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To apply for a UK Visa, kindly go to:

Register an email and create a password
Proceed to the APPLICATION section to answer the questions

NOTE: The following are the questions that will be asked in the
APPLICATION section. You may use this as a guide to help you prepare the
prerequisites for answering the questions.
After answering all of the questions in all of the sections, simply save your application.
You can resume responding at any time by clicking on the link provided by UK
Visa in your email.



 The questions for this section are as follows:

 Which email address should we use to contact you with any questions about your
 Which email address should we use to send a decision on your application?
 Which email address should we use to communicate with you after your
application has been decided?
 Provide your telephone number
 Where do you use this telephone number?
 Select whether this is your home, mobile or work telephone number
 Are you able to be contacted by telephone?
 Given name(s)
 Family name
 What is your sex, as shown in your passport or travel document?
 What is your relationship status?
 Address
 Is this address also your correspondence address?
 Address
 How long have you lived at this address?
 What is the ownership status of your home?
 Give more details about your living situation, such as who you live with and who
owns the property
 Passport number or travel document reference number
 Issuing authority
 Issue date
 Expiry date

 Do you have a valid national identity card?
 Country of nationality
 Country of birth
 Place of birth
 Date of birth
 Do you currently hold, or have you ever held, any other nationality or citizenship?

 What is your employment status?
 Income and expenditure
 Do you have another income or any savings?
 How much money are you personally planning to spend on your visit to the UK?
 What is the total amount of money you spend each month?
 Will anyone be paying towards the cost of your visit?
 Who is paying towards the cost of your visit?
 Name
 Address
 How much money will they be paying towards your visit?
 Why are they helping to pay for your visit?
 Your planned travel information
 Date you plan to arrive in the UK
 Date you plan to leave the UK
 English language
 We may have to talk to you about your application. Which language would you
prefer to use?

 What is the main reason for your visit to the UK?
 Give details of the main purpose of your visit and anything else you plan to do on
your trip. See tourist and short stays for more information.

 Does anyone rely on you for financial support?
 Include both those travelling with you and those who are not.
 Parent details


 Given names
 Family name
 Date of birth
 Country of nationality
 Have they always had the same nationality?

 Do you have any family in the UK?
 Travel information
 Will you be travelling to the UK as part of an organised group?
 Company or group name

 Do you have an address for where you are going to stay in the UK?
 Where do you plan to stay in the UK?
 Have you been to the UK in the past 10 years?


 How many times have you visited the following places in the past 10 years?
• Australia
• Canada
• New Zealand
• Switzerland
• European Economic Area (do not include travel to the UK)

 How many times have you visited the following places in the past 10 years?
• Australia
• Canada
• New Zealand
• Switzerland
• European Economic Area (do not include travel to the UK)

• Have you been to any other countries in the past 10 years?


 For either the UK or any other country, have you ever been:
• Refused a visa
• Refused entry at the border
• Refused permission to stay or remain
• Refused asylum
• Deported
• Removed
• Required to leave
• Excluded or banned from entry
 Have you ever:
• entered the UK illegally
• remained in the UK beyond the validity of your visa or permission to
• breached the conditions of your leave, for example, worked without
permission or received public funds when you did not have permission
• given false information when applying for a visa, leave to enter, or
leave to remain
• breached UK immigration law in any other way


 At any time have you ever had any of the following, in the UK or in another
• A criminal conviction
• A penalty for a driving offence, for example disqualification for
speeding or no motor insurance
• An arrest or charge for which you are currently on, or awaiting trial
• A caution, warning, reprimand or other out-of-court penalty
• A civil court judgment against you, for example for non payment of
debt, bankruptcy proceedings or anti-social behaviour
• A civil penalty issued under UK immigration law

 In either peace or war time have you ever been involved in, or suspected of
involvement in, war crimes, crimes against humanity, or genocide?
 Have you ever been involved in, supported or encouraged terrorist activities in
any country?
 Have you ever been a member of, or given support to, an organisation which has
been concerned in terrorism?
 Have you, by any means or medium, expressed views that justify or glorify
terrorist violence or that may encourage others to commit terrorist or other
serious criminal acts?
 Have you ever been a member of, or given support to, an organisation which is or
has been concerned with extremism?
 Have you, by any means or medium, expressed any extremist views?
 Have you, as a part of your employment or otherwise, undertaken paid or unpaid
activity on behalf of a non-UK government which you know to be dangerous to
the interests or national security of the UK or its allies?
 Have you ever engaged in any other activities which might indicate that you may
not be considered to be a person of good character?
 Is there any other information about your character or behaviour which you
would like to make us aware of?
 Previous employment organisation
 Provide further information
 Extra information
 If you needed to add more information about your application but were not able
to, you can write it here.
 If there is no further information you want to add, click the 'Save and continue'
 Add further details:

 If you needed to add more information about your application but were not able
to, you can write it here.
 If there is no further information you want to add, click the 'Save and continue'
 Add further details:

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