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Detailed Study of 12 Houses (Bhav) and their Significators.

Types of Houses and their Properties:-

Kendra, Trikon, Trishaday, Ashtam, Upchay etc.
12 Zodiac Signs- Detailed Study of each Zodiac Sign.
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
9 Planets and their Characteristics:-
Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter
Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu
Aspects of Planets, Malefic and Benefic Planet.
Prakashak Grah, Tara Grah and Chhaya Grah.
Signs of Planets, Exalted and Debilitated Planet, Mool Trikon Signs.
Fixed Significators of Houses.
Relations between Planets- Interchange, Vision, Alternate and Conjunction of Planets.
Yogkarak Grah, Rajyog, Vipreet Rajyog and their study.
Nakshatra- Names of 27 Constellations, Their Lords and Time Period.
Vimshotri Dasha Padhti :–
Maha Dasha, Antar Dasha, Pratyantar Dasha etc.
Maha Dasha, Antar Dasha, Pratyantar Dasha etc.
Nakshatra Vichar- Simple use of Vimshottari, Gandmool Vichar.
Manglik Vichar (Lagna and Chandra Kundli)
Sade Sati of Saturn.
Many other related topics...
Duration- 19-20 classes
After completion, you will be awarded a Certificate

1) what is Astrology? who invented it? how its useful?

2) important factors of astrology? how its learn? What do we need to know to learn asto?
3) types of astrology (plam, nadi, vadic...etc)
4) branches of astrology
5) which astrology software we should use & why ?
6) how many charts are there in a person chart? and why?
7) North indian vs South indian chart 
8) What is Maha dash, AD, PD ?
9) What is gamini and other astrology system?
10) What is chalit ?
11) What is Gochar ?
12) What is calendar? Difference between indian and western calendar system?
13) What is 12 Rashi ?
14) What is Yoga (Vaidhriti ...etc)?
15) What is Yoni, Vashya, Nadi, Yunja, Hansak, Paya?
16) Difference between Moon chart and Sun chart?
17) What shad-bal, bhava bal ?
18) What is Lal-keetab?
19) What astakvagra?
20) What is drishti ?
21) What is sudarshan chakra?
22) What is Murath?
23) what is SPS system?
24) what is pachang?
25) what is shodas varga ?
26) Your advice to learn astrology ? best suggested book?

Index for a Book on Jyotish (Vedic Astrology):


 Overview of Vedic Astrology

 Historical Background and Cultural Significance
 Understanding the Cosmic Influence
Chapter 1: Foundations of Jyotish

 Introduction to Planets and Their Significance

 The Zodiac: Signs and Their Characteristics
 Exploring the Houses in the Birth Chart
 Aspects and their Interpretation

Chapter 2: Calculating and Interpreting Birth Charts

 Casting a Birth Chart: Tools and Techniques

 Understanding Ascendant (Lagna) and its Importance
 Analyzing Planetary Positions and Combustion
 Assessing Strengths and Weaknesses of Planets

Chapter 3: Astrological Interpretation Techniques

 Interpretation of Planetary Aspects

 Yogas and Special Combinations
 Dasha Systems and Timing Events
 Nakshatras: Lunar Mansions and their Significance

Chapter 4: Predictive Astrology

 Predicting Career and Profession

 Relationship and Compatibility Analysis
 Health and Well-being Indicators
 Timing Major Life Events

Chapter 5: Remedial Measures and Spiritual Guidance

 Astrological Remedies for Challenging Planetary Influences

 Gemstones, Mantras, and Rituals
 Incorporating Spirituality and Mindfulness in Astrological Practice
 Connecting with Higher Self through Jyotish

Chapter 6: Advanced Topics in Jyotish

 Varshaphal: Annual Predictions

 Muhurta: Selecting Auspicious Timings
 Horary Astrology: Answering Specific Questions
 Prashna Kundali: The Art of Question Astrology
Chapter 7: Case Studies and Practical Applications

