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ment consisting o¢ 25 ns not extingui a, which of the flowing condonatior USN hg 1 debts obligato ton js in a public instrument, 7 a The con is made orally. The condonation involves e ter whose value is P4,000.00, a ation and the acceptance are in a : te oe Tho ‘condonation involves a parcel of ‘aa The condonation and the acceptance are made ora wit the creditor delivering to the debtor simultaneous) the promissory note amounting: to P10,000.00. ly 4 The condonation is ina public instrument. The acceptance is made in a private instrument. The condonation involves a television set worth P20,000.00 acceptan' ‘computer prin 103. In which of the following independent cases is the Payor of debtors debt not subrogated tothe rights of the creditor? 7 msc 900000 The debt is secured by a pledge C.D also owes X, P8,000.0 i ne .00 without the knowledge of D. ati Gorse 7 aes 00. The debt is securéd by a pledge ete Pays C P10,000.00 with the consent 4 Dowes ¢ py 0,000.00 Sowithout the knowledge of D. &. payee Piopag ogi Cbligation is guaranteed by . ithout the knowledge of.D. ‘ye 10.000.00 cash, The parties once, Within one week from thel ed in the agreement on how the © Gated for, S must dtigence 405. 106. ring. If today is A\ Dnorc desnaing the dan Ba® C P3,000.00 with neither the payment shall be applied ich the payment shall apply, a To the debt due i msi pay basis. © the debts due on 20, proportionately at PhD ta ¢ To the debt due on August 25, since it is the most onerous to D. d. To all the debts proportionately at P750.00 each. on August 10, following the “first-due, M executed a promissory note payable to P for P100,000.00 The note, which bears interest at 2% per month, is payable after 60 days. On the date of maturity, P proceeded to M's place to collect but when M demanded the presentation of the promissory note, P could not present it claiming that it had been lost. M_is able and willing to pay the whole amount due including the interest but he is at a loss on what to do because P does not have the instrument. On the other hand, ine does not pay ihe amount due, the interest on the principal will continue fo Acer If you were M, the remedy that you W! ikely avail yours a. dacion en page b, payment by cession c. consignation. 4. application of paym ent. (000.00. Based on £12, ata statements is x, Y and 2 the folowing we é A,B, Cand Dowe? Vie the foregoing 44 incorrect? The obligation There ae 7 dite sh debior | Fae creditor ® o™ 4,000.00. pooe 112 108. 108 110. 1m, ig offce. Although P paid jy 4 te to him a ticket. Along uy ‘a slight injury to Pang to recover damages from the py he See cme il is: us, b co kW © Panna recover any amount because NO ticket was issued. ne ofthe folowing obligations is void. Which is it? aD to give C P50,000.00 if C does not run 100. miles without stopping. b._Dlaghe CP5000000 when D has the means. ¢ —_ Diogive C P50,000.00 if B buys a brand-new car qd Dito give C PSL ri beave 50,000.00 if C runs for barangay chairman Which ofthe flow tee demandabi stone? ts 8 @ pure ‘obligation a DtoallowC to ? Dio alow Cree eo ntl December 31, 2011. pony Use D's car until C finishes his course in give C hi : = ‘ive the cay C2" NO Mention is made when’D. shall Dio Ne C a carifC finishes his Course in Accounting The loan gg, D obtained secured py aed @ loan of P: Payable on Decor d,0? & chattel 100,000.00 from C. Seva aken apg 2, Gorge on D's cas and is Pak teagan fo While heat 28, 2010 the lent ing its engine % ther security Payment? gfOMeVer, C may not nee fault of He, the loss of the Security,» , moreover, is not 412. 113. 114, 145, d. D's loan of gation is Mortgage since onguished a the loss ofthe car was aout te feat A and B are the owne 8 of adj One day, B Jacent pout that B pa oot ek and failed to visit his ae Re, forma tn cave often lt et ny ere el and poultry pens. A did this for ne sexe twee mend returned. A incurred necessa next three days u rand useful expen: to P5,000.00 in the process. . Under the Gememnces 5 oblige peed nema A for such expenses which the latter contract solutio inde rnegotiorum gest. quasi-delict. pose fh XYZ Bank in the amount of draw anytime from the bank. He ion to XYZ bank amounting to 20,000.00 Which has become due, -D wants to withdraw his savings deposit but XYZ Bank informs D that it has ciaimed compensation of D's deposit and his loan obligation. — &. Both D and XYZ Bank may claim compensation B. Neither D nor XYZ Bank may claim compensation. c. Only D may claim ar oppose compensation Only XYZ Bank may claim or OPPOSE ‘compensation. ing ig an indivisible obligation? | 0 3 rendtion tonight of Handel's “Messiah” in @ Theater. b, TK cata eee suring 2 meters wide and 0 te ba js ina tax seminar. 