My Daily Routine

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I usually wake up at 5 am to go to
school, shower, put on my uniform,
have breakfast, take my dog for a
walk and then leave for school,
which is about 10 minutes away.
During the morning
I enter to study at 6:15 in the
morning until 10:00 am I have a 30
minute break, and I study there until
12:00 noon, in the whole day I see 4
to 3 subjects, where some last 2
hours others 1 hour and so on during
the whole morning.
In the afternoon
for about 40 minutes we have time
for lunch, or to go to the bathroom
and rest so that at 1:00 p.m. we enter
our middle school classes, there we
learn throughout the afternoon and
we also have our 30 minute break
with snack, we leave these classes at
5:30 p.m.
In the night
after coming home from
school, I spend a little time
relaxing, change, start doing
my homework, help with
some cleaning, put on my
pajamas, pack my bag, and
go to bed to sleep.

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