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4.1.1 Socio-demographic characteristics

In this study, 378 households were successfully interviewed making Response rate
100%.More than half of the respondents (56.0%) were mothers. Most of the
respondents, 204 (54.0%) were females and 21.2% of the respondents were found
between age group 25-29 Years old. Majority of the respondents (90.8%) were
protestant religion followers. Among the interviewed respondents, 126 (33.4%)
were housewives. Of the respondents, 28.0% could not read and write. There was
1745 total population in the study HHs; Out of this 52.0% were males.Out of 1745
population, 65(3.7%), 210(12.1%) and 443(25.4%) were under one year, under two
years and under five years of age respectively. Out of the total population, 5(0.3%)
in the age group > 50years old were died with unknown cause; out of which 0.2%
were males. Details are presented in Table.1& 2

Table 1: Socio demographic data of the catchment area of Angacha health centre, Angacha
Woreda, Kembata Tembaro Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia, 2016.

Variables Frequency %
Relationship of respondents Head 137 36.3
Spouse 213 56.3
Son or Daughter 28 7.4
Other relative
Total 378 100
Sex of respondents Male
Religion of respondents Protestant 32 8.5
Muslim 343 90.8
Orthodox 1 0.2
Others 2 0.5
Total 378 100
Occupational status of respondents Farmer 103 27.0
Gov’t employee 53 14.0
Merchant 67 18.0
Tella seller
Housewive 126 33.3
Wood carver carpenter 19 5.1
Other 10 2.6
Total 378 100
Educational status of Cannot read and write 107 28.1
respondents Read only 55 14.5
read and write 88 23.4
Primary school 58 15.3
Secondary school and above 70 18.7
Total 378 100
Marital status of respondent Single 30 7.9
Married 293 77.5
Separated 18 4.8
Divorced 21 5.6
Widowed 16 4.2
Total 378 100

Religion of the population Orthodox 116 6.6

Protestant 1610 92
Muslim 7 0.4
Other 10 0.5

Table 2 Fertility and death at Angacha health center catchment area, Angacha Woreda,
Kembata Tembaro Zone, Southern Ethiopia, 2016.

Frequency %
No of birth in the 31 1.8
last 12 months in 34 1.9
family 65 3.7
Age of mother 104 6.0
106 6.1
210 12.1
Attendant of 220 12.6
delivery 223 12.8
443 25.4
Status of birth 5 1.3
373 98.7
378 100

Sex of new born Male 0 0

Female 0 0
NA 0 0
Place of delivery Home

2. Housing condition and environmental hygiene

From the total 378 households, the majority 72 (19.11%) have five individuals per house , 239
(63.36%) HHS have kitchen and the rest 139 (36.64%) have no kitchen at all. Among 378, households,
Majority(76%) of household uses tap water source and 14 (3.8%) use unprotected water sources for
their daily consumption & drinkingfrom them 10(71.4%) treat by boiling and cooling technique.. Of this
households, 181 (48.88%) has an average daily water consumption of 20-40 L per day.
Table 3 Housing condition and environmental factors at Angacha health center catchment
area, Angacha Woreda, Kembata Tembaro Zone, Southern Ethiopia, 2016.

Variable Frequency %
Building of house Attached to neighbor or fence 22 5.8
Separated from neighbors or fence 356 94.1
No of rooms 1 111 29.4
2 92 24.3
3 95 25.1
>3 80 21.2

Variables Options Frequency Percentage

No of individual per house. 1 0 0%
2 4 1.02%

3 43 11.26%
4 45 11.95%
5 72 19.11%
6 66 17.40%
7 54 14.33%
8 44 11.60%
9 31 8.00%
>10 19 5.12%
Cleanse of the house Good 104 27.57%

Fear 178 47.18%

Bad 72 18.94%

Ventilation Good 98 26.03%

Fear 208 55.14%

Bad 71 18.84%
Illumination Good 94 24.83%

Fair 210 55.63%

Bad 74 19.54%

Presence of kitchen Yes 239 63.36%

No 139 36.64%

If yes Separated 176 73.64%

Attached 63 26.46%

Smoke exit Present 127 53.04%

Absent 112 46.96%

Fuel energy used to cook Wood 353 93.44%

Kerosene 15 3.93%

electricity 10 2.6%

Do you place any kerosene in the yes 39 16.38%

no 240 83.62%

Table. 4Water Utilization and sanitation related characteristics of Angacha health center
catchment area, Angacha Woreda, Kembata Tembaro Zone, Southern Ethiopia, 2016.

