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(Walks around) Change, change, change…

(Stop) Change.
To make something different. To substitute something with something else, especially
of the same kind that is better. To alter, or modify.
(Whispers) I need a change. (Chuckles)
I need a change!
To substitute myself with something else – someone else! –, perhaps of the same kind,
but that is better. (Whispers) That is better… that, is, better.
To alter. Modify.
To make myself different.
What does that mean? Some things stay the same only by changing! Do I change? Do I
not? Am I some things? Am I… other things?
(Ponders, walks around)
(Stops) Change, huh… I, I need a change. (Slaps hand)
(Walks around) Change, change, change…
(Takes cellphone) To change or not to change, it bears the question!
(Stares at the cellphone) No…
(Throws phone away) (Checks his pockets, pats) I need change…

Heraclitus says that all things are in motion and nothing at rest; he compares them to the
stream of a river, and says no man steps in the same river twice – for it is not the same
river and he is not the same man. But isn’t all river the same? Unstill and uncontained,
rebel and angry? Isn’t all man the same? Unstill and uncontained, rebel and angry? Yet,
both stand the same only by flowing – no river stands still, as no man stands unchanged.
So, the meaning of the river flowing is not that all things are changing so that we cannot
encounter them twice, but that some things stay the same only by changing. Changing,
they rest.

But to make myself different? To substitute myself with something… better? What is
I’ll be better. I will be! And substitute myself… with myself! I will make myself
different, so that I’ll keep on being myself. (Beat) To make myself different, so that
myself remains.
I need a change. Changing, I’ll rest.

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