PHD Research Publications

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ISSN :2319-5991
Vol. 16, Issuse.3,July 2023



ABSTRACT: Efficient and reliable monitoring of wild animals in their natural habitat is
essential. This project develops an algorithm to detect the animals in wild life. Since there are
large number of different animals manually identifying them can be a difficult task. This
algorithm classifies animals based on their images so we can monitor them more efficiently.
Animal detection and classification can help to prevent animal-vehicle accidents, trace
animals and prevent theft. This can be achieved by applying effective deep learning

Keywords: Animal Detection and Classification, Deep Learning Algorithms.

Machine learning is an application of direct experience, or instruction, in order
artificial intelligence (AI) that provides to look for patterns in data and make better
systems the ability to automatically learn decisions in the future based on the
and improve from experience without examples that we provide. The primary
being explicitly programmed. Machine aim is to allow the computers learn
learning focuses on the development of automatically without human intervention
computer programs that can access data or assistance and adjust actions
and use it learn for themselves. The accordingly. Deep learning is a subset of
process of learning begins with machine learning.
observations or data, such as examples,

Deep artificial neural networks are a set of road. Historically animal-vehicle collisions
algorithms that have set new records in have been addressed by putting up signs
accuracy for many important problems, that warn peoples of potential animal
such as image recognition, sound crossings. In other cases, wildlife warning
recognition, etc., In deep learning, a reflectors or wildlife fences have been
convolutional neural network (CNN) is a installed to keep animals away from the
class of deep neural networks, most road. In some selected areas wildlife
commonly applied to analyzing visual fencing has been combined with a series of
imagery.CNNs use relatively little pre- wildlife crossing structures. In most cases
processing compared to other image however, such crossing structures are
classification algorithms. This means that limited in number and width, mostly
the network learns the filters that in because of their relatively high costs.
traditional algorithms were hand- A. Animal Detection Using Template
engineered. This independence from prior Matching Algorithm Animal detection is
knowledge and human effort in feature useful in prevention of animal vehicle
design is a major advantage. They have accidents and will increase human and
applications in image and video wildlife safety, it will detect large animals
recognition, recommender systems, image before they enter the road and warn the
classification, medical image analysis, and driver through audio and visual signals.
natural language processing. One of the This also helps in saving crops in farm
applications of the deep learning technique from animals. In this project there is
called Convolutional Neural Network is survey of different object detection
animal detection. Observing wild animals techniques and for object identification as
in their natural environments is a central animal techniques such as object matching,
task in ecology. The fast growth of human edge-based matching, skeleton extraction.
population and the endless pursuit of After survey the most appropriate method
economic development are making over- is selected for animal detection and
exploitation of natural resources, causing efficiency is measured. Proposed system
rapid, novel and substantial changes to has low false positive rate and false
Earth’s ecosystems. An increasing area of negative rate.
land surface has been transformed by Template Matching Template matching is
human action, altering wildlife population, a technique in digital image processing for
habitat and behaviour. More seriously, finding small parts of an image which
many wild species on Earth have been match a template image. To perform
driven to extinction, and many species are template matching the concept of
introduced into new areas where they can normalized cross co relation can be used.
disrupt both natural and human systems. In signal processing, cross-correlation is a
Monitoring wild animals, therefore, is measure of similarity of two waveforms as
essential as it provides researchers a function of a time-lag applied to one of
evidences to inform conservation and them. This is also known as a sliding dot
management decisions to maintain diverse, product or sliding inner-product. It is
balanced and sustainable ecosystems in the commonly used for searching a
face of those changes. longduration signal for shorter, known
LITERATURE SURVEY The purpose of feature. For imageprocessing applications
animal detection is to prevent or reduce the in which the brightness of the image and
number of animal-vehicle collisions. These template can vary due to lighting and
systems are specifically aimed at the wild exposure conditions, the images can be
animals that can cause human death, injury first normalized. This is typically done at
and property damage. This system detects every step by subtracting the mean and
the wild animals before they enter the dividing by the standard deviation. Here
we have used feature based template EXISTING SYSTEM:
matching mechanism using NCC • In existing System we detect the
B. Automatically Identifying, Counting, objects by using ultrasonic sensors,
and Describing Wild Animals in IR sensors, and etc.
Camera-Trap Images with Deep • This gives a false alert even
Learning Having accurate, detailed, and another vehicle is present there.
up-to-date information about the location DRAWBACKS:
and behaviour of animals in the wild • Not Accurate.
would revolutionize our ability to study • To overcome the disadvantages of
and conserve ecosystems. This paper this system we are moving to
investigates the ability to automatically, proposed system.