Variable Response Frequency %

Tap 286 75.68%

Source of water protected 75 19.86%

unprotected 14 3.77%

River 3 0.70%

If unprotected Boil & cool 10 71.42%

Treat with CI 0 0%

Put on transparent 2 14.28%


Other 2 14.28%

Placement of water in house In jar can 350 92.59%

Closed pot 21 5.56%

bermel 5 1.32%

Other(specify) 2 0.53%

How much time it takes to fetch <30 min 258 68.25%

water excluding waiting time.
>30 120 31.75%

Daily consumption of water in liter <20liter 9 2.38%

20-40liter 181 47.88%

40-60liter 131 34.66%

>6oliter 57 15.08%

Food sanitation
More than half of the respondents,259(68.5%) clean their food utensilswith soap
and water. Fifty percent of the respondents reuse the left over foods. Among the
respondents, 129(34,1%) did not close their hair during food preparation.
Table 2 food sanitation in at catchment area of angacha health center, angacha woreda,
SNNPR, Ethiopia 2016
Variables Response Frequency Percentage

If pregnant how many times do you feed in a day ? Once 119 31.48%

Twice 259 68.52%

Three times

Four times


Total 0 0%

Do you get diary food ? Yes 189 50.00%




Do you get fatty and protein foods ? Yes 171 90.48%



What is your staple food ? Injera 137 36.24%


Vegetables and fruits



NA 241 63.76%


If yes,what methods do you take for prevention or Poison 119 31.48%

eradication ?
Mouse traps


Other 259 68.52%


Covering hair & cut finger during preparation. Yes 249 65.88%

No 129 34.12%
Time of hand washing Before preparing 364 96.30%

After toilet 286 27.54%

After child care 104 27.51

After touching of 31 8.20%


After touching body 30 7.94%


Hand washing material. By water only 64 21.33%

By water and soap 236 78.67%

Other 0 0%

Among the total of 378 households, 18 (4.76%) have no latrine and among the latrines, 186
(66.94 %) were not covered.

Latrine distance from the main house

60.00% Series 4
<20m 20-30m >30m
Table-3 latrine coverage at the catchment area of Angacha health centre, Angacha Woreda,
SNNPR, Ethiopia, 2016.

Variables Response Frequency Percentage

Presence of latrine 360 95.24%


No 18 4.76%

If yes covered Yes 186 66.94%

No 119 33.06%

Distance from main house in meter <20 min 317 88.06%

20-30 min 26 7.22%

>30 min 17 4.72%

Use toilet properly Yes 53 14.72%

No 307 85.28%

Latrine type Pit 354 98.33%

Vip 5 1.39%

Flush 0 0%

Other 1 0.28%

Clean toilet Yes 243 67.50%

No 117 32.50%
Among the respondents,225 (59.52%) of the households dispose wastes in open field.

waste disposal site


open filed
open dump
common dump


Figure 1.Waste disposal site of angacha woreda catchment area of Angacha health center SNNPR, 2016,
Maternal & child health
Among 378 households, 181(47.88%),were found one per household .

Chart Title



Series 3
15.00% 32%

12% 11%
5.00% 8%
1 2 3 4 5

Figure 2number of reproductive aged group women in each house hold at catchment area of Angacha
health center, Angacha woreda , SNNPR, ETHIOPIA 2016.

Among 374 married mothers majority 285 (76.00%) get married at age above 18 years . number of
currently pregnant mothers during data collection was 26(3.25%) from the total reproductive aged
group women.Out of 26 pregnant mothers 19 (73.08%) are attending ANC. The major reason, 6(85.75%)
for not attending ANC was unwillingness.

Variables Response Frequency Percentage

Age of marriage <18 89 23.80

> 18 285 76.20

No of pregnant. Mother 26 3.25

No of preg. Mother attending ANC 19 73.08

Reason for not attending ANC I don’t know the use 0 0

Un willing to use 6 85.71

I don’t know the 0 0

presence of ANC

Lack of health 0 0

Inadequate health 0 0

Other 1 14.29

Pregnancy related problem Yes 1 3.85

No 25 96.15

Age at giving first birth <20 94 24.87

> 20 284 75.13

Abortion within 1 yr Yes 6 1.95

No 302 98.05

If yes 1x 6 100

2x 0 0

3x 0 0

No birth related with maternal death within 1 1.54

1 yr.

