Lauren Tiara - G1B021090 - Meeting 14

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Nama : Lauren Tiara

NPM : G1B021090
Kelas :B
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris
Dosen : Kasmaini S.S., M,Pd.

Civil Engineering
Civil engineering is a branch of engineering that is moved in infrastructure planning /
design for human benefits. In other words, civil engineering graduates need to have knowledge
of design (when planning), construction (when developing and developing management
systems), and (when considering the impact of various aspects of development) for
environmental protection.
The basic knowledge that a civil engineer must have is to master knowledge and
understand basic calculations such as applied physics, especially mechanics. Civil engineering
teaches not only techniques for structural planning, construction and maintenance, but also
various aspects of construction management. It provides knowledge and training to acquire and
perform construction work.
Civil engineering is a long-standing profession, thought to have existed in ancient Egypt
and Mesopotamia between 4000 and 2000 BC. The Pyramids of the World (built more than 4000
years ago or around 2600 BC) were built by an engineer named Imhotep. Initially, this profession
was owned by the military to build defenses, forts, military garrisons, roads, bridges, and other
supporting structures. After the war, engineers at the time needed to rebuild the destroyed city
and make it more organized as needed.
Based on the field of science, civil engineering includes: Mathematics, chemistry,
physics, geology, environment, and even computers. Civil engineering is currently divided into
several fields such as structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, civil engineering,
hydrology, environmental engineering, and transportation. including public works such as roads,
bridges, piers, access, canals, reservoirs/dams, airports, terminals, stations, sewers, pipelines,
structures and railroads.
Civil engineering is divided into several sub-fields such as coastal engineering, civil
engineering, seismic engineering, environmental engineering, forensics, geotechnical
engineering, materials engineering, construction engineering, surveying, transportation
engineering, urban planning, water management, and civil engineering increase system. In
addition, civil engineering and building types include office buildings, bridges, roads, airports,
stations, housing, and various other public facilities.

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