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Current Research (2003) Newfoundland Department of Mines and Energy

Geological Survey, Report 03-1, pages 223-229


A. Kerr
Mineral Deposits Section


The metal contents of samples of magmatic sulphide mineralization are generally correlated with their sulphide contents,
because the metal content of bulk sulphides remains approximately constant in this environment. Sulphide metal contents pro -
vide valuable information in mineral exploration and research, and are readily calculated if the mass fraction of sulphides is
known. The latter is most simply calculated from the measured sulphur content using an assumed sulphur content of 35.7% S
for a typical pyrrhotite–chalcopyrite–pentlandite mixture. There appears to be little advantage in accounting for the individ-
ual sulphide minerals in the sample. For samples containing > 10% S, calculations are very robust, but lower sulphur con-
tents generally demand at least some correction for metals contained in nonsulphide minerals. These can become significant
below 5% S, and/or in olivine-rich samples. Corrections can readily be performed by simple mass-balance calculations, using
concentration data from unmineralized host rocks.

Significant uncertainties are introduced by analytical errors for sulphur and metals, which are commonly measured from
separate sample aliquots. The combined errors in calculated sulphide metal contents will generally exceed ± 10%, but get
larger at low S contents. Caution must generally be used in the treatment of data from samples containing < 2.5% S, espe-
cially for the PGE. Application of the method in simple grade-potential assessment is easy, but research-oriented studies
involving sulphide-poor samples are more problematic. Invalid correction of data for nonsulphide-hosted metals can lead to
false negative or positive correlations between metal contents and sulphide content, which itself could be linked to geologi-
cal parameters, such as depth within an intrusive body. There are also several valid geological reasons for such correlations,
but data of this type require careful assessment to separate true variation from artifacts. Propagated analytical uncertainties
are largest in sulphide-poor samples, for which corrections may also be required. These potential inaccuracies must be borne
in mind whenever data from different localities or mineralization types are compared and contrasted. Simple charts allow
assessment of the reliability of data in various situations, and spreadsheet programs were developed for easy recalculation of

INTRODUCTION phides, and thus provide an upper limit for undiscovered

massive sulphide deposits on a given property. However,
In magmatic sulphide deposits, such as Voisey’s Bay, they provide no inference as to the actual existence of such
ore-metal concentrations are typically strongly correlated deposits! Sulphide metal contents also permit the examina-
with the sulphide content of samples. In many producing tion of subtler variations in metal contents and metal ratios
deposits, such as those of the Sudbury area, face samples are from a more academic perspective (e.g., Lightfoot et al.,
rarely assayed, because visual estimates of the amounts of 2001a, b). Perhaps the most useful application of calculated
sulphide content suffice for grade-control purposes. This sulphide metal contents is in comparing and classifying
correlation reflects the fact that essentially all base metals magmatic sulphide mineralization, by removing “noise”
and platinum-group-elements (PGE) are contained in sul- linked to variations in sulphide content. The procedure is
phide minerals, and that the bulk sulphide fraction shows a quite common in exploration, and increasingly popular in
narrow range of values for these elements, within a given research applications, although there are few formal descrip-
deposit. This parameter is called the sulphide metal content tions and evaluations of it. This article outlines the proce-
or tenor; in this article the first term is preferred, because dure and provides some guidelines for the use of such cal-
“tenor” can also refer to the proportion of sulphides within culations in different types of studies. For a more detailed
an ore sample. Calculated sulphide metal contents represent discussion, readers are referred to a forthcoming article in
a grade projection for material consisting of 100 percent sul- Exploration and Mining Geology (Kerr, in press).


