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Shaft Sinking in Canada & South Africa:

A Multi-National Perspective

Roy S. Slack, P.Eng.

Member – Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy & Petroleum
President - Cementation Canada Inc.

Originally presented at the Canadian Institute of Mining Conference in

Montreal, May 2003
Abstract Canada and South Africa, and although specific
This paper is an overview of past, present and projects may be mentioned, this paper is not
future trends regarding the science and art of meant to describe a preferred method, but rather
shaft sinking. It is well recognized that shaft prevalent methods in the industry.
sinking is a critical part of the mine development
cycle in terms of both capital cost and schedule. Due to the magnitude of the topic, the
More than ever, underground deposits in Canada methodologies presented are necessarily dealt
require early access via surface shafts or internal with in a brief manner. The intent is to examine
shafts. Major existing Canadian producers are similarities and differences between shaft sinking
going deeper and shaft access is often the only practices in both countries. It is also recognized
viable option. that many countries have contributed to the
advancement of technologies in shaft sinking,
Historically the South African mining industry has and that many areas of the world are very active
sunk more shafts and deeper shafts than any in further development of these practices.
other area of the world. Recently a number of
Canadian operations have undertaken or This paper is also presented from a Contractor’s
considered shafts to similar depths as those that perspective as service providers to the mining
have been sunk in South Africa. industry at large and is specific to mining and
mine exploration.
The challenges facing shaft sinking in Canada
have often differed from those of South Africa,
however as Canadian operations go deeper there A Brief History
are many parallels and opportunities for Shaft sinking dates back to prehistoric times,
technology transfer between the two industries. however the limitations that were present then
are still being dealt with today. Rope technology
This paper will review the various challenges of and hoisting power have dictated the depth that
shaft sinking in both countries, and how shaft we could sink and operate shafts through the
sinking practices have evolved to address those ages. Ancient shaft projects were hand
challenges. Such challenges include safety, excavated and typical maximum shaft
ground conditions, water inflows, schedule dimensions of 2m diameter and depths of 30m.
demands, heat stress, regulations governing (Stringer, 2002)
sinking and skilled manpower requirements.

The present state of shaft sinking is reviewed as

well as Cementation’s efforts to recognize,
develop and employ specific technologies and
approaches in both Canadian and South African
shaft sinking projects.

A brief review of the challenges of the future and

where the industry is heading is also presented.

Finally it is important to recognize that despite the

technologically advanced equipment, systems,
and methods of shaft sinking that we have today
and will develop in the future, shaft sinking is an
art as well as a science. The skills to utilize all of
the technology are dependent on the experience,
desire and drive of the people involved in all
aspects of the process.

Introduction th th
From the 15 to 17 century shafts grew in
This paper will review vertical shaft sinking dimension to 3m diameter and 60 m in depth with
methods by conventional drill and blast methods the introduction of early pumping technologies
in Canada and South Africa. There are many th
and in the 17 century the application of
areas of study such as mechanical excavation gunpowder.
methods and inclined shafts, and special
applications such as freezing and tubbing, which With the industrial revolution and the advent of
have not been addressed in this paper. Since this steam power the mechanization of hoisting plants
is a broad overview of shaft sinking practices in and the availability of iron and steel tools meant
that there was a much greater demand for certain The Project Process & Contractor Selection
metals, as well as the means to access them. The project process includes a number of steps
Shafts grew to 4m diameter and up to 300m in that have substantial impact on the cost,
depth. In South Africa in 1897 a 4 compartment schedule and makeup of the final product. From
timber shaft was sunk to a depth of 727m. the concept and feasibility studies, through to
(Thompson, 1970) evaluation of options and a decision on the path
forward, the process of initial engineering is
critical to the success of the project.

It is well worth the time for the mine Owner to

develop a procurement strategy to find the
Contractor who is best suited to meet the goals
and requirements of the project. The selection of
a Contractor can be carried out in a number of
ways throughout the course of the planning and
procurement stages of a shaft project. The
sooner a Contractor is involved in a shaft project,
the more likely that the specialist knowledge that
Contractors have, can be used to advantage in
defining realistic budgets and project schedules,
and determining optimum methods and designs
conducive with installation and performance.

