Computing 6023-3 - PROJECT Guide

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Advanced Level Computing

6023/3 Project Guide

Marega T
Advanced level Computing 6023/3 Project Guide


The project is an important piece of work which develops a candidate’s imagination,

creativity and encourages originality. Best grades in computing projects are possible if the
student ensure not only the completeness of the report but also the quality of the contents and
presentation. This guide will help the learner to know what is supposed to be done in order to
get the best grade

It is important that the learner chooses a real life problem as this will enable the interaction
that is required in most of the sections of the project. This will also enable him/her to
experience the actual project life cycle.

It is important to note that the ZIMSEC syllabus clearly states the stages that are required of
the learner to follow. The project must not exceed 50 pages excluding appendices and must
include the following layout

1. Cover Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Appendices
The Appendices include any two of the following
• Sample of completed questionnaires
• Sample of interview questions with respondent answers
• Sample documents

**NB the project must be spiral bound

The stages are grouped in sections of the project and the mark allocations are as follows:

Section A (Selection, Investigation and Analysis) - 25 marks

Section B (Design) - 25 marks

Section C (Software Development) - 25 marks

Section D (testing and Evaluation) - 15 marks

Section E (Evaluation/General expectations) - 10 marks

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Advanced level Computing 6023/3 Project Guide


In this section, the learner is expected to pay attention to the following

- Problem definition/choice of problem area and background analysis

- Investigation of the current system
- Requirements specification
- Aims and objectives
- Evidence of research

1. Define a Problem /choice of problem area and background analysis

Here the learner has to state the name of the organisation, its location, the population size of
the organisation and the major activities of the organisation. Should also include the files or
books that are used in the existing system.
The maximum marks you are to get from this part is three (3) marks and the marking points
are as follows:
- Meaningful name of system
- Location
- When it started
- Population size
- Major activities
- Books or files in the existing system

2. Investigation of the current system

Here attention is on the research instruments employed to identify the problems with the
current system so as data analysis.
- Research Instruments
Learners are expected to design at least two research instruments. Research instruments such
as interview guides, questionnaires, observation score sheets and record samples are required.
The advantages and disadvantages of the different research instruments are not necessary as
the paper is adopting a practical approach where application of the instruments for gathering
data is what is important as the data help you in the design of the system.
- Data Analysis
Learners are required to show knowledge of data analysis using tools such as Data Flow
Diagramss, flow charts and/or Entity Relationship Diagrams
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Advanced level Computing 6023/3 Project Guide

- Problems with the current system

Learners are expected to outline at least three weaknesses or problems of the current system.

The maximum marks obtainable from this part is five (5) marks and the marking points are as

- Research instruments (1 mark per each)

- Questionnaires, Interview guides, Record Inspection, Observation

- Data Analysis (2 marks)

- Dataflow diagram, flow chart and/or entity relationship diagram clearly
showing how information flows in the current system

- Problems with the current system/weaknesses with the current system (1 mark)
- List of identified flows or problems with the current system which the
proposed system have to address.

3. Feasibility study
A feasibility report needs to be produced, which highlights the feasibility of the proposed
system in terms of social, technical, operational, legal and economic (STOLE) feasibility.

Learners are reminded to study and fully justify the feasibility of their systems for them to get
full marks. A maximum of five (5) marks is obtainable here.

4. Requirements specification
The requirements include User requirements, software requirements and hardware
- User Requirements
It is important to note that the user requirements are NOT the qualities expected of the user,
rather the examiners expect learners to stipulate the functionalities of the new system that the
user requires. The summary of the new system from the perspective of the user is also
required here. The summary can take different form ranging from dialogue between the
developer and the user or even just a plain summary indicating what the user wants. This
aspect is important as it makes the learner be aware of the role of the user or client in system
development as most software designers and developers tend to ignore the user and design
what they think the user requires, which is wrong!
- Software requirements
A list of the software requirement for the new system are required. These include software to
design and develop the system and also the operating system for use with the final solution.

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Advanced level Computing 6023/3 Project Guide

- Hardware requirements
A list of the hardware requirements for the new system are required. These are supposed to
be categorised into Input devices, Processor, Storage media and Output devices. The
minimum hardware requirements needed are supposed to be stated.

