SW 205 Gender Responsive Case Management

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1518 Leon Guinto Street, Malate, Manila

( SW 205 )
SW Practice with Individuals and Families
1st Semester 2023-2024



Submitted by:
Sr. Venus Marie S. Pegar, sfx
BSSW Student

Submitted to :
Prof. Edna Cunanan
4) Intervention/ Implementation a. Models & Approaches in Intervention & Roles, Functions, Skills &
Techniques Applied by Social Workers in Intervention & ImplementatioN

i. Functional Approach

ii. Task-Centered Approach

iii. Problem-Solving Model

iv. Psychosocial Approach

v. Behavior Modification

vi. Crisis Intervention Approach

vii. Total Family Approach (Family Therapy)

viii. Gender Responsive Case Management


GRCM is a case management model for victim-survivors utilizing gender-, strengths-

and rights-based perspectives, guiding principles, and tools to facilitate the healing and
recovery of every survivor of gender-based violence (GBV). It starts from the recognition
of gender biases against women and girls in the home, community and society, and
pursues empowerment of women to see their value and status in relation to self, family
and society. It also addresses the victim-survivor’s immediate and long-term needs
through a responsive helping relationship between the case manager and the survivor.
 Ensure the healing and recovery of of victim-survivors of GBV through improved case
 Facilitate and advocate timely, coordinated, age- and gender- appropriate delivery of
services to meet the various needs of the sector
 Capacitate case managers on gender-sensitivity, self-awareness and reflective

 Ender Violence Survivor Assessment (GVSA)
Uses a simplified listing of internal and external factors that are relevant to the
presenting problems of the survivor
 Interdisciplinary Gender Assessment (IDGA)
Contains the assessment of the survivor by the interdisciplinary team towards the
common goal of helping the survivor
 Domestic Violence Survivor Assessment (DVSA)
Using the context of the Change Model, this evaluates issues in two areas: the
relationship and the survivor

 CSocial Workers from DSWD / LGU / NGO centers and institutions for women and girls
 Members of the interdisciplinary team such as-
• psychologists
• medical doctors and other health service providers
• legal officers
• police officers
• barangay VAW desk officers

 Rights-Based
Women, like men, have inherent, interrelated, indivisible and inalienable human rights,
including a life free from violence
 Strengths-Based
Recognition of women's talents, abilities and competencies to exercise rights, empower
selves, resist violence and recover from trauma
 Gender-Based
Understanding how difference between sexes affects and is affected by policies &
programs, how it creates discrimination based on sex and how it imposes obstacles to
person's opportunities and self-development

Gender Responsive Management ( GRCM )

 Is different from the generic case management process because of the

perspectives that frame it.. The perspectives integrates gender, women’s human
rights and strengths.


 Gender intersects with other social variables like class, age educational
attainment, and socio-economic status in determining one’s access to
opportunities, income, wealth, and benefits and vulnerabilities to abse and
Trafficking of Women

 Is an example of GENDER –BASED VIOLENCE

What is Trafficking of Women in a gender-based understanding ?

 Women and girls are usually trafficked for the purpose of sexual and economic
exploitation, particularly prostitution and pornography, forced labour, including
for work in commercial agriculture and domestic work, arranged marriages or to
be ‘sold’ as brides, recruitment for participation in hostilities and such related
purposes as sexual services, portage and domestic functions in conflict situations.
Women’s and girls’ experience of trafficking is different to that of men and boys.
Women and girls tend to suffer a disproportionately heavy impact, whereas
trafficked men find it difficult to access existing programmes for victim
assistance. This requires the inclusion of gender equality principles in the
formulation and implementation of legislation and programmes aiming at
the prevention of trafficking in human beings.

What is Women Trafficking in ( Sec.,R.A. 9208 )

 Republic Act 9208 or the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003, as

amended by RA 10364 also known as the Expanded Anti-Trafficking in
Persons Act of 2012

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