SUMMARY OF CALCULATION METHODS rize the more complex methods. In these, Ni and Co are
combined, and assigned to pentlandite. The latter is assumed
BASIC PRINCIPLES to have a combined (Ni+Co) content of 36%, typical of
material from Sudbury. The sulphur required to make pent-
In a typical sample of magmatic sulphide mineraliza- landite is then subtracted from the total sulphur content.
tion, virtually all of the base metals and PGE reside in the Copper is then assigned to chalcopyrite, and the total sul-
sulphides. Nickel and Co are generally in pentlandite, and phur content is again corrected. The remaining sulphur is
Cu in chalcopyrite, but all the metals were originally dis- then assigned to pyrrhotite, using either the ideal FeS for-
persed in a high-temperature sulphide mineral termed mula (Naldrett et al., 2000) or Fe7S 8 (Li et al., 2001). The
Monosulphide Solid Solution (MSS), which converted to sulphur content of a rock containing 100 percent sulphides
pyrrhotite, pentlandite and chalcopyrite as it cooled. PGE is then readily calculated from the proportions of the three
may be hosted in chalcopyrite or pentlandite, but they may sulphide minerals and their ideal sulphur contents. This
also occur in a wide variety of rarer sulphide, telluride and method also results in a slight underestimate if “ideal” FeS
arsenide minerals. The main sulphide minerals have similar is used, but it may result in an overestimate, if Fe7S8 is used.
sulphur contents, i.e., 33.3% (pentlandite), 34.9% (chal-
copyrite) and 36.5% (pure FeS - i.e., troilite; natural Calculations suggest that differences between these
pyrrhotite will be more S-rich, as it is metal-deficient). If all methods are trivial. Typically, the differences in calculated
metals are in sulphide minerals, the sulphide metal contents sulphide metal contents are less than 0.1 wt%, and are insen-
can readily be derived from the whole-rock analysis, pro- sitive to Ni/Cu variations, except at very low sulphide con-
viding that the mass fraction of sulphides is known. The lat- tents. A close fit to the method of Naldrett et al. (2000) was
ter can be derived by dividing the sulphur content of the obtained by using a slightly revised value of 35.7% for
sample by the assumed sulphur content of a rock consisting 100% sulphides. Compared to the uncertainties introduced
purely of sulphides. As the dominant sulphide mineral is by analytical errors, and those involved in correction for
usually pyrrhotite, a common approach is to assume a value nonsulphide-hosted metals, such differences are negligible.
of 36.5% S for pure sulphides. The sulphide metal content is There thus appears to be no advantage in the more complex
then obtained by dividing the whole-rock metal content by approach.
the mass fraction of sulphides. For example, if a sample con-
tains 4000 ppm Ni, and 7.3% sulphur, the mass fraction of CORRECTIONS FOR METALS IN NONSULPHIDE
sulphides is 0.2 (i.e., 7.3 / 36.5), and the sulphide metal con- MINERALS
tent is 20 000 ppm (i.e., 4000 / 0.2), or 2% Ni.
There are instances where essentially all metals reside
All calculations involve this basic method, which is in sulphide minerals, as for example in discordant sulphide
simplistic, because some metals can reside in silicates, and mineralization hosted by monomineralic anorthosites. How-
the sulphides include more than one mineral. The procedure ever, in most cases, some metals will reside in silicate min-
is also commonly an extrapolation because the samples may erals such as olivine and pyroxene, and perhaps also in iron
actually contain only small amounts of sulphides. Extrapo- oxides. In particular, olivine-bearing rocks are likely to con-
lations are prone to error propagation, and there are several tain significant silicate-hosted Ni. Under some circum-
potential sources of errors, which also need to be considered stances, corrections must be made for these metals.
in interpreting data.
Mass-balance equations dictate that :
SULPHIDES X WR = (Xsulph * Msulph) + (X other * M other ) (1)

Methods for calculating the mass fraction of sulphides where X indicates the concentrations (in whole-rock, sul-
differ only in the assignment of an assumed sulphur content phides, and other minerals, respectively) and M indicates
for pure sulphides. There are essentially two approaches, the relevant mass-fractions of each. Rearrangement of equa-
i.e., to use an arbitrary value (as outlined above), or to tion (1) shows that the true sulphide metal content is given
endeavour to account for the sulphide minerals individually. by :

In previous articles (e.g., Kerr, 1999), the author X sulph = [ XWR - (X other * M other ) ] / M sulph (2)
assigned a value of 35% S for pure sulphides. This is an
underestimate, as pyrrhotite (>36.5% S) is generally the Thus, corrected sulphide metal contents are readily obtained
dominant sulphide. This choice was deliberately made to if the concentration in bulk nonsulphides is known, because
ensure that estimates of sulphide metal contents remain con- M other is given simply by [1 - Msulph].
servative. Naldrett et al. (2000) and Li et al. (2001) summa-


Sulphide metal contents used in previous articles (e.g., Co Ni, Cu

Kerr, 1999; Kerr and Smith, 2000) were corrected via this 0
method, using values for Xother based upon analytical data S
-10 %
from unmineralized host rocks of analogous composition. If 30
such data are unavailable, an arbitrary value can be substi- -20

