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What are they?
◦ They are an agreement that a company team makes around the behaviours that will
accepted or wont within the team.
◦ They are used within professional development within the business as a whole along with
an individual’s job role. A business behaviour framework identifies the ways of acting and
the skills that bring to life the culture, values and goals of the company.

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Leading by example
◦ In order for business values and culture to thrive, managing teams must lead by example
while also presenting themselves as approachable. They must make sure they include all
employees and consider all ideas for decision making. They make sure the team is
functioning correctly and efficiently, in order to reach the overall goals for the company.
◦ It goes without saying that communication is a vital part of a business’s behaviour and it is
made apparent from the get go that any employee must be able to have strong
communications skills inside and outside of the office environment. Not only must
businesses have a strong level of communication with clients, it is just as important to
communicate effectively and work collaboratively within the company itself. Therefore, it is
crucial that management communicates values and goals to all employees in order for
them to practice and apply them within their everyday work.
Team development
◦ Within any team, it’s important to be ever-growing, learning and developing in order to
reach the main business goals. Management roles should encourage personal and team
growth continuously through their work and motivate employees regularly. This naturally
leads to an increase in the productivity of work and therefore overall client satisfaction.
With a strong team comes strong ideas and hand-in-hand, a strong business culture, which
always leads to a positive outcome.

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