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Homework 1 Due on 9-8-2023 1

Problem 1.1

k1=5 k5=10

10 lb k6=20
0.5 in
10 lb


For the spring system shown in the above figure, determine the displacement of each node. In
the figure, the unit for the stiffness k is pound (lb) per inch. The left side of the system is
fixed to a rigid wall, while the right side is displaced 0.5 inch to the right. Put a node between
the rigid wall on the left and spring 1. Use the element method to establish the element
stiffness matrix and then the global stiffness matrix. Apply the boundary conditions and the
loads (by modifying the appropriate rows of the matrix and load vector). Solve the set of
linear equations either by hand or using Matlab, Mathcad or Maple. (10 points)

Problem 1.2
Consider a bar with a variable cross section supporting a load P, as shown in the figure
below. The bar is fixed at one end and carries the load P at the other end. Designate the width
of the bar at the top by W1 , at the bottom by W2 , its thickness by t, and its length by L. The
bar's modulus of elasticity is E. Analytically determining how much the bar will deflect at
various points along its length when it is subjected to the load P. Neglect the weight of the
bar in the following analysis, assuming that the applied load is considerably larger than the
weight of the bar.
L 3
W2 4
(a) (b) (c)

MENG 4930/5150 Fall 2023 Page 1

Homework 1 Due on 9-8-2023 2

Use Hooke’s law to show that the force can be related to the extension  of a uniform bar
with cross section area A as follows:
F= 

where E is the Young’s modulus, and L is the length of the bar. Use the above knowledge,
approximate the original problem (a) as a five-element system shown in (b), and then (c),
find the displacements of node 1 to 5. Values for the parameters: E=10.4E6 lb/in^2, W1=2 in,
W2=1 in, thickness t=0.125 in, L=10 in, and P=1000 lb. ) (10 points).

Problem 1.3
Let A = E = P = L = b = 1 , plot the residual represented by Equation 2.15 in lecture 2 for
different values of a1 . Comment on each of these curves about at what point(s) the residual
can be zero. (5 points)

Problem 1.4


The deformation of a simply supported beam under a distributed load p, shown in the figure
above, is governed by the equation
d 2 y M( x )
dx 2 EI
where M(x) is the internal bending moment and is given by
px (L − x )
M( x ) =

Other relevant data are E = 29  106 lb / in 2 , I = 3100 in 4 , L=20 ft = 240 in, p=5000
lb/ft=5000 lb/(12 in).
1) Obtain the exact solution by integration, and find the maximum deflection y max .
2) Assume an approximate deflection solution of the form

MENG 4930/5150 Fall 2023 Page 2

Homework 1 Due on 9-8-2023 3

 x  2  x 
y( x ) = C1   −  
 L   L 
Note that the proposed form satisfies the boundary conditions. Use the following methods to
evaluate C1 and calculate the maximum deflection y max : (a) the collocation method (using
the midpoint of the beam for collocation); (b) the subdomain method; (c) Galerkin's method.
Compare the approximate results with exact solution.
3) Draw the exact solution and approximate solutions obtained from 2) on one figure (as
Figure 2-4 in lecture 2 shows) to show how exaction and approximate solutions look like and
are different from one another. Comment on the solutions ontained using different methods.
(20 points)

MENG 4930/5150 Fall 2023 Page 3

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