Term Project Managerial Effectiveness

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Effective Leadership in A Dynamic Environment
Managerial effectiveness is considered as a parameter when developing the future vision

for professional managerial skills of an organization (Amjad & Bhaswati, 2014). “Managerial

effectiveness is key for the success of an organization reflected in the objectives accomplished,

(Hazman, 2010)”. An effective organisation is normally reflected and the quality of its

leadership. Leadership is this kill that motivates people to act to accomplish a common objective.

It sets a clear vision and communicates effectively with its subordinates and guides on the

process to follow to accomplish the objective. An effective leadership which brings about

managerial effectiveness has the capacity to influence people through the creation of a vision of

the future for an organization and designing a strategy that achieves that vision and

communicating the vision to all members of the organization, (James, Richard & Anthony,

2011). Successive organizations come about because of an effective management reflected in the

values and beliefs of the founders.

In this work I will discuss them the common leadership styles and recommend the best

leadership style for an organization in a dynamic environment that demands efficiency and

business adaptability to various causes. “Main organizations today are engaging with digital

transformations and other innovations to enhance competitive strength by employing strategies

that put the organization in steadfast mode awaiting changes in the dynamic nature of the

business environment,” Bayram et al., (2022). Directors have the duty to employ leadership that

improve their organization readiness to respond with agility to changes and adapt to uncertain

environments (Namada, 2018).To effectively navigate the business environment and meet the

needs of its customers, leadership is an indispensable instrument.

Literature Review

Conceptual review

The definitions for organizational leadership are many in that they have depended on

different perspectives of studies such as the political, religious social and corporate perspectives.

The definition by Longman dictionary is that it's the action of leading a group of people in an

organization. It is the process by which one person exerts influence over the others through

inspiration and motivation to achieve organizational goals (Jones and George, 2004). When

people are motivated or influenced to achieve an organizational goal that is called leadership.

“Leadership is the ability to influence a group towards the achievement of goals; (Daft and

Marcic, 2007). It is the process by which deliberate influence is exerted over people to guide

structure, facilitate activities and interrelationships within the group in order to achieve

organizational goals, Yukl (2010). Summoning enthusiasm and will in people to act in certain

way that enables organizational goals to be achieved, Yukl (2010). House et al. (1997), most

people look at leadership at personal level but it's the process, behaviors ,attitudes and methods

which a leader brings about which defines leadership. It involves the creation and cultivation of a

vision for the future of an organization and designing methods and strategies that are necessary

to accomplish organizational goals, Richard & Anthony et al. (2011). Leaders who become

successful normally anticipate, exploit opportunities and motivate their followers to their highest

level of performance and productivity. As such managerial effectiveness lies on the pivot of

leadership style adopted in a particular circumstance , in this case , dynamic environment.

The role of leadership is important for achieving the performance requirements of the

organization. Transformational leadership involves the use of stimulation and desperation to

achieve results it helps the followers to grow and become leaders through the response to the

needs of the individual followers. “For the followers to attend the objectives they normally go

through training and education and effective communication that and aligns them to the

organizational goals and objectives as required and expected by their leaders,” House et al

(2006). Based on the leadership transformational theory , leaders are able to generate and

encourage an appropriate image or idea of the organization’s vision and mission .The goals and

visions are key objectives of transformational leadership .Transformational leadership in the

competitive environment is more about responding to change .Transformational leadership

enables the subordinates to become motivated and to be fully aware of the importance of their

task outcomes .Transformational leaders manage to induce their followers to exceed their own

self-interest for the sake of the organization and it goals

Obiwuru et al., (2011); Transformational leaders are able to interpret the emerging

themes and changes in the dynamic environment and also understand the limitations and

challenges of the employees, so they shape and align them to meet the requirements of the

environment to build the capital required from change keller (1992).

From the figure above ,the higher the environmental change , the stronger the need for

adaption .

Based on the figure above , transformational leadership cultivates ideas , works with

intellectual stimulation , gathers up inspiration and pay attention to the individual needs to

summon the motivation to spark on the organizations goals .

Transactional leadership

Transaction leadership deals with the exchange between the leader and the follower based

on the expected reward and is based on the expected reward in return for what they follower will

receive. In short, it's based on the expected reward, Bass & Riggio (2006). The leaders role is to

ensure that the expectations by both the leader and the follower are well stipulated and to manage

the agreement effectively and efficiently, House and Aditya, (1997).The main sources of

influence and motivation comes from rewards , normally incentives , Obiwuru et al., (2011). The
role of managerial effectiveness comes from ensuring that the agreement is managed in such a

way that the goals of the organization are achieved.