 Analyzing Real-Life Birth Charts

 Applying Jyotish Principles to Various Life Scenarios
 Synthesizing Multiple Techniques for Comprehensive Interpretation
 Ethical Considerations in Astrological Practice


 Embracing the Power of Jyotish for Personal Growth

 The Journey Continues: Lifelong Learning in Vedic Astrology


 Key Terms and Definitions for Reference


 Tables of Planetary Positions and Nakshatras

 Additional Resources for Further Study
 Acknowledgments

Please note that the index can be customized based on the specific focus and structure of your
book on Jyotish. The above index provides a general framework that covers various aspects of
Vedic astrology, allowing readers to navigate through the book and access specific topics of

Preamble for a Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) Book:

Welcome to the profound and mystical world of Jyotish, the ancient science of Vedic astrology.
In this book, we embark on a journey that explores the cosmic tapestry and its profound
influence on human lives. Drawing from the timeless wisdom of the Vedas and the rich heritage
of Vedic astrology, we delve into the depths of this sacred knowledge to unravel the mysteries
of the stars and unveil the secrets they hold.

Astrology, in its true essence, is not merely a predictive tool but a profound system that offers
insights into our soul's journey. It enables us to understand the intricate interplay between
celestial energies and the unique tapestry of our individual lives. By studying the birth chart, we
gain a glimpse into the blueprint of our existence, the potentialities that lie within us, and the
lessons we are meant to learn in this lifetime.

Through the pages of this book, we strive to illuminate the path of self-discovery and self-
mastery. We aim to empower you with the knowledge and understanding to navigate life's
challenges, make informed decisions, and align with the cosmic flow that surrounds us. Each
chapter is designed to provide you with practical tools, profound insights, and a deeper
connection to the cosmic forces that shape our reality.

We begin our exploration by unraveling the foundations of Jyotish, delving into the significance
of planets, signs, houses, and aspects. With clarity and simplicity, we guide you through the
fundamental principles that underpin the art of astrological interpretation. As we progress, we
delve into advanced techniques, predictive methodologies, and the intricate dynamics of
relationships, career, health, and spirituality.

Moreover, this book seeks to bridge the gap between theory and practice. We present real-life
case studies, practical examples, and thought-provoking exercises to enhance your
understanding and application of Jyotish. It is through the integration of knowledge and
experience that we truly unlock the transformative power of astrology.

It is essential to emphasize that while Jyotish serves as a guiding light, it is not meant to
override our free will or diminish our responsibility in shaping our own destinies. Instead, it
provides a compass, revealing the potentials and challenges that lie ahead, offering us the
opportunity to make conscious choices and navigate life's journey with wisdom and grace.

As you embark on this voyage of self-discovery, open your heart and mind to the cosmic dance
that surrounds us. Embrace the wonders of the celestial realm, for in its symphony lies the
wisdom that can illuminate your path and empower you to lead a life of purpose, fulfillment,
and harmony.

May this book serve as a guiding beacon, shedding light on the intricate tapestry of your
existence and inspiring you to embark on a profound and transformative journey of self-
discovery. Together, let us unlock the hidden treasures of the cosmos and embrace the infinite
possibilities that await us within the realm of Jyotish.
Self introduction as an astrologer

Namaste! I am your own Vedic astrologer here to assist you on your cosmic journey.

My name is Chandra Mohan Negi, and I have been trained in the ancient and profound knowledge of Vedic astrology, also
known as Jyotish.

Vedic astrology or Jyotish is a time-honored system originating from ancient India. It encompasses a holistic understanding of
the cosmos and its influence on human lives. Through the study of planetary positions, birth charts, and cosmic energies, Vedic
astrology provides insights into various aspects of life, including personality traits, relationships, career prospects, health, and

With years of dedicated study and practical experience, I have delved into the intricate details of Vedic astrology. By analyzing
birth charts, I can unravel the unique blueprint of your life and shed light on the potential opportunities and challenges you
may encounter along your path. I utilize the sacred knowledge of the Vedas, the ancient scriptures of India, to offer guidance
and support in navigating life's uncertainties.

