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Writer: Melody P. Morabe

Layout Artist: Miechie S. Dulce


21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Module aims to engage students in appreciation and critical study
of 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World, en-
compassing their various dimensions, genres, elements, structures,
contexts, and traditions.

This module allows the students to embark on a journey from

Philippine regions to the different parts of the world through various
literary encounters.

Here, the learners will be accompanied by Lito and Letty, the

ship captains of Balangay ( an old name of a Philippine boat). Lito
is a Filipino Ship Captain who is in-charge of the local destinations.
And Letty is a Lady Ship Captain from other country. She is in-
charge of the tour abroad. Lito and Letty assist each other in every
module visit.



This Self Learning Kit is divided into 27 modules with varied

parts and respective icons:

Gearing Up

Testing the Water

( Pre-test)

Leaving the Shore

( Priming Activity)

Rocking the Boat

( Activity Proper)

Plotting the Course

( Analysis)

Keeping Track
( Abstraction)



Approaching Destination

Seeing the Lighthouse

( Reflection)

Dropping the Anchor

( Post Test)

Going Back to the Ocean

( Remediation)

Discovering the Gems

( Answer Key)

Every module targets a specific Learning Competency and asks

learners to perform multiple tasks.


Hello, dear student, our fellow voyager!


I’m Letty. Are you ready to set sail and

BEGIN your voyage with this module?

I’m Lito
Well, it’s time to GO ABOARD to set
your quest for KNOWLEDGE in motion.
Have FUN!


Horizon Overview

EN12Lit-IIg-35: Examine the relationship between text and context

The use of this module requires every learner to demonstrate

understanding and appreciate literary texts in various genres across
national literature and cultures.
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:

 understand the relationship of text and context.

 interpret line presented in the poem using context.
 reflect on the values presented on the poem.


Connect with the Module:

Some reminders before

Use the module with care especially in turning each


Be reminded to answer the Pre-Test before moving

on to the Self-Learning Kit (SLK) Proper.

Read and understand the directions in every exer-


Observe honesty in answering the tests and exer-

cises and in checking your answers.

Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of this


Try to finish the task at hand before proceeding to

the next.


Gearing Up

Studying literature can be very with the

right knowledge gained from your jour-
ney in the past. Can you recall module
23? What is the sociocultural context?
How it will help you understand a text?

For your next journey, we will know more

about text and understand it with the help of


Testing the Waters

DIRECTIONS: Read the following items carefully. Shade the circle that
corresponds to the letter of your answer.

1. Taj Mahal can be found in what country?

A. India
B. Italy
C. China
D. Thailand

2. It refers the original words of the piece of writing.

A. condition
B. text
C. context
D. universal

3. It refers to anything beyond the specific words of a literary work that may
be relevant to understanding the meaning
A. condition
B. context
C. text
D. universal

4. Who is the wife of Shahjahan?

A.Mustansir Dalvi
B. Sahir Ludhianvi
C. Abdul Hayee
D. Mumtaz Mahal

5. Who is the author of the poem “Taj Mahal”?

A. Rabindranath Tagore
B. Mahatma Ghandi
C. Sahir Ludhianvi
D. Mustansir Dalvi


Let’s Navigate

Student, look at the picture? Are you familiar with it?

Do you know where we can find it?


The Taj Mahal built by the Mughal Emperor Shahja-

han in memory of his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal is al-
so known as “Jewel in the Palace”. It is described as one
of the most perfect buildings in the world, flawlessly pro-
portionate, built entirely out of marble. The work started
in 1634 and continued for almost 22 years. Approximate-
ly twenty thousand workers worked on it including the
painters, masons, carvers and others. It is situated on
the banks of the Yamuna River in Agra District, Uttar
Pradesh, India. India is one of the most religiously di-
verse nations. The dominant religion is India is Hinduism,
but there are Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism.

Now that you know about Taj Mahal, let us read the
poem Taj Mahal written by Sahir Ludhianvi. Before
reading it, let us define some words.


Let’s Navigate

He is Sahir Ludhianvi born on March 8th, 1921 in Karimpura locality

in Ludhiana, Punjab. His real name was Abdul Hayee (alternate spellings
Haie or Hayi). He was born in a wealthy family of zamindars. In 1948,
Sahir started work as editor in Shaahkaar and Savera.
He also published Shaahraah from Delhi and did some editorial
work for "preet kii laDi"/"Prithlari", all of which were successful. His work
with Roshan resulted in fabulous music for several period films, includ-
ing Taj Mahal for which he won his first Filmfare award for Best Lyricist
as he stand out to speaks truth to power.