In both Canada and South Africa in most cases

shaft sinking is carried out by Contractors who
specialize and are experienced in such work. In
South Africa, due to the volume of shaft sinking
carried out, some mining houses have developed
their own internal specialist groups. Until quite
Major innovations in the last century including recently Anglo American had Shaft Sinkers,
advances in hoisting technology, wire rope which was a well recognized shaft sinker in South
manufacture, the application of grouting, Africa. In Canada Noranda had a contracting
explosives technology and the mechanization of division, Mining Corp, which was active in shaft
the sinking method have all helped contribute to sinking and mine development until its closure in
our ability to sink deeper and faster. Today shafts the late 1980s. There are still internal specialist
in the order of 9m diameter are being sunk, and groups in operation today in both countries,
the deepest single lift shaft sunk to date is the although when it comes to deep vertical shafts
South Deep main shaft in South Africa at 2991 m. the work is most often contracted out. In general
the shaft work volume of any one operator in
Canada does not warrant an in-house specialist
Underground Access by Vertical Shaft group in this area.
There are a number of options available in
selection of access methods for an exploration or Typically the Contractor is selected by a
mining project. Such options include ramp tendering process. In Canada this process
development, inclined shaft, or vertical shaft. ranges from firm price bidding on a well defined
Typically exploration or production in operations scope, to the bidding of a concept to establish a
of less than 300m in depth can be reasonably commercial arrangement that will allow the
carried out by ramp access. In South Africa the Owner and Contractor to work together to design
use of inclined shafts has been frequent due to and build the shaft facility. In almost all cases the
the flat trending reef deposits, which lend Contractor is expected to provide design and
themselves to inclined shaft access. Many supply of temporary equipment.
inclined shafts are still in operation and
development today. In South Africa the traditional tendering process
has involved the Owner supplying shaft design
In Canada open pit and ramp access operations and providing certain equipment and
were sometimes supplemented with a shaft. consumables that will be used. The Contractor
Deeper and larger shafts were being sunk in the would supply the balance, as well as labour and
1950s however the standard was the smaller supervision. As Owner’s look for innovative
timber shaft. Larger shafts (by Canadian approaches and minimizing their contractual risk
standards) like the Geco No.4 shaft , a 1310m they have given the Contractor’s more latitude in
deep shaft of 6.55m diameter completed in their equipment and approaches.
1965, were the exception rather than the norm.
The criteria for Contractor selection is consistent shafts with timber was last seen in the 1960’s.
in both Countries. Owners are interested in a South African shafts in the Witwatersrand area
safe and cost effective sinking project that is often encounter large volume water flows and
completed in good time with a realistic schedule. methane, hence cover drilling and cementation
Each project has various other criteria for bid (grouting) is standard procedure in shaft sinking.
evaluation. In an operating mine that is The introduction of grouting by Cementation in
expanding or sinking an internal shaft, the ability the early 1900’s, which was followed by major
to work with the Owner’s crew and coordinate shaft sinking projects in the 1930s allowed for the
material handling and waste removal is sinking of many shafts in this area that were
paramount since disruption of production is not previously impossible to sink due to water
an option. It bodes well within the mining industry inflows.
world wide to see the safety of the operations
and the Contractor’s safety performance as one Water inflows are experienced in Canadian
of the key parts of the selection process. shafts but not to the same degree as those in
South Africa. The exception would be the Potash
shafts of Saskatchewan, which had to pass
Shafts in South Africa and Canada through the Blairmore formations ( a zone of
South Africa is a country of 1,219,912 square water bearing unconsolidated and poorly
kilometers and a population of 43,650,000. Within cemented sands, silts and shales). Many of these
this relatively small area there is more mining shafts were sunk in the 1950s and 60’s and
operations and more mine production than applied ground freezing or tubbing lining methods
anywhere else in the world. The country has a to control water inflows. These shafts were
mature mining industry and is recognized as a typically 4.8 to 5.6m diameter and were sunk to a
world leader in many aspects of mine operation depth of 1200 m.
and development. Mining represents 7.5% of the
GDP and the industry employs 2.6% of the
working population. It is estimated that in the time
period of 2000 to 2004 a total of 78 Billion Rand
($14.95 billion CAD) will be invested in mine
capital projects and development. (Chamber of
Mines SA, 2001) In shaft sinking the South
African industry has sunk more, and deeper,
shafts than any other country. At this time in
South Africa there are 7 vertical shafts being
sunk, and in excess of 150 shafts in operation.

Canada, one of the largest but at the same time

least populated countries in the world, has a
wealth of natural resources and is recognized as
one of the leading countries in hardrock mining.
With an area of 9,976,140 square kilometers and
a population of 31,900,000 , the Canadian mining
industry (excluding oil and gas) contributes less
than 1% to the GDP and employs about 2.4% of
the working population. Capital projects including
exploration are estimated at $5 billion Cdn (26
billion ZAR). (Bouchard, 2000) Canada has 5
shafts being sunk and approximately 100 shafts
in operation.

As a general comment, South Africa sinks more

shafts, larger shafts and deeper shafts than
Canada. South African shafts are typically Canadian Timber Shaft
circular concrete lined. Finished diameters
commonly vary between 6 and 9 meters, with the Canadian shaft design has been a mix of
larger being for men and materials, and the rectangular timber shafts and concrete lined
smaller for ventilation duty. Shaft depths of shafts. Even recently major timber shaft sinks
between 1500m to 2000m are considered have been undertaken including Dome No.8 shaft
normal, with deep shafts of 2800 to 3000 meters at 1615m deep in 1984, Golden Giant mine in
the extreme. (Douglas and Pfützenreuter, 1997). 1986 (initially 1146m, recently deepened), and
Early South African shafts were rectangular the Macassa shaft (2217 m deep) in the mid
“timber” shafts however the practice of equipping 1980s. As recent as 1996 the Kinross Hoyle
Pond shaft ( 815m deep) in the Timmins area In Canada the larger and deeper shafts in the
was sunk as a 4 compartment rectangular timber past ten years have been sunk full face with
shaft. The larger and deeper shafts by Canadian electro hydraulic drill jumbos, either slung down
standards are in general circular and continuos or stage mounted. Mucking is carried out with
concrete lined. Diameters vary from 4.9m up to either Cryderman style mucking units, or a cactus
7.6m and are usually dictated by ventilation grab arrangement.
requirements. The deepest single lift shaft in
Canada is Agnico Eagle’s Penna Shaft at their South African methods have been incorporated
Laronde mine at 2240m in depth and 5m in into many Canadian shaft sinking operations,
diameter, the shaft was completed in 2000. Some with mixed results. As a general observation,
Canadian operators are presently contemplating where the method has taken into account
shafts of 2800 to 3000 metres in depth. differences in shaft size and labour contingent,
the project has been successful, however
wholesale adoption of South African methods in
Safety North America has never achieved the
This is a topic of paramount importance to shaft performance and success of the South African
sinking Contractors and to mine Owners. The operations.
shaft has long been recognized as a work area
that has all the hazards associated with work Recently the typical Canadian sinking plant
underground, but those hazards are compounded arrangement was setup for a shaft sinking project
by gravity and working at heights. in South Africa, and was unsuccessful. The
project was completed with a more traditional
In general, the global mining industry has South African approach.
improved the safety of their operations
substantially. A fundamental change in approach Canada has gained much from South Africa’s
from acceptance of past performances, to a substantial shaft sinking experience. It is only in
focused effort on analysing and proactively recent years that some Canadian practices have
addressing problems, has led to a large reduction gained the attention of South African shaft
in accident rates. Realization that the industry sinkers, particularly in areas of mechanization.
can change was probably the largest single factor
in improving. The shaft sinking profession has The Shaft Sinking Cycle
improved in line and more so than the global Although different projects have some unique
trends. In Canada accident ratings are in line with characteristic, often governed by ground or water
statistics for operating mines. In South Africa problems, the sinking cycle for most conventional
accident frequency ratings are lower than in shaft sinking operations includes drilling, blasting,
removal of the blasted rock (mucking), ground
support, concrete lining placement, and
Canada, and systems and training are well installation of services.
developed. South African operations still must
deal with the severity of accidents and the Drilling
occurrence of fatalities, which mar an otherwise Hand held pneumatic rock drills, also referred to
positive performance, and are currently the as pluggers, or sinkers in South Africa, made
primary focus of the industry. There is no doubt their first appearance in South African shaft
that these occurrences will become a thing of the sinking in 1919 and had a marked influence on
past in the near future. shaft sinking. These were two man machines
with jack-hammer action and axial water feed
with hollow drill steel. By far the predominant
Shaft Sinking Methods shaft drilling method in South Africa was by hand
The development of sinking methods of Canada held pluggers. The South African operations used
and South Africa, and the main differences of the two man machine and typically would have
those methods, are largely influenced by a few 50 men on the shaft bottom operating 25
key factors, those being: pluggers or more and drilling 7 to 8 holes per
• Depth of shaft machine. As many as 36 pluggers have been
• Plan area of the shaft excavation used simultaneously on the shaft bottom.
• Legislated regulations (Thompson, 1970). The drill pattern would be full
• Demographics and cost of labour face to a depth of 2.5m and would use a burn or
A typical 6 metre South African shaft sinking pyramid style cut. With the amount of throw the
project today would have a cactus grab mucking working stage would have to be raised 70m or
system coupled with a sling down pneumatic drill. more above the bottom to protect it from blast
A Typical Shaft Sinking Cycle in South Africa A Typical Shaft Sinking Cycle in Canada