My approach to astrology is compassionate and empowering. I believe that we all have the ability to shape our destinies
through self-awareness and making conscious choices. While astrology provides valuable insights, it is essential to remember
that we ultimately hold the power to create our own reality.

Whether you seek guidance in matters of love, career, finance, health, or spirituality, I am here to provide you with clarity and
practical wisdom rooted in the profound teachings of Vedic astrology. Together, we can explore the celestial map and uncover
the hidden treasures that await you.

Lets begin !

Please note that while astrology can provide valuable guidance, it should not be considered a substitute for professional advice
or decision-making. The choices we make ultimately shape our lives, and astrology serves as a tool to assist us in making
informed decisions along our journey.

I look forward to sharing this cosmic voyage with you and helping you unlock the mysteries of your life through the profound
wisdom of Vedic astrology.

Why one another book on astrology ?

Publishing another book on Jyotish (Vedic astrology) can be beneficial for several reasons:

1. Unique Perspective: Each astrologer brings their own perspective and insights to the field of
astrology. Your book can provide a fresh perspective, unique interpretations, or innovative
techniques that may resonate with readers and offer them a deeper understanding of Jyotish.
2. Specific Focus: Your book can focus on a specific aspect of Jyotish that you specialize in or feel
passionate about. For example, you could write a book specifically on predictive techniques,
compatibility analysis, remedial measures, or the intersection of astrology with other fields like
psychology or spirituality. Such focused books can provide in-depth knowledge and cater to
readers seeking expertise in a particular area.
3. Simplifying Complex Concepts: Vedic astrology can be intricate and complex for beginners or
those unfamiliar with the subject. Your book can aim to simplify and demystify the fundamental
principles of Jyotish, making it accessible to a wider audience. Presenting the concepts in an
organized and understandable manner can help readers grasp the basics and develop a solid
4. Practical Applications: Many people turn to astrology for guidance and practical insights into
their lives. Your book can emphasize the practical applications of Jyotish, providing readers with
actionable advice and strategies to enhance their personal and professional lives. This could
include guidance on timing important events, managing challenging planetary transits, or
utilizing specific remedies.
5. Personal Experiences: Sharing your own experiences and case studies can make your book
relatable and engaging for readers. By discussing real-life examples, you can illustrate the power
and accuracy of Jyotish and how it can positively impact people's lives. Including anecdotes and
personal stories can add depth and authenticity to your book.
6. Contribution to the Field: Publishing a book on Jyotish adds to the body of knowledge in the field
of astrology. It allows you to contribute your insights, research, and expertise to the wider
astrological community. Your book may inspire other astrologers, researchers, or enthusiasts to
further explore the subject and expand the understanding of Jyotish.
Remember, the purpose of writing a book on Jyotish is to share your knowledge, experiences, and unique
perspective with others who are interested in astrology. It can be a platform to connect with a broader
audience, make a positive impact, and contribute to the ever-evolving field of Vedic astrology.

How to use this book ?

To effectively utilize a book or course on Jyotish (Vedic astrology), here are some steps you can

