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Refugee crises have wide-ranging effects on various nations. India has a long history of
resettling refugees from neighboring countries like Bangladesh, Tibet, and Sri Lanka. The
current refugee crisis in Syria, Afghanistan, Russia-Ukraine, and Myanmar has created new
challenges for India.

Firstly, hosting refugees puts a strain on government resources, especially when it comes to
providing basic necessities such as food, shelter, and healthcare. In terms of economic
impact, there is a substantial difference. Secondly, the influx of refugees may also affect
society and culture. It is common for refugees to bring their languages, cultures, and
religions to their host countries, resulting in challenges and other difficulties. Furthermore,
discrimination and harassment against refugees may occur, leading to societal unrest.
Finally, accepting migrants raises security issues. Refugees may be exposed to extremist
organizations' exploitation or be used as a front for criminal activity.

For this study, the author has restrained herself to the issue of the Rohingya refugee crisis
and its impact on India. The Rohingya, a minority ethnically Muslim group in Myanmar,
have been victimized by violence and oppression since the 1970s. As a result of a brutal
crackdown on the Rohingya in August 2017, the situation spiraled out of control. Many
people fled to Bangladesh and other nearby countries, including India. Rohingya refugees
are facing one of recent history's most challenging humanitarian crises.1

“Rohingya Refugee Crisis Explained.” n.d. Accessed February 18, 2023. explained/#:~:text=Their%20largest

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