No of women having under 5 children 142

place of delivery

38.4 home


Figure 3 Place of delivery within the last 1 year at catchment area of Angacha health center, Angacha woreda,
SNNPR,Ethiopia 2016.

Variables Response Frequency Percentage

Average monthly income 280 74.02

98 25.97


Do you have additional source of income ? Yes 23 20.35


Total 113 40.07

If yes source and amount 83 49.11

28 16.57

0 0

0 0

22 13.02
20 11.83

16 9.47


Do you want to use in the future Yes 92 54.44

No 77 45.56

Child & maternal immunization

From the women of reproductive age groups 348 (43.44%) took TT vaccine , among those, 97of them
vaccinated 1x,78’s are vaccinated 2x & the rest are vaccinated 3x and above.

No of vaccinated infant 76

No of vaccinated infants Having EPI card completed 46 60.53

Not completed 30 39.47

No of women in RAG (15-49) who took TT 348 43.44


If vaccination 1x 97 27.88%

2x 78 22.30%

3x 70 20.07%

4x 44 12.64%
5x 60 17.10%

No of pregnant. mother who took TT 26 100


Childhood morbidity

From 443 under 5 year children, 21 (4.74) became sick within the last 2 weeks and among the total
under five children’s only 12 (2.93) undergone uvulectomy.

Table 4 childhood morbidity at cachment area of Angacha health center, Angacha woreda,SNNPR,

No sick < 5 yr children with the lost 2 Yes 21 4.74

No 422 95.25

In under 5 No uveleactomy 13 2.93

No tooth extraction 0 0

No of FGM 0 0

No of totos 0 0


9.72 M



<5 5..15 15-49 >50

Figure 4 Number of sick individuals within the last 2 weeks at catchment area of Angacha health center, Angacha woreda,
SNNPR, Ethiopia 2016.

No of sick individuals within the last 2 <5 M 12 16.67

F 9 12.5

5-15 M 4 5.56

F 13 18.05

15-49 M 7 9.72

F 16 22.72

>50 M 1 1.39

F 10 13.89

Table 5 morbidity within the last 2 weeks at catchment area of Angacha health center, Angacha woreda,
SNNPR, Ethiopia.

Among 83 sick individuals in the last 2 weeks the highest perceived cause of disease was pneumonia 24
(28.91%) and the list 8(9.64%) cause was unknown. Majority of the individuals 36 (80) seek health care
at health facility.

Perceived cause of disease Typhoid 17 20.48

Malaria 20 24.09

Pneumonia 24 28.91
Diarrhea 14 16.87

Other (unknown) 8 9.64

Health service seeking Health facility 36 80

Holly water 4 8.89

Traditional health 5 1.32

Magic 0 0%

Other 0 0%

Variables Options Frequency percentage

No of room in house 1 0 0%
2 4 1.02%

3 43 11.26%
Total 45 11.95%
Ventilation Good 98 26.03%

Fair 208 55.14%

Bad 71 18.84%


Illumination Good 94 24.83%

Fair 210 55.63%

Bad 74 19.54%


cleanses Good 239 63.36%

Fair 139 36.64%


Need of maintenance Yes 176 73.64%

No 63 26.46%


Types of floor Cement 127 53.04%

Soil 112 46.96%




Are there cracks on the floor Yes 353 93.44%

No 15 3.93%

Total 10 2.6%
Frequency of house cleaning 1 39 16.38%

2 240 83.62%


Are there any livestock around the


If yes are they living together with people ? No


Separate room
attached to the main

Separate room but

Types of kitchen detached from the
main house

No kitchen at all

How much time it takes to fetch water <30 min 258 68.25%
excluding waiting time.
>30 120 31.75%

Daily consumption of water in liter <20 9 2.38%

20-40 181 47.88%

40-60 131 34.66%

>6o 57 15.08%
Food sanitation
Table 2 food sanitation in at catchment area of angacha health center, angacha woreda,
SNNPR, Ethiopia 2016

Variables Response Frequency percentage

By what do you clean food utensils By water only 119 31.48%

By water & soap 259 68.52%

Other 0 0%

Do you reuse leftover food Yes 189 50.00%

No 189 50.00%

If yes recook Yes 171 90.48%

No 18 9.52%

Preparing food with the presence of Yes 137 36.24%

dds ,cough, scabies.
No 241 63.76%

Touch skin, hair & nose during preparation of Yes 119 31.48%
No 259 68.52%

Covering hair & cut finger during preparation. Yes 249 65.88%

No 129 34.12%

Procedures applied during food preparation Washing hands 364 96.30%

Washing vegetables 286 27.54%

Proper and adequate 104 27.51


Material cleaning 31 8.20%


Preventing 30 7.94%



Methods to preserve food Refrigerator 64 21.33%

Drying 236 78.67%

Other 0 0%

Table-3 latrine coverage at the catchment area of angacha health centre, Angacha Woreda, SNNPR,
Ethiopia, 2016.

