OJT Narrative

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Cavite

Narrative Report

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the

Work Immersion (On-the-Job-Training)

June 2023
Table of Contents

I. The Trainee
II. Acknowledgement
III. Table of Contents
IV. Introduction
V. Objectives
VI. Company Profile
VII. On-the Job Training Activities (10 days journal)
(with date and day)
VIII. Problems Encountered
IX. Recommendations
X. Appendix
a. Certificate of Completion
b. Daily Time Record
c. Approved OJT Recommendation Letter
d. Photos During OJT per Day
e. Curriculum vitae (resume)

Work Immersion, also known as On-the-Job training, is a mandatory component of the

curriculum for senior high school students who are nearing graduation. As part of this
requirement, senior high school students are required to participate in a work immersion program
that aligns with their intended field of study in higher education. The purpose of Work
Immersion is to provide students with firsthand exposure to the professional working
environment and facilitate their familiarity with the specific industry they wish to pursue. By
engaging in Work Immersion, students have the opportunity to enhance the skills relevant to
their chosen field and gain practical knowledge that will contribute to their overall professional

In the education system of the Philippines, work immersion or on-the-job training is

designed to provide students with practical experience in a real work setting. It aims to enable
students to apply their problem-solving skills in real-world scenarios. According to the "The On-
the-Job Training Manual" by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) in the
Philippines, work immersion requires students not only to apply the theoretical principles and
concepts learned in school but also to develop their personal attributes, work attitudes, critical
thinking abilities, and technical knowledge relevant to the workplace.

Work immersion provides students with practical experience in a supervised work

environment. It allows them to apply theoretical knowledge, enhance technical thinking,
decision-making skills, and improve communication and relationship-building abilities.

 To introduce students to diverse career options. By immersing themselves in real work

environments, students gain firsthand exposure to various jobs. They have the
opportunity to observe professionals in action and grasp the essential skills necessary for
success in those fields.
 Application of learning; work immersion provides students the opportunity to apply the
knowledge they have acquitted from classrooms to real-world scenarios. The gap
between theory and practice is bridged, helping students to comprehend the relativity of
their academic learnings to practical applications. Through work immersion, they will
witness the relevance of education to real world problems.
 facilitates the establishment of valuable networks and connections. Through interaction
with co-workers or fellow interns, students can develop relationships that may prove
beneficial in their future endeavors. These connections have the potential to open doors
for additional opportunities and personal growth.
Company Profile

Victorious Christian Montessori School Foundation Inc.

Victorious Christian Montessori School Foundation Inc. (GMA Campus) is an esteemed

educational institution that provides a nurturing and holistic learning environment for students.
Established with the vision of empowering students to achieve their full potential, the school is
committed to academic excellence, character development, and spiritual growth.

The school offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers a wide range of subjects,
including language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and the arts. In addition to
academic subjects, Victorious Christian Montessori School Foundation Inc. (GMA Campus) also
emphasizes the importance of character education, moral values, and spiritual formation.
Through various programs and activities, students are encouraged to cultivate virtues such as
respect, integrity, responsibility, and compassion.

Since its establishment in 1994, Victorious Christian Montessori School Foundation Inc. has
been dedicated to providing quality education to learners. Situated in the municipality of General
Mariano Alvarez, Cavite, it is recognized as a private educational institution. The school has
consistently upheld its motto of "Learn by Doing" and has demonstrated its commitment through
the accomplishments of its academically successful graduates who aspire to pursue higher
education and continue their learning journey.
On-the-Job Training Activities


I woke up, realising that it is the first day of my work immersion/on-the-job training, a
partial requirement for senior high school. I cooked my breakfast as a preparation for the day,
bathed myself, and had gotten ready my clothes to wear. I was over an hour and a half late
mainly because I feel like I wasn’t ready to this kind of environment. I started the work, me and
my co-interns asked the teachers the things that we are going to do. Me and my friends went onto
the faculty and one teacher gave us the test papers of the grade seven students and checked the
papers. Before checking the papers, I was startled because of how many the test papers were. It
was until that time that I realised that there are many students from the 7th grade.

