How Can We As Marketers Develop

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How can we as marketers develop customer loyalty and patronage with the consumers in
terms of the following: a. Products b. Services c. Facilities Evaluation: 
(a). Products

 Offer discounts - As marketers we can reduce the price of the products to our customers
to develop the customer loyalty. Let us have some discounts on the items that our
customers are constantly using.
 Reward customers - This can be done through free shipping of the products, redeeming
their loyalty points and sometime also delivering a product together with a free gift.
 Encourage referrals - Encouraging the customers to refer their friends and earn points or
reward for every friend they refer to a certain product or service. This program is best for
rewarding the current customer while also gaining the new ones.
 Ask for the feedback - Letting the customers know that you value their feedback so that
you can know the areas you will improve on so that you can serve them better.
 Respond to feedback and reviews - The response may be either negative or positive. As
a marketer respond to them all.

(b). Services 

 Offer discounts - By reducing the price of services to your customer is a good gesture to
the. More often offer discounts to your loyal customers. For instance, some airline will
give discount to customers will constantly travels with them or when you have a way
ticket you receive a discount.
 Encourage referrals - Reward customers who refer a friend to use your service. As a
marketer you can introduce those program so that you keep record of the customers
who do referrals and later as a company you reward him or her either by earning points
or receiving free service or receive service at a reduced price.
 Pay attention to social sentiment
 Show gratitude . There so many ways of showing gratitude to your customer. A simple
thank you goes along way. Also writing gratitude messages to your customer who uses
your services is another way. For example telecommunications companies will send you
a gratitude message to show that they appreciate you for choosing to use their services.
 Be honest. Always be truthful to your customers. If you are not able to offer a particular
service to them just be honest.  Remember honesty is the best policy .

(c). Facilities evaluation
Before developing customers’ loyalty and their patronization, facilities must be evaluated
regularly. Facilities evaluation is a form of evaluation conducted to determine the fair and
reasonable value of facilities furnished by an employer to his/her employees. As a company or
the organization make sure you have the best and quality facilities that are need to produce the
best product and services. And with regards to that matter, when your facilities are evaluated
regularly, consistency when it comes to quality products and services will come. Therefore, it is
a must making evaluation on your facilities because that has something to do with your products
and services. It is like a chain process with the three which those have something to do with one
another in making customers’ loyalty and their patronization be given to marketers.

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