Among the total of 378 households, 360 (95.24%) have latrine and the rest 18 (4.76%) have no
latrine. Majority of the latrine 186 (66.94 %) not covered.

Latrine distance from the main house

60.00% Series 4
<20m 20-30m >30m
Variables Response Frequency percentage
Presence of latrine Yes 360 95.24%

No 18 4.76%

If yes covered Yes 186 66.94%

No 119 33.06%

Distance from main house in meter <20 min 317 88.06%

20-30 min 26 7.22%

>30 min 17 4.72%

Use toilet properly Yes 307 85.28%

No 53 14.72%

Latrine type Pit 354 98.33%

Vip 5 1.39%

Flush 0 0%

Other 1 0.28%

Clean toilet Yes 243 67.50%

No 117 32.50%

Solid waste disposal site Open filed 225 59.52%

Open dump 135 35.71%

Common 18 4.76

waste desposal site


open dump
open filed
common dump


Figure 5 waste disposal site of angacha woreda catchment area of Angacha health center SNNPR 2016
Maternal & child health

Among 374 married mothers majority 285 (76.00%) get married at age
less than 18. number of currently pregnant mothers during data
collection was 26(3.25%) from the total reproductive aged group
women’s. And among 26 pregnant mothers 19 (73.08%) are attending
ANC. The major 6(85.75%) reason for not attending ANC was

Chart Title
40 Series 3
10 20.1
12.43 11.11 8.48
1 2 3 4 >5

Figure 6 number reproductive aged group women in each house hold at catchment area of Angacha
health center, Angacha woreda , SNNPR, ETHIOPIA 2016.

Variables Response Frequency percentage

No of women in RAG 1 181 47.88

2 76 20.10

3 47 12.43

4 42 11.11

>5 32 8.48

Age of marriage <18 89 23.80

> 18 285 76.20

No of pregnant. Mother 26 3.25

No of preg. Mother attending ANC 19 73.08

Reason for not attending ANC I don’t know the use 0 0

Un willing to use 6 85.71

I don’t know the 0 0

presence of ANC

Lack of health 0 0

Inadequate health 0 0

Other 1 14.29

Pregnancy related problem Yes 1 3.85

No 25 96.15

Age at giving first birth <20 94 24.87

> 20 284 75.13

Abortion within 1 yr Yes 6 1.95

No 302 98.05

If yes 1x 6 100

2x 0 0

3x 0 0

No birth related with maternal death within 1 1.54

1 yr.

No of women having under 5 children 142

place of delivery



Figure 7 Place of delivery within the last 1 year at catchment area of Angacha health center, Angacha woreda,
SNNPR,Ethiopia 2016.

Variables Response Frequency percentage

Please of delivery within the least 1 yr Home 28 38.38

Health institution 45 61.62 ?????

No of women having twin in the last 12 yr 0 0

No of women giving birth by operation 0 0

Need to deliver more child Yes 254 67.21

No 124 32.79

If yes New 50 19.70

After one yr 64 25.12

After two yr 68 26.60

After >3 yr 73 28.57

Do you know FP Yes 280 74.02

No 98 25.97

Used of FP before Yes 162 57.99

No 118 42.01
Do you use FP now Yes 111 39.69

No 169 60.31

If yes which type do you use Oral pills 23 20.35

Injectable 113 40.07

Implanon 18 16.29

Other 1 0.56

If no why I don’t know 83 49.11

Has side effect 28 16.57

Not available 0 0

Not affordable 0 0

Not allowed by our 22 13.02


Refusal of husband 20 11.83

Other 16 9.47

Do you want to use in the future Yes 92 54.44

No 77 45.56

Child & maternal immunization

From the women of reproductive age groups 348 (43.44%) took TT vaccine , among those, 97of them
vaccinated 1x,78’s are vaccinated 2x & the rest are vaccinated 3x and above.

