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Solutions to GAAP : Graded Questions Leases: lessee accounting

Solution 16.1


A customer enters into a five-year contract with an aviation company for the exclusive use of a
corporate jet. The contract details the exterior and interior specifications. The aviation
company is permitted to use an alternative jet, but this would be uneconomical because of the
cost of customising the aircraft. The customer decides where the jet will fly, and which
passengers will use it. The crew supplied by aviation company.

Does the contract contain a lease?

a) Yes
b) No

 Identified asset?
 Yes
 The contract specifies an executive jet
 Aviation company’s right to substitute another aircraft is not substantive as it is uneconomical
 Right to obtain economic benefits?
 Yes
 Right to direct use of asset?
 Yes
 Customer decides where the jet will fly and which passengers will sue it

Thus, contract does contain a lease


A car manufacturer enters into a contract with a shipping company to transport cars from
Southampton to Cape Town. The contract specifies a particular ship and the cars to be
transported, which use the full capacity of the ship .The shipping company operates and
maintains the ship. The car manufacturer is not able to make changes to the destination or to
the cargo once the contract is signed.

Does the contract contain a lease?

a) Yes
b) No

 Identified asset?
 Yes
 The contract specifies a particular ship
 Right to obtain economic benefits?
 Yes
 Right to direct use of asset?
 No
 The car manufacturer is not able to make changes to the destination or the cargo once the
contract is signed
Thus, contract does not contain a lease

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Solutions to GAAP : Graded Questions Leases: lessee accounting

Solution 16.1 continued . . .


On 1 January 20X6, a company entered into a three-year lease for the use of office printers.
The lease contract requires an advance payment of C400 on 1 January 20X6 and three annual
instalments of C600 in arrear on 31 December 20X6, 20X7 and 20X8.

The lease qualifies for the low-value lease exemption.

For the year ended 31 December 20X6, the financial statements of the lessee will report the

a) Lease expense of C733 and a lease prepaid of C267

b) Lease expense of C600 and a lease prepaid of C400
c) Lease expense of C733 and a lease accrual of C267
d) Lease expense of 600 and a lease accrual of C400
e) Lease expense of C1 000 and no lease prepaid or lease accrued

C400 + (C600 x 3yrs) = C2 200

C2 200 / 3 yes = C733 lease expense per year

Journal entries for year ended 31 December 20X6

Dr Cr
Low-value lease 400
Bank 400

Low-value lease 600
Bank 600

Lease expense 733

Low-value lease 733


A company leased a motor vehicle on 1 July 20X1 for a period of two years. The contract
contains a lease. Instalments of C14 160 are payable in arrears on 30 June 20X2 and 30 June

The present value of the lease instalments on 1 July 20X1 is C23 930 and the implicit interest
rate is 12%.

Working to the nearest whole number, the lease liability will be disclosed on the statement of
financial position at 30 June 20X2 as a

a) Current liability of C14 160

b) Non-current liability of C14 160
c) Current liability of C12 642
d) Non-current liability of C12 642
e) Current liability of C11 125

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Solutions to GAAP : Graded Questions Leases: lessee accounting

Solution 16.1 continued . . .

1/7/X1 Initial 23 930

30/6/X2 Interest (23 930 X 0,12) 2 872
Instalment (14 160)
12 642
30/6/X3 Interest (12 642 X 0,12) 1 517
Instalment (14 160)


In terms of IFRS 16, Leases, a right-of-use asset is depreciated over the:

a) Shorter of the lease term and the asset’s useful life.

b) Longer of the lease term and the asset’s useful life.
c) Entre lease term.
d) Useful life of the asset.

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Solutions to GAAP : Graded Questions Leases: lessee accounting

Solution 16.2

Part A

At the inception of a contract, an entity is required to assess whether the contract is a lease or
contains a lease. This will be the case if the contract conveys the right to control the use of an
identified asset for a period of time in exchange for a consideration. IFRS 16.9

A contract can be a lease (or contain a lease) only if

• The underlying asset is identified
• The entity can control the use of the identified asset by having the right to
• Obtain all of the economic benefits from the use of the identified asset, and
• Direct the use of the identified asset. IFRS16.B9

An asset can be either explicitly specified in a contract or implicitly specified at the time it is
made available for use by the lessee. IFRS 16.B13 The vehicles here are explicitly specified as the
contract specifies the model and capacity of the vehicles.

Dark & White Limited has the right to obtain substantially all of the economic benefits
throughout the period of use. It has the exclusive use of the vehicles, including when they are
not being used to transport goods (such as for storage).

Dark & White Limited also has the right to direct the use of the vehicles, including the
transporting goods of other manufacturers.

The arrangement thus does contain a lease. Big Deal Limited would recognise a right of use
asset and a corresponding liability.

Note that substitution rights are likely to be an important factor to consider in applying the lease
definition. Some element of substitution is often allowed in the leases of certain items, such as
fleets of vehicles, copiers and similar equipment.

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Solutions to GAAP : Graded Questions Leases: lessee accounting

Solution 16.2 continued . . .

Part B

At the inception of a contract, an entity is required to assess whether the contract is a lease or
contains a lease. This will be the case if the contract conveys the right to control the use of an
identified asset for a period of time in exchange for a consideration. IFRS 16.9

A contract can be a lease (or contain a lease) only if

• The underlying asset is identified
• The entity can control the use of the identified asset by having the right to
• Obtain all of the economic benefits from the use of the identified asset, and
• Direct the use of the identified asset. IFRS16.B9

An asset can be either explicitly specified in a contract or implicitly specified at the time it is
made available for use by the lessee. IFRS 16.B13 The vehicles here are explicitly specified as the
contract specifies the model and capacity of the vehicles.

