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Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. enhance the understanding of the principles and concepts in Biology and;
2. identify the importance of Biology.


The term Biology (Greek word ‘bios’ means ‘life’ and ‘logos’ means ‘study’) was introduced in
Germany in 1800 and popularized by a French naturalist Jean Baptiste de Lamarck as a means of
regarding the growing number of disciplines involved with the study of living forms. Biological Science
is the study of living things including their forms, structures, compositions, characteristics, functions,
and classification. This is simply the science of life; hence, called life science.
Each living thing is an organism. An organism could be a microorganism, plant, animal, protist,
and fungus. A human being is an organism that belongs to the animal kingdom. Living things possess
life, therefore, it is alive. Life refers to the properties and conditions of being alive and to stay alive. All
organisms carry out biological processes to maintain life. This is the basic property of all living things
that makes them different from non-living things.

Basic Characteristics of Living Things

The following are the basic characteristics of living things that make them different from non
living things:
1. Definite Organization: Cell is the basic structure of all
living things. These cells are organized to form tissues, tissues
into organs, organs into organ system, and organ system into
an organism. Each function is dynamically coordinated with
other units to perform a normal life.
2. Metabolism: It is the sum of all chemical reactions that
take place inside the living
cell/things. Organisms get food,
water, and gases from the
environment which are
transformed inside the body into energy that is needed in performing life

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The two types are anabolism and metabolism. Anabolism is known as the building up phase
of metabolism. An example is the formation of amino acids to create protein. Catabolism is known as
the process of breaking down complex substances into simple substances. Digestion is an example of
catabolism. Both are needed for maintaining the life of a living organism.

3. Growth and Development: All organisms manifest development

by growing in size and shape. Plants and animals grow by development
from within, hence called intussusceptions. Non-living things increase in
size by external addition, hence called accretion.

4. Reproduction: The ability to replicate themselves is exhibited by all

kinds of organisms. Reproduction or replication is the ultimate objective
of life processes, for the survival and perpetuation of species.
Reproduction can be sexual which involves sex cells/gametes, or
asexual which can be vegetative propagation of plants or binary fission
for bacteria.

5. Responsiveness: All organisms can respond to stimuli in their

environment. This attribute is termed as irritability. Stimuli may come
from light, heat, gravity, water, touch, or sound. Organisms can
respond positively or negatively to such stimuli because of their
effectors which work together

6. Movement: All organisms are capable of movement, thus

transferring from one place to another. Plants can move, and they show
little movement known as tropism.

Genetic Control: All organisms have units of information packaged

in their cells, termed as genetic material (DNA) that directs
organization, metabolism, adaptation, reproduction, and all life
processes. The genetic material is transmitted from generation to
generation preserving the traits of the species, and changes in this
material make evolutionary changes possible for the creation of new species.


1. What does it mean to be alive?


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