4 4 ee % an saineton ‘oF P100,000.00 in 10. equal © pa D has a savings deposi 20,000.00 which D Which of the a. To.give a.toan of SOOM 7 ‘written contract of the interest of 12% per the interest at the ‘office. On due date, Devera. obtained wal engaged in the DUS? oan shall bea parties provides that ‘annum and shall pe Pe end of 12 months 2! | \ LEE ELE EES = ns 114 116. 117. 118. vc pusiness Office to pay his debt ded ae usrowed no signs that it hag ‘eves proces nadlocked AN" org is now at lOSS On What sent address to him, ‘standing obligation at the 1 Which course of 0 rom C. The parties agreed at the time desire, he ma r constituted that should D so ; Oe eau! land to C by way of dacion en pago to pay Fi ioan obligation on due date. The obligation of D to Cis: ‘a aconjunctve obligation. D borowed P100,000. _analtemative obligation 4. afacuitatve obligation ‘One of the distinctions between a facultative obligation and an alternative obligation is thet in an alternative obligation Only one ting is principally due. b. The right of choice belongs to the debtor alone. © Ifthe obligation to give a principal thing a, Phigaton to give the substitute is also voi | fall prestations except on ae ea possble must si be gore = mmpossibles that which is void, the convicted, ‘sie fos D Was arrested, tried in court and also ordered by the co mn 12 Sentenced to a prison term, D was Cri edteeb nce” Me Carabac. However, the a oC. Dis able to «. & Dis liable ty 3 4 Mecarabag. D has no a death of theo; Whe tever may be the cause of death of iytoe - Baan gene SF May be the cause of the $¢ his obligation to return the 119, 120. 21 De soap which he mixed with cha" © C 10 bags of detergent lk. a The contract enterey t re it because of he necro Deen D and Cis vodabe b. The contracts valid, Tre mete affect the val aud employes by D does nt ane niract but D is obliged to pay c The contract is void because of the fraud ' inthe performance of ns obigaion ie \e contract is rescissile beca i aiffered by @ use of the damages D obtained a loan from C in the amount of P50,000.00. Unable to give cash on due date in payment of his loan obligation. D proposed to C that he would be giving instead his diamond rng to settle his debt C agreed and accepted the ring from D. The new agreement between D and C involved both: a Novation and application of payment. b Novation and dacion en pago. c ‘Compensation and payment by cession 4 Confusion and tender of payment red into a contract whereby Salas rwuine Rolex wristwatches to ssamin that should Salas deliver x wristwatches by reason of in would not sue him for Bersamin accepted the red 5 pieces of fake Rolex a Sate vet ‘of the fraud, Bersamin sues Upon distr tends that he cannot be held liable as conte waived his right to hold him er ted if the reason thereof is the Salas and Bersamin ente would deliver 5 pieces of ge Bersamin, Salas proposed to Bers 5 units of fake pieces of Role ‘on his part, Bersami financial aificulies 0” Ms Pot deliver damages on the (0 Proposal. On wristwatches. Salas for damages: $2! or because Tor damages BECAUSE of Salas. (Salas) liable on financial difficulties a. + Bersamin the y damages: because i (e “financial difficulties of json for the waiver a ER ISR PI LO OAS SP I ES for the annulment of the ‘Salas in, CA" ig yoidable- be Bersarnil. itis void , damages BECAUSE the sue Sales Nonetheless, the contract jg is voic fn 2,000.00 per box from 20,000.00. While to his store, B ods after ther delivery 0 ; ogre 900 ae ing. Upon being informed, § ne box wer promised 10 refund the price of He ys as there was no more stock of "x te val ime, B ordered and received from S shits aval. ns en was also worth P2,000.00 promising ne box of Sibi tee days. On the third day, assuming toa ol yetefunded the rice ofthe undelivered "X" sh be B need not pay S the price. of *Y” shirts by claiming: 2 cansigaion. b . __condonation 4 The folowing are obligations with a term or period, except @ Dito give C P50,000.00 on December 1, 2011 b. Dio ive C P50,000.00 on Christmas day next year © Diogive C P50,000.00 upon the death of C’s father. a Dio give C