However, even if an asset is specified, a lessee does not control the use of an identified asset if
the lessor has a substantive right to substitute the asset for an alternative asset during the lease
term. IFRS 16.B14

A lessor’s substitution right is substantive if

• the lessor has the practical ability to substitute the asset, and
• the lessor would benefit economically from exercising its rights to substitute the asset. IFRS

In this scenario, the benefits to Wheels Limited of substituting the vehicles are greater than the
costs because
• the vehicles are parked at Wheels Limited’s premises
• Wheels Limited has a large pool of similar vehicles
• the substitution costs are minimal.

Wheels Limited’s substitution rights are substantive and the arrangement does not contain a
lease. The payments made by Wheels Limited would be recognised as an expense in the
statement of comprehensive income. No asset or related liability would be recognised.

A discussion of the economic benefits from, and right to use the vehicles is not relevant here
because of the substantive substitution rights.

Note that substitution rights are likely to be an important factor to consider in applying the lease
definition. Some element of substitution is often allowed in the leases of certain items, such as
fleets of vehicles, copiers and similar equipment.

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Solutions to GAAP : Graded Questions Leases: lessee accounting

Solution 16.3

Part A

At the inception of a contract, an entity is required to assess whether the contract is a lease or
contains a lease. This will be the case if the contract conveys the right to control the use of an
identified asset for a period of time in exchange for a consideration. IFRS 16.9

A contract can be a lease (or contain a lease) only if

• The underlying asset is identified
• The entity can control the use of the identified asset by having the right to
• Obtain all of the economic benefits from the use of the identified asset, and
• Direct the use of the identified asset. IFRS16.B9

An asset can be either explicitly specified in a contract or implicitly specified at the time it is
made available for use by the lessee. IFRS 16.B13 The strands are distinct and are specified in the
contract and are separate from other strands within the cable.

Interdata Limited cannot substitute the strands, other than for the purposes of repairs and

Hello Limited can control the use of the strands throughout the twenty year period because
• It has the right to obtain substantially all of the economic benefits from the strands over the
period of use.
• It has the right to direct the use of the strands because it decides the type and quantity of
data that will be transported and is responsible for the technical connections to its

The arrangement thus does contain a lease. Hello Limited would recognise a right of use asset
and a corresponding liability.

Note that the requirement that a portion of an asset can meet the identifiability criterion can be
seen as a potential ‘anti-avoidance’ provision of the standard. Without this, a contract could
exclude a small portion of an asset’s capacity, and thus not meet the identifiability criterion.

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Solutions to GAAP : Graded Questions Leases: lessee accounting

Solution 16.3 continued . . .

Part B

At the inception of a contract, an entity is required to assess whether the contract is a lease or
contains a lease. This will be the case if the contract conveys the right to control the use of an
identified asset for a period of time in exchange for a consideration. IFRS 16.9

A contract can be a lease (or contain a lease) only if

• The underlying asset is identified
• The entity can control the use of the identified asset by having the right to
• Obtain all of the economic benefits from the use of the identified asset, and
• Direct the use of the identified asset. IFRS16.B9

An asset can be either explicitly specified in a contract or implicitly specified at the time it is
made available for use by the lessee. IFRS 16.B13 The capacity portion of the network that is used
by Hello Limited is not physically distinct from the remaining capacity of the cable and does
not represent substantially all of the capacity of the cable. IFRS 16.B20

Further, Hello Limited cannot control the use of the strands throughout the twenty year period
because Interdata Limited makes all decisions about the transmissions of its customers’ data.

The arrangement thus does not contain a lease.

Note that if the contract specified an amount of capacity equivalent to say 950 strands of fibre
within the 1 000 strand cable, the contract would contain a lease as this represents substantially
all of the cable’s capacity.

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Solutions to GAAP : Graded Questions Leases: lessee accounting

Solution 16.4

Part A

A contract can be a lease (or contain a lease) only if

• The underlying asset is identified
• The entity can control the use of the identified asset by having the right to
• Obtain all of the economic benefits from the use of the identified asset, and
• Direct the use of the identified asset. IFRS16.B9

There is an identified asset as the ship is explicitly specified in the contract.

Big Red Limited has the right to obtain substantially all of the economic benefits from the use
of the ship. The cargo of apples will occupy substantially all of the ship’s capacity, thus
preventing others from obtaining economic benefits from the use of the ship.

A customer has the right to direct the use of an identified asset when
• It has the right to decide how and for what purpose the asset is used, or
• If relevant decisions about use of the asset are pre-determined,
• the customer has the right to operate the asset, or
• the customer designed the asset in a way that predetermines its use. IFRS 16.B24

Big Red Limited does not have the right to direct the use of the ship as it does not have the right
to direct how and for what purpose the ship is being used. The journey from Cape Town to
Southhampton transporting the apples is predetermined in the contract. Big Red Limited also
does not have the right to operate the ship and did not design the ship in a way that
predetermined its use. In effect, Big Red has the same rights relating to the use of the ship as
if it were only one of a number of customers transporting cargo on the ship.

The contract therefore does not contain a lease.

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Solutions to GAAP : Graded Questions Leases: lessee accounting

Solution 16.4 continued . . .

Part B

A contract can be a lease (or contain a lease) only if

• The underlying asset is identified
• The entity can control the use of the identified asset by having the right to
• Obtain all of the economic benefits from the use of the identified asset, and
• Direct the use of the identified asset. IFRS16.B9

There is an identified asset as the ship is explicitly specified in the contract.