The maximum marks obtainable from this part is four (4) marks and the marking points are as

- User requirements (2 marks)

- Software requirements (1 marks)
- Hardware requirements (1 marks)

5. Aims and Objectives

It is of paramount importance to note that Aims are different from objectives. Many in the
past failed to separate the two which led to loss of vital marks. Aims are general requirements
for the system. Two general requirements are required to get full marks. Objectives are
specific to the system and an Advanced level project should have about six (6) objectives
which are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reliable and Time framed).

Bunching aims and objectives gives the impression that the learner is not able to separate the
two hence he/she loses marks. The maximum marks obtainable from this part is five (5)
marks and the marking points are as follows:

- Aims [Any two aims, one mark each] (2 marks)

- Objectives [1/2 mark per each] (3 marks)

6. Evidence of research
The learner should outline or display the evidence that research has been carried out. Samples
of filled in questionnaires, interview transcripts (i.e with respondent answers), sample
documents and write up on observations.

These have to be present to act as evidence of research done. The maximum marks obtainable
from this part is three (3) marks and they are obtained from any two of the following:

- Filled in questionnaires
- Interview session (Question and answer)
- Sample documents
- Description of observations
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Advanced level Computing 6023/3 Project Guide


The design phase is concerned with the following aspects

- Consideration of alternatives
- Input Design
- Data structures or file design/ Object Oriented Design
- Overall plan
- Output Design
- Test Strategy/ Test plan

1. Consideration of Alternatives
Alternative method is that method that is foregone or left out in favour of another method.
Learners are expected to name and describe any two methods of solving the problem apart
from the one he/she has embarked on. Advantages and Disadvantages of the alternative
methods should be outlined. Most learners fail to distinguish between alternative method and
final choice as they describe the final choice as one of the alternative. (Don’t be one of
them!!!!). Alternative means the opportunity cost i.e. what is foregone in favour of another.
The main thrust of this part is to allow the learner to explore other methods of solving the
same problem and come up with a better one and fully justify the choice.

This part will add a maximum of 5 marks to the final mark i.e.
- Any two named and explained alternative methods (3 marks)
- Final choice justified/justification of method of solution
Comparative advantages of the chosen solution are required. Some advantages of the
new system only would also suffice (2 marks)

2. Input Design
Appropriate data capture forms and screen layouts designs are expected here. At least three
data capture forms are required.
A total of four [4] marks is obtainable here i.e.
- Data capture forms (2 marks)
- Screen layouts (2 marks)

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Advanced level Computing 6023/3 Project Guide

3. Data Structures/File Design or Object Oriented Design

File structure showing the fieldname, field type, field size and format are expected here. Also
a list of variables, their types and sizes is another variation acceptable to examiners. To get
maximum marks here, the learner is expected to show how the different files are linked or
related to each other. The learner may choose to use object oriented design, where he/she can
use Class diagrams, Use Case diagrams and/or Sequence diagrams to show relationships

The five marks are distributed as follows:

- Table with field name/variable name, data type, field size [3 marks]
- Format or validation included on the table [1 mark]
- Relationships/file linkages [1 mark]

4. Overall Plan
Description of the plan of action is required here. A Jackson structured diagram of the system
can be used to describe the system and it should have evidence of exiting the system. The
marks are allocated as follows:
- Tree structure/ Description of the plan of action/ Linked tables/ Data flow
diagram/system flow chart. [2 marks]
- Evidence of exiting [1 mark]

5. Output Design
Learners are expected to state or describe the output that is supposed to be produced by the
system. In addition to that they are supposed to provide the interface in form of screen shorts,
showing on screen commands. Five marks are obtainable here i.e:
- Specification and design of required output [2 marks]
- Interface design (on screen commands) [3 marks]

6. Test Strategy/Test Plan

This part requires documentation of at least one test plan. The common test plans include
black box, white box, Alpha test and beta tests. Justification of the test plan making use of
test data and expected outcomes is a pre-requisite under the test plan. A total of three (3)
marks is awarded for naming and describing a test plan including test data and expected

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Advanced level Computing 6023/3 Project Guide


This section is where the learner develops his/her application. It is concerned with the
programming styles i.e the techniques applied to improve the structure of the code. This part
also looks at documentation that is the technical documentation and the user documentation.

1. Techniques that improve the structure of the code

Here the examiner is interested in the techniques that improve the structure, appearance and
clarity of the code i.e:
- functions
- scope of variables (local and global)
- use of comments
- blank lines
- indentation
Code with comments at the beginning of every module and also throughout the code is ease
to follow therefore examiners expect to find comments at the beginning of every module and
also in-text comments and proper indentation.
It is crucial to make use of these techniques as a total of ten marks is awarded here. Any 5 of
the techniques awarded 2 marks each.

