Activity 1 - Digestive System

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Gallstones are hard deposits  Pain in the right upper

that form in your gallbladder — or middle upper
a small, pear-shaped sac that abdomen for at least
stores and secretes bile for 30 minutes. The pain
digestion. When gallstones may be constant or
block the ducts leading from cramping. It can feel
your gallbladder to your sharp or dull.
intestines, they can cause sharp  Fever.
pain in your upper-right  Yellowing of skin and
abdomen. whites of the eyes

Crohn’s disease is part of a  Diarrhea.

group of digestive conditions  Fever.
called inflammatory bowel  Fatigue.
disease (IBD). Crohn’s can affect  Abdominal pain and
any part of the GI tract but cramping.
most commonly affects the  Blood in your stool.
terminal ileum and large  Mouth sores.
intestine, which connects the  Reduced appetite and
end of the small bowel to the weight loss.
beginning of the large intestine,  Pain or drainage near
or colon. or around the anus due
to inflammation from a
tunnel into the skin
 Pain in the abdomen
Ulcerative colitis is a chronic (belly area) and
inflammatory bowel disease cramping.
(IBD) in which abnormal  A gurgling or splashing
reactions of the immune system sound heard over the
cause inflammation and ulcers intestine.
on the inner lining of your large  Blood and possibly pus
intestine in the stools.
 Diarrhea, from only a
few episodes to very
 Fever.
 Feeling that you need
to pass stools, even
though your bowels are
already empty.
 Weight loss.
Name: Mark Andrew Obina Date Submitted:
Strand/Yr/Sec: STEM 12 Y1 - 28 Teacher:
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Hemorrhoids are when the veins or  Bright red blood in your

blood vessels in and around your stool, on toilet paper,
anus and lower rectum become or in your toilet bowl.
swollen and irritated. This happens  Pain and irritation
when there is extra pressure on around your anus.
these veins. Hemorrhoids can be  Swelling or a hard lump
either inside your anus (internal) or around your anus.
under the skin around your anus  Itching.

Diverticular disease and  Pain, which may be

diverticulitis are related digestive constant and persist for
conditions that affect the large several days. The lower
intestine (colon). In diverticular left side of the
disease, small bulges or pockets abdomen is the usual
(diverticula) develop in the lining of site of the pain.
the intestine.  Nausea and vomiting.
 Fever.
 Abdominal tenderness.
 Constipation or, less
commonly, diarrhea.

Celiac disease, sometimes called  Nausea and vomiting.

celiac sprue or gluten-sensitive  Chronic diarrhea.
enteropathy, is an immune reaction  Swollen belly.
to eating gluten, a protein found in  Constipation.
wheat, barley and rye. I  Gas.
 Pale, foul-smelling

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