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Elevazo, Maevel Hyacinth V.

Aug 19, 2023

BSCE-3E 5-947

The Philippines is known for its hospitable and warm workers, it is in our culture to be
respectful of people without judgement. Another trait that is evident in Filipinos in a workplace
is being hardworking. Most workers prefer to finish all pending work in a day, if it is possible.
This trait, however, can also be toxic for a worker. Hardwork can only be a positive thing if it is
done correctly, if not, it can lead to a string of problems for a person.

Always Report Unsafe Conditions

Oftentimes, when we are too occupied with work, we tend to neglect our surroundings.
Even if we notice something wrong, we choose not to bother ourselves with it thinking that it
will only occupy the time we should be spending on the matter at hand. This, obviously, is
hazardous because a small problem might lead to a bigger one. So, it is important to report any
unsafe conditions, especially those that include electricity as it can lead to fire. Reporting these
conditions can help us have a safer workplace and won’t cause long period delays.

Keep a clean workstation

Keeping a clean workstation is directly related to the first point I have mentioned. Messy
desks are one of the reasons we have minor accidents in a workplace. When our workstation is
not organised, things can get knocked off accidentally, hazardous objects such as cutters and
scissors may fall, and in the worst case, we can get water on our circuits. Keeping a clean
workspace can rid us of accidents that may cause interruptions.

Take breaks and Maintain proper posture

Hardworking people tend to work on their projects for long periods of time, sometimes,
they prefer not to take breaks and would rather finish the task before resting. Although this is
efficient for some, not taking breaks can lead to health issues. The most evident side effects of
not taking breaks are faster burnout and higher stress levels. Breaks increase productivity and
focus, it can help clear our minds after spending hours of nonstop work. Taking breaks goes with
making sure that we maintain a proper posture. Poor posture can be uncomfortable and this
can result in burnout. Maintaining a proper posture can also help with productivity, making sure
that our body is well cared for will benefit us in the long run.

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