Correction (%)

Nonsulphide metal corrections suggested by Naldrett et

al. (2000) use essentially the same method, but account only -50

for Ni in olivines. The calculation of the Ni content of

1 0%


olivine is based on the observation that Ni/Fe(olivine) =

5% S
(Ni/Fe(sulphide) / 25) in samples from Voisey’s Bay, in which -70
the olivines are believed to have reequilibrated with sul- -80
phide liquid (Li and Naldrett, 1999). Assuming an olivine
composition of Fo65, the Ni content of coexisting olivines
(X olivine), is obtained from the uncorrected sulphide metal -100
1 10 100 1000 10000
content. The method also requires an estimated value for the Xsulph / Xother
modal proportion of olivine (M olivine) in the nonsulphide por-
tion of the sample, from which the bulk nonsulphide Ni con-
Figure 1. Curves expressing the magnitude of corrections
tent is derived for use in equation (2). Calculations show
for metals contained in nonsulphide minerals as a function
that the magnitudes of corrections using this method resem -
of the amount of sulphur, and the ratio between the uncor-
ble those from the simpler method, providing that the modal
rected sulphide metal content (X sulph) and the estimated bulk
proportion of olivine lies in the range of 20 to 40%. How-
nonsulphide metal content (Xother). Typical relative values
ever, the magnitude of corrections increases at higher sul-
for Xsulph/Xother for the Voisey’s Bay deposit in Labrador are
phide metal contents, whereas it remains essentially fixed in
also indicated. See text for further explanation.
the first method.

It is evident from equation (1) that the contribution of of the uncorrected sulphide metal content) and the ratio
sulphides to the whole-rock metal contents will be over- X sulph/Xother (where Xsulph is the uncorrected sulphide metal
whelming if Msulph is significant because the concentrations content). Figure 1 shows several curves for variable
in sulphides will generally be at least two orders of magni- amounts of sulphur in a sample, ranging from 0.1% to 30%.
tude greater than in the bulk nonsulphides. In rocks that con- If the estimated value of X sulph/X other for a given sample does
tain large amounts of sulphide and in which sulphide metal not intersect the appropriate sulphur content curve, the cor-
contents are high, the contribution of metal from sulphides rection exceeds !100 percent, and the procedure is mean-
is so overwhelming that any correction is unnecessary (see ingless. This outcome may indicate that sulphides are metal-
below). At low sulphide contents (or if sulphide metal con- free, but it more likely reflects overestimates of Xother . At low
tents are low), the first method has several advantages, in S contents, corrections may be very significant unless the
addition to being simpler to calculate. First, it requires no sulphides are very metal-rich. Conversely, at high sulphide
assumptions about olivine contents, compositions or Fe/Ni contents, corrections are insignificant unless the sulphides
partitioning effects. Second, it is more readily adaptable to are very metal-poor. The graph in Figure 1 is useful in indi-
local circumstances. cating whether or not nonsulphide metal corrections are
needed in a given situation.
CORRECTIONS Figure 1 also shows that the interpretation of data from
sulphide-poor rocks that contain metal-bearing nonsulphide
Nonsulphide metal corrections are inversely correlated phases could be difficult. In the absence of correction, there
with the mass fraction of sulphides, and become most sig- will be an apparent inverse relationship between sulphide
nificant as M sulph approaches 0. They are also inversely cor- metal contents and the amount of sulphide, even if the true
related with the ratio between the metal contents of sul- sulphide metal content is constant. Conversely, overly con-
phides and nonsulphides (X sulph/Xother ), and become less sig- servative corrections for sulphide-poor samples could lead
nificant at high sulphide metal contents. to false patterns in which corrected sulphide metal contents
are positively correlated with sulphur abundance. Sulphide
These relationships are best illustrated by graphing the metal contents and sulphur abundance have been noted to be
required correction (here expressed as a negative percentage inversely correlated (e.g., Barnes et al., 1997; Kerr, in


