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University of Cebu

College of Nursing


1st Semester SY 2023-2024

Prelim Assignments/
Classroom Topics Coverage Activities
I. Concepts, Principles and Theories in the Care
of Older Adult

Create a
A. Perspective on Aging diagram/symbol
1. Definition of Terms that represents
● Aging student’s
● Ageism Ababat, Angyl perspective on
● Gerontology Fayth Aging (long
● Geriatrics sheet of bond
● Gerontologic Nursing paper, 50
● Geriatric Nursing points)
● Elderly
● Senior Citizen Submission of
● “Old” (Chronological Age or Biological Age) Definition of
2. Aging is a development process Terms (long
● Attitude towards Aging bond paper,
● 3 Major misconceptions about Aging Handwritten, 50

B. Demography of Aging and its implications for

Health and Nursing Care Agbon, Katrina Submission of a
1. Objectives Leigh recent
2. Global Aging Philippine
3. Aging in the Philippines Article about the
4. Demographics of Aging aging
5. Implications of the Demographics of Aging population (long
6. Causes of Aging bond paper,50
C. Impact of Aging Members in the Family Aquino, Marvie
Prelim Assignments/
Classroom Topics Coverage Activities
II. The Process of Aging (Development Aspects
of Aging
Aquino, Marvie Pre Test
A. Developmental Task Post Test
B. Theories of Aging Submission of a
Baliquig, Aj Reaction Paper
1. Theories and its Nursing Implications Wenn

2. Biological Theories Baliquig, Aj

a. Biological and Physiological Wenn
b. Physical Changes that accompany aging
c. Understanding of Life Transition

3. Non-Biological Theories Bingcang,

a. Disengagement Theory Veah Hazyl
b. Activity Theory
c. Selectivity Theory
d. Continuity Theory
4. Sociological Theories of Aging Bingcang,
a. Social Dimension Veah Hazyl
b. Social Roles
5. Psychosocial Theories of Aging Blanco, Grace
a. Types of Aging

Blanco, Grace
C. Factors that affect normal functioning of the older Joy
Prelim Assignments/
Classroom Topics Coverage Activities
III. Geriatric Health Care Team
A. Foundations of Aging Pre Test
1. History of Gerontology Nursing/Historical Bogabel, Naph Post Test
2. The Gerontology Nursing Care Team Bogabel, Naph
a. Gerontologist/Geriatricians
b. Nurse Gerontologist
c. Occupational Therapist
d. Physical Therapist
e. Speech Therapist
f. Nursing Interdisciplinary Care Conference Team
3. Aim of Gerontology Care Maureen
4. Specialty Roles, Qualifications, Functions and Borromeo,
Responsibilities of Gerontology Nurses Maureen

Midterm Assignments/
Classroom Topics Coverage Activities
IV. Physiologic Changes in Aging Affecting
Various System
A. Characteristics (no. 1-5) Pre Test
1. Integumentary Catian, Richell Post Test
2. Musculo-skeletal
3. Respiratory
4. Cardiovascular
5. Hemopoietic and lymphatic
6. Gastrointestinal (no. 6-11)
7. Urinary Centeno,
8. Nervous Tanya
9. Special Senses
10. Endocrine
11. Reproductive
Midterm Assignments/
Classroom Topics Coverage Activities
V. Nursing Care of the Older Adults in Wellness
(The Nursing Process)
Conduct of a
A. Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Claudio, Physical
1. Subjective Data Kathlyn Assessment of
a. Nursing History Frail and
b. Functional Health Patterns Medically
Complex Elderly
2. Objective Data
a. Psychological Assessment
b. Physical Assessment Kathlyn Geriatric
B. Planning for Health Promotion, Health
Maintenance and Home Health Consideration
1. Planning for Successful Aging
a. Essential Components for a Successful Aging Codera,
b. Important Activities for Older Adult Sharina

2. Home Health Care Codera,

a. History of Home Health Care Living Arrangement e.g.
Assisted Living, Hospice
b. Directions and Management in Transition Care and Referrals

