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1. Introduction

1.1 These supplemental terms serve to complement the Bitflex Talent Recruitment
Program Terms and Conditions (“Supplemental Terms”) provided by Bitflex Ltd
(“we”, “us” or “our”).

1.2 By applying for and using a Funding Account (“FA”) under our Bitflex Talent
Recruitment Program, you agree to these Supplemental Terms together with the
Bitflex Talent Recruitment Program Terms and Conditions and our Terms of Service,
which may be amended from time to time by us.

1.3 To the extent of any inconsistency between these Supplemental Terms and our
Bitflex Talent Recruitment Program Terms and Conditions, these Supplemental
Terms shall prevail.

1.4 Unless otherwise defined herein, all capitalised terms in these Supplemental Terms
shall have the meaning given to them in the Bitflex Talent Recruitment Program
Terms and Conditions and our Terms of Service.

2. Trial Period (Flex-Plan)

2.1 Prior to granting a Funding Account (FA) to potential talents, an essential step is for
them to undergo a comprehensive Trial test. This Trial test serves as a crucial
evaluation process to determine whether the talent meets the qualifications required
to obtain our esteemed Funding Account.

2.2 The first criterion we prioritize is the talent's understanding and proficiency in risk
management. If a talent doesn’t even know how to manage their risk they will not be

2.3 To accommodate different type of trades, hereby we present a different sets of Trial
test for applicant to begin with:

Trial Option Normal Intermediate Aggresive

Trial period 30 Days 14 Days 7 Days
Trial Fund $100 $100 $100
Maximum Trade per day 2 2 2
Maximum Leverage 10x 10x 10x
Target profit 20% 10-15% 10%
Daily Max Loss 5% 4% 4%
Maximum Drawdown 10% 8% 5%
SL Violation No more than 3 times No more than 3 times No more than 3 times
• Every Talent will receive an initial test fund of $100 to begin their Trial test. During this
period, talents must ensure that their daily losses do not exceed the predetermined
percentage of their account balance, limiting their risk exposure to 2% per trade.
• A Stop-loss (SL) is required in all positions and orders Any risk exceeding 2% of the
account balance in a single position will be considered a risk violation.
• Any talents that flagged with 3 violations will be automatically terminated.
• Maximum Drawdown on Account: The maximum allowed drawdown should be kept
below the predetermined value based on their selected Trial option. Failure to do so
will result in immediate removal from the program.
• Target Profit: Talents are expected to achieve the minimum target profit set for their
chosen Trial by the end of the test. This target signifies their ability to generate
consistent returns and showcases their trading competence.

2.4 This trial period is designed to present talents with a challenging opportunity to
assess their ability to identify market trends and manage their portfolio in accordance
with stringent rules.

2.5 Additionally, Talents will need to commit to their responsibilities, which include
completing the daily tasks.

What is included in the Daily task?

• Post at least 2 Trade ideas/ Trade records in the # |trade-chat channel
on Discord (Must follow the format)

• Post your profit screenshot in the # |profit channel on Discord

• Send at least 10 messages in the Discord channel
Example of how to calculate your margin size?
A reliable approach to determine your margin size is by utilizing the Risk-reward feature
available in Trading View.

Let's consider Talent A as an example. Talent A possesses an account size of $500 and hava
maximum permissible loss of 2% on each trade. If he wanted to short ETHUSDT-P at the
price of 1745.21 with a hard SL at 1772 while TP at 1662 the Quantity he should enter is
around 0.371 (equivalent to $647 USDT) with 10x leverage you will then use $64.7 initial
margin to enter this short trade which give you 3RR if it hits your TP. A 3RR trade should
give you a 6% profit in this case if it hits your TP, vise versa if it hits your SL it you will only
be losing 2% of your account.

It is important to note that while a tighter SL may result in a more favorable RR ratio, it is
challenging to predict the perfect entry price accurately. However, what can be controlled is
risk management and adhering to a well-defined plan. By effectively managing risk and
diligently following your trading plan, you can enhance your trading outcomes.
3. Funding Account, FA

3.1 Talents are required to provide us with a new UID to facilitate the upgrade of their
account to a Funding Account (FA).

3.2 The FA will be funded by Bitflex with the beginning amount of $500 (“Initial Fund”)
and the Talent shall operate the FA in accordance with these Supplemental Terms.

3.3 In operating and using the FA, the talent acknowledges and agrees it is doing so on
behalf of and for the benefit of Bitflex, to promote and market the Bitflex Platform and
at the same time build their personal profile.

3.4 The Talent shall hold the assets and liabilities in the FA in trust for the benefit of
Bitflex. Only the (“Initial Fund”) is locked by Bitflex. Any fees, profits, or liabilities
arising therein shall be the responsibility of the Talent.

3.5 The Talent further agrees that he or she has no rights to withdraw the funding itself.
However, any profits (if generated) from the assets held within the FA are
withdrawable by the Talent.

3.6 To provide absolute clarity, the Talent shall not bear any responsibility for losses
incurred in the FA, except in cases where such losses arise or result from: (1) the
Talent's fraudulent acts or omissions, (2) violation of these Supplemental Terms, the
Talent Recruitment Program Terms and Conditions, and/or Terms of Service, or (3)
negligence on the part of the Talent.