press), but viable geological explanations exist for such pat- improves significantly at intermediate values typical of
terns. When dealing with sulphide-poor rocks, the sulphur weakly mineralized samples, ranging from ± 2.9% for Co (>
content of samples, and the precision of such data, must be 50 ppm) to ± 4.6% for Cu (> 100 ppm), but degrades again
closely monitored. Also, reliable “background” data from above 1000 ppm. Thus, conservative estimates of precision
sulphide-free samples should routinely be acquired, so that for base metals are around ± 5% to ± 6%.
corrections are as accurate as possible.
Kerr (2002) recently presented results from a survey of
The magnitude of required corrections will also vary for the PGE contents of Labrador magmatic sulphides, using
different elements. In unmineralized mafic rocks, Ni and Co fire assay/ICP-ES analysis. Data from duplicate analyses
commonly have similar abundances, but magmatic sulphide (separate sample splits) indicates that analytical precision is
deposits have much higher Ni/Co ratios, and the ratio poor below 100 ppb, likely worse than ± 10%, with very sig-
X sulph/Xother will generally be an order of magnitude greater nificant degradation approaching detection limits. Above
for Ni than for Co. Calculated sulphide Co contents from S- 100 ppb, an appropriate conservative estimate of precision is
deficient samples are thus unreliable, and other methods of at least ± 10%. Reanalysis of anomalous PGE values for
estimating this parameter should be used. Sulphide Cu con- verification purposes at a different laboratory resulted in dif-
tents are the least sensitive to corrections, but this advantage ferences in PGE contents of up to 50%, suggesting that sam-
is balanced by more intrinsic “geological” variation, mostly ple heterogeneity and/or “nugget effects” from discrete Pt-
due to fractionation during crystallization of sulphide liq- and Pd-rich mineral phases are also a potential problem
uids (e.g., Barnes et al., 1997). (Kerr, 2002).

ERRORS IN CALCULATED SULPHIDE The combined effects of analytical uncertainties for sul-
METAL CONTENTS phur and metals upon calculated sulphide metal contents are
illustrated in Figure 2. This relates precision in metal analy-
The results of any calculation are only as accurate or sis to total combined uncertainties, with a series of lines
reliable as the input data. In the case of sulphide metal con- indicating variation in the precision of sulphur analysis. This
tent calculations, input errors come from analyses of metals, assumes that errors in metal contents and sulphur contents
and analyses of sulphur content. Furthermore, base metals, are inversely correlated, which is unlikely, so these lines are
PGE’s and sulphur are generally analysed using different conservative estimates, but they are large. For example, pre-
techniques, from discrete aliquots of the original sample. cision of ± 10% for both sets of input data yield combined
Thus, sample heterogeneity may also be an important con- uncertainties of +22.2% and -18.2% (mean 20.2%) in calcu-
sideration. As outlined above, nonsulphide metal corrections lated sulphide metal contents. If the precision of sulphur
become important at low sulphur contents, or when metal analysis improves to ± 2%, these drop to +12.2% and -
concentrations are low, or when both situations apply. Thus, 11.8% respectively (Figure 2a). The positive error is always
all of these potential problems converge at low sulphur con- greater than the negative error because it involves greater
tents and low concentrations. extrapolation, and the imbalance between the two grows
with increasing uncertainty. The absolute magnitudes of
Precision for sulphur analyses (Leco furnace method) errors can be quite high. For example, in a sample contain-
was investigated for within-batch duplicates at a single lab- ing 1000 ppm Ni and 1% S, the total potential uncertainty in
oratory and sample splits analyzed at two different laborato- sulphide Ni content is 1.4% Ni, which is clearly significant
ries. Within-batch duplicates are precise to ± 4% or better at in economic terms. Uncertainties in sulphide metal contents
all concentrations, but inter-laboratory precision is worse, that are corrected for nonsulphide metals are greater than for
and at low S concentrations precision is as poor as ± 10 to uncorrected values, although this difference diminishes with
15%. Some samples containing > 20% S also exhibit poor increasing sulphur and metal contents. There are of course
precision, suggesting that sample heterogeneity plays a role. also uncertainties involved in the correction procedure itself,
Given that sulphur analyses almost always involve an but these are more difficult to quantify.
aliquot separate from that used for metals, this suggests pre-
cision of ± 5% at all levels, degrading to ± 10% below about Figure 2b is useful as a general guide to the assessment
2.5% S, and perhaps further degrading below 1% S. of potential total uncertainty as a function of analytical pre-
cision for metals and sulphur. Under most circumstances,
Precision for base metals at the Department of Mines uncertainties of ± 12% or so should be expected. The poten-
and Energy (ICP-ES method) was assessed from almost 300 tial uncertainties are greatest below 1% S, where precision
duplicate analyses undertaken between 1996 and 1998 degrades, or if the analyses of metals are imprecise, as they
(Finch, 1998; unpublished data). Average precision for all may be for PGE. Combined uncertainties of ± 40% are
data ranges from ± 5% for Ni to ± 6.5% for Cu. This entirely possible under these circumstances, and caution