P50,000.00 if C's father dies within 2 years A and © are lable in solidum to X for 12,000.00, X renou ree She share of A who accepted it. Later, B becomes 8 Xcan collet fom ¢ b 8,000.00 c. ted Colect fom C Pa,000.00 * ar colectrting om spew “ities of “Borden ren suit at the price of P€.500,09 nef ivered to Ace 6 units of Per unit. a, which was priced at ce that the latter 126 ‘27, 128, for the "Remington \ to accept the — ‘Ypewriters ' “ at Pf 2 Cental can eam IPE 8,000.00 only. Ace refused typewriters gi in b. Cental cna bel seats ‘emington" quaity, PEs at c, Central cay typewriters singe ee 2 $0 accept the *Remington® “Borden” typewriters,» °SUEd to pay only the price of the accept the though they are of superior Prime . Engineering Review Center (PERC) stated in the I it cistribues last ansarytht ony reveuee who fans Ra the licensure examinations for engineers this year will receive a cash prize of P150,000.00 a. The obligation of PERC is subject to 2 suspensive condition : b. The “obligation of PERC is subject to a resolutory condition. The obligation of PERC is a pure obligation. igation of PERC is an obl suspensive period. Three of the following statements pertain to natural obligation. ‘Which one does not? ir it of ice. Wis notenforeableinacout ots * with a © d. b ss by reason tion exist é i pororned voluntarily, recovery can no, longer be fe. a. heres jcal necessity t0 perform it in Davao, while C has @ grail D has a rans aD eooved 10S acta Peete nr DSC on fon Dre ne z also wor ys ‘due: 10 sacks of ee Ga ela be customer in pa DNA ‘amount to 1,000.00, Transport cost ‘Cebu amount to pg00.00. 128. 131, ch other since their debys other. i . ‘compensated each each other since their det D and © need 01 Pl except forthe delivery ‘tiene which C must pay 10 D in the amount of P200.99 {P%,000 00 less P800.00) Compensation cannot take payable at different places. 4 D’must pay C 10,800.00, while C must pay 5 41,000.00. owes © P20,000.00 due on March 25. C, on the other hand, ‘owes D the following debts: P8,000.00 due on March 4) 3,000.00 due on March 8, 5,000.00 dué on March 14, and 'P2,000.00 due on March 24. On March 18, C assigned his credit right oe without informing D who learned of the assignment on March 20. On March 2 ssomarton 5, T may collect from D b 2,000.00. helena the assignment made by was without D owes C 20,000.00 at aes he folowing ion March 18. C, on the other hand, om Oe ts: 8,000.00 due Maen oh Mae 8, 5,000.09 due on Marth 14-7 Or 1 giving his, cea is right to T with notice to D but with D collect fem b: to the assignment, On March 15, T can lace because the det : pi bts are caus th the consent ofp,” “88'9Nment made by C was without On Decem ber 4, Colege, engage (e008 Mi Glas 0 cahB°d the Servcos gps. & profes on Decemnc 2 Launain panto Transport fi bees er Mornin 30, 2009, 1@ for the The cota ‘ould start aa Da. celebration = Tora Shoo by the par O'clock in the Prem ri ‘ei ® mises, mies SPecifie led to send a oe 20am eocoek in henae ord {he date, time and puerto Transport agreed upon. 132 133, As a result, Miss Santo: celebration. Ms. Santos ¢,2%4 her ct on the ground of delay ued Lepante ie contrat the lamages its defense, © Perform: because Miss Son seen chimes ne i a. There was no day nae demand." SHY ek any demand, "Y Pause Miss Santos did not make b. Lepanto Transport wa required. ©. Miss anther coer hae obtained the services of rae bus of Lepanto Transport did 4. Miss Santos should have reminded Lepanto Transport from time to time before the aa 1e due date of its obligation to S in delay since demand was not Leveriza, the owner of an apartment, leased the premis Toribio. The terms of the lease provide for a monthly rental of 6,000.00. which shall be paid by Toribio at the residence of Leveriza about two blocks from the apartment. For the month of December, Toribio went to the resience of Leveriza but the latter was not around to receive the payment. Not wanting to go back, Toribio left the payment with Nograles, a neighbor of Leveriza, who promised to give the payment to Leveriza However, Nograles spent the amount he received for himself. Based on the foregoing facts, which of the following statements is incorrect? a The payment by Tort to Nograles is val is a neighbor of Leveriza b, the syment by Toribio is not valid because Nograles was not authorized to receive the et ae c. Leveriza can demand payment from To December rental. d Toribio can go after No: by