3.7 The FA shall be valid permanently until the decision has been made to close it with
the termination of talent service.

3.8 In the event of termination of the Talent in the Talent Recruitment Program, Bitflex
shall fully withdraw the assets ("Initial Fund") remaining in the FA.

3.9 Unless otherwise agreed between the parties, Talent shall only demonstrate live
trading using the FA on Bitflex’s website or app.
3.10 The Talent shall refrain from engaging in the following actions:
• Transfer the assets in FA to another account;
• Withdraw the assets from the FA; and
• Participate in any global event using FA
• Any act or attempt by Talent to carry out the above shall be deemed null and void.
3.11 Talent shall set “Take Profit” and “Stop Loss” functions for all positions in the FA.
Talent should make reasonable efforts to avoid triggering the automated liquidation
process. In the event automated liquidation process is triggered in Talent’s FA, Bitflex
reserves the right to transfer all the assets in the FA to Bitflex.
3.12 The automated liquidation process set out in
us/articles/11828757089945-Liquidation-Protocols, as amended from time to time,
including any other liquidation process as may be notified and posted by Bitflex on it’s
Platform, shall apply to the FA.
3.13 The maximum leverage set for the FA shall not exceed 10 times of the Talent’s
3.14 In the event that we detected a Talent's engagement in any illegal, fraudulent, false,
or malicious trades via the FA, or if the Talent breaches any Supplemental Terms,
Talent Recruitment Program Terms and Conditions, or Terms of Service, Bitflex
reserves the right to terminate the FA and all other accounts held by the Talent on
the Platform.
3.15 Talent shall keep confidential and not disclose (i) these Supplemental Terms and (ii)
the ownership, intent and purpose of the FA to any third party.
3.16 Bitflex retains the authority to provide instruction to the Talent regarding the operation
of the FA. The Talent agrees to promptly comply with such instructions from Bitflex,
ensuring smooth cooperation and alignment.

4. Strategic Growth Plan

4.1 We firmly believe that a well-structured plan is essential for the successful growth of
the Funding Account. Therefore, we have developed a strategic growth plan to assist
our talented individuals in advancing their Funding Account (FA) journey.

4.2 Building upon the principles established in the 7-Day Flex Plan, once a Talent has
been granted a Funding Account, they will be expected to commit to specific daily
tasks and requirements as part of their ongoing responsibility in maintaining the
Funding Account (FA).

Funding Table

Trading Volume Monthly Retaining Max Drawdown

Fund Daily Max Loss % Leverage
Milestone Trading Volume %
$500 $2,000,000 $250,000 4% 20% 10x
$1000 $4,000,000 $500,000 4% 20% 10x
$2000 $8,000,000 $850,000 4% 16% 10x
$4000 $16,000,000 $1,360,000 3% 12% 10x
$8000 $32,000,000 $2,400,000 2.5% 10% 10x
$16000 $64,000,000 $4,200,000 2% 8% 10x
$32000 $120,000,000 $6,400,000 1.5% 5% 10x
$64000 - $11,600,000 1% 4% 10x
4.3 Once Talent obtains their Funding account, there will be no restrictions on their
trading frequency, as long as they adhere to the daily maximum loss percentage and
the overall maximum drawdown of the entire account. However, Talent is still
required to diligently fulfill their daily tasks as usual.

Daily tasks

• Achieve at least 10% profit per month

• Share at least 2 trade ideas/trade records you have made (Daily)

• Post at least 5 profit screenshots a week

• Send at least 50 messages in Discord a week.

5. Terminate & Replenish Condition
5.1 In the event that a Talent fails to effectively manage their risk, such as exceeding
their maximum drawdown, they will be immediately terminated from the program.
This measure will be enforced to ensure the integrity and success of the initiative.
5.2 Talent must exercise control over their daily losses, ensuring they remain within the
predetermined range. In cases where a Talent fails to manage their daily loss, three
risk violation will be issued. Upon the fourth occurrence, termination from the
program will be implemented promptly.
5.3 In situations where losses maintain below the maximum drawdown threshold of the
Funding Account (FA), replenishment will be provided to the Talent's account based
on their contributed trading volume. This ensures that talents can continue their
participation while preserving the integrity of the program.
• The monthly retaining trading volume is the baseline of how many percentages of
the replenishment will be acquired by each Talent.
• Example: Talent A who holds a $500 FA and have a drawdown of 10% at the end
of the month. However, if he fulfilled the monthly retaining trading volume, his
account will be replenished to 100% at the beginning of the month
5.4 Consistent failure to fulfill the daily tasks for three consecutive days will lead to
automatic forfeiture from the program. (Unless specific reasons, Talent should reach
out to the admin for temporary halting)
5.5 As long as you maintain a FA under the Bitflex Talent Recruitment Program, you shall
fulfill your responsibilities stated in the Talent Recruitment Program Terms and
Conditions. Bitflex reserves the right to monitor and give directions to Talent on fulfilling
the responsibilities, and you shall adhere to and implement such directions without


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