3. Community-Based Services Cordero, Claire

4. Special Care Units Cordero, Claire
5. Geriatric Units
Cordero, Claire

C. Implementation De guzman,
1. Physical Care of the Older Adult Liezl and Tan,
a. Aging and Mucous Membranes Gerelly
b. Nutrition and Hydration
c. Elimination
d. Activity and Exercise
e. Rest and Sleep
f. Safety
g. Health Education for Parents and Family in Common Areas
h. Nursing Interventions for Common Problems of Older Adults
i. Creating an Age-Friendly Environment and Preventions of

2. Psycho-Social Care of Older Adults Englaterra,

a. Cognition and Perception Dianna and
● 5 Attitude Therapy Tidoso,
b. Engagement with Life Jenevevs
c. Perception and Self-Concept
d. Coping and Stress
e. Values and Beliefs
f. Sexuality in Aging
Semi-Final Assignments/
Classroom Topics Coverage Activities
VI. Nursing Care of the Older Adults in Chronic
A. Definition of Chronic Illnesses Flores, Rachel
B. Effects of Chronic Illnesses and the Quality of Life Flores, Rachel
C. Most common chronic illnesses in the older age Guarin,
group Adrienne
D. Disturbance in Sensory Perception Neurologic Guarin,
Disorders Adrienne
E. Cognitive Impairment
1. Alzheimer’s
2. Dementia Gultiano,
3. Delirium Hannah
4. Directions of Care
F. Mental Disorders Jadraque, Nhil
1. Factors influencing Mental Health Care Shenn
2. Psychiatric Symptoms
3. Depression
4. Suicide
5. Substance Abuse
G. Coping Chronic Disorders in Late Life Julio, Elmer
1. Living with Chronic Illnesses
2. Pain and Comfort
H. Care for Frailty and Sarcopenia Janaia Erica
Final Assignments/
Classroom Topics Coverage Activities
VII. Ethico-Legal Considerations in the Care of
Older Adults
A. Philippine Law Affecting Older Persons Kilokilo,
1. Republic Act 7432 Metzie- Ann
Republic Act 9994
Republic Act 9257
2. Economic and Legal Issues
3. Elder Mistreated and Neglected
B. Medications of Older Adults
1. Directions of Care for Polypharmacy, Labiste, Nicole
Prescriptions and Pharmacodynamic Principles
a. Drug Interaction
b. Effects of Common Medications used by Older
C. Long Term Care Labrador,
1. Dilemma June Steiner
D. Hospice and Palliative Care Lasala, Rey
1. History of Hospice and Evolution of Palliative
2. Myths of Aging
3. Care Services
4. Factors Influencing Negative Feeling about
Hospice and Palliative Nursing Interventions
5. Palliative Care: Benefits to Patient
-Advance Directives-DNR Order
E. Directions and Management in Palliative Care Loberanes,
and End of Life Kathlyn Kaye
1. End of Life Decisions
2. The PSDA Patient Self-Determination Act
F. Spirituality Among Older Persons Lizleigh Wilda
Lopez, Clyde
G. Ethical Dilemmas Niña
Final Assignments/
Classroom Topics Coverage Activities
VIII. Core Elements of Evidenced-Based
Gerontological Nursing Practice
A. Standards John Lloyd
Lumapas, Jan
B. Competencies Joane
C. Promoting Compassionate Care for Maluya,
powerlessness, hopelessness and Spiritual Distress Patricia May
Montecillo, Jea
D. Principles, Current Trends and Issues Algeleque

Final Assignments/
Classroom Topics Coverage Activities
IX. Communicating with Older Persons
Morales, Mark
A. Information Sharing Anthony
B. Formal or Therapeutic Communication Maicah
C. Informal or Social Communication Honely Anne
D. Non-Verbal Communication Acceptance, Dignity Opone, Mary
and Respect in Communication Grace
Pacaña, Jenica
E. Barriers to Communication Shantelle
F. Skills and Techniques in Communicating with Palacio,
Older Persons Moraine