The use of drill jumbos in the USA attracted By 1990 drill jumbos had been used on a number
interest from both Canada and South Africa. The of shaft projects in South Africa, and although
concept of a sling down drill jumbo was of they were a proven technology, were not the
interest, however in South Africa the jumbo predominant method. These jumbos were sling
productivity would have to better 25 drills and down units and the number of drills on a jumbo
would have to pay for itself in a market with a was limited by the ability of the hoist to lift the
relatively low labour cost in relation to North unit, and by the physical size of the openings in
America. The capital for the initial units was the stage through which the unit would have to
relatively high as well. South African shaft sinking pass. By the 1990s it was recognized that
first used drill jumbos on a major shaft excavation jumbos provided enhanced productivity per
in the late 1970s where a 4 boom sling down manshift and reduced costs per metre sunk. The
pneumatic unit was used to sink the Cooke drilling depth of 3m matched well with cycling two
No.2A 6m diameter vent shaft. Stage mass 3m deep rounds per day. One of the main
limitations at depth to keep within rope load constraints was the capital requirement, where
factors favored sling down units. The simpler the initial cash outlay for the equipment was
pneumatic drifters were preferred as the air was substantially more than the plugger method.
already at the shaft bottom for the cactus grabs
and blowover. Following this experiment a 6 Today the drill jumbo has by and large
boom Gardner Denver unit was employed on the superseded hand held drill sinking methods in
Cooke No.3 shaft, a 9m diameter shaft of 1373m South Africa. Drill jumbos of 7 booms and
in depth. The crew size for this job was reduced capable of 6m drilled rounds are in use.
from 57 sinkers per shift to 24 sinkers per day. Pneumatic drills with hydraulic booms are the
(Chadwick, 1983) Despite the drastic reduction norm, and well suited for the often wet conditions
in manpower, the savings in labour costs may not encountered in South African shafts.
have offset the capital cost of the drill rig at that
time. With much higher labour costs, and much smaller
shafts, Canadian and North American shaft
drilling evolved differently to the South African
industry. The typical drilling equipment for many
years in the industry was the plugger, a single
man jack hammer style drill that is still in use
today. Where the shafts were mainly rectangular
timber shafts, a benching technique was used to
drill half the shaft bottom to a depth of 2.4m,
resulting in an equivalent break of 1.2m of shaft
per blast. With less room for drills, and more
expensive labour, shaft drilling crews would be
anywhere from 4 men up to 9 men per shift.

In 1951 St.Joe Minerals used a 4 boom shaft

jumbo to sink a shaft at their Missouri operations.
As early as 1962 they experimented with a
South African Sling Down Pneumatic Jumbo specialized cut boom on their shaft jumbo, to
effect a burn cut to remove the fly rock
associated with the traditional pyramid cut used
in full face sinking. (Roscoe, 1983). In 1963 allows a reduced number of booms (and their
Cementation used a 10 boom Ingersoll Rand associated weight and size) to drill the same
jumbo fitted with pneumatic drills to sink the Geco bench. Through the 1990s further development of
No.4 shaft. the electric-hydraulic jumbo has helped
overcome some of the challenges of electrics in a
wet environment, and safety hazards and
maintenance of the units. The systems still
struggle with very wet environments, an
important consideration in looking at the
application of this equipment in South Africa.
Today single boom and two boom electric-
hydraulic jumbos are designed to drill up to 6m
rounds. In most Canadian shafts two booms will
provide the coverage required to drill the shaft
bench. Additional drills are incorporated to speed
the cycle and provide redundancy. Jumbos can
be slung down or can be resident in the work
platform, both methods have been used
successfully. Sling down jumbos can be set on
the shaft bottom or hung in the work stage.

