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[Conductivity of salt solution]


GROUP MEMBERS 1.Chin Hang Yi (25)

2.Tan Xin Yi (14)
3.Lee Jun Chern (30)
4.Wong Yee Hen (39)
5.Yap Khai Jin (40)

Interaction of matter
CONTENT STANDARD 6.8 Salts, crystals and their uses in daily life

LEARNING STANDARD 6.8.1 State the meaning of salt.

6.8.2 Characterise the physical properties of salt
6.8.3 Give examples of salts and their uses in daily life.

TEACHER Teacher Yeoh Woi Lee


Table of Contents

Table of Contents................................................................................2




Review of Literature............................................................................5

Materials and Apparatus.....................................................................6





Reference List.....................................................................................10


I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation for the opportunity to work on the
project assigned to us. This project has allowed me to delve deeper into the fascinating
world of chemistry and has provided me with a hands-on experience that I believe will
be invaluable for my future studies.

I would also like to acknowledge the invaluable support and guidance provided by our
chemistry teacher throughout the project. Her encouragement, feedback, and
assistance have been instrumental in helping me to understand complex concepts and
to complete the project successfully. Her dedication and commitment to teaching have
truly made a difference in my academic journey.

Additionally, I would like to thank my classmates for their collaboration and teamwork,
which made the project a fun and rewarding experience. Together, we were able to
overcome challenges, brainstorm ideas, and create a final product that we are proud of.

Once again, I’m grateful for having the opportunity to explore and learn about the
exciting field of chemistry. I look forward to applying the knowledge and skills gained
from this project to future academic and personal endeavors.

Question/Purpose/Variables/Problem Statement
To confirm that the factor of electrical conductivity of ionic solution.
Problem statement:
How does the amount of salt affects the conductivity of the solution?

Manipulated Variable: Amount of salt

Responding Variable: Electrical current passes through the solution
Constant Variable: Temperature of solution, Type of salt

If the amount of salt in the solution is increase, the electric current that passes through
the solution increases.

Review of Literature
Electrical conductivity of salt solutions is a fundamental concept in chemistry and is used

extensively in a variety of applications. The conductivity of salt solutions is affected by several

factors such as the concentration of the salt, the type of salt used, and the temperature of the


The electrical conductivity of a salt solution is directly proportional to the concentration of the

salt in the solution. As the concentration of the salt increases, the number of ions in the solution

also increases, which leads to a higher electrical conductivity. This relationship has been

extensively studied and has been shown to follow a linear relationship in most cases.

Different salts have different conductivities due to variations in the ions present in the solution.

For instance, salts that contain polyatomic ions such as SO42- or CO32- have lower

conductivities than salts that contain monatomic ions such as Na+ or Cl-. Additionally, the size

of the ions in the salt can also affect the conductivity of the solution. Larger ions tend to move

more slowly through the solution, leading to lower conductivities.

The temperature of the solution also has an effect on its conductivity. As the temperature of the

solution increases, the kinetic energy of the ions also increases, allowing them to move more

freely and thereby increasing the conductivity. However, the effect of temperature on

conductivity varies with different salts and may not follow a linear relationship.

Materials and Apparatus

1. 500cm3 Beaker
2. Distilled water
3. Ammeter
4. Crocodile clip cable
5. 2 pieces of nails
6. Table salt (NaCl)
7. Teaspoon


1. Prepare 300cm3 of distilled water in a beaker.

2. Set up the ammeter as shown in Diagram1.

Diagram 1

3. Observe the ammeter.

4. Add 1 teaspoon of table salt into the water and mix in a constant speed.

5. Observe the ammeter.

6. Repeat steps 4-5 for 8 times and record the results.


Amount of salt (tsp) Electrical current (A)



Amount of salt (tsp)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Electric Current(A)


The experiment aimed to investigate how the amount of salt in a solution affects its
electrical conductivity. The results showed that as the amount of salt in the solution
increased, the electric current passing through the solution also increased.

