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The Time I Almost Fainted from Fear: A Hilarious Tale of My Scariest Moment

By Manny N. Fortunado

It was 7 o'clock in the evening when I was walking alone homeward after church. The
surroundings were kind of dark since the roadway was full of tall trees.

It was me and the flashlight of my phone walking along the way. I felt a bit scared
because I remembered the rumors from my parents about that road: that there was a
white lady that showed up on that road, particularly in the big acacia tree that was
traversable along the way in my home.

Every step my foot took, the more scared I felt. I heard something—I can't define it—
following me, but I just ignored it.

When I reached the place where the big acacia was, my heart beat so fast that I couldn't
determine why I felt that way. My whole body was sweating, and I wanted to scream
and run away, but I did not.

In my mind, I must not have felt that because I attended church. I know that God will be
my light in that situation. But it was my scaredness and nervousness that forced me to
imagine the supernatural creations I watched on television and even the supernatural
creations I heard from my parents. To calm myself, the only thing I did was play my
worship song playlist.

When I surpassed the big acacia tree, the undefined creation was still following me; that
is why I walked faster, but he walked faster too. Wherever I go and whatever steps I
take, he follows them.

I can't stop overthinking. The beats of my heart beated like a loud speaker. That was
why I tried to look behind me, but I saw nothing but darkness.

Then I continued to walk.

When I was near my home, I still heard the sound of something following me. I ran so
fast, then I noticed that it was my slipper who followed every step I took since I was
walking with my noisy slipper, who has a creepy sound.

After that, I laughed so loud, and my mother said, "You're being crazy because you're
going to that church."

Then I stopped laughing.

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