of the communication for the company is

very low in terms of its ability to flow from top management to the lower levels of management

and the frequency at which this happens. The feedback and response from management is also

important to guide employees on what is expected of them.

Secondly management engagement with employees is quite low as in the motivational

needs of the employees are not clear and specific. Goals and expectations of employees need to

be well laid out so that employees can easily know what to expect,

The report relieved that the management skills and experiences do not hold with the

industry requirements. To close this gap, management needs to hire experts in areas where they

do not have sufficient and adequate skills.

The company vision and values are not well in alignment with those of employees and may

need to be communicated further to enhance the development of common goals. ‘Vision and

missions are important guides for the company development’, Zairi & Jarrar (2001)
The structure is alright but needs to be worked on in that employees feel the need to have

paths for both reporting and receiving instructions from. The promotional channels need to well

be laid out to facilitate participation and engagement of everyone.

The nature of satisfaction of employees needs to be adjusted. Most of the employees are

not intrinsically motivated. The need for loyalty is necessary for the company as well. The

employee satisfaction needs consideration from the outside but within the industry so as to attract

and retain loyalty.

The systems and processes for the operations need adjustment in that they are not well laid

out and the company uses technologies that are out of date. There has been software and other

modern tools lately to use instead of the manual systems which the company is using. Cameron

& Whetten (1983) ‘ advocate for adequate systems and processes for effective management.’

Based on the investigation it can be revealed that the company has issues with the flow of

information and employees and its lack of accountability. The flow of information is one of the

sources of innovation and can enable the company to understand itself better than it is now. So,

on such I would recommend in matrix structure where employees can also communicate to top

managers about their issues and not only to the immediate managers so that the flow can be

frequent and faster to improve reactions from top management as well as engagement from top


It is apparent that today organizations need to respond do agility and dynamic nature of the

business environment and this demands that management should look outside as well as the

inside to where its capacity to meet the dynamic needs of the business environment. Based on the
section interviewed score was convincing revealing that management can respond to the needs of

the business environment, and it could thrive on change.

Strategizing and planning key elements of an effective management in that it relies on the

special skills of certain employees who are able to guide others of what to do in response to the

needs of the organization. This is not the case as the company has a bigger percentage of those

who indicated that they do not specifically plan for their work of their subordinates but instead

look to their deadlines. This is a serious weakness, and the company can look forward to

engagement with the employees to achieve the needs and requirements of the organization.

In any environment, management needs the capacity to handle the needs of the

environment by having the right education and experience to perform their specific roles and

functions. This is not the case for this company as most of them have experience in other

environments and do not have the specific experience required for this nature of business, they

are in. As such this is a limitation on its own as other competitors in the other business

environment can showcase their skills better than this company. Gaertner and Ramnarayan

(1983), ‘recommended that adaptability to dynamic changes of the business environment is key

for effective decision making’ .

Effective leadership and organization can bring employees and managers together for a

common purpose by leading with one vision and mission that engages with both the employees

and management. This is a challenge for the company as its commitment to a common purpose is

diverse. Management needs leadership training to adjust the company vision and mission and

enhance the common purpose for work, The management team also needs to work on corporate

governance and ethics to showcase transparency in the company.

Analyzing the employee satisfaction based on information provided would be a challenge

to interpret but using secondary methods such as assessing they pay working hours and other

conditions with the comparative companies in the industry would communicate better because

those are the are the firms, the employees would run to, given the opportunity.

Understanding a company's level of organizational effectiveness is important for several

reasons: it serves as a check-in to see how well internal procedures are meeting an initial vision,

it provides investors, donors, or employees with an idea of the company's strengths, and it

highlights areas of ineffectiveness that can be the focus of improvements. According to Judge

(1994) ‘environmental scarcity, measures of market share,organizational size, outsider

representation on the board product quality, productivity, profitability, sales growth ,stock returns

are also important measures of the overall business .’

That the company's able to assess itself on its performance is a science on its own.

Although the research may have issues here and there at least improvements are possible based

on the assessment and it may lead to effective management if it is done frequently so that the

limitations of the current research can be worked on for the better future. Based on what was

done so far, the internal systems and processes can reveal something which may need changes

and adjustments, and then assessment of the leadership have an impact on board management to

make improvements for the overall company.



Another recommendation that I would make is that for goals to be easily attained by

employees they need to be made clear. The role of management is to ensure that they
communicate their expectations and provide the necessary material including the training

material and understand employee challenges when executing their duties so as to assist or

provide support where necessary.

The company needs to improve the channels of communication by using the most recent

technology as well as facilitating communication amongst employees this can be achieved by

introducing channels from the most bottom to higher levels of management frequently so that

management can understand what is happening at the most bottom and in case of challenges it

can be easier for top management to manage issues at all levels of the organization.

Leadership needs a different approach here; Employees need the engagement of leaders to

understand what they do and what the company expects of them by communicating the scenarios

and possible decisions that are expected. Then after employees can be given the power to make

decisions on their own to facilitate engagement in company activities, Gagbne (2018).

Training and development today are essential for every company in that employees need to

understand the ways to achieve the company goals. This can be through seminars coaching to

explore the techniques required to achieve the company goals for employees who are showing

signs of disengagement and possible motivational queues can be added to improve employee

morale, Gagne (2018).

Benchmarking the company performance based on its ability to manage its internal affairs

would not be adequate but looking at the financial figures or financial performance of the

company long term planning, ability of the company to attract talented employees would give

and communicate the bigger picture about the overall state as a measure of performance.
In conclusion a highly effective organization should exhibit strengths across the following

areas: leadership and decision-making ,organizational structure , quality of the personnel with

processes and systems, strength of organization and culture. To attend this, it's important to

understand that these factors are dynamic every day and require that management aligns them by

reflecting on the dynamic business environment which the organization operates in. Such can

help evaluate organizational efficiency and effectiveness as a strategy for continued growth and

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