Big Red Limited has the right to obtain substantially all of the economic benefits from the use
of the ship over the three year period. It also has exclusive use of the ship throughout the period
of use, thus preventing others from obtaining economic benefits from the use of the ship.

A customer has the right to direct the use of an identified asset when
• It has the right to decide how and for what purpose the asset is used, or
• If relevant decisions about use of the asset are pre-determined,
• the customer has the right to operate the asset, or
• the customer designed the asset in a way that predetermines its use. IFRS 16.B24

The restrictions of sailing the ship into waters at high risk of piracy and the carrying of
unsuitable cargo are known as protective rights. Such protective rights typically define the
scope of the lessee’s right to use the asset, but do not, in isolation, prevent the lessee from
having the right to direct the use of the asset.

Big Red Limited has the right to direct the use of the ship as it has the right to direct how and
for what purpose the ship is being used. It determines the quantity, grade and packaging of the
apples and can use spare capacity for other produce and can decide on the departure and arrival

The contract therefore does contain a lease and will be recognised as a right of use asset with a
corresponding liability.

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Solutions to GAAP : Graded Questions Leases: lessee accounting

Solution 16.5

A lessee may elect not to apply the recognition requirements of IFRS 16 Leases (recognise a
right to use asset and a corresponding lease liability) in respect of
• Short-term leases
• Low value asset leases IFRS 16.5

A short-term lease is defined as a lease that, at the commencement date has a lease term of 12
months or less. IFRS 16 (Appendix A)

At the commencement of the lease, a lessee considers all the relevant facts and circumstances
that create an economic incentive to exercise or forfeit options to renew the lease or terminate
it early. IFRS 16.B37

As Point to Point Limited has the right to terminate the lease at the end of the first and second
years, that right must be considered in determining the lease term. IFRS 16.B35

This lease will qualify for the short term election as

• There is no termination penalty
• The rentals in the second and third years are not below market
• The changing market for airport transfers may result in the existing 25 seater busses not
being suitable for the three year period.

Point to Point Limited thus has an accounting policy choice – to apply the IFRS 16 recognition
requirements or to recognise the lease payments as an expense on a straight line basis over the
lease term. IFRS 16.6 The policy must be applied consistently to all short-term leases of underlying
assets of the same class.

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Solutions to GAAP : Graded Questions Leases: lessee accounting

Solution 16.6

A lessee may elect not to apply the recognition requirements of IFRS 16 Leases (recognise a
right to use asset and a corresponding lease liability) in respect of
• Short-term leases
• Low value asset leases IFRS 16.5

The assessment of low value leases is based on the value of the underlying asset when new,
regardless of its actual age. IFRS 16.B3. The exemption is available whether or not these leases are
individually or collectively material to the reporting entity. IFRS 16.B4

Currently, low value leases are taken to refer to leases of assets with a value when new of
around USD5 000 or less. IFRS 16 (Basis for Conclusions). The reference to USD 5 000 threshold is not
in the main body of the standard and is not an absolute cut-off. Factors such as inflation and
changes in exchange rates (for entities whose functional currency is not the US Dollar) may
change the relevance of this over time.

An underlying asset can be low value only if

• The lessee can benefit from the use of the underlying asset on its own or together with other
assets that are available to the lessee, and
• The underlying asset is not highly dependent on, or highly interrelated with, other assets.
IFRS 16.B5

Teach Limited benefits from each printer on its own and the printers are not dependent on, or
related to other assets. In other words, each printer can operate on its own.

For the twenty low value printers, Teach Limited thus has an accounting policy choice – to
apply the IFRS 16 recognition requirements or to recognise the lease payments as an expense
on a straight line basis over the lease term. IFRS 16.6 The policy must be applied consistently to
all short-term leases of underlying assets of the same class.

For the one high value printer, the contract contains a lease and Teach Limited must recognise
a right of use asset and corresponding liability.

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Solutions to GAAP : Graded Questions Leases: lessee accounting

Solution 16.7

a) Identification of lease components

This contract provides Build Limited with the right to use an asset (the equipment) as well as
monthly maintenance services.

The right to use the equipment represents a lease component. The provision of the maintenance
services does not represent the right to use an asset and is thus a non-lease component.

Although the contract states that part of the consideration also includes the provision of
insurance, the insurance is not a good or service from which Build Limited benefits (the lessor
benefits from the insurance) and thus the provision of insurance is not a separate component of
the contract and is disregarded when allocating the consideration to the components of the lease.

b) Allocation to components

Part A

Total annual consideration – stand-alone price of non-lease component = stand-alone price of

the lease equipment

C24 000 – C10 000 = C14 000

Part B

The total consideration is allocated based on the stand-alone price per lease component and the
aggregate stand-alone prices of the non-lease components (in this case there is only one non-
lease component) as follows:

Stand-alone prices
Allocation of annual contractual consideration:
Stand-alone prices for the non-lease component/s Given – maintenance only 10 000
Stand-alone price for the lease component Given – equipment 20 000
Total stand-alone prices 30 000
Annual contractual consideration allocated as 24 000
• Non-lease component C24 000 x 10 000 / 30 000 8 000
• Lease component C24 000 x 20 000 / 30 000 16 000

c) Journal entries for Part A

Debit Credit
Short-term lease expense (E) 14 000
Service costs (E) 10 000
Bank 24 000
Payment of lease instalment and allocation to lease and non-lease

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Solutions to GAAP : Graded Questions Leases: lessee accounting

Solution 16.8

Part A

The lease term is the non-cancellable period of the lease, including

• Optional renewal periods if the lessee is reasonably certain not to terminate early, and
• Periods after an optional termination date if the lessee is reasonably certain not to terminate
early. IFRS 16.18.