After checking, we took a break since there really was many. Then, we hosted the exam
of the grade eight students for their ‘Araling Panlipunan’ subject. It was also the first time I saw
the volume of the students in that class. As we are watching them take the exam, I didn’t realise
that it would take that long to be finished; I felt bored while staring at their respective papers one
by one.

It was a hot afternoon, even without the direct sunlight coming from the skies, the
surroundings felt like burning as we relentlessly feel the scorching heat. I, then, took a lunch
break with my friends to help us regain the energy we needed to continue. After few more tasks
to do, we already timed out and went home.

On-the-Job Training Activities


I started the day waking up at six a.m. to cook my breakfast and to get ready for another
day of work immersion, it is already the second day and I already felt motivated to fulfil another
day productively. I initially did all the chores and responsibilities in my house before leaving for
work and as I get to work, I was yet to be given a daunting task. The teachers assigned us to
check the lecture notes of grade 11 students to get their clearances signed. There was a moderate
load of students that passed their notes through the faculty window and by checking, we had a
guide for the lessons that must be in their notebooks. I wasn’t really that social, so interacting
with the students of the younger batch was a tad difficult for me. As I was checking, I was
thinking of a sentence to say to the students if there is a missing lesson and ask them to write
them down. I mustered up my confidence and I did it. It went on with the subsequent students
that had been passing in order to get the sign for the clearance. Then, talking to them wasn’t a
difficult thing for me anymore. I am glad for that happening.

Subsequently, we had a break and used the time for it to rest. One of my co-interns was
inside the faculty too and out of boredom, she saw a book of General Physics and started
skimming, I looked at her and I instantly felt like I was interested in skimming too. I joined her
and we, then, skimmed the book and was glamorised on what a grade 12 student could have been
experiencing learning all those overwhelming number of formulas and grueling lessons to
comprehend. We, then, moved on a book of General Chemistry and we felt the same that those
lessons should have been tackled better than having all the lab experiments without lectures.

On-the-Job Training Activities


It was again, another day of work immersion, woke up early again to start the day at
work. After arriving, it was quite an unusual day for a trainee. Surprisingly, there is nothing to
do; a lacking of students, the teachers were busy with their own work, then, after a few hours, the
whole faculty was crowded with the students that have questions to their teachers regarding the
completion of their clearances. The whole room was filled with murmuring of the students and
teachers conversing. I was one of the trainees that were positioned in signing of the clearance, we
were given orders that in order to give the sign, the students must be wearing the required
wardrobe. It was a strict order, so we must abide by it.

We continued doing the same task until the end of the day and asking the students to
come back if they were not following the requirements, stating that they would not be signed.
Some students did not want to follow and kept on insisting to sign their clearance, but still, we
cannot break the orders given to us. It was a fun Friday to end the first week of our work
immersion. We took the weekend as a good time to rest and to get ready for the 2 nd week of

On-the-Job Training Activities


On this 4th day of immersion, officially the 2nd week of the training, we expect to start
another haul of work for the whole day. I started the day again waking up early in the morning,
cooking my own breakfast and get ready for the day. I was motivated to arrive early at work and
to do the training for longer hours, I felt excited to do novel things and it came out to be the
opposite of what I had been expecting. It was a monotonous day of work and we did the same
things as last week. But the difference is there were more student this day and I find it fun to
interact with them.

Additionally, our final defence was soon to betide and we have less than 24 hours to
prepare. It was difficult to multitask between the training and the preparation. So, I did my best
to fulfil the time that there were no students to pass their lecture notes and study for the defence
tomorrow morning. I was in disquietude, as I was worrying that I will not be able to defend our
thesis well. And then, what I did was, as soon as I get home, I will study.

On-the-Job Training Activities


Another morning, waking up full of uneasiness and discomfort. I had tried my best to do
my responsibilities as fast as I can because the defence was within two hours. I asked the
teachers to give us time to prepare for our defence as it is also one of the prerequisites for
graduation; I told them that I can provide my time for the work immersion after the defence.
Then a few minutes remaining, the defence is to come about.
Problems Encountered

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