accurately, and inexpensively collect such PROPOSED SYSTEM:
data, which could transform many fields of We have followed a low-cost approach to
biology, ecology, and zoology into “big identify the animal identification. With the
data” sciences. Motion sensor “camera help of Python Development tool, the
traps” enable collecting wildlife pictures system will identify the animal (cat, dog,
inexpensively, unobtrusively, and elephant and sheep) and the same will be
frequently. However, extracting transmitted to Arduino system. Once the
information from these pictures remains an data received, voice will be played to alert
expensive, time-consuming, manual task. the driver along with it, the motor which is
We demonstrate that such information can connected at the output of Arduino will
be automatically extracted by deep slows down.
learning, a cutting-edge type of artificial BLOCK DIAGRAM:
intelligence. We train deep convolutional
neural networks to identify, count, and
describe the behaviours of 48 species in
the 3.2-million-image Snapshot Serengeti
dataset. Our deep neural networks
automatically identify animals with over
93.8% accuracy, and we expect that
number to improve rapidly in years to
come. More importantly, if our system
classifies only images it is confident about,
our system can automate animal CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL
identification for 99.3% of the data while NETWORK A convolutional neural
still performing at the same 96.6% network (CNN) is a specific type of
accuracy as that of crowd sourced teams of artificial neural network that uses
human volunteers, saving more than 8.4 perceptron’s, a machine learning unit
years (at 40 hours per week) of human algorithm, for supervised learning, to
labelling effort (i.e. over 17,000 hours) on analyze data. CNNs apply to image
this 3.2-million-image dataset. Those processing, natural language processing
efficiency gains immediately highlight the and other kinds of cognitive tasks. A
importance of using deep neural networks convolutional neural network has an input
to automate data extraction from camera- layer, an output layer and various hidden
trap images. Our results suggest that this layers. Some of these layers are
technology could enable the inexpensive, convolutional, using a mathematical model
unobtrusive, high-volume, and even to pass on results to successive layers.
realtime collection of a wealth of • Input will hold the raw pixel values of
information about vast numbers of animals the image and with three colour channels
in the wild. R, G, B.
• CONV layer will compute the output of IR SENSOR IR sensor stands for Infrared
neurons that are connected to local regions Sensor. It is an electrical device that is
in the input, each computing a dot product used for detecting objects in our
between their weights and a small region surrounding by reflecting a infrared light.
they are connected to in the input volume. When that light hits some object then
• RELU layer will apply an element wise based on the reflection, it identifies the
activation function. This leaves the size of object. It is used in many components like
the volume unchanged. controlling AC cooler, TV, etc. And the
• POOL layer will perform a down application of this device is also in IOT
sampling operation along the spatial field for example we are using in our
dimensions (width, height), resulting in project to open our camera after detecting
volume such as [16x16x12]. FC (i.e. fully- the animals around the device. This sensor
connected) layer will compute the class ranges from 1m to around 10m of area.
scores, resulting in volume of size. As with This makes really easy to optimize the
ordinary Neural Networks and as the name detection process in many devices and
implies, each neuron in this layer will be area.
connected to all the numbers in the
previous volume.
POWER SUPPLY Power supply is a
hardware device that helps our system to
operate. Basically, all computing device
need power to execute and operate. So
here power supply comes in picture. With
the help of power supply our systems gets
the power to operate. There are various
types of power supply available in our Fig: IR sensor
market. Like AC to DC power supply, DC CONCLUSION: In conclusion,
to AC power supply, and there are some monitoring the movements of wild animals
advance power supplies that helps to and implementing an alert system using
protect from sudden short circuit. There deep learning algorithms offers significant
are many powers supply that are attached benefits for wildlife conservation and
with fuse and that fuse helps to adjust the human-animal conflict mitigation. The
electricity based on the available power integration of deep learning algorithms
volts. The power delivery of power supply with camera traps and other sensor devices
is not that much high but enough to run allows for accurate and automated
our system. Nowadays there are lots of detection of animal movements, behavior,
available power supply at lower cost and and potential threats. By employing deep
some are based on solar system as well. learning models such as convolutional
However, the power supply that we use in neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent
our system are totally different from other neural networks (RNNs), it becomes
power supply system. Like power banks possible to analyze large volumes of image
are also one type of power supply for and sensor data in real-time. This enables
smart devices like mobile phones, and so the identification of specific animal
on. The size of this types of power supply species, tracking their movements, and
are not so big and these are really so detecting unusual behavior patterns that
portable. These power supplies are only may indicate potential threats or conflicts.
DC. With the help of these types of power The alert system based on deep learning
supply we can supply certain amount of algorithms can generate real-time alerts to
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