Nograles. since the grales for the amount misspent (0; Y, P30,00 D owes the folowing folios ass al tis creditors properties (exces The creditors acct ba of an of hie ties for 's prope’ nts is fe S st a Ce Sich of ing. stateme e foreg , incorrect? od of by D is paym, mode of payment valle rent ‘The special mode 2 pon nt 100,000.00 even is released oi i itereis mo stun iabity only'to the extent of rs De een be sence of any stipulation giving him slates did not become the owners of Dy 6 Mees atthe time of ther assignment ‘ mised to give a specific house and lot to * Si des he a eraineion On September 24, 2009, ¢ took the Bar Examination. The result of the Bar Examination ‘which C took.was released on March 26, 2010 arid C passed it, shall be ented to the house and lot: onMay 31,2009 ‘on September 24, 2009, ‘on March 26, 2010. when he receives his rating. sere tems 135, 136 and 137.are based on the follwing information: ‘and B are indebted to X and Y for 10,000.00. A and B share in ir it ante and Y share in the credit in while the creditors a eats ae joint creators? b P2,500.00, § 4,000.00, 4 PA00.00, 136. tow much may X collect ftom A ifthe debtors are joint debtors, 138. 139. 144, A, Band a in the amount without the con renunciation, a. b. c. d. A, x a b. c. B and C are solidary debt tors Fenounces the share of A a A Thereafter, B becom: 124 He Solidary M of P2709 go"8 OK, ¥ and 2 'sent of Mal ‘enounces the whol cee on Tew 2 The debtors accepted the Obligati Only Po09,09 2 on engushed No part of the obigasor 2 the creditors conse" extinguished because not all Only P300.00 is mere renunciation, the amount of 3,000.00. ‘A accepts the renunciation, mes insolvent, C alone will shoulder the A ill shoulder P500.0 C will shoulder only of P1,000.00 A onger shoulder any amount since his share was already renounced by X. A will. shoulder P1,000.00, while C will shoulder 1,000.00, forthe remaining balance of P2,000.00. ‘A, B and C are obliged to deliver a specific horse to X, Y and Z a. b, © a. r (© was cleaning the 9 n dit piece of broken glass fel dow Which was parked De ia be ma around. Sensing that ‘A demand made by X against A, B and C is a valid demand against all the debtors. fa demand made by XY and Z against A is 2 valid inst fone jdarrand is made against al the debtors but rnnot comply with his part of the obligation, nis converted into a monetary obligation to plus damages. their obligation because C is bee liable for C's share of the the pay the value of the horse If the debtors defat insolvent, A and ® obligation. his building when a large oealy hitting the roof of @ car ‘owner of the car, was not ie liable for the damage ned the mess. O, ed, proposed to lass wind , the Wy went down and cle on the car, © immed od al that SPR sp a court " ad seeing that Whe give W P2,000.00 reed tothe proposal and a < ap that W would TO ed the money case is filed: W 29 142. 143. 144, 146, cing facts, wien of te {ONOWING Slatemens 4 on quasi-delict base + di and W is binding on both o, urt despite the agreement. Way tesiy in oot O and Wis voi. “The agreement between a pand Cae soiary debtors oF 2nd Y for P30,000.00, joint creditors. 00 from either A, B jlect 30,000 or ¢ . Threat, he must give to Y P15,000.00 representing the share of Y. collect P30,000.00 from the debtors but not more 5 may9.00000 from each of them. Thereafter. he must give to Y P18,000.00 representing the share of Y. c —_X may collect P15,000.00 from either A, B or C. ‘Thereafter, he is not obligated to give any amount to Y. 4. X may collect P15,000.00 from the debtors but not more than P5,000.00 from each of them. Thereafter, he is not obligated to give any amount to Y. ‘Sa supplier of fresh fish from Lucena City, hiréd-T, the owner of a trucking company, for a fee of P3,000.00 to bring the fish Catch of Sto the Dampa Market in Paranaque City which ordered the fish for a price of P20,000.00. In. so far as Sis Concerned, his prestation in his contract with T is: @ __thesale of he fish, : the: ‘transport of the fish. ‘ the payment of 3,000.00. the payment of 20,000.00. Refer tc 7. Me Preceding number.” In the contract between S and a b s ‘ . Obligor and T is the obligee. ‘ Bohs ane and T is the obj jor. ai Thebans gt Stirs and obligees of each other. D Ati 's the obligee of both S and T. 8 loar le cate hen 22.00.00 from C. Not having any cast tng, gp 2°28, at Cs er him to demand payment, -D offered * 88 Parcel of tang: either D's necklace, diamom nd * all of which D showed to C. © 146. 