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NSDGA Science Laboratory Manual

Version #0
Effective Date: 08 January 2021
Document Type: Procedures

Document Controlled & released by:

Nuestra Señora de Guia Academy of Marikina, Inc.
14 Washington St. Greenland Subd. Ph. 1 Nangka, Marikina City
Telephone: +63 933-7729, +63 997-8198
Nuestra Señora De Guia Academy of Marikina, Inc.
Proprietary Statement & Copyright Notice

This document is proprietary to Nuestra Señora de Guia Academy of Marikina, Inc. All ideas and information
contained within the Quality System is the intellectual property of Nuestra Señora de Guia Academy of Marikina,
Inc. These documents are not for general distribution and are meant for use only by the person (s) they are
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any means of information storage outside of Nuestra Señora de Guia Academy of Marikina, Inc. information
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Revision and Review History

Ver. Effective Annual Review Authored/ Approved Change Description/Result of

No. Date Date Reviewed by by Review
0 08Jan2021 Riza Marjorie T. Apple B. ❑ Initial Release
Sabades Olita


ENGR. PAUL GIAN B. URRUTIA VP for Operations - Greenland

ENGR. PATRICK GENE B. URRUTIA VP for Operations - Greenheights

PHILIP JAMES B. URRUTIA VP for Operations – East Rizal

GUIA B. URRUTIA EVP for Academic Affairs

ENGR. FELIPE C. URRUTIA School President

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0.0 Introduction
A school science laboratory is a place where basic experimental skills are learnt by systematically performing a
set of prescribed and suitably designed experiments. Performing experiments by one’s own hands is not only a
thrilling experience but is also important because it entails learning by doing. It also facilitates understanding
the concepts of science. The experiments and project work suggested at the secondary stage intend to develop
basic skills of measurement; handling of some common measuring instruments, equipment and chemicals;
setting simple apparatus; handling microscope and preparing slides; making observations; collecting data and
presenting it in appropriate format; interpreting and drawing conclusions; and preparation of report.

1.0 Objective
The NSDGA Science Laboratory Manual plays a major role for most teachers and students in defining goals and
procedures for laboratory activities. It will serve an exercise to familiarize pupil with the general facilities,
equipment, measuring instruments, chemicals and glassware, specimen available in a school science laboratory.
It is also supposed to help focus observations and the development of inferences, explanations, and other
activities in laboratory investigation.

2.0 Policy
The NSDGA Science Laboratory is organized in a fashion designed to offer a fair opportunity to anyone who is
interested and willing to devote considerable time and effort to achieve basic discoveries in life and physical
sciences. As Principal Investigators, the school reminds the teachers that they are stewards of the institution
when it comes to overseeing various responsibilities pertaining to the students’ laboratory works.

3.0 Scope
This Science Laboratory Manual shall guide all Nuestra Señora de Guia Academy of Marikina, Inc science
officers, teachers and students involved in using the laboratory room. This will also include suggested sources
for equipment and materials, as well as directions for set-up and guiding principles for performing activities.

4.0 Definition

a. Science – It is a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged
and showing the operation of general laws.
b. Laboratory. It refers to a building, part of a building, or other place equipped to conduct scientific
experiments, test, and investigations.
c. Manual. It refers to a book of instructions, especially for operating a machine or learning a subject; a
d. Apparatus- It refers to a group or combination of instruments, machinery, tools, materials that having a
particular function or intended for a specific use.

5.0 Reference

NSDGA Science Laboratory Manual References

Laboratory Safety Institute

192 Worcester Rd. Natick,
MA 01760 (508) 647-1900

Zahopoulos, C. (2003).
Retired scientists and engineers:
Providing in-classroom support to K-12 science teachers.
In D.G. Haase, B.S. Wojnowski, and S.K. Schulze (Eds.),

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Tobin, K.G. (2004).
Culturally adaptive teaching and learning science in labs.
Presentation to the Committee on High School Science Laboratories:
Role and Vision, July 12-13, National Research Council, Washington, DC. Available
[accessed August 2005].

Olsen, T.P., Hewson, P.W., and Lyons, L. (1996).

Preordained science and student autonomy:
The nature of laboratory tasks in physics classrooms.
International Journal of Science Education,
18(7), 775-790.

6.0 Responsibilities

Responsible or accountable for the completion of or adherence to the document including controlled provisions
if any. The specific name(s) of responsible people should not be mentioned in this section rather use generic
terms such as the position of the individual responsible for a certain task.

1. School administration
• They provide more focused, effective, and sustained professional development
activities for science teachers.
• They also by support substantial financial resources for the tools and apparatuses.

2. Science Officer
• Operate and manage scientific equipment and /or scientific processes in support of others
research or teaching.
• They also responsible for the use and management of laboratory space, collect and analyses data.
• Assist with the preparation and delivery of lectures / Labs or field work .

