Bern's 8 Therapeutic Operations Table

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Berne’s 8 Therapeutic Operations.

Interventions Description Function When to use When not to use Example

1. Interrogation Mainly used to identify material Signals the direction When confident the If suspect the client is in Did you actually shout at your
that might be of clinical of the work to the client is in Adult. Parent or Child. son?
importance and helpful in client.
future work.
2. Specification A declaration that categorises Fixes it in the mind of If client might deny the If it will “frighten the So you felt angry and
information. client and therapist information or in patient’s Child” Berne. ashamed when you shouted
preparation for Might not be ready to at your son.
explanation. acknowledge the

3. Confrontation A transaction based on Confrontation may If client is playing a Game If it “makes you feel I think you are saying you feel
information that has been redistribute cathexis. (eg Stupid) or is not able, smarter than the like a bad parent.
gathered previously that at the moment to patient” or if you are
disconcerts the Parent, Child or account the inconsistency about to respond with
contaminated Adult by pointing for themselves. a Parental But…
out inconsistency.
4. Explanation Uses TA theory to make sense Facilitates client in When the client is If the client is still So when your Child was
of information. strengthening or prepared and their Adult playing a Game eg Yes embarrassed and scared by
decontaminating is listening. But…. Etc. your son’s behavior the
Adult. energy shifted to your Parent
and that’s when you shouted
at your son.

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Berne’s 8 Therapeutic Operations.
Interposition – an attempt by the therapist to interpose something between the client’s Adult and other ego states.

Interpositions Description Function When to use When not to use Example

5. Illustration Telling an anecdote, a simile or To support a successful When the client is listening To rectify an unsuccessful I used to get angry
giving a comparison. confrontation and easing and three egos states are confrontation or to show and shout
any undesirable effects. aligned so that Adult and how clever you are. If sometimes, and I
Child are listening and Parent is self-righteous or nearly always felt
Parent will not take over. Child is looking to justify a dreadful afterwards.
6. Confirmation Repeats and reinforces an To help reinforce ego When the client’s Adult is If the previous I notice that you are
earlier confrontation on the state boundaries further. strong enough to prevent confrontation was still getting angry
same issues. he Parent using it against unsuccessful, “or if it makes when you feel
the Child. you feel smug” Berne. powerless to do
7. Interpretation Deals with the pathology of the Identifies areas of When the patient’s Adult is When Adult is not in the Are you willing to
Child, material is presented in confusion of Child. A way on your side, when you are executive or on your side. take action in
coded form. Therapist decodes for therapist to check not directly opposing the support of yourself.
and detoxifies Child’s past they have understood the Parent and when you are
experiences with client’s Adult situation correctly. not asking too much from
as an ally. the Child. Berne.
8. Crystallization States the client’s position. And Invites client to exercise When sure that not only is Renewed symptoms. You can take action
Adult to Adult transaction that options to act on his own Adult, but also Child and to change things for
confirms the therapeutic aim behalf. Parent are “properly yourself.
has been reached. prepared”

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