When determining the lease term, a lessee considers all relevant facts and circumstances that
create an economic incentive to exercise or forfeit options to renew or to terminate early. IFRS
16.19 / B37

Food for All Limited has significant economic incentive to extend the lease. Facts and
circumstances include
• The monthly rental will remain constant in the three years following the initial term whereas
market rentals are expected to increase by 10%.
• It intends to expand its retail outlets in the surrounding areas and the road network is to be

The contract contains a lease and Food for All Limited should use a lease term of six years in
accounting for the lease.

Note that the assessment of the lease term is a crucial estimate and a key input to the
measurement of the right to use asset and lease liability.

Part B

The lease term is the non-cancellable period of the lease, including

• Optional renewal periods if the lessee is reasonably certain not to terminate early, and
• Periods after an optional termination date if the lessee is reasonably certain not to terminate
early. IFRS 16.18.

When determining the lease term, a lessee considers all relevant facts and circumstances that
create an economic incentive to exercise or forfeit options to renew or to terminate early. IFRS
16.19 / B37

Food for All Limited has little economic incentive to extend the lease. Facts and circumstances
• The monthly rental will increase to C55 000 in the three years following the initial term.
• There is a possibility that some stores in the surrounding area will close, reducing the need
for a warehouse in that location.

The contract contains a lease and Food for All Limited should use a lease term of three years
in accounting for the lease.

Note that the assessment of the lease term is a crucial estimate and a key input to the
measurement of the right to use asset and lease liability

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Solutions to GAAP : Graded Questions Leases: lessee accounting

Solution 16.9

A residual value guarantee is defined as a guarantee made to a lessor by an unrelated party that
the value of an underlying asset at the end of the lease will be at least a specified amount. IFRS
16 Appendix A

At the commencement date of a lease, a lessee measures the lease liability at the present value
of future lease payments. IFRS 16.26

The lease payments include all lease rental payments and any expected payments at the end of
the lease, including amounts expected to be paid by the lessee under residual guarantees. IFRS 16.27

In theory, the residual value guarantee should equal the market value of the underlying asset at
the end of the lease term (in which case the lessee would sell the asset for its market value and
pay the amount over to the lessor and the amount to include in the calculation of the future lease
payments iro the residual value guarantee would be zero).

The amount to include as the residual value guarantee is the expected amount payable (and not
the maximum exposure). Thus Villa Limited includes C20 000 (C100 000 – C80 000) in the
calculation of the present value of future lease payments.


The payment resulting from a residual value guarantee cannot be avoided by the lessee and the
lessee has an unconditional obligation to make a payment to the lessor if the value of an
underlying asset moves in a particular way. The uncertainty relates to the amount the lessee
may have to pay, which can vary in response to movements in the fair value of the underlying

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Solutions to GAAP : Graded Questions Leases: lessee accounting

Solution 16.10

Dr Cr
31/12/X1 Low value asset lease expense (2 500 X 9) 22 500
Low value lease accrual (L) (Balancing) 4 500
Bank (2 000 X 9) 18 000
Lease payment

31/12/X2 Low value asset lease expense (2 500 X 12) 30 000

Low value lease accrual (L) (Balancing) 3 000
Bank [(2 000 X 3) + (3 000 X 9)] 33 000
Lease payment

31/12/X3 Low value asset lease expense (2 500 X 3) 7 500

Low value lease accrual (L) (Balancing) 1 500
Bank (3 000 X 3) 9 000
Lease payment

W1: Straight line equalisation of lease payments

Total lease payments = C60 000 [(2 000 X 12) + (3 000 X 12)]
C60 000 / 24 months = C2 500 per month

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Solutions to GAAP : Graded Questions Leases: lessee accounting

Solution 16.11

a) Journal entries

Debit Credit
Low value asset lease expense (E) 10 000
Bank 10 000
First rental payment
Low value asset lease expense (E) 4 375
Low value asset lease accrual (L) 4 375
Straight-line equalisation (W1: 14 375 – Paid: 10 000)
Income tax expense (E) 226 313
Current tax payable: income tax (L) 226 313
Raising the years current tax (W2)
Deferred tax (A) 1 313
Income tax expense (E) 1 313
Raising a deferred tax asset (W3)

b) Disclosure in SOCI and SOFP

Note 20X2
Profit before tax (given) 750 000
Income tax expense 4 (225 000)
Profit for the period 525 000
Other comprehensive income 0
Total comprehensive income 525 000

Note 20X2
Non-current assets
Deferred tax 1 313


Current liabilities
Current income tax payable (112 000 – 226 313) 114 313
Low value asset lease accrual 4 375

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Solutions to GAAP : Graded Questions Leases: lessee accounting

Solution 16.11 continued …

c) Disclosure in notes

4. Income tax expense
Current tax (W2) 226 313
Deferred tax (W3) (1 313)
225 000

10. Leases
Cow Limited has elected the recognition exemption on the low value lease of office furniture.

10.1 Income and expenses related to leases

Low value lease expense 14 375


W1: Straight line equalisation of lease payments

Year C
20X2 10 000
20X3 – 20X5 (25 000 x 3) 75 000
20X6 0
20X7 – 20X9 (10 000 x 3) 30 000
115 000