Now that you know

about the author, let
usread the poem
Taj Mahal written by
Sahir Ludhianvi but
before reading it,
let’s us define some
words. You may get
your notebook or
piece of paper to
answer it.


Leaving the Shore

DIRECTIONS: Decode each item by simply referring to the letter table
hereunder. To break the code just look for the opposite letter of the code to
form the target word.

Example: 5 15 8 - F U N


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

11- 15 - 6-8-14- 4-13-13-4-8-2-4 1. the essence of a thing in its purest

- and most concentrated form.

4-16-11-15-6-13-6-14-4 2. very beautiful

1-12-3-9-15-12 3. a strong feeling of love

4. having or showing the proud and

6-7-10-4-12-6-9-15-13 unpleasant attitude of someone who
gives orders and expects other people
to obey them.

4-3-6-5-6-4-13 5. to teach someone in a way that im-

proves the mind or character

Great! You are now ready to read the poem

Taj Mahal written by Sahir Ludhianvi.


Rocking the Boat

Taj Mahal
translated by Mustansir Dalvi

For you, my love, the Taj Did you know

may well be the quintessence that..
of ardour; while full well Imperious
may you regard means showing
this exquisite vale. Even so, the proud and
dear one, let us meet unpleasant atti-
tude of someone
some place else.
who gives order

What worth, these lowly ones, means great and
loitering in the halls of the lords, impressive quali-
where on every path lie etched ty
remains of pomp and glory?
What worth then, the passing
means a stone
of lovelorn souls? building with
places for the
dead bodies of
several people or
My love, behind the veils important person.
of love’s proud proclamations,
did you see the signs
of imperious grandeur?
You, who revel
in mausoleums of dead kings,
did you not heed the dark hovels
that fostered us?


Rocking the Boat

Taj Mahal
translated by Mustansir Dalvi
Did you know
Beyond count are those, in
this world Destitute means
extremely poor
who have lived and loved.
Could anyone deny the
truth Tomb means a
building or cham-
of their passions?
ber above or be-
But they, like us, stay desti- low the ground in
tute, which a dead
without the means body is kept.
to erect monuments to their
love Conceit means
an idea that show

These edifices, these tombs, Resilient able to

these battlements, these forts, become strong,
haughty relics healthy or suc-
of the conceit of emperors, cessful again af-
are left behind like resilient ter something
bad happens.
on the face of the world,
seeped in the blood
of our forefathers.


Rocking the Boat

Taj Mahal
translated by Mustansir Dalvi

My love, those artful hands

Did you know
who created this beauty that..
would have lived
and loved too; but their lovers
means finely
are long gone, nameless, done or made.
without a trace.
To this day, no one has lit Buttressed
means a struc-
a candle in their memory.
ture built
against a wall
in order to sup-
port or
The lush gardens and pal- strengthen it.
the Yamuna’s edge; Impoverish
means to de-
the exquisitely carved por-
prive of some
tals, strength.
the arches and niches,
the handiwork of the one
emperor who, buttressed
by infinite wealth
has mocked our very love,
our impoverished, destitute

Even so, my love,

let us meet
some place else.


Plotting the Course

DIRECTIONS: Read and answer the following question.

1. What is the meaning of the text in the stanza 1,4, 7?

2. How about stanza 2 and 3?
3. How about stanza 5 and 6?
4. How about stanza 8?
5. What do you think is the message of the speaker in the poem?

Great !
Student do you know that Taj Mahal was made by Mughal Em-
peror Shahjahan in memory of his wife, Mumtaz Mahal? The first, fourth
and seventh stanza described about how the beauty of Taj Mahal sym-
bolized the love and passion of Shahjahan to Mumtaz Mahal. It was
about love and how it can change people and how love can drive us into
different unexplainable feelings deep inside us.
As with the author, l o v e has brought him to express in a poetic
way. The second and third stanza described the beauty and memories
Mumtaz’s love while the fifth and sixth stanza described the beauty of
every part of the Taj Mahal because of the effort of the workers who
needs to be recognized. On stanza eight, the line was repeated to give
the emphasis that they will meet in other places or other life. For us to
understand the meaning of the poem, we need to understand the text
and context.


Keeping Track

The text is the original words of the piece of writing while context
is the combination of the condition and text. It is a condition for the
text to be produced and read. It is anything beyond the specific words
of a literary work that may be relevant to understand the meaning.
Contexts may be economic, social, cultural, historical, literary, bio-
graphical, and others.
The poem Taj Mahal talks about love of Mughal Emperor
Shahjahan as a memorial to his wife, Mumtaz Mahal. The structure of
it as describe as the most perfect buildings in the world, flawlessly
proportionate, built entirely out of marble. In India they believe in rein-
carnation as on of the believe of the Hinduism that they will live again
after death.
As we connect the poem in India, we use the historical context
to understand the poem by analyzing its meaning and connecting to
history of love of Shahjahan and Mumtaz Mahal.


