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1. There has been much news about redefining marriage...
• State courts in America are considering whether it's unconstitutional to deprive gays
and lesbians of the right to marry
• Courts in Canadian provinces have already approved marriage rights for same-sex
• Some legal scholars are proposing a 'delegalization' of marriage altogether
2. The definition of marriage has been undergoing change for quite a while...
• Most states allow no-fault divorces, permitting remarriage under any circumstance
• Many churches have followed suit; in some denominations the divorce rate is higher
than among atheists and agnostics!
[There has never been a greater need to return to what the Bible teaches regarding the institution of
marriage. When we do so, we learn that it involves two people that...]
1. Ordained by God 'at the beginning' - Mt 19:4-5; Mk 10:6-8; cf. Gen 2:21-24
2. God, not government, joins a man and a women in holy matrimony - Mt 19:6
• The wedding ceremony may vary according to local custom
• Whatever the custom, it is God that does the joining
3. God, not man, defines the marriage relationship
• Who has a right to marry
• Who has a right to terminate a marriage
1. For the single man and woman - Gen 2:21-24; Mt 19:4-5
• Male and female
• Created for union together as one flesh
• Thus biological design reveals that God created the male and female
for heterosexual union, not homosexual union
• A person with a reproductive organ cannot say that God made them
for union with a person of the same sex!
2. For the widowed - Ro 7:1-3; 1Co 7:39
• God joins a man and a woman for life
• Death releases the surviving spouse from the marriage bond
• "Till death do us part" is a vow to be taken seriously
3. For the scripturally divorced - Mt 19:9
• Only one exception is given in scripture for divorce and remarriage
• A person may put away their spouse for fornication, and only then re-
marry without committing adultery
4. [Only God has the authority to dictate the definition and terms of marriage.
Those willing to submit to His definition and terms can be assured that when
they marry God indeed 'joins' them as husband and wife. For those so


5. Many Pharisees thought a certificate permitted any divorce without guilt
• Their interpretation of the Law was amiss - Mt 5:31
• They focused on the mention of a decree - Deut 24:1-4; cf. Mt 19:7
• They failed to note the affect of the woman's remarriage: why the first
husband could not take his wife back even after the second husband
died - Deut 24:4
• The woman's second marriage 'defiled' her, just as adultery is called a
defilement - cf. Jer 3:1; Lev 18:20; Num 5:13-14
1. "The second marriage of a woman who had been divorced is
designated by Moses a defilement of the woman...a moral de-
filement, i.e., blemishing, desecration of the sexual commu-
nion which was sanctified by marriage, IN THE SAME
MENT in Lev 18:20 and Num 5:13,14..." - Keil & Delitzsch
2. "Thus the second marriage of a divorced woman was placed
implicit upon a par with adultery, and some approach was
made towards the teaching of Christ concerning marriage (Mt
5:32)..." - ibid.
3. "If the second marriage of a divorced woman was a moral de-
filement, of course the wife could not marry the first again
even after the death of her second husband... because the de-
filement of the wife would be thereby repeated, and even in-
creased, as the moral defilement which the divorced wife ac-
quired through the second marriage was not removed by a di-
vorce from the second husband, nor yet by his death." - ibid.
• For such reasons God hated divorce in OT times - Mal 2:16
1. It is a treacherous act, covering one's garment with violence
2. Like polygamy, God tolerated it; but it was hurtful to women
2. God permitted the Jews to so mistreat their wives, but no more
• It was allowed temporarily due to the hardness of their hearts - Mt
• But now Jesus requires a higher standard of righteousness - Mt 5:20
• He holds those who divorce without proper cause guilty of causing
adultery - Mt 5:32
3. Note well: government may issue divorce papers, but God may still consider
one married!
• Giving your spouse papers doesn't free them to remarry without guilt
- Mt 5:32a

Marrying someone with divorce papers can still result in adultery! -
Mt 5:32b
1. God approves two reasons for ending a marriage
• The death of one's spouse - 1Co 7:39
• The fornication of one's spouse - Mt 5:32; 19:9
• What about separation? What about abandonment?
1. Separation must be by consent, and only for a short while -
1Co 7:5,10-11
2. Abandonment by an unbeliever only frees one from marital
obligations; there is no indication one is thereby free to re-
marry - 1Co 7:12-16
2. Reject God's Word, and face grave consequences
• God will judge fornicators and adulterers - He 13:4
• They will not inherit the kingdom of God - 1Co 6:9-10
3. Yet where there is repentance one can find grace
• One can be washed, sanctified, and justified - 1Co 6:11
1. The blood of Christ can wash away sin
2. The Spirit of God can help one live a sanctified life
• Though it may mean living a celibate life - cf. Mt 19:10-12
1. Becoming a 'eunuch' by choice, if necessary to accept Jesus'
2. Because the kingdom of heaven is worth any sacrifice
1. Those who accept Jesus' teaching on marriage, divorce and remarriage...
• Have the assurance that God joins them in holy matrimony
• Avoid the sin and trauma of causing adultery or committing adultery
• Can have the hope of entering the kingdom of heaven, though it may mean celibacy
2. Those who reject the Bible's teaching on marriage, divorce and remarriage...
• May have papers saying they are divorced, or married, but God still holds them ac-
• Have no basis for rejecting all sorts of ideas regarding the institution of marriage
• Have no hope of inheriting the kingdom of God, though they may have temporal bliss
Jesus said that those who would be His disciples must abide in His Words and observe what He
taught (Jn 8:31-32; Mt 28:18-20). How will you react to the teachings of Jesus?
"From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more. Then Jesus
said to the twelve, 'Do you also want to go away?' But Simon Peter answered Him, 'Lord, to
whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.'" - Jn 6:66-68
Are you willing to follow Him who has the words of eternal life...?

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