Blasting & Blowing Smoke

The predominant shaft blasting method in South
Africa has been full face methods, with a burn
cut, a wedge or pyramid cut. A typical bench
drilled by hand held pluggers would be drilled to a
depth of 2.3m, with 180 to 240 holes required.
Expected break would be 2m. holes of 41mm
diameter are drilled. Since the shaft sinking
bottom is wet, from either ground water or drill
water, suitable explosives are required. This
precludes the use of ANFO or any of the less
expensive blasting agents. The traditional
explosive was a nitro based explosive 60%
ammon gelignite. The control of the shaft wall
overbreak is important in reducing the amount of
concrete placed for lining as well as the amount
of rock hoisted to surface. This must always be
balanced against the time to drill and the risk of
Sling Down Two Boom El-Hyd Jumbo in Canada the shaft being under excavated, resulting in
chipping of tights. Various methods have been
Drilling in Canada saw the introduction of shaft employed over the years to try and control this,
jumbos in a number of projects through the including decoupled loading of perimeter holes,
years. The main restrictions were the same as and reduced spacing between holes on the
those encountered in South Africa, room to sling perimeter.
the unit down and ability of the hoist to lift the
jumbo. With smaller shafts and hoists of limited The introduction of the shaft jumbo in South
capacity the use of a 4 or 6 boom jumbo was not Africa provided a larger diameter hole and the
feasible. There were some shafts that utilized drill ability to drill deeper rounds. The initial shaft
jumbos or modified jumbo arrangements (Dome jumbos were designed to drill 3.4 m rounds. The
No.8 shaft, Macassa No.3 shaft). In 1987 Atomic number of holes is reduced due to the diameter
Energy of Canada Ltd. (AECL) commissioned a and for a 45mm diameter drill hole a pattern of
shaft sinking for their research facility in 100 to 120 holes would be typical. Today typical
Manitoba, where two single boom electro- shaft jumbo rounds are 3.5m in depth with some
hydraulic jumbos were used. Although not a experimenting done to date on up to 6m deep
traditional shaft sink in many respects, it did rounds.
prove the viability of using electro-hydraulic
jumbos in a shaft sinking environment. Since that The use of a sling down jumbo, which sits on the
time many Canadian shaft sinking projects have shaft bottom, makes the center portion of the
used electric-hydraulic jumbos. Typically an shaft inaccessible to the jumbo. Some units have
electric-hydraulic drill can double the a down the hole hammer in the center of the
performance of a pneumatic jumbo drill, which jumbo allowing a stab hole to be drilled. Cut
holes look in from the base of the jumbo, creating The explosives are delivered to the shaft bottom
a combination burn cut/wedge cut style blast in a metal container and the explosive is pumped
pattern. This allows a long round but also creates from the pot into the blast holes. The use of this
throw so still requires the work platform to be explosive results in fewer holes than were
moved up to 70m to be safe from flyrock. required before, a faster loading time, and better
In Canada the timber shafts, and some circular
concrete shafts, have been sunk using benching. Mucking and Cleanup
By drilling half the shaft and blasting, the blast Early shaft sinking was mucked by hand into
creates a sump that muck and water can collect buckets (kibbles) of various sizes and shapes.
in, leaving the free face clean to drill on for the The main limitation yesterday, today, and
next blast. The depth of the round is dependent tomorrow is hoisting capacity, which is governed
on the shaft size and geometry, a typical bench by two principal factors, hoisting capacity (rope
being 2.4m in depth. Plugger drilling would result pull and speed), and rope capacity.
in anywhere from 30 to 60 holes per blast
depending on the shaft size. This technique Mucking by hand was the prevalent method in
tends to throw the muck toward the sump, since it South Africa until the early 1950’s, at which time
is a slashing method. This allows the shaft crew the mechanized mucking equipment known as a
to bring the shaft timber closer to the bench than pneumatically powered cactus grab was
with a full face open cut method. Explosives introduced for sinking the Vlakfontein No.2 shaft
employed were similar to those used in South in 1951. The shaft is a 7.3m diameter shaft that
Africa, a nitro based explosive designed for wet was sunk to a depth of 2103m. Introduction of the
conditions. mechanical unit resulted in a substantial
reduction in required labour. Typical hand
As noted previously, as early as 1962 the mucking crews were in the order of 300 men per
benefits of a burn cut were recognized in day, however the Vlakfontein shaft reduced that
reducing throw of the blast and eliminating work contingent to about 160 men with mechanical
platform travel time in the sinking cycle. The mucking, and set sinking advance records of
AECL project experimented with and proved on 178m in one month. (Thompson, 1970) The
an experimental basis the burn cut for full face success of the method was obvious and it has
shaft sinking. The method was further developed become the standard mucking system in South
at the Falconbridge TL and Craig shafts in the African shaft sinking.
late 1980’s.

Today the full face sinking approach in Canada

with a true burn cut is well established. The burn
cut can be drilled with the shaft jumbos or in
some cases with a separate “cut” jumbo, most
often a longhole type of drill designed for a larger
(150mm to 200mm) cut hole. The cut jumbo can
be resident in the stage or can be slung down.

Emulsion Pot Canada

In the mid 1990’s the application of emulsion

explosives for shaft sinking was tried in Canada
Cactus Grab Mucking System South Africa
and was successful. Since that time shafts in
Canada have used emulsions for shaft blasting.
The cactus grab system is ideal for circular shafts In the late 1980’s OJ Industries manufactured an
greater than 6m in diameter. Grabs of .56 m3 alternative to the Cryderman. The OJ shaft
capacity are recommended for shafts of 6m to mucking units came in 3 sizes, including the
8m diameter, and the 0.85 m3 grab is for larger “Brutus” a 0.57 m3 unit with a longer boom reach.
shafts. (Douglas and Pfützenreuter, 1997) This system allowed the use of larger buckets,
and had a higher mucking capacity per hour.
In South Africa where shafts diameters are larger
than typical Canadian shafts, there is adequate
room to mount a cactus grab lashing under the
work stage, and at the same time not limit the
bucket diameter. This unit requires approximately
2m in the center of the shaft.