147. 148, fo dociyat ©, Proposal, by to decide which iter Su fequested however, armeg 2! take. Beat he be given one week i eN orci le week was over, _Fing from D’s house, DY took the necklace and diameed a. D's obligation b Seame a simple obigation to deliver the 4 Bereonal Novation, : 7 sol Pato 00006 to {2 ive the parcel of land or The following are characteris except: a. Only one thing is Principally due. b. The right of choice cannot be given to the creditor. ©. The debtor must give the substitute in case the principal ing is lost due to the debtor's fault before substitution. d. If the principal is void, the debtor is not obliged to give the substitute. istics of @ facultative obligation, D owes C the following debts: P5,000.00 due oh January 1; 7,000.00 on January 5; P8,000.00 due on January 10; 10,000.00 due on January 15; and P5,000.00 due on January 20. By agreemént of the parties, D was given the benefit of the period. As of January 17, D has not paid any of the debts. He has P5,000.00 which he wants eins ccae ily the payment to: D Ty ween the payment to any of the four debts that 47. have become due as of January c. D may apply the payment either to the debt due on : nuary 1 or January 6. Eo may_ apply the payment ony © January 1 the debt due on sume that D did not designate pply._ In this case: 1@ five debts. the four debts that umber ASS Refer to the preceding Me al a the debt He Eins Pepayment to any oft a. of vayment to any of b. C may app te fot Janay 17 424 149. 181. t either to the debt due the paymer” since the amount of th. may ap0lY 0 only sinc Int Of th c Jan he mount ofeach debt, - rat ise at nt to the debt due on January 4 cma : only. il riot also des creditor did not also designate the Asie ed apply. In such a case: yy be applied proportionately to the five fer to No.147. be ‘to which the Pa) ‘a Payment shall b. Payments shall be applied proportionately to the four debis that have become due as of January 17. Payment shall be applied only to the debt due on ‘January 1 since itis the first debt that has become due, 4. Payment shall be applied proportionately to the debt due on January 1 and January 20 since the amount of each debtis of the same amount as the payment. ‘ Decion en:pago and payment by cession are special forms of payment. They are similar in which of the following respects? 2 Onthe number of creditors involved. b. _Onthe-extent of the properties involved in the payment. stipaton brs release completely rom, his Dis indebted to Payment amount '62,000.00. On due date, D tendered 52,000.00 which consisted of the 000.00 bills for .00; ‘and 250 ills for a total of P47,000. refuses ee oF P20.0 Bi for a total of P5,000.00. © nd demanded that D make his bull according to him, the P20. D ma ere otwenient for him to carry, ‘ b 62*ptthe paymene PSvMENt since the refusal by:C 19 i reason for ropa Mtlustied 2 debtor mu; | Rotating to th ist make his payment D may makes Shes of ake his creditor. 20cept the pa° P@VMent in check, 1 cto Convenient gr met Since ie gad ene : most 152. 153. 155, Itis m b. The : e anys entitled tos : ee a the new debter the ~<-.P14,000.00. q Nothing. a D the followin ‘on June 20. C owes te pebls:, P'16.000.00 og, and 3.0000 due on June 18, 09 P6,000.00 due on ne htt X. C mice June 17, C a mk ive his consent there! assignment but X may collect from D: a. © p30,000.00 b. 5,000.00 © 2,000.00 4 fone: the sarne teas ercert ify D about 7 Asse yet XC that D Refer to No. 208: ent ois 20 ent to D to cole ts mse on on aes ese Xe It wa learned of the.assig™ se ae eee Ne A ANS RN 142 210. an 212, The obligation ot Be 2 D proposed to C that T the proposal of D. This n of the debtor is D owes C P: will assume type of novation wh known as: a. Delegacion. b. ——_ Expromision. Objective novation. 4. Subrogation. ‘Assume the facts in No. 210. Assume also that on due date, T ‘could not pay because of his insolvency which was in f subsisting but was not known to D or of public knowledge at the time that he delegated his debt. In this case - @ C can revive D's debt because T's insolvency was, already existing at the time that D delegat bean revive D's debt wh Of T's insolvency since he (D) proposed the sub © C cannot hold D liable because his (O's) obligatt extinguished when he was substituted by T 4. The novation is void because D did rot take steps to Ser™"® the solvency of T when he (D) delegated his Dis obliged to del 5 The day beforethe a. sPetic hese to C for entry in the derby. tight front leg. While fons goat O delivery, the horse broke its a The Ould still walk, it could no longar 2Bigton deter eld no fonger run b. feli Thee hose cou ety? oe is not extinguished Dis n Stor tom ther sou aNished because he can 213. 