35% grades of potential massive sulphides, analytical uncertain-

ties and corrections for nonsulphide-hosted metals are gen-
30% or
Err erally unimportant. Corrections are likely to be trivial unless
Total combined error in
sulphide metal content

ti ve
Posi the sulphides are metal-poor, in which case the accuracy of
ati ve E rror the results is largely irrelevant, because all grade predictions
20% Neg itiveE
+12.2% Pos will be poor. However, overcorrection must be avoided,
±10 or preferably by the acquisition of “control data” from unmin-
15% -18.2% Err
a t ive eralized host rocks. Analytical errors can be a significant
10% ±2% problem if the samples are poor in sulphides.
5% The treatment of data from sulphide-poor silicate rocks
is inherently more complex. Correction for nonsulphide-
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% hosted metals, and propagated analytical uncertainties, may
Analytical Precision for Metal become very significant. All these problems converge below
5% S, and may become critical below about 2.5% S. For
50% base metals, the calculation of sulphide metal contents from
samples containing < 1% S is not recommended, unless the
Total combined error in

host rocks can be shown to be devoid of metals, and non-

sulphide metal content

±20% sulphide metal correction will generally be required below
30% ±15% about 5% S. Correction is best approached through mass-
balance calculations, using input data from unmineralized
samples. It must always be remembered that undercorrec-
20% ±6%
tion can cause false trends where metal contents are nega-
±2% tively correlated with the amount of sulphide, and overcor-
10% rection can generate false positive correlations. As the
±4% amount of sulphide may also vary systematically (e.g.,
increasing toward the base of a magmatic body) such trends
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% may be assigned unwarranted geological significance. The
Analytical Precision for Metal distinction of true geological variation from this artificial
variation is perhaps the most difficult challenge in the inter-
Figure 2. Illustration of compound errors in the calculation pretation of data from sulphide-poor rocks.
of sulphide metal contents. (a) Positive (overestimate) and
negative (underestimate) errors due to analytical uncertain- Sulphur and metals are commonly analyzed from sepa-
ties for metals ranging from ± 0% to ± 20%, with analytical rate aliquots, often at different laboratories, and sample het-
uncertainties of ± 2% and ± 10% for sulphur. (b) Average erogeneity may affect precision for all. Precision for sulphur
combined uncertainties related to analytical precision for degrades below about 5% S, where nonsulphide metal cor-
metals and sulphur. Note that labels on the lines indicate rections become significant, and this adds to total uncertain-
analytical precision for sulphur. ty at these levels. Base metals exhibit reasonable precision
(around ± 6%) in the range typical of most silicate-dominat-
must be used in recalculation of any PGE data at low sul- ed rocks. Typical exploration-quality PGE data exhibit poor
phide contents. There are also other reasons to be wary of precision unless sulphides are PGE-enriched, and the recal-
calculated sulphide PGE contents. The uncertainties implied culation of such data from sulphide-poor samples is unwise.
by Figure 2 must be borne in mind whenever data from dif- For base metals, total combined errors in calculated sulphide
ferent areas or mineralization types are compared and con- metal contents above 5% S are likely to be at least ± 10%,
trasted. and these will be worse at lower sulphur contents. These
propagated analytical errors must be considered whenever
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS sulphide metal contents are used to characterize different
“types” of mineralization, as subtle differences may be more
A comparison of techniques for calculation and correc- apparent than real. Sulphide PGE contents encounter a fur-
tion of data to obtain sulphide metal contents shows no great ther problem, because there is no guarantee that they are
advantage for complex methods over simple ones, and the hosted by common sulphides, or even by sulphides at all. In
latter are thus recommended in most situations. In mineral rocks that have low S contents, such calculations may be
exploration, where the prime objective is to assess the very misleading.