Average (115 000 / 8 years) 14 375

W2: Current tax calculation

Accounting profit 750 000
Temporary differences:
Add: Low value lease expense 14 375
Less Low value lease payment (10 000)
Taxable profit 754 375

Current tax (at 30%) 226 313

W3: Deferred tax

Carrying Tax Temporary Deferred

amount base difference taxation
Low value asset lease
Balances at 1/1/20X3: 0 0 0 0
Movement (4 375) 1 313 Dr DT
Balances at 31/12/20X3: (4 375) 0 4 375 1 313 Asset

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Solutions to GAAP : Graded Questions Leases: lessee accounting

Solution 16.12

Part A

a) Calculation of lease liability and right of use asset

PV of 1st lease payment on 31/03/X6 (20 000 x 0,9091) 18 182
PV of 2nd lease payment on 31/03/X7 (22 000 x 0,8264) 18 181
PV of 3rd lease payment on 31/03/X8 (24 000 x 0,7513) 18 031
54 394

b) Amortisation table

Interest (10%) Instalment Lease liability

01/04/X5 54 394
31/03/X6 5 439 5 439
(20 000) (20 000)
39 833
31/03/X7 3 983 3 983
(22 000) (22 000)
21 816
31/03/X8 2 182 2 182
(24 000) (24 000)

* Rounding

c) Journal entries

Debit Credit

01/04/X5 Right of use asset (A) 54 394

Lease liability (L) 54 394
Recognition of right of use asset and lease liability

31/03/X6 Interest expense (E) 5 439

Lease liability (L) 5 439
Interest accrued (C54 394 x 10% or b)

Lease liability (L) 20 000

Bank 20 000
First instalment payment

Depreciation expense (E) 18 131

Accumulated depreciation (-A) 18 131
Depreciation on right of use asset (C54 394 / 3 yrs)

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Solutions to GAAP : Graded Questions Leases: lessee accounting

Solution 16.12 continued . . .

d) SOFP disclosure


AT 31 MARCH 20X6
Non-current assets
Right of use asset (54 392 – 18 131) 36 261

Non-current liability
Lease liability (39 833 – 18 017) or (b) 21 816

Current liability
Lease liability (22 000 – 3 983) 18 017

Part B

a) Justification

Although all of the bed are under the same lease, each bed is a separate lease component
• The lessee benefits from each bed on its own
• The beds are not significantly interrelated

b) Journal entries

Debit Credit

31/03/X6 Lease expense 22 000

Lease accrual (L) 2 000
Bank 20 000
1st payment and accrual

31/03/X7 Lease expense 22 000

Bank 22 000
2nd payment

31/03/X8 Lease expense 22 000

Lease accrual (L) 2 000
Bank 24 000
3rd payment and reversal of accrual


Lease payments recognised as an expense on a straight-line basis

= 20 000 + 22 000 + 24 000
= 66 000 / 3 years
= 22 000 lease expense per year

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Solutions to GAAP : Graded Questions Leases: lessee accounting

Solution 16.13

(a) Journal entries

Debit Credit
01/04/X5 Right of use asset (A) 427 283
Lease liability (L) 317 283
Bank 110 000
Recognition of right of use asset and lease liability, and
initial payment

31/03/X6 Interest expense (E) 22 210

Lease liability (L) 22 210
Interest accrued (C317 283 x 7% or W2)

Depreciation expense (E) 106 821

Accumulated depreciation (-A) 106 821
Depreciation on right of use asset (*C427 283 / ^4 yrs)

01/04/X8 Lease liability 110 000

Bank 110 000
Payment of lease instalment

31/03/X9 Interest expense (E) 2 453

Lease liability (L) 2 453
Interest accrued (C35 047 x 7% or W2)

Lease liability (L) 37 500

Bank 37 500
Payment of residual value guarantee

Depreciation expense (E) 106 821

Accumulated depreciation (-A) 106 821
Depreciation on right of use asset (C427 283 / 4 yrs)

* The residual value is defined in IAS 16 as the estimated amount that an entity would currently obtain
from disposal of the asset if the asset were already of the age and in the condition expected at the end
of its useful life IAS 16.6. Eagle Limited will receive zero from disposal as the bus is returned to BigFin
Limited, who would then dispose of it. Thus no residual value is used in the depreciation calculation.

^ The right of use asset is depreciated from the commencement date to the earlier of the end of the useful
life of the right-of-use asset or the end of the lease term IFRS 16.32. Thus, a period of four years is used.

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Solutions to GAAP : Graded Questions Leases: lessee accounting

Solution 16.13 continued . . .

b) Statement of financial position

AT 31 MARCH 20X6
Non-current assets
Right of use asset (427 283 – 106 821) 320 462


Non-current liabilities
Non-current portion of lease liability (339 493 – 110 000) / W2 229 493
Current liabilities
Current portion of lease liability 110 000

c) Lease note

7. Leases

7.1 Right of use asset

Vehicles Total
01/04/X5 Cost 427 283 427 283
Depreciation (427 283 / 4) (106 821) (106 821)
31/03/X6 Carrying amount 320 462 320 462

7.2 Maturity analysis of future lease payment

20X7 110 000
20X8 110 000
20X9 147 500
367 500

7.3 Cash outflows relating to leases

Cash payments included in statement of cash flows 110 000

7.4 Interest expense on lease liabilities

Interest expense included in finance costs (317 283 x 7% / W2) 22 210

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Solution 16.13 continued . . .


