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Miercoles, 19 de Julio de 2023, 08:48

( Miercoles, 19 de Julio de 2023, 09:28

( 0:39:16.900040

25.00 / 40.00

6.25 / 10.00 MEDIO SUPERIOR

Pregunta 1
Puntúa 0.00

sobre 1.00

Choose the most suitable sentence / Escoger la opción más adecuada
_________________when people are two minutes late for an appointment.
Seleccione una alternativa:
I don't mind it
It makes me angry
It makes me happy

Pregunta 2
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Seleccionar la opción correcta según corresponda el contexto de actividades finalizadas (pasado simple):

They _________ when you _________ for remote control.

Seleccione una alternativa:

weren't listening / asked
listened / asked
weren't listening / were asking
aren't listening / were asking

Pregunta 3
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Read carefully and choose the correct material to complete the sentence.

This _________ necklace is perfect for me. But it’s $3,000!

Seleccione una alternativa:

a. cotton
b. wool
c. gold
d. leather

Pregunta 4
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Seleccionar la opción correcta según corresponda el contexto de actividades finalizadas o interrumpidas (pasado simple VS pasado continuo):
He _____________ when his father came home.
Seleccione una alternativa:
did cook
was cooking
were cooking

Pregunta 5
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Match the sentences / Empata las oraciones

Relacione la opción correcta:

 Possibly he knows

Who Broke The Windows

I don't like people

Get Angry Easily.

I told the story to anyone

Who Would Listen.

Pregunta 6
Puntúa 0.00
sobre 1.00

Seleccionar la opción correcta según corresponda el contexto de actividades finalizadas (pasado simple):

Sylvia _____  when she  _____   the DVDs.

Seleccione una alternativa:

ran / dropped
was running / was dropping
ran / was dropping
was running / dropped

Pregunta 7
Puntúa 0.00
sobre 1.00

Maria is a really good student. She’s very_________.

Seleccione una alternativa:

a. smart
b. friendly
c.  thin
d.           tall

Pregunta 8
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Choose the correct form.

Where is Marco from?

Seleccione una alternativa:

a. He is from Ecuador.
b. They are from Brazil.
c. We are from Argentina.
d. She is from Brazil.

Pregunta 9
Puntúa 0.00
sobre 1.00

A: ____ they visit their parents last week?


Seleccione una alternativa:

a. Have- Yes, they have.
b. Did- Yes, they did. 
c. Have- Yes, they did.
d. Have- No, they didn't.
Pregunta 10
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Read each one of the questiona and match with their answers.

Relacione la opción correcta:

Where do you work?

I Work In A Big Hospital.

What is hobby?

It Is Dancing And Painting.

Who is your best friend?

It Is My Mother.

What do you do?

I Am A Nurse.

Pregunta 11 

Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Read and choose the correct option to complete the information.

I like _____________ gold earrings. They look great on me!

Seleccione una alternativa:

a. that
b. those
c. these
d. this

Pregunta 12
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Would you use a relative pronoun or not? / Usarías un relative pronoun o no?

I’m looking for someone ________ I can go on vacation with.

Seleccione una alternativa:

that 

Pregunta 13
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Seleccionar la opción correcta según corresponda el contexto de actividades finalizadas (pasado simple):

Mozart  _____  more than 600 pieces of music.

Seleccione una alternativa:

was wrote

Pregunta 14
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Seleccionar la opción correcta según corresponda el contexto pasado:

 She ran away with her lover, while her husband _____  in Australia.

Seleccione una alternativa:

has worked
was working
had worked

Pregunta 15
Puntúa 0.00
sobre 1.00

Read and choose the correct option to complete the information.

Excuse me. I like _____________ scarf. Can I see it, please?

Seleccione una alternativa:
a. these
b. this
c. those
d. that

Pregunta 16
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Would you use a relative pronoun or not? / Usarías un relative pronoun o no?

you’d probably also like a person _____ is reliable.

Seleccione una alternativa:


Pregunta 17
Puntúa 0.00
sobre 1.00

Select the correct completion for this sentence in past.

 What ____________________ for dinner last night?

Seleccione una alternativa:

a. have you had   

b. have you has
c. did you have  

Pregunta 18
Puntúa 0.00
sobre 1.00

I _____ here for 10 years

Seleccione una alternativa:

a. have worked
b. worked
c. work
d. am working

Pregunta 19
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Seleccionar la opción correcta según corresponda el contexto de actividades finalizadas o interrumpidas (pasado simple VS pasado continuo):

______ you __________ anything when I ______ you?

Seleccione una alternativa:

Did / do / was calling
Were / doing / calling
Are / doing / called
Were / doing / called

Pregunta 20
Puntúa 0.00
sobre 1.00

Seleccionar la opción correcta según corresponda el contexto de actividades finalizadas (pasado simple):

 While Steve ___________ a documentary, he __________ asleep.

