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2021 Year 7 and 8 ENGLISH Common Marking Key

Section 1 – Comprehending

Criteria Standard Mark

Comprehension Good analysis/comparison of text/s with carefully chosen evidence and appropriate terminology relating to the question. 6-7
of Text/s Average analysis/comparison of text/s with appropriate evidence and terminology relating to the question. 4-5
Somewhat limited understanding of text/s with minimal analysis/comparison; retell of text with limited engagement with 1-3
the question.
Not attempted or entirely irrelevant analysis. 0

Structure and Succinct and coherent; sophisticated vocabulary and expression; few minor errors 3
Expression Clear and logical; vocabulary and expression; a few errors 2
Unstructured and/or underdeveloped expression; frequent errors 1
Does not demonstrate control over grammar and expression; ideas unstructured. 0

Section 3 - Creating

Criteria Standard Mark

Engagement Sustained content that addresses the nuances of the question. 8 – 10
with Question Competent response that addresses the demands of the question. 6–7
Limited, predictable or clichéd engagement with the question. 3–5
Response that does not address the question; irrelevant but interesting content. 0–2

Control of Fluently written with effective vocabulary, highly developed personal voice and flair; few minor errors. 8 – 10
Language and Competently written with relevant vocabulary and emerging voice; some errors. 6–7
Expression Uncontrolled writing with somewhat limited or inappropriate vocabulary and/or tone; frequent errors. 3–5
Insufficiently developed or displayed writing skills; two or three points with little structure or development. 0–2

Structure and Deliberate manipulation of conventions of chosen form for chosen audience and purpose. 8 – 10
Expression Good control of conventions of chosen form for an audience and/or purpose. 6–7
Limited understanding and/or use of conventions of chosen form with little consideration of audience or purpose. 3–5
Insufficiently developed or displayed use of conventions of chosen form. 0–2

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2021 Year 7 and 8 ENGLISH Common Marking Key
Section 2 – Responding

Criteria Standard Mark

Question Presents a strong thesis in relation to the question that addresses the key ideas or most of the key ideas: attempts to make 9 – 10
Engagement reference to the thesis throughout the response but may need more focus and direction.
Presents an acceptable thesis in relation to the question proposition. Either needs to make reference to the thesis more 7–8
consistently or has misconception of the question or key ideas in question.
Attempts to present a thesis in relation to the question proposition. Either needs to make reference to the thesis more 4–6
consistently or has misconception of the question or key ideas in question.
Presents a limited engagement with the question and the key ideas. 1–3
Does not engage with the question. 0

Knowledge Presents a sound understanding of the studied text(s); shows good critical awareness. 9 – 10
of Text Presents a general understanding of the studied text(s); shows some critical awareness. 7–8
Shows some understanding of the studied text(s); demonstrates little critical awareness. 4–6
Shows little understanding of the studied text(s); demonstrates limited critical awareness. 1–3
Shows no understanding of the studied text(s). 0

Critical Supports argument with relevant details, including techniques and text conventions. 9 – 10
Literacy Supports most of argument with some relevant details, including techniques and text conventions. 7–8
Supports some of argument with some relevant details, techniques and/or text conventions: may misuse some evidence. 4–6
Attempts to support argument with details, techniques and/or text conventions, but misuses evidence often or uses very 1–3
little evidence.
Does not attempt to support argument 0

Written Sustains a fluent and articulate response and demonstrates a sustained control of grammar, vocabulary, spelling and 5
Expression punctuation.
Presents a readable response, mostly controlling grammar, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation. 4
Expresses some ideas clearly. Some areas of the response may be difficult to follow. 3
Shows little control of mechanics of grammar, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation and demonstrates somewhat limited 2
control of language conventions.
Shows no control of mechanics of grammar, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation and demonstrates limited control of 0-1

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2021 Year 7 and 8 ENGLISH Common Marking Key
language conventions.

Structure Presents a sustained and coherently developed structure that introduces, organises and concludes points of argument in 5
clear topic sentences in linked paragraphs
Presents a clear structure that introduces, organises and concludes points of argument in clear topic sentences in linked 4
Presents a structured response; introduces, organises and concludes most points of argument in clear topic sentences in 3
linked paragraphs.
Presents a response with some structure; attempts to introduce, organise and conclude argument, but needs to do so more 2
consistently; may need dearer topic sentences and/or linked paragraphs.
Presents a response with little structure; needs to structure paragraphs more clearly. 1
Presents a response that lacks any structure. 0

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