2. Technical documentation
To get full seven marks in this section, there is need to provide at least three pseudo codes,
three flow charts and the code listing i.e:
- At least 3 pseudocodes of any major modules [3 marks]
- At least 3 flowcharts for any major modules [3 marks]
- Code/Program listing [1 mark ]

3. User Documentation
The marking points under this section are installation of the system, starting the system,
navigation through the system and exiting the system. A total of eight marks is awarded as
- Installation [2 marks]
- Starting the system [2 marks]
- Navigation of the system [2 marks]
- Exiting the system [2 marks]
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Advanced level Computing 6023/3 Project Guide


After developing an application, the application has to be tested and evaluated in terms of
achievements and point out areas of improvement. Therefore, at this stage the learner is
supposed to look at the following:

- User testing
- System Testing
- Evaluation of the system

1. User testing
Learners are expected to design and select test data showing how standard data, extreme
data and abnormal/invalid data is handled. A table showing the test data and expected
outcomes for the standard, extreme and abnormal data would do. There is need also to show
evidence of testing through sample runs and error messages. Five marks are available here
and to get full marks you should:
- Test for standard data. [1 mark]
- Test for extreme data [1 mark]
- Test for invalid/abnormal data [1 mark]
- Sample runs [1 mark]
- Error messages [1 mark]

2. System Testing
Test for the system functionality. The presence of reports and queries are indicators that the
system works efficiently and produce results with minimum delay. Other marking points are
clarity of instruction to the user, these are evident in the user documentation. So to get the full
five marks here, there should be evidence of:
- Ease of use
Clarity of instruction to the user [1 mark]

- Reliability
Produce reliable results, there should be no bugs [1 marks]

- Effectiveness
The system should work efficiently and produce results with minimum delay
- Reports
- Queries [3 marks]

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Advanced level Computing 6023/3 Project Guide

3. Evaluation of the system

For all five marks to be awarded, the learner is expected to describe the achievements made,
limitations and also describe the opportunities for further development.

Achievements [2 marks]
The extent of success in meeting the system objectives as stated in the system requirements
specification. Clearly state the achieved objectives from the initial objectives.

Limitations/ Weaknesses [1 mark]

The examiners expects the learner to talk about the limitations of the designed system along
with the reasons why these were not met.

Opportunities for future development [2 marks]

The examiner expects recommendations for the future development of the system to be
given, for instance adding another module. Acceptable recommendations which are feasible
and applicable at the learner’s level.

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Advanced level Computing 6023/3 Project Guide


The completed report is supposed to be at most 50 pages excluding the appendices. Failing to
observe this may compromise the quality of the report.
The general expectations include:
- Depth of knowledge and understanding
- Degree of originality
- Overall conduct of the project / ease of use
- Quality of completed report

1. Depth of knowledge and understanding (2 marks)

Learner is expected to reflect the degree of computing in the project by displaying knowledge
and understanding of the concepts throughout the report. The use of different techniques in
code is evident of knowledge of programing.

2. Degree of originality (2 marks)

The report should show Imagination and innovation. It should be evident that an attempt has
been made to do something different/unique.

3. Overall conduct of project/ease of use (1 mark)

The project work should be carefully organised. It should reflect the degree of help and not

4. Quality of Completed report (5 marks)

The syllabus require that the project is spirally bounded with a contents page that would
reflect a true picture of what is contained in the documentation. The report should have
clearly defined sections and page numbers and also appendix to accommodate the proof that
research has been carried out. Such proof includes interviews, filled in questionnaires and
sample documents. Code listings and sample runs are not included in the appendices.

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Advanced level Computing 6023/3 Project Guide

Areas of Concern
- The project report must be word processed with consistent formatting used throughout
the document
- The report should be formal. Learners are not supposed to use casual language in the
- The use of watermarks is discouraged as watermarks tend to obstruct text.
- Other literature that is not asked in the syllabus guide like dedications,
Acknowledgements and Bibliography are irrelevant and should not be included in the

- Teachers are supposed to use separate form for marking and not insert ticks in the
actual project.
- There are no half marks in project marking, therefore its either a 0 or 1.


1. ZIMSEC Advanced Level Computing 6023 Syllabus

2. ZIMSEC Advanced Level Computing Paper 3 Marking Scheme 2015
3. ZIMSEC Advanced Level Computing Paper 3 Examiner’s Report 2015

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