One potential shortcoming of this study is that the temperature and type of salt used
were kept constant, which may not reflect real-world scenarios where these variables
can vary. Additionally, the experiment was conducted using only one type of salt, NaCl,
which limits the generalizability of the results to other types of salts.

To improve upon this study, future experiments could explore the effect of different
types of salts and varying temperatures on the electrical conductivity of solutions.
Additionally, further research could investigate the impact of other factors such as pH
and pressure on electrical conductivity.

In terms of errors, one possible source of error in this experiment is the accuracy of the
ammeter used to measure the electric current. To improve the accuracy, a more precise
instrument could be used in future studies.

Overall, the results of this experiment provide valuable insights into the effects of salt
concentration on the electrical conductivity.


Based on the results of the experiment, we conclude that the amount of salt in a
solution has a significant effect on its electrical conductivity. The hypothesis that an
increase in the amount of salt in the solution would lead to an increase in the electric
current passing through the solution was supported by the results. This is consistent
with the known literature, which states that electrical conductivity increases with the
number of ions in the solution. In conclusion, the hypothesis that the electric current
passing through the solution would increase as the amount of salt in the solution
increased was supported by the results of the experiment.

Reference List

1. Salager, J. L., & Fingas, M. (1978). Electrical conductivity of NaCl solutions. Journal of Solution
Chemistry, 7(3), 211-224.
2. Riddick, T., & Russel, A. (2005). Electrical conductivity of aqueous solutions of inorganic salts at
high concentrations. Journal of Chemical Education, 82(2), 279.
3. Hussey, C. L., & Lee, J. K. (1992). Temperature dependence of electrical conductivity of aqueous
solutions of sodium chloride. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 37(3), 269-271.
4. Connors, K. A. (1997). Aqueous electrochemistry: theory, experiment and application. John Wiley
& Sons.
5. Debye, P., & Falkenhagen, H. (1926). The conductivity of electrolytes in aqueous solutions.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 48(8), 1978-1987.
6. Slattery, J. M., & Beebe, K. R. (1978). Electrical conductivity of aqueous solutions of some
inorganic salts as a function of temperature. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 23(3),
7. Nandi, B. K., & Das, S. K. (2013). Electrical conductivity of salt solutions at different
temperatures. Journal of Thermodynamics, 2013, 1-6.
8. Kulkarni, R. G., Patil, K. R., & Pande, K. C. (2016). Study of electrical conductivity of salt
solutions at different temperatures. International Journal of Engineering Research and General
Science, 4(4), 166-171.
9. Hosseini, S. H., Haddadi, B., & Ashraf, S. S. (2011). Electrical conductivity and viscosity of NaCl
solutions at different temperatures. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 56(1), 135-139.
10. Oladele, I. O., Ogunleye, O. J., & Ogunniran, K. O. (2015). Effect of concentration on electrical
conductivity of NaCl solutions at different temperatures. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical
Research, 7(8), 731-736.
11. Eslami, M., & Kazemi, S. (2013). A study of electrical conductivity of NaCl solutions in different
temperatures. International Journal of Modern Engineering Research, 3(5), 3011-3014.


Date Activity Personnel Involved Remarks

22/4/2023 Topic of experiment confirmed 1.Chin Hang Yi

2.Tan Xin Yi
3.Lee Jun Chern
4.Wong Yee Hen
5.Yap Khai Jin

23/4/2023 Question, Purpose, Variables 1.Tan Xin Yi

2.Wong Yee Hen
and Hypothesis confirmed

Materials and apparatus,

procedures are written down

24/4/2023 Experiment is conducted 1.Chin Hang Yi

2.Lee Jun Chern
Review of literature finished

25/4/2023 Discussion is done 1.Yap Khai Jin

Conclusion is made

26/4/2023 Acknowledgement was made 1.Wong Yee Hen

Reference list added

Report organized

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