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Name: Jannatul Ferdousy Jame Grade/Subject: 9 / Technology Class Date: 08/12/2023

1. Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS): (C2)

TEKS for Introduction to Computer Programming

2. Deconstructing/Unpacking the TEKS: (C2) What students will know and be able to do

Students will understand the fundamentals of programming logic and be able to write simple code in Python.

3. SMART By the end of the unit, students will be able to write a Python program that calculates and
Objective(s): (C3) displays the Fibonacci sequence.

Essential Question: How can programming concepts be applied to create solutions to real-world problems?

4. Central Focus This lesson will introduce students to basic programming concepts and syntax in Python.
How will this lesson link
with other lessons in the

Learning Targets - I can identify and explain variables and data types in Python. (TEKS 9.C)
I CAN statements that - I can use conditional statements to control program flow. (TEKS 9.D)
Clearly show alignment
with TEKS
5. Academic Language
(C5) Language Function (an active verb that students will use to demonstrate their learning in the
assessments; some examples are- explain, describe, predict, summarize, compare, evaluate, interpret,
Academic language Explain, analyze, write, predict.
represents the language
of the discipline that
students need to learn
and use to engage in the Vocabulary (words, phrases, and/or symbols that are used within disciplines):
content area in Variable, condition, loop, algorithm
meaningful ways.

There are 4 language

demands to consider as Discourse (Structures of written and oral language, how will they talk, write, and participate in
you require students to knowledge construction: discussions, reports, essays, multi-media presentations, performance):
read, write, speak, listen, In-class discussions, coding comments, algorithm explanation
demonstrate and perform.

Syntax (The set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, and phrases together into structures, e.g.,
graphic organizers, formulas, charts, language rules, outlines, graphs, tables):
Flowcharts, pseudocode

6. Targeted Language Language Function (How will you help them demonstrate the DO verb?)
Supports (C5) Provide clear explanations of key concepts using visual aids, real-world examples, and
The resources, analogies for Emergent Bilingual Students (EBS).
representations, and
strategies you will
provide to help students Vocabulary Strategies - (GO TO Page)
understand, use, and 1. Frayer Model - Graphic organizer to define and illustrate programming terms.
practice the concepts and
language they need to
learn within the 2. Contextual Clues - Encouraging students to infer the meaning of new words based on context.

Site the researcher’s

name as you refer to the Discourse strategies - (GO TO Page)
strategy. -Write: Structured coding exercises with guided prompts.

-Talk: Collaborative problem-solving discussions in pairs or groups.

Syntax - (GO TO Page)

Flowchart templates for program design.

1. Flowchart Elements:
- Start/End symbol
- Process symbol
- Decision symbol
- Connector symbol
- Input/Output symbol

2. Flowchart Example:
- Design a flowchart for a simple program that calculates the average of three numbers.

Making Content Comprehensible (R9)

1. Visual Aids:
- Utilize diagrams, illustrations, and images to represent complex programming concepts.
- Display flowcharts and diagrams on the board or screen during explanations.

2. Graphic Organizers:
- Use graphic organizers, such as Venn diagrams or concept maps, to illustrate relationships
between programming concepts.

3. Mnemonics:
- Introduce memory aids or acronyms to help students remember key programming syntax or

4. Real-World Examples:
- Connect programming concepts to real-world applications that students can relate to.

5. Simplified Language:
- Avoid jargon and use simple, clear language when explaining intricate programming syntax.

6. Hands-On Activities:
- Engage students in hands-on coding activities to reinforce syntax rules and concepts.

By implementing these strategies, I aim to support students' understanding of programming

syntax and create a more accessible learning experience for all learners.
7. Assessment/ Assessment of your TEK
Evaluation (C6) Formative: Checkpoints during coding activities to provide immediate feedback.
Assessment(s) must be
aligned to the TEKS, Summative: Written test on programming concepts and completion of a programming project.
and objectives.
Assessment of your language demands:
Peer discussions and presentations where students explain their coding choices to their peers.
Example: Students will work in pairs to review and discuss each other's code, explaining their
thought process and decision-making.

