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Strategies and Documentation of Classroom Interventions

Language Comprehension & Expression

Student: _______________________________________ Birthdate: ____/____/____

School: _______________________ Teacher: _________________ Grade: _____

1. Understanding directions 1: Give short and simple directions.

2. Understanding directions 2: Give the student a written checklist of tasks they need to do.
3. Understanding directions 3: Have the student repeat or paraphrase directions back to you to check comprehension.
Encourage student to ask for clarification if they do not understand.
4. Story comprehension: Point out important information/story elements while reading the story (e.g. setting,
characters, vocabulary, sequence of events, main idea). After reading the story, ask the student questions about
these things you highlighted while reading.
5. Answering questions: Use picture cue cards to help the student answer different types of “Wh” questions. For
example, a card with a picture of people when asking a “who” question.
6. Labeling/defining vocabulary: On Monday, pick 5 words the student does not know. Practice labeling them, using
them in a sentence, or giving a definition for them each day. On Friday, quiz the student to see if they can label or
define them independently.
7. Speaking in complete sentences: When a child uses an incomplete sentence or one word utterance, tell them to
say it again using all their words. Model using a complete sentence if they cannot do it on their own.
8. Story retelling 1: After reading or listening to a story, model for the student how to retell the story before asking them
to retell it.
9. Story retelling 2: Give the student a template to fill out for main story elements: setting, characters, and 3 major
events. Allow the student to use the template to help them retell the story.

Date of Intervention # Data Collection Total Correct

Intervention (Correct: 1, +, ✓, etc.; Incorrect: 0, -, ✗)


Each language intervention corresponds to the research-based intervention below from (source) Durham Public Schools Plan of Care.
1. Hierarchy for auditory comprehension, Chaining
2. Visual schedules, Chaining
3. Verbal scaffolding, Paraphrasing, Corrective feedback techniques
4. Joint reading/routines interactions
5. Printed word cues
6. Reinforcing contextual definitions
7. Elaboration and expansion of student response
8. Chaining
9. Following oral text with written text

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