It's leadership style that concentrates on supervision .The organization and employee

performance, rewards and penalties are used to manage the organization effectively .The use of

results and other motivational cues and ensures that the organizational systems conform to its

structure and measures success according to established motivation queues in inform of rewards

and punishments. Transactional leadership focuses on supervision of the established system of

rewards and penalties. The role of management is to ensure that the objectives of the

organization conform to its expectations using the formal authority and positions of

responsibility in the organization, Obiwuru et al., (2011)

Laissez-faire Leadership:

Laissez-faire leadership is about trust and reliance on subordinates to make decisions .It's

based on the belief that employees on the ground are more familiar with the circumstance than

those on top management. Employees can brainstorm and use their creativity as well as manage

their resources and experience to help meet the organizational goals. It has been heavily

criticized to be passive in that top management may not have control of the activities of

subordinates. It is based on the belief that employees can manage themselves better than when

top management is involved, Puni et al (2014). One of the limitations or challenges is ,that ,the

leader may not act as a superior and is unlikely to put effort to build a relationship with

subordinates so as to give them freedom to make decisions, Deluga (1992) .It is a great form of

leadership when the group comprise of experts who are loyal to the organization where top

management lack the skills required to make decisions and guide as leaders .
Autocratic leadership:

This leadership bears the ultimate control of decision-making with top management,

alongside power and authority. In circumstances where close supervision and support is present,

it proves to be effective. It employs less delegation. It has been criticized in that leaders lack the

trust, because they are very conscious, and retain the decision-making rights. If the leaders

follow the needs of the subordinates, output of the subordinates is enhanced Bailey (2001).

Hence this nature of leadership hinders innovation and creativity as vast amount of power rests

on the top management. In the organization leaders give instructions to subordinates. The

advantage is that it can help to communicate and lead a clear direction, but communicates to

team members that they are undervalued, Obiwuru al (2011). The main source of influence is

through rewards and is characterized by an individual control over decisions with less input from

group members. In the dynamic or changing environment this leadership style challenges

motivation. Everyday employees are never self-starters but listeners and followers of


Democratic or Participative leadership,

This style of leadership is quiet interesting in that's subordinates or members of the

group participate in decision making role . It encourages employees to participate in the decision

making process for an organization, Puni et al ,(2014). Democratic leadership is not centralized

because it allows the participation of every member of the organization. It also ensures that high

performance is rewarded. It encourages the brainstorming of ideas and collective decisions

among group members, kotter ,(1995). Though it attracts criticism, that the unprofessional may

exert the force when in sufficient numbers , the democratic leadership allows interactivity and
involvement of the group ,kotter (1995). For the dynamic environment , its contributes to slow

adaptability or changes that do not demand urgency so as to allow for debates and education .

Bureaucratic leadership:

Bureaucratic leadership is by nature leadership that believes in structured procedures and

ensures that the subordinates follow the systems and procedures as they are .It's scores low on

explorations and the group decision making to solve issues. It involves following established

rules, procedures regulations and processes for decision making. In those structures it leads to

inefficiency and that decisions may have to take long before they are made and in circumstances

where agencies required, it makes their organization prone to risks that can be sorted out area and

effectively. Its not recommended in the dynamic environment where decision making and

tapping points for innovation require a wider base.

Charismatic Leadership:

The charismatic leadership is about influencing with high amount of energy and

enthusiasm in subordinates to manage performance. The charismatic leader acts a morale builder

and pivot of inspirational power. Its relies on persuasiveness, effective communication and

charm to set others achieve the organizational goals. Charismatic leaders summon emotions,

which make subordinates to devote to their work . Risk taking and openness through effective

communications, charisma and charm under a clear vision of the organization, spells strong

engagement and full allocation of skills to build and connect subordinates. This makes this

leadership style great. The sensitivity to the needs of the team and empathy are part of the

charismatic leadership. What more can anyone ask for? Its recommended for changing

environments as the employees would give everything within their capabilities to deliver .
. Analysis of The Leadership Styles for The Dynamic Environment

Managerial effectiveness ensures that the leadership adopted meets the challenges of the

organization in any given situation. Managerial effectiveness works with effective leadership,

which requires the following to be followed.

