QA Manual - Home Work 2

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Student name Maria Chunys

Lesson 4 Software Testing levels

Product description Application for corporate communication

Application iOS, Android, Web Application
User roles Customer, Admin

User Stories in BDD

Scenario Create Chat room
User has Admin credentials and is allowed to create Chat room for the
project team
Admin accomplishes the following configurations:
1. Presses button 'Create Chat room' in project profile;
2. Selects Users from project team;
3. Gives a name to the Chat room;
4. Selects mandatory settings to a Chat room;
5. Selects optional settings to a Chat room;
Chat room for sertain project team is created. Project team is ready to
Then communicate accordingly to Chat room settings and allowed
Scenario Create To-Do Task from message
Given Users are communicating within personal / team chat
User accomplishes the following actions:
1. User selects the message / text in message that is refered to as
task / assignment;
2. 'Create task' pop-up appears;
3. User does settings to the task (tag / priority / description /
deadline, etc.);
Then Task is added to the task-list and setteled within existing tasks.
Scenario Create User
Application User has Admin credentials and is allowed to create and
manage other users
Admin does the following actions:
1. Selects 'Users' module;
2. Presses 'Create new User' button;
When 3. Fills in User card;
4. Assigns User to Projects;
6. Creates credentials to the User;
7. Saves all the information;
New User with full profile and credentials is created and assigned to
Then the project. User is added to general project Chat room and meeting
room. Log-in link is sent to the user automatically.

Functions Unit Test Integration Testing System Testing Acceptance Testing

Check integration with:
1. User puts in login and password; 1. User profile;
Log In 2. System checks credentials; 2. Project profile;
3. User logs in at landing page; 3. Meeting rooms;
4. Chat rooms;
1. Admin selects 'Users' module; Check integration with:
2. Admin presses 'Create new User' button; 1. User profile;
3. Admin fills in fields in User card; 2. User list;
Create User
5. Admin creates credentials to the User; 3. Project profile;
6. Admin saves all the information; 4. Meeting rooms;
7. System creates User; 5. Chat rooms;
1. Admin selects 'Users' module; Check integration with:
2. Admin selecte User from the list; 1. User profile;
3. Admin presses 'Edit User' button; 2. User list;
Edit User
4. Admin changes in fields in User card; 3. Project profile;
5. Admin saves all the information; 4. Meeting rooms;
6. System updates User; 5. Chat rooms;
1. Admin selects 'Users' module;
Check integration with:
2. Admin selecte User from the list;
1. User list;
3. Admin presses 'Delete User' button;
Delete User 2. Project profile;
4. System asks to confirm the action;
3. Meeting rooms;
5. Admin confirms the action;
4. Chat rooms;
6. System deletes User from the DB;
1. Admin selects 'Users' module;
2. Admin selecte User from the list;
Check integration with:
Reset User Password 3. Admin selects 'Change password' flow;
1. User profile;
4. Admin puts and confirms password;
5. System changes password;
Check integration with:
1. Admin selects 'Project' module; 1. User list;
2. Admin selects 'Create Project'; 2. Project profile;
3. Admin selects users as team members; 3. Meeting rooms;
Create Project
4. Admin puts Project settings; 4. Chat rooms;
5. Admin confirms settings; 5. Folders;
6. System creates Project and sends invitations to Project team; 6. Meetings;
7. Chats;
1. Admin selects 'Project' module;
2. Admin selects 'Create Folder'; Check integration with:
Create Folder 3. Admin puts Folder settings; 1. User list; Need to test full User Flow:
4. Admin confirms Folder settings; 2. Project profile; 1. Create user;
5. System creates Folder and sends access to set Users; 2. Log in;
1. Admin presses button 'Create Chat room' in project profile; 3. Create project;
2. Admin selects Users from project team; Check integration with: 4. Create project team;
3. Admin gives a name to the Chat room; 1. User list; 5. Create meeting room;
Create Chat Room 6. Create chat room;
4. Admin selects mandatory settings to a Chat room; 2. Project profile;
5. Admin selects optional settings to a Chat room; 3. Chats; 7. Schedule meeting;
Need to run detailed test by
6. System creates Chat room; 8. Hold a group / individual
User Stories;
9. Hold a group / individual chat;
10. Add message to To-Do-List;
11. Send To-Do-Task to Trello;
12. Create folder;
13. Upload documents to the
14. Log out;
3. Create project;
4. Create project team;
5. Create meeting room;
6. Create chat room;
7. Schedule meeting;
Need to run detailed test by
8. Hold a group / individual
User Stories;
1. Admin presses button 'Create meeting room' in project profile;
9. Hold a group / individual chat;
2. Admin selects Users from project team; Check integration with:
10. Add message to To-Do-List;
3. Admin gives a name to the Meeting room; 1. User list;
Create Meeting Room 11. Send To-Do-Task to Trello;
4. Admin selects mandatory settings to a Meeting room; 2. Project profile;
12. Create folder;
5. Admin selects optional settings to a Meeting room; 3. Meetings;
13. Upload documents to the
6. System creates Meeting room;
1. User selects 'Create meeting' flow; 14. Log out;
2. User selects participants; Check integration with:
3. User selects meeting Room; 1. User list;
Create Meeting
4. User adds descriptions and time / date; 2. Project profile;
5. User confirms settings; 3. Meeting rooms;
6. System creates meeting and sends invitations;
Check integration with:
1. User list;
1. User selects the message / text in message that is refered to as 2. Project profile;
task / assignment; 3. Meeting rooms;
Create To-Do Task 2. 'Create task' pop-up appears; 4. Chat rooms;
3. User does settings to the task (tag / priority / description / 5. Meetings ;
deadline, etc.); 6. Chats;
7. To-Do-List;
8. Trello;
1. User selects the To-Do-Task in the List; Check integration with:
2. User presses 'send to my Trello'; 1. User account;
Send Task to Trello
3. User selects destination board and list; 2. To-Do-List;
4. Task is sent to Trello; 3. Trello;
1. User presses 'My profile'
Check integration with:
2. User selects 'Status' dropdown;
Set Availability Status to User 1. User account;
3. User selects sertain status;
2. Project team;
4. System sets status unless it's changed manually;
Check integration with:
1. User starts the Chat with other User(s); 1. User list;
2. In-progress chat sends and receives messages / files / links / voice 2. Project profile;
Chat process
messages; 3. Chat rooms;
3. Chat is finished; 4. Chats;
5. To-Do-List;
Check integration with:
1. User list;
1. User starts the Call with other User(s);
2. Project profile;
2. In-progress call sends and receives messages / files / links / audio /
Call process 3. Meering rooms;
4. Meetings;
3. Call is finished;
5. Calendar;
6. To-Do-List;
Check integration with:
1. User selects Log Out;
Log Out 1. User account;
2. System finishes session and logs user out;
2. Availability status;

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