Math1011 T3

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MATH 1011 University Mathematics I

Tutorial 3

1. Textbook,p. 193,Questions36,38, 40.

2. Textbook,p. 197,Questions48,56, 66.

3. Textbook,p. 200,Questions42,44.

4. It is given that log 2 = a, log 7 = b and log e = c. (Here e is the base of the natural
logarithm.) Find the values of the following expressions in terms of a, b and c.

(a) log14 560

✓ ◆
(b) log
✓ ◆
(c) ln
5. The Heaviside step function H(x) is defined as follows:
< 0 if x < 0
H(x) = if x = 0 .
1 if x > 0

(a) Find H(2) and H(0).

(b) Sketch (H H)(x).

6.  Findanaturaldomainforf(x)=2+ 2x+2+|x+1|
, and sketch the graph of f .

7. (Challenging! ) Given log10 2 ⇡ 0.30103 and log10 3 ⇡ 0.47712. Without using a calcula-
tor, find the leftmost digit of 12100 .

MATH 1011 University Mathematics I

Tutorial 3

Questions 1-3 are as follows:

1. Determine the value of the unknown.

(a) log7 y = 2
(b) logb 625 = 4
(c) 3 logb 4 = 2

2. Solve for y in terms of x in (a) and (b).

(a) log3 y = 2 log3 (x + 1) + log3 7

(b) log8 x = 2 log8 y + 4
(c) The use of the insecticide DDT was banned in the United States in 1972. A computer
analysis shows that an expression relating the amount A still present in an area, the
original amount A0 , and the time t (in years) since 1972 is log10 A = log10 A0 +
0.1t log10 0.8. Solve for A as a function of t.

3. (a) Measured on the Richter scale, the magnitude of an earthquake of intensity I is

defined as R = log(I/I0 ), where I0 is a minimum level for comparison. How many
more times was the intensity of the 2011 earthquake in Japan (R=9.0) than the 1906
San Francisco earthquake (R=8.3)?
(b) The peak current Im (in A) in an alternating-current circuit is given by Im = Z 2P
cos ✓
, where P is the power developed, Z is the magnitude of the impedance, and ✓ is
the phase angle between the current and voltage. Evaluate Im for P = 5.25W ,
Z = 320⌦, and ✓ = 35.4 .

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