The need for Cooperation

Managerial effectiveness requires leadership that encourage cooperation. An effective

leader will always ensure that the subordinates’ motives are polarized in one direction;

concentrating on the objectives and goals of the organization. The works of subordinates should

be united and aligned with the vision and mission of the organization. This requires cooperation

within the organization. One of the leadership styles that adopt, unified nature of workers or

members of the organization is charismatic leadership style. Charismatic leadership fosters unit

and morale. Democratic or participative would cause delays in decision making, so when

responding to agile environments, members may have debates when time would not be there.

The challenge with autocratic would be that members may have conflicted or diverse reasons for

motivation because the leadership style employs power mostly to lead. Laissez-faire Leadership

would also have a challenge to manage group members without direction. They can brainstorm

and work in a group but normally issues may develop from members who do not agree to the

decision making hence the necessity of the leader. Transactional leadership is alright but is ideal

for well specified tasks. Innovative and creative tasks require cooperation and not split members.

In a dynamic environment, change requires ready human capital, that is already united to ignited

for change. Hence charismatic leadership style would be the best choice where cooperation of

the leader and the subordinates and the organizations visions would have one direction and
stance. Polization is important when under the situation of change to minimize resistance and

foster unity.


One of the key features of an effective leader is to see the future and make forecasts to

plan ahead of opportunities and issues as well as respond to situational factors. An effective

leader requires a navigational judgment and the skill to prepare for issues and opportunities.

Again, on this point charismatic leadership scores high. Transactional leadership is there for

direct business and then in situations that requires foreseeing the future, is not specific and hence

cannot fit the dynamic environment. Participative leadership responds more to situational issues

and not very ideal for navigational decision making where it requires seeing the future. If

transactional would be substituted here where managers can see the near future and press

commands on the subordinates, it would work but the fact that work requires ready minds, would

require the understanding and comprehension which makes charismatic ideal. The mind sets

under charismatic leadership are already set .Seeing and planning the near future is a key

function of leaders, and leadership that would depend on group members, like LF to make

decisions would be a challenge.

Flexibility and adaptation

The business environment is never static and as such it requires organizations to be

steadfast and prudently reacting to unexpected issues during turbulent times. The customer and

market demands change constantly, Whetten,( 1996). The only leadership style that prepares its

members for responding to dynamics and the environment is charismatic. It educates ,

communicates and forms a culture of unity . Charismatic leadership in a turbulent environment is

a ideal. Transactional comes about when everything is set and well known. Democratic is also
alright but it's aspect of education and training are also embedded in the charismatic leadership.

Laissez-fairel leadership would be totally challenged as groups do not normally discance issues

outside the box or to foresee the future. “In order to increase the adaptability of organizations, it

emphasizes features such as increasing the level of production and business goals of

organizations with the changing environmental opportunities, environmental monitoring,

analysis of competitors and customers, resource expertise to business activities and rapid

response to changes in market conditions,” (Pisano, 2017).

Creation of distinctive environment

It has recently been established that a good environment supports innovation and affects

the mental and emotional resources that enhance learning and task performance. One of the

requirements of an effective leader is to provide such an environment where employees feel

comfortable and able respond to their quality of life and well-being. Again here only charismatic

or transformational leadership can accommodate this nature of facilitate which brings about

managerial effectiveness. Laissez-faire Leadership can work regardless of main the environment

where group work or decision making is executed from. Participative does not mention of any

work environment but leans more the actual decision desired that they time. Transaction is for

straight forward business that is well laid out and ready for execution.

Rewarding high performance

Recognition of work that contributes to the organization significantly and does require

some extra effort from individuals. Managerial effectiveness requires that staff are motivated

towards certain goals and objectives which are already set and any accomplishment of

contribution towards the objectives and missions of the organizations should be recognized

formally as it boosts their morale for the staff and acts as a motivational que. Although
Transactional leadership has been challenged in main instances in that requires response to the

dynamic environment. On this one it can beat charismatic leadership if the reward is equal to the

task. For instance a million dollar for the new inversion or idea that can work .One of the key

challenges which I have personally experienced regarding innovation and enterprise

development is that ideas require effort which do not match incentives or rewards , normally do

not match in spite of working so hard the recognition or the reward that one gets is never equal to

the task. If management would be transparent and market the reward for facilitating ,effective

change or responding to any issue, employees would be pushed to their level best, much more

than charismatic would accomplish. Laissez-faire Leadership here would be neutral.

Fostering an ethical and professional leadership culture and empowerment.

Leadership development must be comprehensively integrated with the organizational

culture so as produce leaders who can adequately manage challenges. Leadership development

must be comprehensively and systematically integrated into the organizational culture to produce

leaders who can adequately face challenges ,(Dissanayake, Norsanina & Hamid, (2017).