214 216. 216, 217. 2g, 142 y C P19, obliged to pay D Pro,000 9 o Shot before June 30. Cis compensation on June 159 ‘une 15. Who may claim a. Donly. b Conly c Either D orc. d Neither D nor c. D is obliged to pay C P10,000,09 obliged to pay D P10,000. ‘on or before June 15. C is 00 compensation on June 157°" une 30. Who may claim a Donly. bp Conly, c Either Dor. a. Neither D nor C. A, 17 years old, B, 25, and C, 30, joint from X. How much may X collect from B? a P6,000.00. b. _P4,000.00 00.00 ‘ Neth. because A wes @ minor at the time the obligation was constituted. facts e» Refer to No. 215. Assume the same debtors are bound solidariy. How much may X collect a 6,000.00. b. 4,000.00. 6 2,000.00 , 4. jothing, because ® = 2 obligation was est minor at the time the gosnX On dve dale Bon tent Hom B uch may % A,B and C joi was insolvent. How m 3,000.00. b. 2,000.00 c P1,500.00. d 1,000.00: yme the Refer to No..217. aed debtors are soliarily a 3,000.00: b. 2,000.00. 2 ¢ _P1,800,00, 4 -P1,000.00 liable to X in the amount of P12,00¢, or 2a demanded payment from A but A refuseg . pay. How much may X cotect rom 8? By: "12,000.00 plus damages for delay b. 8,000.00 plus damages for delay. ©. P4.000,00 plus damages for delay. d. 4,000.00 without any damages. 220. Refer to No. 219. Assume the same facts except that A, 8 and are solidly liable to X in the amount of 12,006.00. On due dale, X demanded payment from A but A refused to pay. How much may X collet from B? a, P12,000.00 plus damages for detay b. _ P8,000.00 plus damages for lay. © 4,000.00 plus damages for delay. 4, 4,000.00 without any damages f must reimb 5 SasentotD, use C although C acted without .the D is not required without Ds consent. reimburse C because C acted D must reimt « iburse C because een D and aus there was. an implied 223. 224, 25, 145 D must give a in c NE 8 pay camzges a t= option of Orlando brought his Orlando made sever Goren meet but Remigio did not under returned the typewriter oe." missing. |. Orlando can have the tepair shop with the rey Remigio. Orlando can compe! Remi igio to undertake the repai Orlando can ask for ‘camages for the missing pats ofthe typewriter at the expense of Rr Remig.o for repair ie {298 wo to be one " ve , Remi ewriler, unrepaired and with several parts typewriter repaired by another Pair cost thereof chargeable to Which of the above remedies may be availed of by Orlando? a. b. ©. 4. Allofl, Hand D obtained a loan of P30,000.00 from C with G as guarantor. C, ‘on the other hand, owes G P30,000.00. Both debis are due. | If C sues D, D may successful put up the siches of ‘compensation because © owes G, D’s guarantor. D may not put up the defense of W HC sues D, D may 00! BG dC sues G, G can put uP C owes him 30,000.00. 'g debt to G are extinguished by compensation because C Both D's debt toc and C legal compensation. tne foregoing statements: In your evaluation of a Land iilare tue. b, Wand IV are tue ©. Vand IV are tue. ii are true. 4. land able at once, except an 3 are = jon antecedent ‘an oblgtion with a conalton not to do an impossible thing, o rowing statements are presented to you: 7 Itmay or may not happen. italways refers to the future. it may refer to a past event unknown to the parties. it marly fixes the time for the efficaciousness of an obligation. In your evaluation ofthe foregoing statements: a. andl refer to period b. nd Il refer to-condition. ¢ and IV refer to condition. 4 and IV refer to period 22r. The cer has 3 ght othe fs of he hing rom the time: 2. thething anit ts nave actualy been delivered, & the obligation to deliver te thing arises e the payment of he pce of the thing and its fruits has 228. One of the followin, suspensive eect Wining oetgation with a period with a ar pie give you ning Vanvary tote as meni -28.eapbort “Iwill give you P5,000.0 «Mish yourlaw course” 0 per month as support until you give you P5,000.0 a Phyeical xaninater ey month for your medicines if ee give you P5,000.00 Says you are sick.” = able to find were» oe Pe" Month as support until you 230, 231. 232. 