W1: Calculation of lease liability

At the commencement date, a lessee measures the lease liability at the present value of the
future lease payments. IFRS 16.26 This is equal to the present value of unpaid lease rentals + the
present value of expected payments at the end of the lease.

PV of annuity of lease payments for 3 years in arrear ^110 000 x 2,62431 288 674
PV of expected RV payment at end of year 4 *37 500 x 0,76289 28 609
317 283

^ The first of the four advance payments of C110 000 takes place at inception and is therefore excluded
from the calculation of future lease payments. The three remaining advance payments (commencing on
1 April 20X6) are effectively arrear payments at the commencement date of 1 April 20X5.
* (80 000 – 42 500)

W1: Calculation of right of use asset

At the commencement date, a lessee measures a right of use asset at a cost that includes
• The amount of the initial measurement of the lease liability, plus
• Initial direct costs, plus
• Prepaid lease expenses (reduced by lease incentives received) IFRS 16.24

Eagle plc will record the right of use asset at an amount of C427 283, calculated as follows:

Initial measurement of lease liability 317 283
Prepaid lease payment 110 000
427 283

W2: Amortisation table

Interest (7%) Instalment Lease liability

01/04/X5 317 283
31/03/X6 22 210 22 210
339 493
01/04/X6 (110 000) (110 000)
229 493
31/03/X7 16 065 16 065
245 558
01/04/X7 (110 000 (110 000)
135 558
31/03/X8 9 489 9 489
145 057
01/04/X8 (110 000) (110 000)
35 047
31/03/X9 2 453 (37 500) (35 047)
49 624 (377 500) 0

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Solutions to GAAP : Graded Questions Leases: lessee accounting

Solution 16.14

a) Implicit interest rate

The implicit interest rate in the lease is the discount rate that causes the present value of:
• the lease payments; and
• the unguaranteed residual value
to equal the sum of the
• fair value of the underlying asset; and the
• initial direct costs of the lessor IFRS 16.Appendix A

Arrear payments C135 000 per year is
discounted at 12% over C135 000 x 3.6048 486 648
five years
Bargain purchase option C10 000 is discounted at
12% to the end of the five C10 000 x 0.5674 5 674
492 322

The discounted value of C492 322 is the same as the fair value of the leased asset at
inception. Therefore, 12% is the implicit interest rate.

b) Journal entries

Debit Credit
Right of use asset: cost (A) 492 322
Lease liability (L) 492 322
Recognition of right of use asset and lease liability

Lease interest (E) 59 079
Lease liability (L) 59 079
Interest accrued (C492 322 x 12% or W1)
Lease liability (L) 135 000
Bank 135 000
First lease instalment
Depreciation (E) 60 665
Right of use asset: accumulated depreciation (-A) 60 665
Depreciation expense (492 322 –7,000)/ 8*

* If ownership of the underlying asset is transferred to the lessee, or the lessee is reasonably certain to
exercise a purchase option, then the depreciation period runs to the end of the useful life of the underlying
asset. IFRS 16.32

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Solution 16.14 continued...

c) Disclosure


AT 30 JUNE 20X2
Non-current assets
Right of use asset (492 322 – 60 665 – 60 665) 370 992


Non-current liabilities
Non-current portion of lease liability (331 369 – 95 236) 236 133
Current liabilities
Current portion of lease liability (135 000 – 39 764) 95 236

d) Lease note

5. Leases

5.1 Right of use asset

Vehicles Total
01/01/X1 Carrying amount 431 657 431 657
Depreciation (492 322 –7,000) / 8 (60 665) (60 665)
30/06/X2 Carrying amount 370 992 370 992

5.2 Maturity analysis of future lease payment

20X3 135 000
20X4 135 000
20X5 145 000
415 000

5.3 Cash outflows relating to leases

Cash payments included in statement of cash flows 135 000

5.4 Interest expense on lease liabilities

Interest expense included in finance costs (416 401 x 12% / W1) 49 968

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Solution 16.14 continued . . .


W1: Effective interest rate table

Date 12% Interest Instalment Liability balance
01/07/20X0 492 322
30/06/20X1 59 079 (135 000) 416 401
30/06/20X2 49 968 (135 000) 331 369
30/06/20X3 39 764 (135 000) 236 133
30/06/20X4 28 336 (135 000) 129 469
30/06/20X5 15 536 (145 000) *(5)
795 000

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Solutions to GAAP : Graded Questions Leases: lessee accounting

Solution 16.15

(a) Statement of financial position

AT 30 JUNE 20X2
20X2 20X1
Non-current assets
Right of use asset 20X2: (56 000 – 21 000); 20X1: (56 000 -7 000) 35 000 49 000


Non-current liabilities
Non-current portion of lease 20 440 35 200
20X2: (36 960 – 15 520); 20X1:(46 200 – 11 000)
Current liabilities
Current portion of lease liability 20X2: (17 280 – 1 760); 20X1:(13 200 – 2 200) 15 520 11 000

Note from authors

• At 30/06/20X1, the non-current portion (C35 200) + the current portion (C11 000) = the total liability per the
amortisation table (C46 200).
• At 30/06/20X2, the non-current portion (C20 440) + the current portion (C15 520) = the total liability per the
amortisation table (C36 960).

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Solution 16.15 continued . . .