Variables Response Frequency percentage

No of vaccinated infant 76

No of vaccinated infants Having EPI card completed 46 60.53

Not completed 30 39.47

No of women in RAG (15-49) who took TT 348 43.44


If vaccination 1x 97 27.88%

2x 78 22.30%
3x 70 20.07%

4x 44 12.64%

5x 60 17.10%

No of pregnant. mother who took TT 26 100


Child hood morbidity: From 443 under 5 year children, 21 (4.74) became sick within the last 2
weeks and among the total under five children’s only 12 (2.93) undergone uvulectomy.

Table 4 childhood morbidity at cachment area of Angacha health center, Angacha woreda,SNNPR,

Variables Response Frequency percentage

No sick < 5 yr children with the lost 2 Yes 21 4.74
No 422 95.25

In under 5 No uveleactomy 13 2.93

No tooth extraction 0 0

No of FGM 0 0

No of totos 0 0


9.72 M



<5 5..15 15-49 >50

Figure 8 Number of sick individuals within the last 2 weeks at catchment area of Angacha health center, Angacha woreda,
SNNPR, Ethiopia 2016.

Variables Response Frequency Percentage

No of sick individuals within the last 2 <5 M 12 16.67

F 9 12.5

5-15 M 4 5.56

F 13 18.05

15-49 M 7 9.72

F 16 22.72

>50 M 1 1.39

F 10 13.89

Table 5 morbidity within the last 2 weeks at catchment area of Angacha health center, Angacha woreda,
SNNPR, Ethiopia.
Among 83 sick individuals in the last 2 weeks the highest perceived cause of disease was pneumonia 24
(28.91%) and the list 8(9.64%) cause was unknown. Majority of the individuals 36 (80) seek health care
at health facility.

Variables Response Frequency percentage

Perceived cause of disease Typhoid 17 20.48

Malaria 20 24.09

Pneumonia 24 28.91

Diarrhea 14 16.87

Other (unknown) 8 9.64

Health service seeking Health facility 36 80

Holly water 4 8.89

Traditional health 5 1.32

Magic 0 0%

Other 0 0%

Drug utilization
among 378 respondents who were used drug 372(98.4%) obtained their drug from pharmacy.
from the total respondents 278(95.2%) used properly and the problem that were faced if not
taken properly were , 298(78.6%) of them said that not cure from the disease. of respondents
54(14.2%) were used traditional drug but the rest 324(84.6%) didn't use traditional drug ,(see
table below)

table 1 Drug utilization among respondents in Angacha town ,kembata zone in 2017

Characteristics Frequency Percentage

place of drug they obtained

pharmacy 372 98.4

shop 42 0.5

traditional medicine 4 1.1

other 0 0%

proper drug utilization

yes 360 95.2%

no 18 4.8%

problems if not used properly

not cure from disease 298 78.9%

drug resistance 13 3.42%

relapse 62 21.2%

no problem 4 1.3%

traditional drug use

yes 54 14.2%

no 324 84.8%


from the total respondents 269(71.1%) were heard about mental illness, 205(54.4%) 0F them
were know the cause of mental illness and the rest 169 (44.6%) were not know.87(23%) said
that mental illness were communicable and the rest 291(77%) said that were not
communicable.4(1.06%) mental ill persons were present in total households,199(52.6%) said
that mental illness weretreatable,274(72.5%) believed that mental ill patients should get from
health facility. from total population 25(6.6%) were substance abuse,300(79.37%) believe that
abused cause mental illness





ever heard about mental illness

yes 269 71.1%

no 109 28.7%

know the cause of mental illness

yes 205 54.4%

no 169 44.6%

mental illness communicable

yes 87 23%

no 291 77%

presence of mental ill person

yes 4 1.06%

no 96 98.9%

mental illness is treatable

yes 199 52..6%

no 179 47.35%

place of getting treatment

health facility 274 72.5%

religious 102 27%

magic 0 0%

traditional healers 2 0.5%

other 0 0%

use of substance abuse

yes 25 6.6%

no 353 93.4%

cause mental illness

yes 300 79.3%

no 78 20.6%


from 378 total respondents 348(92.6%) were know about trachoma, from those who know
247(65.3%) said that trachoma is transmitted by poor environmental sanitation ,180(47.6)%
poor personal hygiene,297(78%) of respondents said that trachoma was preventable, and
197(50.1%) said that trachoma were prevented by environmental and personal
hygiene.355(94%) of respondents said that they had no trachoma from themselves or from
their family.