Individual coding assessment accompanied by a written explanation of the code's functionality.
Example: Students will submit an individual coding assignment along with a written
explanation that describes the purpose, logic, and expected outcome of their code.

By incorporating these formative and summative assessments, I aim to comprehensively

evaluate both students' mastery of programming concepts (TEK assessment) and their ability to
effectively communicate and demonstrate their understanding (language demands assessment).

8. Hook (C7) Hook activity (make connections to prior learning)

Conduct a brief class discussion asking students to recall any previous experiences or
knowledge related to coding or programming concepts. This discussion will help activate prior
Closure (C7) learning and create a connection to the current lesson.

Closure Activity: (make connections to prior learning)

Example: At the end of the lesson, have students reflect on the new programming concepts they
Student Assets (C7) learned during the class. Then, ask them to identify any connections they see between these new
concepts and what they learned in previous lessons. This reflective activity will reinforce the
idea that learning is cumulative and encourage students to integrate their new knowledge with
their prior learning.

Personal assets:
- Problem-solving skills
- Logical thinking abilities
- Familiarity with basic coding terminology

Cultural assets:
- Diverse perspectives on problem-solving approaches
- Different cultural contexts that may influence coding strategies

Community assets:
- Local coding clubs or groups that students may be a part of
- Opportunities for students to collaborate on coding projects outside of the classroom

By recognizing and leveraging these personal, cultural, and community assets, I aim to create a
more inclusive and engaging learning environment that values and integrates students' prior
experiences and backgrounds.
9. Body of Lesson/
Teaching Strategies and I DO –
Learning Task(s) Explain programming concepts using visual aids and examples.
Be sure to include: Code a simple program as a class, discussing each step.
How will students learn
and use academic YOU DO –
language? Students work in pairs to code a basic Python program independently.

Differentiation-(GO TO page) (Tailoring instruction to meet individual needs; differentiating the

Three higher order content, process, product, and/or learning environment):
thinking questions.
o Second Language learners / Cultural Diversity:
- Simplified language explanations for ESL students
Marzano Strategy - Visual aids and real-world examples to bridge cultural differences

o Gifted / advanced learners:

- Additional challenging coding exercises or extension projects
- Opportunities for self-directed exploration of advanced programming concepts

Technology: -(GO TO page)

- Online coding platforms for practice and experimentation
- Coding simulators to visualize program execution step by step

Marzano Strategy - (GO TO page)

Identifying Similarities and Differences: Students will compare and contrast different
programming syntax rules to deepen their understanding.

Higher Order Thinking Questions (GO TO page)

1. How might changing a variable's value affect the program's output?
2. Can you predict the outcome if a loop runs indefinitely?
3. How does using conditional statements enhance a program's functionality?

Grouping / Partnering Technique: (Hattie)

Jigsaw Groups: Assign students different programming topics to become experts in and then
share their knowledge with their original groups.

Potential misconceptions and your plan to address it:

Misconception: "All programming languages are the same."
Plan: Discuss the unique features and syntax of Python, emphasizing its differences from other

Misconception: "Debugging is a sign of failure."

Plan: Normalize the importance of debugging as a natural part of the coding process and
provide strategies for effective debugging.

10. Resources and

materials needed (C9)

(E7) (How might you differentiate materials and resources for learners with various needs?)
For this lesson, the following resources and materials will be required:
1. Computers with internet access and Python IDE.
2. Projector for coding demos.
3. Handouts for exercises and assignments.
4. Flowchart templates (Syntax section).
5. Visual aids (diagrams, illustrations).
6. Peer collaboration tools.
7. Writing materials (pen, paper).
8. Whiteboard for activities.
9. Optional: Coding books, online resources.
10. Optional: Coding platforms, simulators.