(b) Lease note

7. Leases

7.1 Right of use asset

Plant Total
02/01/X1 Cost 56 000 56 000
Accumulated depreciation (56 000 / 4yrs x 6/12) (7 000) (7 000)
30/06/X1 Carrying amount 49 000 49 000
Accumulated depreciation (56 000 / 4 yrs x 12/12) (14 000) (14 000)
30/06/X2 Carrying amount 35 000 35 000

7.2 Maturity analysis of future lease payment

20X2 20X1
20X2 - 13 200
20X3 17 280 17 280
20X4 23 586 23 586
40 866 54 066

7.3 Cash outflows relating to leases

20X2 20X1
Cash payments included in statement of cash flows 13 200 10 000

7.4 Interest expense on lease liabilities

20X2 20X1
Interest expense included in finance 20X2: (2 200 + 1 760) 3 960 2 200

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Solution 16.15 continued . . .


W1: Calculation of lease liability

PV of unpaid lease payments [(13 200 x 0,9091) + (17 280 x 0,8264) + 23 586 X 0,7513) 44 000

W2: Calculation of right of use asset

Initial measurement of lease 44 000
Initial direct costs 2 000
Prepaid lease payment 10 000
56 000

W3: Amortisation table

Interest (10%) Instalment Lease liability

02/01/X1 44 000
y/e 30/06/X1 2 200 2 200
46 200
31/12/X1 2 200 2 200
(13 200) (13 200)
35 200
y/e 30/06/X2 1 760 1 760
36 960
31/12/X2 1 760 1 760
(17 280) (17 280)
21 440
y/e 30/06/X3 1 072 1 072
22 512
31/12/X3 1 072 1 072
(23 586) (23 586)
10 064 54 066 -2*

* Rounding

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Solutions to GAAP : Graded Questions Leases: lessee accounting

Solution 16.16

a) Lease term

The lease term is the non-cancellable period of the lease, together with
• Optional renewal periods if the lessee is reasonably certain to extend
• Periods after an optional termination if the lessee is reasonably certain not to terminate early
IFRS 16.18

When determining the lease term, lessees consider all relevant facts and circumstances that
create an economic incentive to exercise or forfeit options to renew or terminate early IFRS 16.19

The lease term is for five years and Roasted Bean Limited has an option to extend the lease
contract for a further five years. At the commencement date, the exercise of the option is not
reasonably certain:
• The coffee shop format is not tested in the local market or by Roasted Bean Limited
• The leasehold improvements provided by the lessor are expected to be at the end their useful
lives by the end of the fifth year
• The lease rentals are not below market rates during the extension period.

The initial lease term is thus considered to be five years.

After the commencement date, a lessee reassess the lease term upon the occurrence of a
significant event or significant change in circumstances that is within the lessee’s control and
affects whether the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise an option not previously included in
the determination of the lease term IFRS 16.20 / B41

At 31 December 20X3, management of Roasted Bean Limited takes the decision to change the
format of the coffee shop and to incur significant costs to change the shop fittings and for
decoration. This is considered to be a significant change in circumstance that makes the option
to extend the contract for a further five years reasonably certain.

The lease term is therefore reassessed to be a total of ten years, of which three have passed and
seven remain.

b) Journal entries

Debit Credit
Commissions and legal fees (E) 850
Bank 850
Payment of initial direct costs of lessee
Right of use asset: cost (A) 24 000
Lease liability (L) 23 150
Commission and legal fees (E) 850
Recognition of right of use asset and lease liability
Lease liability (L) 5 000
Bank 5 000
First lease instalment (no interest yet accrued)

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Solution 16.16 continued . . .

Debit Credit
Lease interest (E) 726
Lease liability (L) 726
Interest accrued (23 150 – 5 000) x 4% or W2
Depreciation (E) 4 800
Right of use asset: accumulated depreciation (-A) 4 800
Depreciation expense (C24 000/ 5 years) or W4

Lease liability (L) 5 000
Bank 5 000
Second lease instalment
Lease interest (E) 555
Lease liability(L) 555
Interest accrued (13 876 x 4%) or W1
Depreciation (E) 4 800
Right of use asset: accumulated depreciation (-A) 4 800
Depreciation expense (C24 000/ 5 years)

Lease liability (L) 5 000
Bank 5 000
Third lease instalment
Lease interest (E) 377
Lease liability (L) 377
Interest accrued (9 431 x 4%) or W1
Depreciation (E) 4 800
Right of use asset: accumulated depreciation 4 800
Depreciation expense (C24 000/ 5 years)
Right of use asset (A) 26 724
Lease liability (L) 26 724
Reassessment of extension option W3 / W4

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Solution 16.16 continued . . .


W1: Initial measurement of lease liability

Five payments in advance on PV annuity of C5 000 per year
(C5 000 x 4,62999) 23 150
01/01/X2, X3, X4 and X5 in advance for five years at 4%

Using Casio financial calculator

• CMPD function
• Set = Begin (advance payments)
• i% = 4
• n=5
• PMT = 1
• SOLVE for PV
• = 4,62999 = PV of annuity of C1 at 4% in advance


• CMPD function
• Set = Begin (advance payments)
• i% = 4
• n=5
• PMT = 5 000
• SOLVE for PV
• = C23 150 = PV of annuity of C5 000 at 4% in advance

W2: Effective interest rate table (Initial assessment of lease term)

Date 4% Interest Instalment Liability balance

01/01/X1 23 150
(5 000) 18 150
31/12/X1 726 18 876
01/01/X2 (5 000) 13 876
31/12/X2 555 14 431
01/01/X3 (5 000) 9 431
31/12/X3 377 9 808

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Solution 16.16 continued . . .