Final Assignments/
Classroom Topics Coverage Activities
X. The Future
Palis, Ella
A. Evolving Demographics Moureen
B. Continuum of Care Palis, Ella Mae
C. Predictions for the Future Marglen
D. Gerontologic Nursing: Where to go Therese
E. Research Needs Pepito, Baby
1. Research Agenda on Aging Jean
2. National NI Publication 2030 Problems on Caring
for the Aging Baby Boomers
3. International Program on Aging
4. Other Currents Research on Aging
F. Trends, Issues and Challenges on the Care of the Pocong,
Older Adults Joemarich
1. Home Care
2. Hospice Facilities
3. Drop-In or Day Care Centers
4. Retirement Living: Home, Village
G. Evidenced-Based Interventions on the Care of Purazo, Jeane
Older Adults Rose

Final Assignments/
Classroom Topics Coverage Activities
XI. Advocacies, Support Programs and Services
for Older Persons
A. Advocacy Programs Lovely Mae
Redulla, Kyrah
B. Support Services Mae
C. Mental Health Programs Roble, Eunece
D. Entrepreneurial Opportunities Catherine

Prepared by:
Clinical Instructor

Ababat - Aquino August 29, 2023

PRELIM EXAMINATION - Sept. 21- 22, 2023
Baliquig - Blanco September 05, 2023
Bogabel - Centeno September 12, 2023
Claudio - Cordero September 19, 2023

De guzman - Flores September 26, 2023

MIDTERM EXAMINATION - Oct. 19 - 20, 2023
Guarin - Jadraque October 3, 2023 TOPICS:
Julio - Kilokilo October 10, 2023 - CATIAN - ENGLATTERA
Labiste - Loberanes October 17, 2023

Lopez - Luchavez October 24, 2023 SEMI- FINAL EXAMINATION - Nov.20-21, 2023

Lumapas - Montecillo October 31, 2023 TOPICS:

Morales - Oliverio November 7, 2023

Opone - Palacio November 14, 2023

FINAL EXAMINATION - Dec. 21 - 23, 2023
SEMI-FINAL November 21, 2023

Palis, E. Mour - November 28, 2023 - KILOKILO - TABAS


Paray - Purazo December 05, 2023

Rebonza - Tabas December 12, 2023

University of Cebu
College of Nursing


1st Semester SY 2023-2024

Worksheet Deadline of Submission

Worksheet 1 First Day of Class
Create a diagram/symbol that represents the student’s perspective
on Aging. Relate your description to the definition of terms and Aging AUGUST 29, 2023
as a developmental process.
(Individual, Long sheet of bond paper, Handwritten, 50 points).

Worksheet 2
Submission of Definition of Terms SEPTEMBER 05, 2023
(Individual, Long sheet of bond paper, Handwritten, 50 points)

Worksheet 3
Submission of a recent Philippine article/journal about the aging
population. SEPTEMBER 19, 2023
(By group of 5, Long sheet of bond paper, Digital print, 50 points)

Worksheet 4
Submission of a Reaction Paper. Choose a theory related to Aging.
Describe the theory in your own words. Answer the following
1. Why have you chosen the theory? SEPTEMBER 19, 2023
2. What learnings have you gained from the theory?
3. How can you best apply the theory in the Nursing
(Individual, One (1) long sheet of bond paper, Handwritten, 50 points)
Worksheet 5
Geriatric Assessment. Design a format to be used in conducting a
comprehensive assessment for older adults. OCTOBER 03, 2023
(By group of 5, Long sheets of bond paper, Digital print, 50 points)

Worksheet 6
Conduct of a Comprehensive Physical Assessment of Frail and
Medically Complex Elderly. In your own family/community, choose an OCTOBER 17, 2023
older adult. Conduct a health assessment.
(By group of 5, Long sheets of bond paper, Digital Print, 50 points)

Worksheet 7
Submission of a Case Study. Using the given format, conduct a case
study of a chosen client/patient. NOVEMBER 28, 2023
(By group of 5, Long sheets of bond paper, Digital Print, 50 points)

Worksheet 8
Classroom Presentation. Present your assigned topic in class. Use a
powerpoint material. Submit your pptx and hard copies of notes to DECEMBER 19, 2023
(Individual, 100 points)

Prepared by:


Clinical Instructor

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