3. Science Teacher.
• The science teacher plays a critical role in leading laboratory experiences in ways that support
student learning.
• It requires that teachers know much more than how to set up equipment, carry out procedures,
and manage students’ physical activities.
• Teachers must consider how to select curriculum that integrates laboratory experiences into the
stream of instruction and how to select individual laboratory activities that will fit most
appropriately into their science classes.

4. Students
• The role of the students in science laboratory is to performed experiments by their own and follow
the guidelines and rules inside the laboratory.

7.0 Guidelines

Rules and Guidelines in using Science Laboratory:

Working safely with hazardous chemicals requires proper use of laboratory equipment. Maintenance and
regular inspection of laboratory equipment are essential parts of this activity. Many of the accidents that occur
in the laboratory can be attributed to improper use or maintenance of laboratory equipment. Here are the
guidelines and practices when using science laboratories.

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1. Know the locations of laboratory safety places, eyewash stations, and fire extinguishers. The safety
equipment may be located in the hallway near the laboratory entrance.
2. Know the emergency exit routes.
3. Determine the potential hazards and appropriate safety precautions before beginning any work.
4. No horseplay will be tolerated.
5. Post warning signs when unusual hazards, hazardous materials, hazardous equipment, or other special
conditions are present.
6. Avoid distracting or startling persons working in the laboratory.
7. Use equipment only for its designated purpose.
8. Laboratory safety glasses or goggles should be worn in any area where chemicals are used or stored. They
should also be worn any time there is a chance of splashes or particulates to enter the eye. Closed toe
shoes will be worn at all times in the laboratory. Perforated shoes or sandals are not appropriate.
9. No cell phone or ear phone usage in the active portion of the laboratories, or during experimental
10. Report all accidents, injuries or breakage to the instructor immediately. Also, report any equipment that
you suspect is malfunctioning.
11. Ask the instructor to check all electrical circuits before you turn on the power.
12. When working with electrical circuits, be sure that the current is turned off before making adjustments in
the circuit.
13. Return all equipment, clean and in good condition, to the designated location at the end of the lab period.
14. Leave your lab area cleaner than you found it.
15. All injuries, however minor, must be reported to the science teacher and lab officer. The science lab officer
prepares the accident report for record purposes. If the injury is minor, the science teacher and lab officer
give first- aid treatment. If they are not felt confident in administering the treatment, the student should
be sent to the clinic accompanied by another person who is authorized by the teacher.

Rules and Guidelines in handling chemicals in Science Laboratory:

These rules help to prevent contamination of the chemicals and prevent users from having problems caused
by undesirable events during use.

1. Do not return chemicals to their original packaging. An incompatible mixture may accidentally be formed.
2. Keep chemical containers closed. Dust and vapour may escape from an open container, while gases and
suspended material may penetrate this, causing the nature of the chemical to change. This will also avoid
unnecessary exposure.
3. Never use the wrong or an unmarked reagent. If you are unsure about the compound, do not use it. Instead,
have it disposed of (see Disposal of Hazardous Waste).
4. Never use spatulas, stirrers or other objects in what was originally a storage container for chemicals.
Remove the contents by pouring and rolling the contents of the glass into a beaker, watch glass or other
suitable equipment. Spatulas may be used with caution in laboratory reagent containers. Remember the
labelling (see the General Safety Rules).
5. Once removed from the bottle or glass, cork stoppers must be placed on a clean surface (e.g. a watch glass
or other suitable equipment) with the opening facing down. This is to avoid contamination of the compound
and unnecessary exposure.
6. Chemicals must not be carried by the neck of the bottle, nor next to the body. Suitable carrying
arrangements should be employed, e.g. buckets or trolleys.
7. When pouring from bottles, the label should always face upward to prevent any spillage from destroying
the label.
9. Never place any chemicals in the bottle other than the one indicated on the label.
10. Special precautions should be taken when handling concentrated acids. Dilution of acids should be
performed by pouring the acid into water and stirring continuously.
11. Do not taste or intentionally sniff chemicals.

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Preparing Students for Laboratory Work

1. Students must be groomed for laboratory work and experience in order to benefit from them.
2. Students must know why they are expected to participate in an activity and what they will derive from it.
3. Science teachers are expected to facilitate students in arranging pre-laboratory discussion, giving
directions, and post-laboratory discussions.
4. Pre-laboratory discussion must give students the clearest possible picture and understanding of what they
are to do in the laboratory. This will help the students concentrate on what they are doing and make the
experience more meaningful.
5. If special equipment or difficult procedures are involved, the teacher should show the students how to use
the equipment and procedures.
6. Pre-laboratory discussions should be as concise but meaningful enough to thoroughly orient the students
in the laboratory work. Sometimes these discussions are given a day before the laboratory period to give
students plenty of time for the assigned laboratory activity.
7. The directions for laboratory exercises must be explicit and clear. They can be given orally or in written form
or discussed during the pre-laboratory session.
8. Sometimes it may also be helpful to summarise directions on the blackboard that have already been given.
9. Students should present and analyze their data during the post-laboratory discussion. The information can
be analyzed and related to the objectives of the experiment.
10. The post-laboratory discussion is very helpful in broadening students’ understanding the content and
processes of science