233, 234 an alternative o a facultative obliga” a conjunctive obligan Refer to No. 229. As, 1. Object 1 and Obj the followin, ject 2 are = In your evaluation of ‘extinguished in the foregoing statements, D's obligation is a both land b. neither | nor ce lonly a Wonly D owes C 20,000.00 with G as guarantor, C, on the other hand, owes D, P15,000.00. Botn debts are already due but O is insolvent. “In this case ~ a C may collect from G P20,000.00. ' b. may collect from G 5,000.00 because a guarantor an set up compensation 2s regards what the creditor may owe the principal debtor c may collect nothing from G because D's insolvent d C may col ct P15,000.00 from G. itor all the It transfers to the person taking the eT i aoe foe third persons, be they guarantor a b. ‘Subrogi c. Transfiguration. 4. Transformation sented to you: a These statements 2" oat Sn obligation oa pais in | A stipulation tT hipore ig egal ‘currency ot! ae exis 25 9008 28 A cashiers tender. : , g statements “ foregoins 238. 236, 237, 238. Both statements are cai Both statements are false. Only Statement| is true. Only Statement I! is true. ditors and/or tw. ce of two oF more cre Or Wo of rome and the same obligation, the obligation ig there is @ CO ‘more debtors a med 10 prs rdvidual and collective. b—solidary. cc. _jointand several dint, A, Band C are joint debtors of W, X, Y and Z, joint creditors, in the amount of P24,000.00. In this case, W,can demand: @ 8,000.00 from A, P8,000.00 from B, and P8,000.00 from C. b. 24,000.00 from either A, Bor C. © 2,000.00 from A, P2,000,00 from B, and P2,000.00 from. 6,000.00 from either A, B or A, B and C are solidary d Pano, 6,2 selday debiors of X int a b. c a. amount of Insolvent, how much may X collect from B?. 20,000.00, P45.000.00, AB and c 80,000.00. Ate Solidary debtors of x was constituted, 60,000.00, b. cP, & - P20,000.00, “onita paid 20,000.00. ‘Sresa_ paid Carmina Owed the amount of 240. 241. 242. 149 a Teresa can g Donita cannot m2"4 P200,009, on the ft PY: Teresa can ton and if b. Teresa e mortgage because spent, claim Teimbursement fo ° Teresa can na without Donta’s Known en der ita’ Donita cannot pay 180.000 00 from cone if Mortgage on the jt”' Te"8S2 cannot’ forecioss, "the Carmina if Donita ref mount of 200,000.00 from uses to reimburse Teresa D borrowed P50,000.00 from, Cc. 000. Not having sufficient cash pay ihe debt, D proposed to Pay the debt by giving his ed fing. (C accepted the proposal and received ihe ing a D's obligation is extinguished by payment by cession, 'on is extinguished by consignation. : ion is extinguished by dacion en pago. D's obligation is not extinguished at all because the Payment should have been in cash, aos Legal compensation will not take place it a. the debts have different due dates. b. the debts are payable at diferent places. ° there is a controversy or retention involving one of the debts. commenced by third persons and communicated in due time to the debtor. a both debts consist in a sum of money. following debts: P3,000.00 due on July 1, Ps0G8 00 due on dy 6, P200000 due on dy 8, ard 2100.00 due on July 25.1 day is uy 22 and, D gies -P 2,000.00 to C but nther-he nor C indicates He Sete the payment shal ar. Peaster ern a. The debt due ony 128 b. 2 debts in partial ‘July 15 in full payment, ments made. c, To the debis de or a proportionate at i ively. jonately it a ePeae debs operon ‘uy 6 and July 15 0.00, and P40000, the ratio of 5:2:2. 243, 244, 245, 246. / obiigation? . ic eno MFG does not fy to the moon 1 aiveC P50; © P50,000.00 if D wi yet bought the sweePs © P50.000.00 it marries C P50.000.00 if. marries ¢ oom 4 ‘Diogve mC. ‘The debt is payable after 6 : Svea rae Wa chattel’ mortgage on D's growing ment due date, the crops Were completely destroyed by Typhoon *Ondoy.” . i Ds oblgaton to pay the loan is éxtinguished, b. _ C may now demand immediats payment of the loan unless D furnishes another security. cc. _C must wait for the due date before hé.can demand payment because the loss of the s@eurity iS, without the faultof D. : 4. Both the loan obligation and the chattél mortgage are extinguished due to fortuitous event. * M obtained a loan of P50,000.00 from P,, The-loarj 1s evidenced by promissory note executed by M with G signing as a guarantor ofthe debt. P assigns the note to A, Ato BB t Ato B, Bto C.,and C to,G. The assignment ofthe note to G extinguished, © #'* ‘ bboth the loan and th . ‘only the loan. para f only the guaranty. a" 4. Neither th ¥ it ie credior © O20" the guaranty with G now as the new M makes an : 100,000.00 a ‘eating promissory note amdunting to promis 1) note conten the order of P. The back of the OB. BIOC, and Cio Wen lowing indorsements: —P to A, A eee In possession of the note amounton ty to collect but he finds R in He gote based on a power his favor by C.