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Review of events
Length: One hour and twenty minutes Number of Students:

Lesson Outline:
Activity 1: Warm-up activity
Activity 2: Choose the suitable word.
Activity 3: Fill in the gaps.
Activity 4: Complete the collocations

The aіm: To give information about review writing, to encourage them to use
creativity while writing.
to improve student's writing skills through identifying tone of the text
To develop a student's critical thinking skills through discussions
To improve students’ vocabulary about review writing.
Activity type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)

Warm-up activity. Guess the word?

Time: 10 min
►Procedure: Read the sentences and fill the missing words according to the film.

Activity 1: Choose the suitable word.

Time: 20 min
Materials: Handout 1.
►Procedure: Read the model and choose the correct word.

Activity 2: Fill in the gaps.

Objective: To improve students’ creative skills

Time: 30 min
Materials: Handout 2
►Procedure: Read the following and fill in the gaps.

Activity 3:  Complete the collocations

Objective: To improve students creative thinking while reading a book

Time: 10 min
►Procedure: Complete the collocations by filling the gaps with the suitable words from the box.

Home assignment:
Time: 5 min

Write a review of the event from your childhood.

Handout 1

Handout 2
Handout 3

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