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Kin 2222B / HS 2300 / Nursing 1300

Lab 1: Welcome to Anatomy

Welcome to Anatomy, we are glad you’re here!

By the end of this lab, you should:
• Know key dates, events and resources for this course
• Reflect upon evidence-based was to study more effectively
• Set norms and expectations for your weekly laboratory session
• Review key anatomical terms, movements and planes
• Describe the function of bones and the human skeleton
• Identify various anatomical features of bones

Course Orientation:

After splitting into your breakout rooms, complete the following scavenger hunt

1. Who is your TA? ______________________________

2. What is their email address? _____________________________

3. When are Dr. Brewer-Deluce’s Office hours? _________________________________________

4. What is evaluation breakdown for this course?


5. When is reading week? ___________________________________________________________

6. What week is your midterm? ______________________________________________________

7. What are the 2 components of Successive Relearning?

a. ________________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________________

8. Who are the learning scientists? And what is their website?


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9. Name and describe one of their 6 techniques for effective studying

Technique: _____________________________________________________________________

How do you do it?


Lab & Course Expectations

In lecture we talked about the relevance of anatomy to other areas of your program, and your future
career. Consider the following:
- Why are you here?
- What do you want to learn?
- What excites you about anatomy?

You have 5 minutes: Come up with 3 goals for yourself for this course.
1. ______________________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________________

What is one thing you are excited about for this course?


What is one thing you are concerned about?

(feel free to share this with Dr. B-D or your TA! We can help!)


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Let’s talk content: Planes, Terms & Movements

Draw a picture of anatomical position.

Why is this position important?


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From memory, define the following anatomical movements in your own words and list a location in
the body where it may occur. Double check your definitions with a colleague or your notes:

Flexion: ______________________________________________________________________________

Protraction: __________________________________________________________________________

Supination: ___________________________________________________________________________

Medial Rotation: ______________________________________________________________________

Depression: ___________________________________________________________________________

Adduction: ___________________________________________________________________________

Eversion: _____________________________________________________________________________

Dorsi Flexion: _________________________________________________________________________

Opposition: ___________________________________________________________________________

Match the opposite terms between the two columns:

Proximal Medial

Inferior Distal

Adduction Dorsal

Lateral Superficial

Plantar Retraction

External Elevation

Peripheral Pronation

Flexion Extension

Rostral Superior

Protraction Internal

Depression Abduction

Supination Caudal

Eversion Inversion

Palmar Dorsal

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These 3 images are of the diaphragm. Label the plane through which the body was cut in each image:




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What is the function of bone?
The human skeleton consists of roughly 206 bones.

Their function includes:

• Support and framework

• Leverage for movement
• Protection of vital organs
• Storage of minerals
• Production of blood cells

There are two types of bone. Cortical (compact)

bone and Trabecular (spongy) bone.

Describe their Features below:

1. Cortical (Compact) Bone:


2. Trabecular (Spongy) Bone:


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5. Complete the following table to describe various features of bones:

Type of Marking Description

Projections that are the site of muscle/ligament attachment









Surfaces that form joints




Depressions and openings








Bones themselves can be classified based on their shape into 1 of 5 categories: long, short, flat, irregular
and sesamoid. Shape often determines function.

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6. Complete the following chart with an example of each bone type and a describe it’s function:







Divisions of the Skeleton

The skeleton may be divided into portions: Axial and Appendicular. These divisions include:

Axial (80 bones) Appendicular (126 bones)

• Skull (cranium & face) • Shoulder girdles
• Hyoid • Upper Limbs
• Auditory Ossicles • Pelvic Girdle
• Vertebral Column • Lower Limbs
• Thorax (sternum & ribs)

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7. Label the following diagram of the human skeleton

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8. At home, using the practice slide deck identify the following common bones + landmarks on the
appendicular skeleton. We’ll be covering all of these bones in more detail later in the course.
Scapula Clavicle
□ Lateral, Medial & Superior boarders □ Medial & Lateral Ends
□ Glenoid Fossa, Supraglenoid tubercle □ Anterior & Posterior Boarders
□ Spine, Acromion, Coracoid Process □ Facet for Sternum
□ Supraspinous, Infraspinous & Subscapular fossae □ Facet for Acromion

□ Head + Anatomical & Surgical Necks □ Deltoid Tuberosity, Lateral & Medial Epicondyles
□ Greater & Lesser Tubercles □ Capitulum & Trochlea
□ Bicipital & Radial Grooves Groove □ Coronoid, Olecranon & Radial Fossae

Radius Ulna
□ Head & Neck □ Olecranon & Coronoid Process
□ Styloid Process □ Trochlear & Radial Notches
□ Interosseous Border □ Interosseous Border, Head & Styloid Process

Carpal + Hand Bones

□ Scaphoid □ Trapezoid
□ Lunate □ Capitate
□ Triquetrum □ Hamate
□ Pisiform □ Metacarpals
□ Trapezium □ Phalanges

Pelvis (os coxae or innominate bone)

Ilium Ischium
□ Iliac Crest □ Body & spine
□ Anterior & posterior superior iliac spines □ lesser sciatic notch
□ Anterior & posterior inferior iliac spines □ Ramus & ischial tuberosity
□ Auricular surface Pubis
□ Greater sciatic notch □ Body
□ Pubic rami
□ Acetabulum □ Pubic crest & tubercle, symphysis pubis
□ Obturator Foramen

Femur Patella
□ Head, Fovea & Neck, Shaft □ Apex & Base
□ Greater & Lesser trochanters □ Femoral Articular Surface
□ Lateral & Medial Epicondyles + Condyles
□ Intercondylar Notch & Patellar Surface

Tibia Fibula
□ Tibial Plateau & Tuberosity □ Head & Neck
□ Lateral & Medial Condyles □ Shaft
□ Interosseous Boarder □ Interosseous Boarder
□ Fibular Notch & Medial Malleolus □ Lateral Malleolus

Tarsal & Foot Bones

□ Calcaneus □ Cuboid
o Sustentaculum Tali + Tuberosity □ Lateral, Intermediate & Medial Cuneiforms
□ Talus □ Metatarsal bones
□ Navicular □ Phalanges

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Aging & Exercise:
Bone density can change as a result of strain experienced (exercise) and in aging.

9. List a specific population in which you would expect to see increased bone density and why:

10. Describe the 2 reasons for reduced bone density in aging. Do men or women experience greater
loss and why?

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