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Gas Laws Name:

Charles Law - Volume of a gas increases with temperature.
Avogadro's Law - Equal volumes of gases, at the same temperature and pressure, contain
the same number of particles, or molecules.
The ideal gas Law: PV = nRT (pressure times volume equals the number of molecules times
the gas constant times temperature).
 P=Pressure
 V=Volume
 n=number of molecules
 R=gas constant
 T=temperature
Pascal's Law states that if you apply pressure to fluids that are confined (or can't flow to
anywhere), the fluids will then transmit (or send out) that same pressure in all directions at
the same rate.

Fizz Keeper Activity

-Drop a small tied balloon into a plastic soda bottle.
-Cap bottle with the “Fizz Keeper” and pump many times. (Do not point at anyone and wear safety goggles)
-Observe what happens to the balloon during the pressurizing.
-Unscrew cap and observe balloon.
What happened to the balloon when pressure was added and then removed?

What is the connection between pressure and volume of a gas?

Depress plunger on the syringe. Why was it difficult to pull back the plunger?
Cover hole with finger. ____________________________________________
Try and pull handle (gently please).



Fill syringe. How does this represent Boyles Law?
Cover hole with finger.
Try and push handle (gently please). ____________________________________________





Record temperature inside bottle with cap off under normal atmospheric pressure.
Pump up bottle using “Fizz Keeper” as much as you can until it doesn’t create more
Record temperature in bottle under pressure.
Observe the temperature as you unscrew the cap.

What was the temperature change? __________ Celsius

How are pressure and temperature related? _________________________________





Directions provided in slideshow.

How did the balloon and face change when you squished it?______________



How is pressure distributed when you squeeze the balloon?______________




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