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ETHICS: Reflection

Name: Ma. Carla Jane D. Lentejas BSSW 2 A

Plato and Aristotle are the two considered greatest Greek philosophers. The idealism
proposed by Plato exists to those who believe that there is a world other than the world we live
right now. It is said that, what we see, taste and touch is merely an opinion. That the true world
exists in the world of ideas. That the world we live right now is just a perceive reality. We were
living in the shadows of truth. Plato believe that souls is inherent within us. The intellect, enables
us to rationalize and think logically, the drives/the spirit and emotion these enables us to express
what we ought to be felt. And the last part is the appetite, or the physical desire, the yearnings
and cravings.
Meanwhile Aristotle has this opposition on Plato’s world of ideas. Aristotle believe that the
world we live in is the real world, physical world to be exact. That we see is not a shadows of
reality, cause the reality that we seek already exists. Aristotle notion of materialistic world can be
a acknowledge for having a good life in pursuit of wisdom and knowledge via observation. That
us humans should be living knowing our purpose in life.
In order for us to discover the purpose of life, to achieve happiness, to achieve the virtue of life,
we need to follow the golden mean. We need to balance life in respect with our personality. That
being virtuous is what drives us to achieve happiness. We need to socialize and to have a good
life it requires camaraderie. To have a good life it includes contemplating and learning. We need
to embody the virtues, the courage, modesty and generosity.
If I were to be asked which argument standout, probably I would be more on a realist like
Aristotle. His ideas about the physical world may conceive the truth. As I am living my whole
life, it allows me to experience those affirmations of Aristotle and with that I support his claim.
ETHICS: Reflection
Name: Lyca Mae E. Cabiso BSSW 2 A

Plato and Aristotle have two different beliefs and thoughts of the world. Plato believes that the
real world is in the world of ideas while Aristotle believes that the truth is found on Earth, not on
other ideas.
I like to believe in Aristotle’s thoughts more than of Plato’s because as a realist myself, I like to
see things based on the reality and the rawness of things to avoid complicating everything. I also
believe that virtue, justice, and even the truth of things are discovered through our observations
in the real world because how can we even know something and the truth behind it if we don’t
experience it first hand and just base it on the ideas from the ideal world?
I also believe that in order to grow in this life, we have to see things from the reality of the world
we live in, on how we approach life, we solve problems and the things we need in order to be
Although I partly believe in Plato’s Tripartite Soul because I think it explains how we turned out
to be who we are and how we act today. The brain, heart, and the stomach control our self.
Between the two different thoughts of Plato and Aristotle, I am more convinced by Aristotle, the

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