Positive personal and professional outcomes are linked to leadership that focuses on

transformation , House & Shamir, (1993). Laissez-faire Leadership has been to be known to

produce issues when the group fails to reach an agreement. Transactional has also been known

for ill treatment of staff because of the results orientation. Participative allows management to

hear the issues of staff and work. Transformational or charismatic leadership does not wait for

what participative or democratic does but is more proactive by engaging to unlock all staff issues

and deal with them before time. Charismatic is also ethical, because it’s of its based credibility,

accountability and frequent communications making it transparent with its dealings. It ensures

free flow of information and ensures that the staff are motivated and aligned to the company
goals and visions. According to Armstrong (2021), every culture contains ingrained values that

resist changes ,and other transformational requirements and as such , the leader should change

the culture by employing the authority and influence as well as making use of enterprise

creativity abilities .

Promotion of personal growth

Managerial effectiveness requires that an effective talent management program, with

sufficient competences, succession plans and a panoply of support program. No leadership style

does better than transformational here. Participative and autocratic try but they are not a match to

charismatic in a competitive dynamic business environment. Transaction is strict with the

specific expectations of the employee. “While a transaction manager can make adjustments to

the organizational tripod of mission, structure, and human resources, a transformative leader goes

further and produces, novel missions , Noel & David, (2008).”To reduce the gap between

management and the subordinate’s, transformational leadership ensures that communication is

adequate among the employees in such a way that they feel they have a high score on job

satisfaction, created by the leaders communication of the vision which stimulates employees

minds to develop and create innovative ideas which result in the realization of innovation

(Shahjehan et al., 2019).


Charismatic leadership is recognized as an effective strategy for managing environmental

changes which main organizations are facing today. This is mainly achieved through the

definition of the vision and tactics to improve motivation other variables such as mediating
conflict between groups and teams in the organization (Salem, 2015). According to Nadler and

Shaw (1995) businesses that shall survive in the coming decades will be those that are able to

respond effectively to the dynamic nature of the environmental conditions. Responding to

environmental turbulency triggers a new organizational culture which come about with emotions

of resistance. For such, charismatic leadership is ideal for such because it focuses of proactivity

and situational responses’ to changes more effectively than other leadership styles.

The survival of organizations require active leaders who are able to change the attitudes

beliefs and goals of their followers as well as creating a better conditions for operations and

leadership perspectives that aligns with the mission and goals of the organization.

Transformational leadership is well capable to change the beliefs attitudes and values of the

followers in response to the changes in the environment in which the organization exists ,Matic

2003).This requires individualized consideration where the leader attends to the followers needs

and requirements, acts as a mentor or a coach by listening to the followers concerns and guiding

on their strategic needs. The leader is expected to provide support and keeps open

communication that is constant and adopts the recent technologies for it to be efficient.

Recognition of individual contribution and mutual respect is expected. Another factor in leading

change is intellectual stimulation where the reader is expected to manage assumptions, taking

risks and involving the followers in decision making. As this may encourage novelty, creativity

in dealing with various issues where everyone is involved to widen the scope and source the

experience, skills , professionalism from a wider base. This requires a leader who can provide

and open environment where these followers can ask questions and provide education and

training were necessary.

Transformational leadership ensures that there is aspirational motivation that comes along

with the very high standards of professionalism, continuous communication and support to the

followers. It also demands that's high performers are rewarded transparently and credibly. This

nature of leadership normally attracts reciprocal behavior of trust from the followers sees the

leader as the role model.

It is a well-known fact that organizations in turbulent environments should dwell much

more on charismatic style of leadership that embraces change. Although other leadership styles

are also important from the aspect of reward and punishment, charismatic leadership style adopt

strategies that are proactive in dealing with issues especially issues of change in a dynamic

environment. As the turbulence of the environment keeps on increasing strategic ways to

approach the challenge call for leadership that is ready for change and that is charismatic


In my opinion a combination of both charismatic, democratic and transactional leadership

can respond to change more effectively. Where charismatic leadership cannot offer enough

rewards that are sufficient to summon innovation and creativity from employee’s, transaction

leadership can at high levels of steak. With a competitive offer, it can. Innovation and

entrepreneurship require huge motivation (in form of reward) and that requires transactional

leadership to take charge. Mere charm and charisma cannot be enough to spark the behavior that

may be adequate and sufficient to drive organizational change in response to dynamic

environmental requirements and expectations.

Successful organizations need to balance from the inside and outside by considering the

conditions of the environment and the business capacity .


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