Borrowing Procedures and Use of Equipment

The Science Laboratory Officer is responsible for the safekeeping and lending of all pieces of equipment used
in the Science Lab. All pieces of equipment necessary for experiments may be borrowed from the Science
Laboratory Officer

1. The students will get the form from the science lab officer.
2. Students must present an ID and give the form before any lab equipment is loaned.
3. Borrow only the pieces of equipment which are specified in your experiment or are required by the lab
instructor/ science teacher.
4. Carry long pieces of equipment from the stockroom to your room and vice versa vertically. Don’t carry too
5. The borrower and his/her group are held responsible for all pieces of equipment borrowed from Science
6. Pieces of equipment borrowed must be returned upon completion of the experiment.

Breakage, Loss, and Damage to Lab Equipment

1 Breakages, loss, equipment failures, malfunctions or other unusual equipment performance should be
reported immediately to the technician, science teacher, or science officer.
2 The borrower and his/her group members are responsible for the replacement or payment of the broken,
lost, or damaged equipment.
3 In case of broken, lost, or damaged equipment, the science officer is authorized to note down all information
about the borrower which will be necessary for proper documentation.
4 The cost of the damage to the equipment is assessed by the lab coordinator and technicians and a billing
statement is forwarded to the borrower.
5 Students must pay for, repair, or replace the broken, lost, or damaged equipment on or before the date of
agreement; otherwise, they would not be cleared from the lab and not be allowed to use again the equipment.
Furthermore, they would not be given their final grade for that lab subject.
6 Once the equipment has been paid for, replaced or repaired, students would be issued a clearance signed by
science teacher, and the laboratory officer.

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Laboratory Clearance

1. At the end of the experiment, students must return all items borrowed from the lab and secure a clearance
from the science officer.
2. All students must submit their laboratory clearance to their science teacher after performing the activity.
No Grade for the activity may be issued unless the lab breakage has been settled.
3. By signing a clearance, the teacher and the science officer or coordinator agrees that the student:
a. has returned what he/she had borrowed from the lab including glassware, tools, instrument parts, and
b. has settled all obligations (breakage, damage, or loss), if any, in the science laboratory,
c. has cleaned the science lab, working area, sink, locker, glassware, fume hood etc.,
d. has properly disposed of his/her waste, or properly segregated and labeled his/her waste containers.


1. Physics laboratory must maintain an inventory of equipment in the experiment. It is the responsibility of
the science officer to coordinate with the science teacher and submit an updated inventory at the start of
every academic year. This is to be submitted to the OIC head of Nuestra Señora de Guia Academy of
Marikina, Inc. The inventory form can be downloaded at (link)
2. Biochemistry laboratory must maintain an inventory of chemicals used or stored in the science laboratory.
The chemical inventories for science laboratories must be entered into the department’s chemical
inventory database.
3. The teaching lab inventory will be kept by the laboratory officer.
4. The laboratory officer shall take charge of the overall inventory of the Science Laboratories in the Nuestra
Señora de Guia Academy of Marikina, Inc.

Incident Report

All laboratory incidents (exposures, injuries, spills, leaks) must be reported immediately to the science teacher,
science officer, and nurse.
1. The science teacher will report to the laboratory officer to investigate upon notification.
2. If the injury is minor, the science teacher and lab officer give first- aid treatment
3. If they are not felt confident in administering the treatment, the student should be sent to the clinic
accompanied by another person who is authorized by the teacher.
4. Within 12 hours the Lab Incident Report must be completed and submitted.

8.0 Procedure Details

Borrowing Procedures and Use of Equipment

Step Person Action

1 Student ▪ The students will get the form from the science lab officer
2 Science Lab Officer ▪ Get the ID of the borrower
3 Student ▪ Fills out the Student Borrowers Form
4 Science Lab Officer ▪ Lab Officer will prepare the requested apparatuses and give it to the
students once prepared.
5 Science Lab Officer ▪ Write down the borrowed apparatuses in record book
6 ▪ End of Process

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9.0 Records

Any document or evidence that contains information or result of activities performed (if applicable).

1. Request to Borrow
2. Science Laboratory Incident Report
3. List of Laboratory Activities
4. Biochemistry Laboratory Apparatuses Inventory
5. Physics Laboratory Apparatuses Inventory
6. Science Laboratory Chemicals Inventory

10.0 Attachment

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