In North America Eimco (USA) introduced the

Rocker Shovel Loader (over shot loader) in
1938, and the machine went into wider use in
underground mines in the 1940s. Due to the size
of the unit it could be used in shafts greater than
5m excavated in length or diameter. It would load
into a bucket not more than 2m in height. The
over shot loader is still used today in excavating
shaft stations, shaft collars, and some shallow
shafts of large diameter shafts.

Eimco Rocker Shovel Loader

In Canada in the 1950s, when the cactus grab

was gaining popularity in South Africa, the
Cryderman mucker was introduced in Canada. It
was used successfully to muck the MacLean
Shaft at Buchans, Newfoundland (1957) and has
found widespread use since then. The
Cryderman mucker is a pneumatic clam shell
operated on a boom which can pull back up to
3.7m allowing the clam shell to load into a
bucket. This system was a vast improvement
over hand mucking, and although it did not have
the mucking speed or capacity of a cactus grab Cryderman Mucking Unit
system, it had the flexibility of working in both
circular and rectangular shafts, as well as In Canada the cactus grab was also used on
inclined shafts. With smaller shafts being sunk in major shaft projects with shaft dimensions that
Canada, the Cryderman system was an ideal were large enough to employ the unit. In
alternative to the cactus grab. Today the rectangular shafts the riddel mucker, a system
Cryderman operates with a 0.38m3 bucket. One designed to run a grab type unit in a rectangular
positive feature of the Cryderman is its ability to shaft, was also used.
clean the bench due to a fixed boom. The bench
cleaning time with a Cryderman style mucking Since the mucking of the shafts is so critical to
unit is less than a grab system. the overall cycle time and advance rate, it is
common to try and maximize the bucket capacity.
Shaft bucket capacity is a function of the hoist and predict rope problems before they become a
capability and the physical room available for a hazard.
bucket. As a rule of thumb, the bucket height
should be not greater than 1.5 times the bucket
diameter for stability. This rule has been
exceeded on occasion, however it illustrates the
physical restriction of bucket size. In South Africa
with large diameter shafts, larger buckets were
possible. Bucket sizes of 9 to 10 tonnes were
typical in the larger shafts in the 1970s. In
Canada a 4 to 6 tonne bucket was sizable.
Smaller shafts in Canada also favored a
cryderman style mucker where the unit could be
located at the shaft wall rather than in the middle
of the shaft, and allow a larger diameter bucket.
In the mid to late 1980s bucket sizes in Canada
were beginning to catch up to those in South
Africa with some projects using 10 tonne buckets.

As buckets increase in capacity and height, the

stroke length of the Cryderman style muckers
become a productivity factor. With a 3m high
bucket and a 4m boom stroke on a Cryderman
style unit, the mucking unit will struggle to
maintain productivity.

13.6 tonne Buckets with Grab in Canada

In Quebec hoisting regulations have recently

changed to match current South African
legislation regarding production hoisting. This has
been driven by Agnico Eagle, where they have
recently completed the deepest shaft in North
America. It is not a coincidence that when
contemplating a shaft of this depth they looked to
South African practices and technology.
(McLaughlin, 2000)

Similar changes to legislation have recently been

Two Cryderman Style Muckers in Canada enacted in Ontario as well. Neither of these
changes directly refer to or effect the regulations
In Canada the use of a Cryderman style mucker, pertaining to shaft sinking, however the
although not as productive as a cactus grab, reasoning behind the changes is equally
often made good sense based on the physical applicable to shaft sinking and it is probable that
dimensions of the shaft. changes to the shaft sinking guidelines will be
enacted in the near future.
As shafts go deeper, and hoisting equipment
continues to evolve, larger buckets are becoming As we go deeper, the trend in both countries is
more commonplace. In both South Africa and larger capacity hoisting plants in both rope pull
Canada buckets of 15 tonne capacity have been and speed, and larger buckets. This is happening
used. With deep shafts of large diameter, the now, and the we may find that the mucking
main restriction on rope end load is the capacity systems we have used for the past 50 years may
of the hoisting rope. The allowable capacity of the not keep up with new hoisting equipment.
rope is dictated by the legislated safety factors for Without doubt the mucking portion of the sinking
hoisting. South Africa has more detailed cycle is the most time consuming and we will
legislation in this area, and recently has allowed continue to optimize mucking systems.
dispensation on safety factors where the
operators demonstrate that they can provide As mine Owners look at deeper shafts and tighter
systems to continuously monitor rope tensions timelines in Canada, the shaft design, plan and
size must consider the sinking equipment as well the form to be set, and it is set to a very close
as the permanent furnishings. tolerance by shaft alignment systems. Once the
curb ring and panel are set the pour is scribed
Lining off, meaning that a floor is built off of the curb
All shafts of any size or depth in South Africa in panel to support the pour. In South Africa bunton
recent memory have been concrete lined. boxes, nut boxes or chair plate backers can be
Although there have been some recent timber cast in place. In Canada a threaded insert is the
shafts in Canada, larger and deeper shafts are most common design for securing shaft
and will continue to be concrete lined. The furnishings. The curb ring and panel is 750mm to
general design and placement systems for 1m in height and will take anywhere from 10 to
installing shaft lining are similar for both 15 m3 of concrete depending on shaft diameter
countries. and excavation profile.

