DA Forum The Power of Blood

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The Power of Blood

Unknown Poster

Power of Blood: Way of the Mage

Classes: Mage
Requirement: You must be a Grey Warden and have Constitution 3 or higher.
Novice: You can take a major action to inflict a wound on yourself. You inflict 1d6 penetrating
damage on yourself and you recover mana points equal to the damage. Any excess points above your
maximum are lost. (This power is very similar - but no equal - to the blood mage's specialization
novice degree; in particular, the blood mage generates mana to cast spells immediately, whereas this
power only allows the mage to recover spent mana points.)
Journeyman: Your tainted blood becomes a weapon. You can take a major action to inflict 1d6+3
penetrating damage on yourself to inflict 1d6 + Magic points of penetrating damage on a visible
target up to 25 yards away. If the target makes a successful Constitution (Stamina) check (TN 15) it
takes only 1d6 points of penetrating damage. Darkspawn always take +1d6 damage from this attack.
Master: Your tainted blood gains maximum potency. When using the novice degree of this talent you
recover 2d6 points of mana (while suffering only 1d6 penetrating damage). When using the
journeyman graduation of this talent the TN to resist increases to 17 and the damage if the target
fails the check increases to 2d6+Magic (1d6 on a successful resistance check). Darkspawn still take
+1d6 damage.

Power of Blood: Way of the Rogue

Classes: Rogue
Requirement: You must be a Grey Warden and have Constitution 3 or higher.
Novice: You can take an activate action to inflict 1d3 penetrating damage on yourself to enter dark
passage mode. In this mode you gain a +2 bonus on all Dexterity (Stealth) checks and can move your
Speed without penalties while in silence.
Journeyman: You can take a minor action to inflict 1d6 penetrating damage on yourself to use your
tainted blood as a poison to cover a blade, arrow or bolt. The weapon deals +2 points of damage
until the end of the encounter. You take 1 penetrating damage per round while in this mode.
Master: While using the novice degree of this talent you gain +3 (instead of +2) on Dexterity (Stealth)
checks. While using the journeyman degree of this talent the additional damage increases to +1d6+2.

Power of Blood: Way of the Warrior

Classes: Warrior
Requirement: You must be a Grey Warden and have Constitution 3 or higher.
Novice: You can take an activate action to inflict 1d6 penetrating damage on yourself to enter blood
thirst mode. In this mode you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage, but suffer 1 point of
penetrating damage on the beginning of your turn every round. You can finish blood thirst mode
with another activate action. It also ends automatically if you are rendered unconscious.
Journeyman: You use the power of your tainted blood to create a bloody explosion around you. You
take a major action to inflict 1d6+3 points of penetrating damage on yourself. All opponents up to 2
yards from you must make a Strength (Might) check (TN 15); those who fail take 1d6 damage and are
knocked prone. Those who are successful suffer the damage but are not knocked prone.
Master: While using the novice degree of this talent you also receive +1 stunt point for combat
stunts every time you receive stunt points (not role-playing or exploration stunts). While using the
journeyman degree of this talent the TN to resist increases to 17 and the damage increases to 2d6.

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