Keeping Track

But did you know that the author used different context in the text.
The author as a poet related with the Progressive Writers’ Movement, Taj
Mahal stands out to speak the truth to power. His own background of
personal tragedy and political involvement were no doubt deeply influen-
tial in giving him a certain worldview. Which makes it key to interpret a
statement in the context of the speaker’s worldview. Rather than viewing
the edifice as others do “a monument to love and an embodiment of
beauty” Sahir chooses to interpret and show it differently.
He chooses to focus on the many workers who worked to create the
structure. He focuses their poverty and sacrifices against the wealth of
the emperor. There are back-handed compliments to the structure itself
“the exquisitely carved portals, the arches and niches…” but that apart,
chooses to focus on the emotion that seems to have inspired such a
structure. I
t talks about the experienced of the human emotion of love com-
pared against the unfair distribution of wealth and how they lived misera-
ble because of the situation. The powerful and wealthy will be dominant
and the humble labors will continue their work to live in this world.
Throughout the verse, while the refrain” Even so, my love, let us meet
someplace else” the primary emotion is not revulsion with the structure
itself, but rather a deep misery at society’s contradictions, which end up
that only few workers were recognized but many are taking for granted.
Remember for us to understand the text it is important to know the
context. It is anything beyond the specific words of a literary work
that may be relevant to understand the meaning of this poem.


Approaching Destination

DIRECTIONS: Pick a line or stanza in the poem that you like most. Explain
that particular line relating to its context. Use the table below as guide for
you to answer.

Stanza number

The line that I like

most (text)

The meaning of the

line (relating to con-

Seeing the Lighthouse

If Shahjahan built Taj Mahal for her love Mumtaz Mahal. How
about you? As a Filipino, what is the best thing that you can do or give
to the one you love? Draw it in the bond paper.

God job! Now that you understand the lesson,

are you ready to answer the posttest?


Dropping the Anchor

DIRECTIONS: Read the following items carefully. Shade the circle that
corresponds to the letter of your answer.

1. What do you call to the combination of condition and text that is relevant in under-
standing the meaning?
B. context
C. text
D. universal
2. What do you call to the original words piece of writing that the poem is made
B. Universal
C. Text
D. Condition
. 3. The poem “Taj Mahal” is about ________.
A. wrath
B. suffering
C. love
D. pity
4. Taj Mahal was built because of loving memory of Shahjahan to his wife, Who is
the wife of Shahjahan?
A. Mumtaz Mahal
B. . Abdul Hayee
C.Mustansir Dalvi
D.Sahir Ludhianvi
5. What do you mean by this line taken from the poem “Taj Mahal”.
Even so, my love,
let us meet
someplace else.
A. The Shahjahan believe in reincarnation for her love.
B. The Taj Mahal is a place for lovers.
C. The Taj Mahal is the representation of strong feeling of love.
D.. Mumtaz Mahal is the wife of Shahjahan describe in the poem.


Discovering the Gems

Hi! Here are the gems you’ve kept along

the course of your journey. Let’s count them.

Testing the Waters Dropping the Anchor

1. A 1. B
2. B 2. C
3. B 3. C
4. D 4. A
5. C 5. A

Leaving the Shore

1. Quintessence- the essence of a thing in its

purest and most concentrated form.
2. Exquisite- very beautiful
3. Ardour- a strong feeling of love
4. Imperious- having or showing the proud and
unpleasant attitude of someone who gives or-
ders and expects other people to obey them.
5. Edifies- to teach someone in a way that im-
proves the mind or character.


(For scores 4-5)

You have succeeded in your journey to the ex-
citing atmosphere in the ocean. See you next

(For scores 1-3)

Hello there! Are you satisfied with
your gems? Do you want to gain more? Get
ready because I will be with you as you
search for more gems amidst the waters.
Good luck!

Going Back to the Ocean

Remember: The text is the original words of the

piece of writing while context is the combination of
the condition and text. It is a condition for the text to
be produced and read. It is anything beyond the spe-
cific words of a literary work that may be relevant to
understanding the meaning.


Here is the line from your favorite song

“Forevermore” by Juris Fernandez. Let us identify
the meaning of the text by relating to its context.

“There are times

When I just want to look at your face
Like the stars in the night.”

The line of the song


Were you able to identify the meaning of the line

song ? Well, congratulations! You can now move to
your next journey. See you next time!


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