The lining serves a number of purposes, the main In South Africa the concrete supply is usually
ones being: from a batch plant on site, often adjacent to the
• To provide passive local support of the shaft shaft itself. Batch plants of 20 to 30m3 per hour
wall; are typical. Placement is through a slick line, a
• To seal the shaft walls; vertical pipe in the shaft dedicated to concrete
• To produce a smooth shaft wall of low transport. The pipe is a 150mm diameter heavy
aerodynamic resistance and; wall pipe that is connected by flanges and
• To provide a precisely located surface to fix aligned with a plumb line to be vertical. Often two
services and shaft furnishings to. lines will be present to provide some contingency
for a plugged line. Concrete falling in a pipe
Although many timber shafts have been sunk in undergoes some segregation and a remix is
Canada, it is recognized that a concrete lining attached to the bottom of the line to allow the
reduces shaft maintenance, especially for deeper concrete to remix before being distributed into
shafts and may eliminate critical down time in the two distribution hoses. The hoses feed a
main shaft access. distribution system on the work stage that
provides hose feed into the forms.
The lining is usually a 20 to 30MPa 28 day
compressive strength concrete. Design thickness The concrete required for a slickline placement
of 250mm to 300mm is a typical specification and method usually requires a spread of 500 to
is more a requirement of the physical installation 600mm. Super plasticisers are employed to
and excavation techniques and embeddments improve flowability and cohesion of the mix and
than of any ground control requirements. Pour to achieve early setting of the curb ring. Calcium
heights are often determined by set spacing, chloride is a common additive for this purpose.
which ranges from 5 to 6m in most shafts sunk Aggregate grading is critical and usually specified
today. within an envelope having a maximum of 20mm.

In Canada the same systems are used with some

minor differences. The slickline is most often a
Victaulic style coupling rather than a flanged
arrangement. Canadian systems use a remix
“boot” at the end of the slickline that has one
hose. The use of calcium chloride is rare in
Canada and is not used in shaft concrete,
although the use may result in some costs
savings. In certain areas where it is available,
flyash is used to reduce cement content and
concrete costs. On some projects a site batch
plant is constructed, and on others local suppliers
use mixer trucks to deliver the concrete. In
Canada the trend is to restrict pouring to day shift
to maintain a constant crew.

Some projects in Canada have used concrete

buckets to transport the shaft concrete to the
South African Batch Plant forms. This requires a large bucket capacity and
can result in better quality control of concrete
The systems of placement are by a shaft form since segregation is minimal. Rates of placement
which is of two principal parts, the curb and the are said to be competitive with slicklines, and the
mains. The curb ring and panel is the first part of need for one or two pipes in the shaft are
eliminated. Bucket transport of concrete for the drilling, which reduces the amount of ground
shaft lining is rare in South Africa, since in South support in the critical path time of the cycle.
Africa mucking is often carried out concurrent
with pouring of the mains. Bolt specifications vary from project to project,
however it is usually temporary support being
A fundamental difference in placement methods installed and the pattern and selection of
between the two countries is how the shaft pour materials takes into account speed of installation,
fits into the overall sinking cycle. In South Africa rather than longevity.
while lining is poured mucking is carried out,
usually. This concurrent activity helps to reduce
the effect of pouring on the sinking cycle, and
also reduces the urgency, and therefore the
batch plant capacity required for pouring the
mains. In Canada the shaft pouring is done to
completion before other work is continued,
making the pouring of the mains as critical as the
mucking or drilling cycle.

Ground Support
Although horizontal stresses do vary
considerably from region to region in South
Africa, the stress differential encountered is
typically less than that experienced in the
Canadian Shield. Deeper shafts in Canada and
particularly in the Canadian Shield are more
prone to bursting ground at depth. INCO shafts in Ground Support Installation in Canada
the Sudbury area (Creighton No.9 Shaft and
Victor) became active at depth of about 1000 In Canada the deeper shafts are sometimes
metres, and destressing methods were subject to rock bursting. Various methods of
employed. The Macassa shaft in the Kirkland destressing have been employed, the most
Lake area was particularly active (as was the common being drilling of destress holes. Usually
mine), and this is most likely due to the very high a hole is drilled twice the length of the round and
stress differential in this area. the toe of the hole is blasted with the round, to
destress the area directly below of the round.
Temporary or permanent ground support over
and above the concrete lining is often required. More common in South Africa is the requirement
Usually the shaft walls will require a certain time for cover drilling to encounter and deal with
period to relax before applying the concrete potential water inflows prior to exposing a water
lining. The grab system of mucking requires the bearing structure. For both destress drilling and
shaft concrete to be back approximately 15m cover drilling the shaft jumbo has reduced time
from the bottom, providing ample time for the and effort required to drill these holes.
shaft walls to incur any initial movements prior to
concreting. This means that there is 15m of Equipping
unsupported ground above the shaft bottom. The The installation of shaft furnishings and services
ground conditions may dictate bolts, screen or is a critical part of the shaft sinking process. The
other support techniques. In some cases fine alignment required for shaft steel requires
shotcrete has been applied and may see more engineered systems and a controlled and
applications in shaft sinking in the near future. systematic approach to checking, jigging, aligning
and rechecking shaft steel installations. Typical
The main method for installing ground support in alignment requirements are to accuracy of +/-
both countries is by hand with hand held drilling 3mm in plan and elevation.
During sinking certain services are required for
In difficult ground some projects have gone to the shaft sinker, including a concrete line,
pouring to the bench, however this method is not compressed air, service water, and ventilation
generally conducive to jumbo drilling. ducting. These services are installed during
sinking to maintain service to the work stage.
Ground support is part of the sinking cycle,
although with shaft jumbos requiring less than a In South Africa most shafts are equipped after
full crew, additional crew can bolt concurrent with the shaft excavation and lining is completed. The
shaft sinking equipment is brought up to surface
and any ducting or services no longer required It is recognized that the continuity provided by
are stripped out. Although the option exists to equipping after sinking is beneficial, however
equip from the bottom up, the majority of equipping during sinking is a method that has
installations are from the top down. Special certain applications.
equipping decks are installed and suspended in
the shaft for the crews to work from. Certain In Canada shaft steel fabrication and jigging is
installations require a brattice wall, these are most often done by a fabricator as opposed to
precast concrete panels that form a wall to the Contractor or the mine Owner.
separate the shaft into two distinct Comprehensive quality assurance programs are
compartments, allowing the shaft to be a fresh air applied at site to ensure the tolerances required.
and return air system. Installation of a brattice
wall is most effectively done from the bottom up. Labour Utilization
Once the brattice wall is installed crews come Historically the South African mining industry has
back down with separate equipping decks to had low labour costs in relation to North
complete the shaft furnishings. Certain projects American operations, and still does. It is
have installed brattice wall and steel recognized that the gap is shrinking, the cost of
simultaneously from the bottom up. Although not labour on a South African project is more
common, the approach is feasible. significant than in the past. Past practices have
been labour intensive, and operations like
In South Africa, a significant part of the shaft cleaning the bench have not be an issue with
steel fabrication, jigging and drilling is done by large crews to hand muck the clean up. Large
sinking crews on site. drilling crews are being reduced as shaft jumbos
become more commonplace.
In Canada there are two methods for equipping.
The first is to sink the shaft unequipped, as is In South Africa the call out system is sometimes
done in South Africa and installation methods are used to schedule shaft crews. Crews are trained
quite similar. Shaft steel is installed from the top as specialists and are called out as required to
down. work on the part of the cycle that they specialize
in. The mucking crew will be called out when
required and will muck until their work is
complete. The drilling crew will only drill. This
method allows faster and better training of
miners, and allows groups to perfect their areas
of specialty.

