Unemployment Reflection

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Unemployment Reflection

In all parts of the world, there are people who have a hard time finding work. A person who is
unemployed faces a number of serious problems ranging from financial difficulties to low self-esteem.
Some people believe the government should take steps to reduce the unemployment rate but others
feel it is up to the individual to secure a job. In my opinion, there is an element of truth in both of these
points of view. Government measures aimed at reducing unemployment include training schemes to
teach the skills and qualifications required to compete in the job market and job creation through tax
breaks and government funding programmes. By boosting the economy and offering incentives to
businesses to take on new staff, governments can create new jobs. With more positions to be filled,
the unemployment rate will decline.

While there is much that governments can do to help people who want to find employment, a great
deal of responsibility still lies with the individual. In order to secure work, we must be prepared to
change or upgrade our skills and be willing to relocate if necessary. But some people are not
interested in retraining to find work in another field, some people do not have the confidence to go out
and look for work, and some refuse to accept a job they feel is below their level. Unless people like
this change their attitudes, they will not be able to find work. In conclusion, the unemployment
problem needs to be tackled at a national level to create a healthy economy with job vacancies
waiting to be filled. But it is up to the individual job seeker to take the steps necessary to find work.
Only if governments and individuals both do their part will progress be made.

Unemployment rate in the Philippines

This entry gives an estimate from the US Bureau of the Census based on statistics from population
censuses, vital statistics registration systems, or sample surveys pertaining to the recent past and on
assumptions about future trends. The total population presents one overall measure of the potential
impact of the country on the world and within its region. Note: Starting with the 1993 Factbook,
demographic estimates for some countries (mostly African) have explicitly taken into account the
effects of the growing impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

These countries are currently: The Bahamas, Benin, Botswana, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burma,
Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo,
Republic of the Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Kenya,
Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania,
Thailand, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

The Republic of the Philippines is a sprawling archipelago set in the western Pacific Ocean. The
Philippines is an incredibly diverse nation in terms of language, religion, ethnicity and also geography.
Ethnic and religious fault-lines that run through the country continue to produce a state of constant,
low-level civil war between north and south. Beautiful and fractious, the Philippines is one of the most
interesting countries in Asia. The Philippines has an American-style democracy, headed by a
president who is both head of state and head of government.

The president is limited to one 6-year term in office. A bicameral legislature made up of an upper
house, the Senate, and a lower house, the House of Representatives, makes laws. Senators serve
for six years, representatives for three. The highest court is the Supreme Court, made up of a Chief
Justice and fourteen associates. The current president of the Philippines is Benigno "Noy-noy"
Aquino. The Philippines has a population of more than 90 million people and an annual growth rate
around 2%, making it one of the most populous and fastest growing countries on Earth. Ethnically, the
Philippines is a melting pot.

The original inhabitants, the Negrito, now number only about 30,000. The majority of Filipinos are
from various Malayo-Polynesian groups, including the Tagalog (28%), Cebuano (13%), Ilocano (9%),
Hiligaynon Ilonggo (7.5%) and others. Many more recent immigrant groups also live in the country,
including Spanish, Chinese, American and Latin American people. The Philippines is made up of
7,107 islands, totaling about 300,000 sq. km. (117,187 sq. mi.)

It borders on the South China Sea to the west, the Philippine Sea to the east, and the Celebes Sea to
the south. The country's closest neighbors are the island of Borneo to the southwest, and Taiwan to
the north. The Philippine islands are mountainous, and seismically active. Earthquakes are common,
and a number of active volcanoes dot the landscape, such as Mt. Pinatubo, the Mayon Volcano, and
the Taal Volcano. The highest point is Mt. Apo, 2,954 meters (9,692 ft.); the lowest point is sea level.

People first reached the Philippines about 30,000 years ago, when the Negritos immigrated from
Sumatra and Borneo via boats or land-bridges. They were followed by Malays, then Chinese
beginning in the ninth century, and Spaniards in the sixteenth. Ferdinand Magellan claimed the
Philippines for Spain in 1521. During the next 300 years, Spanish Jesuit priests and conquistadors
spread Catholicism and Spanish culture across the archipelago, with particular strength on the island
of Luzon. The Spanish Philippines was actually controlled by the government of Spanish North
America prior to Mexican independence in 1810. Throughout the Spanish colonial era, the people of
the Philippines staged a number of uprisings. The final, successful revolt began in 1896, and was
marred by the executions of Filipino national hero Jose Rizal (by the Spanish) and Andres Bonifacio
(by rival Emilio Aguinaldo).

The Philippines declared its independence from Spain on June 12, 1898. However, the Filipino rebels
did not defeat Spain unaided; the United States fleet under Admiral George Dewey actually had
destroyed Spanish naval power in the area in the May 1 Battle of Manila Bay. Rather than granting
the archipelago independence, the defeated Spanish ceded the country to the United States in the
December 10, 1898 Treaty of Paris. Revolutionary hero General Emilio Aguinaldo led the rebellion
against American rule that broke out the following year. The Philippine-American War lasted three
years and killed tens of thousands of Filipinos and about 4,000 Americans. On July 4, 1902, the two
sides agreed to an armistice. The US government emphasized that it did not seek permanent colonial
control over the Philippines, and set about instituting governmental and educational reform.

Throughout the early 20th century, Filipinos took increasing amounts of control over governance of
the country. In 1935, the Philippines was established as a self-governing commonwealth, with Manuel
Quezon as its first president. The nation was slated to become fully independent in 1945, but World
War II interrupted that plan. Japan invaded the Philippines, leading to the deaths of over a million
Filipinos. The US under General Douglas MacArthur was driven out in 1942, but retook the islands in
1945. On July 4, 1946, the Republic of the Philippines was established.

The early governments struggled to repair the damage caused by World War II. From 1965 to 1986,
Ferdinand Marcos ran the country as a fiefdom. He was forced out in favor of Corazon Aquino, the
widow of Ninoy Aquino, in 1986. http://www.jstor.org/discover/pgs/index?


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