To summarize, calculated sulphide metal contents have Finch, C.

unquestioned value in the evaluation and study of magmat- 1998: Inductively-coupled plasma emission spectrome-
ic sulphide deposits, and should be an important part of any try (ICP-ES) at the geochemical laboratory. In Current
exploration program. Calculations are generally robust, but Research. Newfoundland Department of Mines and
results must be interpreted with knowledge of potential Energy, Geological Survey, Report 98-1, pages 179-
problems, particularly in samples that are sulphide-poor. 195.
These complications certainly do not preclude the use of the
method, and there are valid geological reasons for many Kerr, A.
variations in sulphide metal contents described in the litera- 1999: Mafic rocks of the Pants Lake Intrusion and relat-
ture. Figures 1 and 2 provide guidelines for assessment of ed Ni–Cu–Co mineralization in north-central Labrador.
correction problems and analytical error, and should prove In Current Research. Newfoundland Department of
useful in assessing data of this type. Mines and Energy, Geological Survey, Report 99-1,
pages 215-253.
CALCULATION 2002: A reconnaissance study of platinum-group-ele-
ment (PGE) contents from magmatic sulphide mineral-
ization in Labrador. In Current Research. Newfound-
The calculations involved in obtaining sulphide metal
land and Labrador Department of Mines and Energy,
contents are not complicated, but they are undeniably
Geological Survey, Report 99-1, pages 215-253.
tedious. Spreadsheet programs were developed for the cal-
culation and correction methods discussed in this article,
2003: Spreadsheets for the calculation and correction of
and are available as an open file (Kerr, 2003). The spread-
sulphide metal contents. Newfoundland and Labrador
sheets are available in Lotus 1-2-3 and Microsoft Excel ver-
Department of Mines and Energy, Geological Survey,
sions, and include documentation and help screens. A sepa-
Open File NFLD/2805.
rate spreadsheet is provided for the more complex method of
Naldrett et al. (2000). The spreadsheets are not designed for
In press: The calculation and use of sulphide metal con-
the processing of large amounts of data, and present indi-
tents in the study of magmatic ore deposits: a method-
vidual records in column-format, rather than row-format,
ological analysis. Exploration and Mining Geology.
because this makes it easier to compare uncorrected and cor-
rected data. However, they can easily be modified by users
Kerr, A. and Smith, J.L.
to suit their specifications. The relevant open file can be
2000: Magmatic Ni–Cu sulphide mineralization in the
obtained on diskette or by e-mail from the Geological Sur-
Harp Lake Intrusive Suite, central Labrador. In Current
vey, Geoscience Publications and Information Section
Research. Newfoundland Department of Mines and
Energy, Geological Survey Branch, Report 2000-1,
pages 311-335.
Li, C., Maier, W.D. and de Waal, S.A.
This article was prompted largely by conversations with 2001: Magmatic Ni versus PGE deposits: Contrasting
exploration geologists in Labrador concerning such calcula- genetic controls and exploration implications. South
tions. Chris Finch of the Department of Mines and Energy African Journal of Geology, Volume 104, pages 309-
laboratory is thanked for providing data on analytical preci- 318.
sion and accuracy. Don James and Baxter Kean are thanked
for their comments on the initial version of this article. Li, C. and Naldrett, A.J.
1999: Geology and petrology of the Voisey’s Bay Intru-
REFERENCES sion: reaction of olivine with silicate and sulfide liq-
uids. Lithos, Volume 47, pages 1-31.
Barnes, S-J., Zientek, M.L. and Seversen, M.J. Lightfoot, P.C., Keays, R.R. and Doherty, W.
1997: Ni, Cu, Au and platinum-group element contents 2001a: Chemical evolution and origin of nickel sulfide
of sulphides associated with intraplate magmatism: a mineralization in the Sudbury Igneous Complex,
synthesis. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Volume Ontario, Canada. Economic Geology, Volume 96, pages
34, pages 337-351. 1855-1873.


Lightfoot, P.C., Bell, C.C. and Muggridge, M.G. Naldrett, A.J., Asif, M., Krstic, S. and Li, C.
2001b: Sulphide saturation history of the Voisey’s Bay 2000: The composition of mineralization at the Voisey’s
Intrusion, and formation of the nickel sulphide deposits. Bay Ni–Cu sulfide deposit, with special reference to
Geological Association of Canada, Abstracts, Volume platinum-group elements. Economic Geology, Volume
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