In North America the high proportion of labour

cost to the total cost of a shaft project has
pushed mechanization as a viable means of not
only speeding sinking, but also substantially
reducing costs. Since crews are small, each
miner must be versatile and will at one time or
another be drilling and mucking. Often the
concrete pouring crew will be a specialist group
and will be on dayshift. However, when they are
not pouring lining they are required to drill and
muck as well.

Shaft in Canada Equipped During Sinking

In both Canada and South Africa shortages of
specialists are being experienced and both
The second method is to equip the shaft as it is countries are looking at labour shortages in the
sunk, installing steel off the sinking work platform near future and must determine ways to
or off a separate equipping deck. Equipping introduce and train personnel in shaft sinking. In
during sinking can have advantages and South Africa, even though there has been
disadvantages depending on the shaft continuity of shaft sinking over the years, the
arrangement. In smaller shafts where rope volume of work ongoing and upcoming, coupled
guided buckets would have minimal clearance, with requirements for more specialist and
buckets running on fixed guides can be larger. technical support are resulting in skills shortages.
On some projects concurrent level development This is being addressed through extensive
above a bulkhead is carried out. This approach training.
requires that the shaft be equipped above the
bulkhead to allow production conveyances to run In Canada since the volume of shaft sinking
in the fixed compartments. carried out is not great, and the labour
requirements at any one time are not extensive, challenge is the realization that the challenge can
there is a lack of continuity and experienced shaft be met. The task of leaders in the industry is to
sinkers are gravitating towards other mining ensure that the message is communicated in
occupations for some stability and continuity. words and actions, and to obtain a true
commitment from supervision that they believe
Advance Rates: Factors the goal can be achieved.
Traditionally, the South African sinking industry
has attained high rates of sinking advance. In the Depth
1950s with the introduction of the cactus grab, Shafts are going deeper. In South Africa the
and with large crews and hand held drills, peak South Deep project sunk a single lift shaft
performances of 5.7 m per day were being 3000m. In Canada at Kidd the No.4 shaft will be
achieved. With more recent innovations and over 3000m below surface when complete.
increases in mucking rates and bucket sizes, Sinking to these depths provides challenges with
sinking performances rates have not increased, hoisting ropes, heat at depth, and efficient
however the productivity per manshift has hoisting.
increased twofold or more. Average sinking rates
have climbed with average sinking rates, not Ground
including grouting or cover drilling, in the order of With deep mines comes ground support and
5.0 m per day. With equipping included advance control challenges. Lining placement may depend
rates of 4.4 m per day sink and equip are being on when the ground has relaxed as opposed to
acheived. when the cycle is ready for lining. Temporary
support measures will increase, and risks with
Modern day performance rates in Canada have station cutting and special in shaft excavations
achieved short term advance rates of 4.9 m per will increase as well.
day with longer term advance rates somewhere
between 3.5m and 4.1 m per day. For equipped Water
shafts the advance rates are between 3.0m and South African operations have substantial
3.4 m per day. experience in dealing with major water inflows.
The challenges of controlling water will continue.
Some of the differences in the shaft sinking In Canada the inflow of water in many projects is
advance rates between countries could be not a major challenge.
attributed to the following:
• Larger shafts and equipment allow for
utilization of larger buckets and mucking
• Difference in regulations allows larger
buckets and equipment;
• Larger crew sizes result in better
performance with the labour intensive parts
of the sinking cycle;
• Concurrent operations remove certain
chores from the critical path;
• Traditional methods have much shorter
learning curves;
• Experience.

As Canadian sinkers continually optimize their

systems, each project has a lengthy learning
curve to train crews and debug new systems. A
learning curve that takes between 300 to 450
metres of sinking to achieve peak advance Water Inflows in South Africa
reduces the average sinking rate significantly.
Experienced shaft sinking labour is in short
The Challenges supply in both countries. In South Africa with the
Both countries are facing some new and many labour pool and traditional levels of education,
familiar challenges. workers require significant training for semi
skilled and skilled positions. The aids epidemic
Safety will continue to deplete the work force.
The challenge is simple to define and
understand, to eliminate all accidents from the In North America it has been difficult to attract
work place. The first step to meeting any new people into the mining industry. Contractors
and Owners are competing for qualified labour. have been successful on a technical basis but
Since the North American mining industry has not yet capable of the productivity required to
recently gone though a downturn, the upcoming make them economically feasible.
labour shortage has not yet hurt the industry.
However with stronger pricing and a resurgence New technologies for ground support are being
in the gold sector, the existing contracting labour developed for mining that may have positive
pool will not be sufficient to meet future demands. applications in the shaft. Development of spray
on linings and shotcrete delivery systems that are
efficient and remote operated may to eliminate
The Future the ground support cycle from the critical path by
What do we see in the near or distant future for making it a concurrent operation with mucking.
the shaft sinking trade?
South Africa has used the basic concept of
Injury free operations. In South Africa the concurrent operations to reduce the shaft cycle to
immediate and long term goals continue to be advantage. There are opportunities in Canada to
injury and fatality free operations. 15 years ago apply these concepts to help increase the
that was the goal in Canada as well, and we have advance rates. (Douglas, 1989)
made excellent progress. With smaller crews we
are in a better position to train and make safe In 1978 Robbins and Cementation operated a
operations. We have to be committed to zero shaft boring machine which excavated over 260m
accidents in our work places, design and train for of shaft in Alabama. Other blind shaft boring
the long term. As we employ new technologies equipment has been used on a limited basis
we have to be even more diligent in hazard since then, however the method has not been
analysis to ensure we do not learn our lessons developed to a point where it can be applied on a
the hard way. widespread basis.

