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(AC-S13) Week 13 - Task: Assignment - My best birthday present

Renzo alonso castro peña

: Good evening, my name is renzo castro and this time we are going to talk about"My best
birthday present."

B: What is your favorite technological device called? Myfavorite device is the cell phone.: Why
is it important to you?They are very important to me because I use them for my daily life, for
college, for my personal life, to be able to communicate with my family and friends, and also to
be able tohave fun in my free time.renzo, what are its characteristics?With a smartphone you
can do everything at the same time, that is, you can multitask. Thismeans that you can receive
calls, check your schedule while watching videos in MediaPlayer, or while synchronizing your
device with others, and all this without interrupting anyof the tasks, so as not to go too far, it is
the same as you do on your computer, you openwindows and everything works at the same
time and not like in a conventional telephonethat if you go to check your agenda you have to
stop listening to music to do it.Supports email and the ability to connect to social networks.-
Has GPS-Allows the installation of third-party programs-Use any interface for data entry, such
as QWERTY keyboard, touch screen, etc.-Allow you to access the Internet with 4G technology.

renzo: Which one is better / faster compared to the others)In cell phones there are different
models and qualities. Among them, the main difference isthe physical appearance they have,
the design and the brands. There are current and old cell phones, large and small for the
convenience of each person.renzo, what can you or can't you do with your device?With my
mobile device I cannot store absolutely all my personal data or what I wouldlike in the cloud,
since it limits you to certain things.Thanks for your attention.

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