-M is now 6. Fay to R because a, Of the personaly of ¢."® 28M of C, hej ‘ Go to on Hy ofc, » he is an extension nd Consignation, “SPOS the payment. by way of d. ——_JUSt ignore the two, Conflicting claims, Its not your fault that they have 247. When the debtor binds himseit means: 4 The obligation is void b: 0 cause pal is Oo) upon acondton ats poets const '€ obligation is valid; but the ask the court to fix the Cotelnamencl te } period for the payment of the {0 pay as soon as he has the Obligation. c The obligation is void because there is no meeting of minds between the parties as to an essential element thereof. 4 ‘The obligation is suspended until the debtor has the means to pay his debt. 248. The obligation of a school to provide its students a safe and secure environment and an atmosphere conducing to learning is an obligation arising from (SD, na c quasi-contract d. quasi-delict.. ented 0 yOu! A ip obligations not to do. od to the debtor, never to the jing statements: In your evaluation of the forego sta Both statements 2 Both statement Ove © Only Statement] 6 Only Statement ected OF 2 oe The principle of 12 a ihen the, PO abandoned person of the principal debtor or of guaranty. joney and another debt which ing are extinguished by legay thi unable jave the same amount ang as both debts h sts in a cons ensation as long ready de. et in money exceeding PS,000.00 to be ndonation of equites thatthe condo rument F issn of the principal obligation carries with it the jon ofthe accessory obligation. sion which takes piace in the person of the guarantor jishes the principal obligation A ies may agree upon the compensation of ‘debts that are ue. -ompensation takes place by operation of law even if the re payable at different places. nsation cannot be set up against. a creditor who has Support by gratuitous title, . n may take place by changi it notte cba by changing the object or principal d obligation: is voi i cat's a : Void, the novation will still be valid if the W obligation is voi °s intended that ent, ynation and the acceptance must be i, the original one shi the old obligation sh; onal subrogation ie third person Ta"eS the consent of the original Principal obligation d, bigation is extinguished as a consequence cess © extinguished except if they subsist, unless be extinguished TesTI- MULTIPLE CHOICE 36. 37. 38. 39. D D A B Cc A Cc Cc c D D D A B D B Cc D c D D A A c Cc B A B A D B D A c c 40. 41. 42. 43, 44, 45. 46. 47. 48. 49 50 51 52. 53 54, 55. 56. 57 58. 59, 60. 61 62. 63, 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. a S FOOPFRO> DOS DOTS > DOOD TO> FOR ODOx.OWO>ON 71. 72, 73. 74, 75. 76, 77. 78. 79, 80. 81 82. 83. 86. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90, 91 92. 93. 94. 95. 97. 98. 99. 100: 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. BDFVNVDIONO FS OVBDOS>HOBMOOO DF OUDHOWOS00>0 106. 107. 108. 109, 110, 111. 112. 113, 114, 115. 116. 117, 118. 119. 120, 121 122. 123, 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131, 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. OVBFODOSF MF VDDOBDOSY HS OWDNADBOICIVOY> SOWOOS DO epee aspen nae aRaR ATE er pS eS SS eae amg aE eS 141. 142. 143. 144, 145. 147. 148, 149. 150. 151, 152, 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159, 160. 161, 162. 163. 164, 165. 166. 167. 168. 169, 170. 2200090%0>0BB0>00>>00B00>000m > 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184, 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191, 192. 193. 194, 195. 197, 198, 199, 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206, 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224, 225. 226. 227. 228. 229, 230, FF OFOBOU>BOSOBSO>0>400 FPUDLOWwrgor KOVPOOBBOGOOB>OOBBDO TEST Ill- TRUE oR FALSE AROEDIPSLP-NOmaana PALS Srl PLP NS Be FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE “FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE 16, 17, 18, 19. 20 21 22. 23, 24, 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE 4. 32, 33, 34, %, %, 37. 38. 39, 40. 4 42. 43. 44, 45. TR FAl TR FAL FAL TRL TRU TRU

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