Seleccione una alternativa:

was watching / fell

was watching / felt

watched / was falling
was watched / fell

Pregunta 21
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

She has lived in Barcelona _______ 2001.

Seleccione una alternativa:

a. since
b. on
c. for
d. in

Pregunta 22
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Match the questions with the answers.

Relacione la opción correcta:

What´s your name?

My Name Is Sylvie.

What is your last middle name?

It Is Sylvie.

Where is your cousin from?

Carolina Is From Venezuela.

Who is that man?

He Is My Husband. 

Pregunta 23
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Read carefully and choose the correct material to complete the sentence.

Your ___________tie is beautiful.

Seleccione una alternativa:

a. plastic
b. silk
c. silver
d. rubber

Pregunta 24
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Complete la oración según corresponda el contexto:

I don’t like to work with people _________________.

Seleccione una alternativa:

who are too reliable.
that when are too competitive.
that when are too reliable
who are too egotistical.

Pregunta 25
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Read and choose the correct option to complete the information.

I really like those ________ socks.

Seleccione una alternativa:

a. leather
b. cotton
c. gold
d. plastic

Pregunta 26
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Choose the correct answer.

Who does Catherine play soccer with? 

Seleccione una alternativa:

a. She playing soccer with his friends.
b. She playes soccer with his friends.
c. She plays soccer with her friends.
d. She play soccer with his friends.

Pregunta 27

Puntúa 0.00
sobre 1.00

I ______ hard yesterday.

Seleccione una alternativa:

a. studied
b. study
c. has studied
d. have studied

Pregunta 28
Puntúa 0.00
sobre 1.00

Select the correct option

Did you ________________breakfast today?

Seleccione una alternativa:

a. have
b. has
c. had

Pregunta 29
Puntúa 0.00
sobre 1.00

A _________ sitands all day.

Seleccione una alternativa:

a. receptionist
b. security guard
c. office manager
d. painter

Pregunta 30
Puntúa 1.00

sobre 1.00
Match the sentences / Empata las oraciones

Relacione la opción correcta:

I know quite a few people 

Who Don't Eat Meat.

You may give this photograph to anyone

Who Wants It.

She needed someone

Who Would Understand Her.

Pregunta 31
Puntúa 0.00
sobre 1.00

Choose the correct option / Escoger la opción correcta

You can’t trust Alice. She always promises to do something, but then she never does it. She’s pretty ____________.

Seleccione una alternativa:


Pregunta 32
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Choose the correct answer.

Are Marco and  Jenny  students? 

Seleccione una alternativa:

a. No, they are.
b. No, we are.

c. No, they aren't.
d. No, he isn't.

Pregunta 33
Puntúa 0.00
sobre 1.00

Choose the sentence that is not correct / Escoger la oración incorrecta

Seleccione una alternativa:

This is the bank where i was robbed yesterday.
This is the bank who i was robbed yesterday.
This is the bank when i was robbed yesterday.

Pregunta 34
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Match the questions with the answers.

Relacione la opción correcta:

Who´s Allison?

Allison Is My Best Friend.

What´s your favorite school subject?

It Is History.

Do you like your Literature Class?

Yes, I Do.

Are you from Germany?

No, We Are Not. We Are From Spain.

Pregunta 35

Puntúa 0.00
sobre 1.00

Choose the correct option / Escoger la opción correcta

James wants to be an actor.It’s hard to break into the business, but his family is very ________ of his dream.

Seleccione una alternativa:


Pregunta 36
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Choose the correct option / Escoger la opción correcta

That is the place _______ Max works.

Seleccione una alternativa:


Pregunta 37
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Read carefully and choose the correct material to complete the sentence.

I prefer the ________ flip-flops.

Seleccione una alternativa:

a. wool
b. cotton
c. plastic
d. silk

Pregunta 38
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Choose the correct answer.

 Is Pablo at home?  

Seleccione una alternativa:

a. Yes, she is.
b. Yes, she isn`t
c. No, he isn’t.
d. Yes, we are.

Pregunta 39
Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Choose the most suitable sentence / Escoger la opción más adecuada

I like it when_________

Seleccione una alternativa:

people are easygoing and friendly.
when someone criticizes me
when rich people are stingy. 

Pregunta 40
Puntúa 0.00
sobre 1.00

Seleccionar la opción correcta según corresponda el contexto de actividades finalizadas (pasado simple):

We _____  David in town a few days ago.

Seleccione una alternativa:

was saw
did see
did saw

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Universidad Técnica Estatal De Quevedo Todos los derechos reservados 2022 10:40 AM

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