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Brief description of Group written assignment, based on planning for Assignment 2

assessment task and 3.
Detail of student output 500 words, max. Any words above this limit will not be marked.
Grading and weighting
(% total mark for unit)
This assessment addresses three of the intended learning
This task assesses your outcomes, including, explain how social, psychological and
achievement of these Unit environmental factors can be used to influence food consumers
Learning Outcome(s): in healthy ways, planning a nutrition promotion program and
collaborating with others to complete tasks and solve problems.

This task assesses your GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities

achievement of these Deakin GLO2: Communication
Graduate Learning Outcome(s) GLO4: Critical thinking
(GLO): GLO7: Teamwork

Students will work on this assignment during the seminars in

How and when you will
weeks 3 and 5 where staff will be available to answer questions
receive feedback on your
and provide feedback. You will receive feedback from markers
within 2 weeks following submission.
8:00 pm AEST Monday 15 August 2022, online submission via
Due date and form of
dropbox on the unit site (one member from each group
should submit on behalf of the group)

Overview of task

You have been hired by a local council of a regional town in Victoria as a nutrition promotion
officer. Your team has been tasked with developing a nutrition promotion program, aiming to
decrease sugar-sweetened beverage consumption among students attending the local secondary
schools. The town has two secondary schools. The other settings in this town are one
supermarket, one hospital, two GP clinics, several cafes, restaurants and bars, a sports centre, two
primary schools, and two workplaces.

Your team need to first write a brief, dot-point plan for the programme utilising the template
provided (see below) for your supervisor to approve. Once approved, each team member will
write an individual plan detailing the evidence behind the decisions and create a resource (AT2)
before inviting other organisations to participate (AT3).

Utilise the time provided in seminars in your groups to complete the following form for your AT1
(a clean version of this form is available in the assignment 1 folder on the unit site):
Group member names
Background (approximately 125 words)
Using dot points and references, provide some background information, including reasons
why sugar-sweetened beverages are not good for secondary school students, current intakes
vs recommendations, key environmental and individual influences on sugar-sweetened
beverage intake in this population, and why the school is an important place to promote
healthy eating.
Aim and objectives (approximately 75 words)
Propose program aim and 2-3 objectives. Refer to week 3 on how to write aims and
objectives. See FAQs for further information.
Theory (approximately 75-100 words)
For the education/demand-side approach, select one theory and list it here (either the social
cognitive theory OR the stages of change theory (transtheoretical model). Briefly explain
why you have chosen this theory and how you plan to use it.
Strategies/interventions/program (approximately 175-200 words)
Propose five strategies/interventions that help to achieve the aim and objectives. Consider
environmental/supply-side strategies, as well as educational/demand-side strategies.
List references supporting your choices (e.g., studies that have used your proposed strategy
successfully in the past, or some evidence of success).
All strategies must be linked to your aim and relevant objectives. Explain which strategy(ies)
are directly linked with your chosen theory (not every strategy needs to be linked with your
Group input
Explain how you worked together as a group on this assignment. Did you encounter any
issues? If so, how did you resolve them? (This section is not included in your word count.)

Important information regarding group allocation

Students will be allocated to a group, based on their seminar class enrolment (e.g., students
enrolled in seminar 1 on Thursday will be randomly allocated to 1 of 10 groups in that class). This is
to assist students with getting together to discuss the assignment.
Time will be allocated in each seminar for you to work with your groups on the assignment. It is
expected that the majority of the assignment, if not all, will be completed in the seminars.

It is important to attend the seminars in week 3 (seminar 1) and week 5 (seminar 2) as this is
where you complete most of assignment 1 with your AT1 group members.
What setting should I focus on for this assessment?
Please consider secondary schools as the setting for assignment 1 and assignment 2. You can consider the
other settings in this town for assignment 3.

What countries should I focus on for the background research?

Data on the effects of sugar-sweetened beverage consumption could come from any Western country.
However, data on intake should come from Australian studies/national surveys. All other studies can come
from any similar situation in Western countries but try to find Australian data in the first instance.

Do I need to include details of the studies I use as references in the strategies section?
No, you do not have to explain the studies here. Just support your strategies with the relevant references.

Can I include physical activity as well as nutrition?

No. All of your strategies should have a nutrition/food (or related behaviour) focus. Usually, you would
incorporate both PA and nutrition but for the purpose of this assignment, we are focusing on
nutrition/food only.

How do I write an aim and objectives?

Refer to the week 3 class and the seminars. Remember to be realistic. E.g., it is not realistic to expect
students who consume sugar-sweetened beverages every day to reduce this to once per week within a
month. It is more realistic to decrease intake gradually. Use other studies to help find what may be feasible.

What referencing style do I use?

Vancouver (numbering) for AT1. Please refer to this guide for details on how to cite references using this

Can I change the plan from AT1 to AT2?

No, you should not change the plan. You should provide a detailed description of the AT1 proposed plan in
AT2. If the marker suggested making changes to your plan, please make sure to address them in AT2.

Is there a cover sheet?

No cover sheet is required.

Is there a suggested font size/type?

No. As long as it is easily readable. I recommend font size 11 or 12 depending on the font you choose.

What is included in the word count?

Headings, sub-headings, and references (reference list at the end of the assignment) are not included in the
word limit. Also, the 'group input' section is not included in the word count. The in-text citations are
included in the word count.

Which section should be supported by references?

References must be provided in the background, theory, and strategies sections.

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