W3: Reassessment of lease liability

Two payments in advance on PV annuity of C6 000 (C5 000 x 1,97087)
01/01/X4 and X5 per year for two years at 9 854
Five payments in advance on PV annuity of C6 000
01/01/X6, X7, X8, X9 and X10 per year for five years
(6 000 x 4,44632) 26 678
(starting in two years’
time) at 3%
36 532
Balance on lease liability at
9 808
Adjustment 26 724

Using Casio financial calculator

Two advance payments on 01/01/X4 and X5:

• CMPD function
• Set = Begin (advance payments)
• i% = 3
• n=2
• PMT = 1
• SOLVE for PV
• = 1,97087 = PV of annuity of C1 at 3% in advance for two years

Five advance payments on 01/01/X6, X7, X8, X9 and X10:

• CMPD function
• Set = Begin (advance payments)
• i% = 3
• n=7
• PMT = 1
• SOLVE for PV
• = 6,41719 = PV of annuity of C1 at 3% in advance for seven years.


• CMPD function
• Set = Begin (advance payments)
• i% = 3
• n=2
• PMT = 1
• SOLVE for PV
• = 1,99087 = PV of annuity of C1 in advance for two years.

Thus, 6,41719 – 1,99087 = 4,44632 = PV of an annuity of C1 at 3% in advance for five years,

commencing in two years’ time.

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Solution 16.16 continued . . .

W4: Right of use asset

01/01/X1 Cost (23 150 + 850) 24 000
01/01/X1 – 31/12/X3 Accumulated depreciation (24 000 / 5yrs x 3yrs) (14 400)
31/12/X3 Carrying amount 9 600
Re-measurement W3 26 724
31/12/X3 Carrying amount 36 324

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Solutions to GAAP : Graded Questions Leases: lessee accounting

Solution 16.17

a) Journal entries

Debit Credit
Right of use asset: cost (A) 700 000
Lease liability (L) 700 000
Recognition of right of use asset and lease liability

Lease liability (L) 200 754

Bank 200 754
First lease instalment (no interest yet accrued)

Lease interest (E) 49 925
Lease liability (L) 49 925
Interest accrued (700 000 – 200 754) x 10% or W1

Depreciation (E) 175 000

Right of use asset: accumulated depreciation (-A) 175 000
Depreciation expense (700 000 – 0) / 4 years

Income tax expense (E) 277 251

Current tax payable: income tax (L) 277 251
Current tax payable for the year (W2)

Deferred tax: income tax (A) 7 251

Income tax expense (E) 7 251
Deferred tax asset arising on lease (W3)

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Solutions to GAAP : Graded Questions Leases: lessee accounting

Solution 16.17 continued …

b) SOCI extract

Profit before finance charges : (900 000 + 49 925) 949 925
Finance charges (W1 / journals and given that the only (49 925)
interest incurred related to this lease)
Profit before tax (given) 900 000
Income tax expense (277 251 – 7 251) / W2 and 3 (270 000)
Profit for the year 630 000
Other comprehensive income for the year -
Total comprehensive income for the year 630 000

c) SOFP extract

Non-current assets
Right of use asset (700 000 – 175 000) / W4 525 000
Deferred tax: income tax 7 251


Non-current liabilities
Non-current portion of lease liability (549 171 – 200 754) 348 417
Current liabilities
Current portion of lease liability (200 754 – *0) 200 754
Current tax payable: income tax (200 000 – 277 251) 277 251

* When the lease payments are due in advance, it means that each payment will be reducing the capital
sum owing – in other words, none of the lease payment will be in lieu of interest owing. For this reason,
the full amount of the instalment is considered to be the current portion of the liability.

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Solution 16.17 continued …

d) Lease note

5. Leases

5.1 Right of use asset

Machinery Total
01/01/X3 Carrying amount 0 0
Additions 700 000 700 000
Depreciation (W4) (175 000) (175 000)
31/12/X3 Carrying amount 525 000 525 000

5.2 Maturity analysis of future lease payment

20X4 200 754
20X5 200 754
20X6 200 754
602 262

5.3 Cash outflows relating to leases

Cash payments included in statement of cash flows 200 754

5.3 Interest expense on lease liabilities

Interest expense included in finance costs [(700 000 – 200 754) x 0,10 / W1) 49 925

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Solution 16.17 continued …


W1: Effective interest rate table

10% Liability
Date Interest Instalment balance
1/1/20X3 700 000
1/1/20X3 (200 754) 499 246
31/12/20X3 49 925 549 171
1/1/20X4 (200 754) 348 417
31/12/20X4 34 842 383 258
1/1/20X5 (200 754) 182 504
31/12/20X5 18 250 200 754
1/1/20X6 (200 754) 0
103 017 (803 016)

W2: Current normal tax calculation

Profit before tax / Accounting profit (Given) 900 000
Adjust for temporary differences:
- Depreciation (700 000 – 0) / 4 years 175 000
- Finance charges (W1) 49 925
- Lease payment (W1) (200 754)
Taxable profit 924 171

Current tax (at 30%) 277 251

W3: Deferred tax

Carrying Tax Temporary Deferred

amount base difference taxation
Balances at 1/1/20X3: 0 0 0 0
Right of use asset 0 0 0 0
Lease liability 0 0 0 0

Movement 7 251 Dr DT
Balances at (24 171) 0 24 171 7 251 Asset
Right of use asset 525 000 0
Lease liability (W1) (549 171) 0

W4: Right of use asset

01/01/X3 Cost 700 000
01/01/X3 – 31/12/X3 Accumulated depreciation (700 000 – 0) / 4 (175 000)
31/12/X3 Carrying amount 525 000

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