table 3 respondents character about eye disease in Angacha town kembata zone 2016.

characteristics frequency percentage


know about trachoma

yes 348 92.6%

no 30 7.9%

transmission of trachoma

poor environmental sanitation 247 65.3%

poor personal hygiene 180 47.6%

contact with other 31 8.2%

by flies 43 11.4%

prevention of trachoma
yes 297 78%

no 81 21.4%

how we prevent trachoma

environmental $ personal hygiene 1 97 52.1%

by modern medication 96 25.3%

by traditional way 2 0.5%

heal by itself 2 0.5%

presence person having trachoma

yes 23 6%

no 355 94%

maternal feeding style

from total 509 women in the reproductive age group 449( 88.2%) had no symptoms of anemia
from those 60 (11.7%) who have symptoms of anemia 27( 45% ) 0f them had blurry of vision
and from total women of reproductive age group 469( 92.1%) had no signs of anemia. from
total 133 individuals 88(66.1%) were used iron. from total 26 pregnant mothers
--------------------------------------------------------from total 113 lactating mothers 60(52.6%) were
eaten three times per day. px--------------------------------and 106(93.8%) had no diet that could not
eat during pregnancy and 459(90.1%) had no difficulty of looking during dim light

table 4 maternal feeding style of angacha town kembata zone in 2016


characteristics frequency percentage


presence of symptom of anemia

yes 60 11.7%

no 449 88.2

symptoms of anemia
blurry of vision 30 50%

tinnitus 10 16.6%

easy fatigability 9 15%

palpitation 5 8.3%

vertigo 6 10%

sign of anemia

yes 40 7.9%

no 469 92.1%

usage of iron

yes 88 66.1%

no 35 34.9%

duration of usage iron

1month 19 21.6%

2month 14 15.9%

3month 39 44.3%

greater or equal to 4 16 18.1

Frequency of feeding per day during pregnancy

two times4 15.3

three times 18 69.2

four times 2 7.7

four or more 2 7.7

Frequency of feeding during lactating

two times 4 3.48

three times 60 52.6

four times 32 28.1

four or more 18 15.7

diet didn't eat during pregnancy

yes 8

no 18

diet didn't eat during lactating

yes 106 93.8%

no 7 6.1%

Difficulty of looking during dim light

yes 50 9.9%

no 459 90.1%
Childhood feeding under 2 years
Among 113 lactating mothers 88(79.65%)start breast feeding within one hour after child birth and all of
them didn’t give anything before starting breast feeding. Most mother 97(85.84% )gave colostrums for
their baby.about79(69.9%)mothers feed breast milk for their baby.

Character frequency % percentage

Starting to feed beast milk after birth

Within one hour 88 79.7%

After one hour 23 20.4%

Not at all 0 0

Give anything before breast feeding

Yes 0 0

No 113 100%

Do you give colostrums?

Yes 97 85.8%

No 16 14.2%

Do you feed breast milk only?

Yes 97 85.8%

No 16 14.2%

If yes for how long

For<6month 0 21 18.6%

For 6month 79 69.9%

For>6month 13 11.5%

Frequency of breast feeding per day

<8 times 35.4 %

>=8 times 73 64.6 %

Type of complimentary food

Soup 66 61.67%

Porage 33 30.9

Family dish 8 7.5%

Complementary feeding material

Bottle 39 45.0%

Cup or spoon 48 55.0%

Currently on breast feeding

Yes 76 71.0%

No 31 29.0%

Duration of breast feeding

<2years 89 83.2%

>=2years 18 16.8%

MUAC for children

<11cm 4 2.8%

11cm—12cm 70 49.3%

12.5cm—13.5cm 60 42.4%

>13.5cm 8 5.6%

Bilateral pitting edema

Yes 0 0
No 142 100

Family feeding style

Most of the respondents (59.52%) were used non-iodized salt and also 80.2 %(303) of respondents
add salt during cooking watt. Maximum respondents (94.2%) used closed material to put salt.


Character frequency percentage


Type of salt used

Table salt 57 18.78%

Non-iodized salt 178 59.52

Iodized salt 65 21.7%

When did add salt

During watt making 303 80.2%

After watt making 75 19.8%

Placement of salt

In closed material 356 94.2%

In open material 22 5.8%

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