Deeper shafts which will require more powerful As we mechanize our shaft operations we also
hoists, and advanced rope technology. The create the opportunity for remote operating and
problems experienced to date with sinking ropes automation. If automation and remote operations
(particularly bucket ropes) in ultra deep shafts can remove men from the shaft bench temporary
have not yet been definitively resolved. ground support can be eliminated, and
(Wakefield, Wallace,& Davidtsz, 2000) concurrent activities that would in the past
created risk for crews would become feasible.
In North America a number of advances and
innovations in shaft sinking have been through
the drive and commitment of the Mine Owners. Conclusions
One would expect the shaft sinkers to be driving “The subject of shaft sinking, the most
the innovation process, however without the complicated of all mining problems….”, is the
support and commitment of the Owners, new statement that Mr. J.W. Brough uses to preface
ideas don’t get a chance to be applied in long the book “Shaft Sinking in Difficult Cases”
term operational settings. When a Mine Owner (Riemer, J. 1907).
has many shafts to sink the potential gains from
investing in innovation are evident, however What complicates shaft sinking is the many
major shaft projects happen so seldom in intangibles that many other engineering and
Canada that it is often difficult for Mine Owners to construction disciplines do not encounter. As we
see long term benefits from “experimentation” on continually go deeper the rules of thumb and
their project. experience of yesterday sometimes do not apply,
and we constantly deal with new situations. We
In South Africa the industry recognized that have a mix of sinking methods, which date back
regulations had to expand to recognize the 50 years or more, in combination with constant
degree of sophistication of current and future innovation and new technologies.
technologies. This trend has come to Canada,
where Quebec has made legislative revisions for Within any contracted project, the goals and
deep shafts, and Ontario will follows this year. relationship between the Owner and the
The next step is to define the intent of those Contractor can be the difference between a
revisions as they apply to shaft sinking. South fluently executed project or a struggle to
Africa has taken that step, and Canada is about complete it successfully.
to initiate the process.
As projects become more complex and the rules
The development of non-explosive methods of of thumb change, successful performers of
excavation will result in a continuous system of yesterday do not guarantee success today. The
excavation for shafts. Experimental products old style project manager has given way to a new
breed with skills in various areas and a focus on
satisfying the requirements of all the CHADWICK, J. 1983. State-of-the-art shaft
stakeholders. sinking at Cooke No.3. World Mining Magazine,
February 1983, p. 31-33
Shaft sinkers must foster and reward pride in
workmanship. This comes from recognizing that ROSCOE, R. 1983. In-House Shaft Sinking, Past
the work we do is very special and that very few and Present, at St.Joe Minerals New Lead Belt,
groups around the world who can carry out the Southeast Missouri. SME-AIME Annual Meeting,
projects that our Clients have entrusted us with. 1983, Paper No. 83-58

We need to recognize that we must continually McLAUGHLIN, B. 2000. Productivity from Deep
improve. Each successful project should be a Shafts, Using Technology to Lower the Rope
platform to build from. Each difficult project will Safety Factor,
provide lessons for future success. We need to
develop a knowledge base and some continuity WAKEFIELD,T.E., WALLACE,I.J., & DAVIDTSZ,
to benefit from past experiences. With the volume P.J. 2000. Rope experience gained from sinking
of work in South Africa, there is a wealth of the South Deep main and ventilation shafts. Mine
knowledge and experience that will be of benefit Hoisting 2000 SAIMM, p. 139-146
to Canadian operators in the future. And as DOUGLAS, A.B. 1989. Planning for Productivity
South Africa continues to mechanize operations, in Shaft Sinking. SAIMM Colloquium: Shaft
Canadian operators can make contributions as Sinking: Current Practices & Future Trends,
well. With every project we gain experience and Paper 11
see new techniques and methods that may help
us to operate safer, faster and more efficiently. RIEMER,J. 1907. Shaft Sinking in Difficult Cases
(Translated by J.W. Brough), Published by
The Art of Shaft Sinking is the successful Charles, Griffin and Company Ltd. London
combination of engineering and experience with England.
an understanding of the human element of the
work. It comes from a passionate pursuit of
accident free workplaces. It comes from a pride
in the work we do and a realization that we are
among the few in the world that can do this.
Knowing that despite all of our excellent systems
and designs, that the perfect process won’t be
successful without the people who believe in
what we are doing and are committed to
achieving our goals.

STRINGER, N., 2002. Ultra Deep Shaft Sinking,
Presentation to the Institute of Civil Engineers –
London. Unpublished

THOMPSON, M,H., 1970. Shaft sinking and

equipping techniques. SAIMM Hoisting
Conference, Paper 2


1989. Overview of current South African vertical
concrete shaft construction practices. IMM Shaft
Engineering, p. 137-154


2001. South African Mining Industry Fact Sheet

BOUCHARD, G. 2000. Mineral Exploration,

Deposit Appraisal and Mine Complex
Development Activity in Canada. Canadian
Minerals Yearbook 2000. Chapter 3,

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