Graphic Organizers:  These organizers offer a simple way for all students to categorize,
compare, or organize thoughts before writing.  They can also be especially helpful for students
with dysgraphia who struggle with handwriting and fine motor skills, word spacing and putting
ideas on paper.
Classroom Seating:  Many of our students struggle with “sitting still.”  It can be helpful to
have a variety of seating options such as bean bag chairs, yoga balls, carpet squares, etc. to help
kids stay in motion without wandering around the room.


11. Classroom Here are three classroom management procedures that we can use to manage transitions,
Management Strategies behavior, passing out materials, and engagement:
What procedures will you Transition Procedure - "Line Up and Listen":
employ to manage When transitioning from one activity to another, implement a "Line Up and Listen" procedure.
transitions, behavior, Teach students that when we give the signal, they should silently line up in an orderly manner.
passing out materials, Once they are lined up, use your attention signal (e.g., the "T" timeout sign) to ensure they are
engagement, etc.?
attentive and quiet. This procedure helps minimize chaos during transitions and ensures a
Add 3 procedures
smooth shift between activities.

Behavior Procedure - "Three Strikes Rule":

To address behavior challenges, implement a "Three Strikes Rule." Clearly communicate the
behavioral expectations to our students. If a student repeatedly engages in disruptive behavior,
give them a warning or strike. After three strikes, there will be a predetermined consequence,
such as a brief time-out or loss of a privilege. This procedure encourages students to be
accountable for their actions while allowing them opportunities to correct their behavior.

Material Distribution Procedure - "Materials Manager":

Designate a "Materials Manager" role to a student each week. This student is responsible for
distributing and collecting materials for the class. We can create a checklist of materials needed
for each lesson and ensure the Materials Manager has everything ready before the lesson begins.
This procedure empowers students to take ownership of classroom tasks, reduces disruptions,
and ensures materials are distributed efficiently.
12. Academic Supports
for Students (E6) Accommodation(s)- (A change that helps a student overcome or work around obstacles):
What instructional 1. Provide extended time for completing assignments or assessments.
strategies and planned 2. Allow the use of a bilingual dictionary during reading and writing tasks.
supports, will you employ to 3. Offer preferential seating for students who benefit from visual cues or require additional
meet the needs of each attention.
student that has identified
special learning needs?
Modification(s)- (A change in what is being taught or what is expected from the student):
1. Simplify reading materials by using shorter sentences and more straightforward
2. Adjust the complexity of math problems to match a student's current skill level.
3. Provide alternative assessments that assess the same concepts but in different ways
(e.g., oral presentations instead of written reports).
Strategies for ELLs (strategies that support language acquisition)
(E11) Learners will understand basic programming concepts and write simple code to create a simple

Strategy 1: Visual Code Blocks

Utilize visual programming tools that allow students to drag and drop code blocks to create
programs. These tools provide a visual representation of coding concepts, making it easier for
emergent bilingual students to understand the logic behind the code.

Strategy 2: Bilingual Coding Vocabulary

Provide a list of key coding vocabulary terms translated into the students' native languages
alongside their English counterparts. This helps EBS students connect coding concepts in their
own language, which enhances understanding.

Strategy 3: Collaborative Pair Programming

Pair an EBS student with a proficient English-speaking student for pair programming activities.
This fosters collaboration and language practice. EBS students can contribute their coding ideas
while their partner assists with explaining in English.

Strategy 4: Multimodal Instructions

Deliver instructions through multiple modes—verbal, written, and visual. This helps EBS
students who may have varying levels of English proficiency comprehend the tasks and coding
concepts. Use diagrams, images, and examples to support the instructions.

Strategy 5: Language-Integrated Code Comments

Encourage students to add comments to their code in both English and their native language.
This practice helps EBS students understand the code's purpose while also improving their
English coding terminology.

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