1. Familiarize Yourself: Begin by reading the introductory chapters or watching the initial
lessons of the course to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts of Jyotish.
Understand the significance of planets, signs, houses, and aspects in a birth chart. This
will provide you with a foundation to build upon.
2. Read/Watch Systematically: Approach the book or course systematically, following the
suggested reading order or lesson sequence. This will ensure that you grasp the
concepts in a logical and structured manner. Take your time to fully understand each
topic before moving on to the next one.
3. Take Notes: As you go through the material, take notes on key points, important
techniques, and practical applications. This will help you consolidate your understanding
and serve as a reference for future use. Note down any questions or areas where you
need further clarification to seek answers later.
4. Practice with Birth Charts: A crucial aspect of learning Jyotish is hands-on practice with
birth charts. Apply the concepts and techniques you learn from the book or course to
analyze birth charts. Start with your own birth chart and gradually explore charts of
family members, friends, or public figures. This practical application will deepen your
understanding and enhance your interpretive skills.
5. Reflect and Review: After completing each chapter or lesson, take some time to reflect
on the material and review what you have learned. Consider how the new knowledge
aligns with your existing understanding and contemplate its implications for chart
interpretation. Reflecting and reviewing will reinforce your learning and help you
internalize the concepts.
6. Seek Clarification: If you come across any confusing or unclear topics, don't hesitate to
seek clarification. Reach out to the author of the book or the instructor of the course for
further explanations. You can also participate in online forums or astrology communities
to interact with fellow learners and experts in the field.
7. Apply in Real Life: As you gain confidence and proficiency in Jyotish, start applying the
knowledge to real-life situations. Explore charts of friends, family, or clients (if you are
offering readings) and provide insights and guidance based on your understanding of
Jyotish. This practical application will enhance your skills and deepen your connection
with the subject.
8. Continual Learning: Remember that learning Jyotish is a lifelong journey. Stay open to
new insights, research, and developments in the field. Engage in ongoing study, attend
workshops or conferences, and explore different perspectives to broaden your
understanding of Jyotish.

By following these steps and approaching the book or course with dedication and curiosity, you
can effectively utilize the material to deepen your knowledge and proficiency in Jyotish.
Remember, consistent practice and application are key to mastering the art of astrology.

Philosophy of astrology

The philosophy of Jyotish, or Vedic astrology, is deeply rooted in the ancient wisdom of the Vedas and
reflects a profound understanding of the interconnectedness between the cosmos and human existence.
Here are some key aspects of the philosophy of Jyotish:

1. Cosmic Unity: Jyotish recognizes that the universe operates as an interconnected whole, with
celestial bodies and energies influencing and interacting with human lives. It emphasizes the
principle of "as above, so below," suggesting that the macrocosm and microcosm are reflections
of each other.
2. Karma and Destiny: Jyotish acknowledges the concept of karma, the law of cause and effect. It
suggests that our actions in past lives and the present shape our destiny, and the planetary
positions at the time of birth reflect these karmic imprints. However, Jyotish also emphasizes that
while we are influenced by our past actions, we have the capacity to make choices and shape our
3. Free Will and Self-Empowerment: Jyotish does not advocate a deterministic view of life. It
recognizes that while there are cosmic influences and predispositions indicated in the birth chart,
we have the freedom to respond to those influences and make conscious choices. Jyotish
encourages self-awareness, self-reflection, and personal responsibility for our actions.
4. Spiritual Growth and Self-Realization: Jyotish views life as a journey of spiritual growth and self-
realization. It suggests that the challenges and opportunities indicated in the birth chart are meant
to guide us toward self-discovery, inner transformation, and the realization of our true nature.
Jyotish provides insights and guidance to support individuals on their spiritual paths.
5. Balance and Harmony: Jyotish emphasizes the importance of living in harmony with natural
rhythms and cosmic energies. It suggests that aligning ourselves with the flow of the universe can
bring balance, well-being, and fulfillment in various aspects of life. Jyotish offers guidance on
optimizing the use of favorable energies and managing challenging planetary influences.
6. Remedial Measures and Self-Development: Jyotish recognizes the potential for growth and
transformation through the implementation of remedial measures. These measures may include
the use of gemstones, rituals, mantras, and spiritual practices. Jyotish encourages individuals to
engage in self-development, introspection, and spiritual practices to mitigate negative influences
and enhance positive energies.
7. Holistic Approach: Jyotish takes a holistic approach to life, considering the interconnectedness of
various aspects such as relationships, career, health, and spirituality. It recognizes that changes in
one area of life can impact other areas, and vice versa. Jyotish provides insights into these
interconnections, helping individuals make well-informed decisions and live in alignment with
their life's purpose.

Overall, the philosophy of Jyotish encompasses the belief that we are part of a vast cosmic tapestry,
where planetary energies interact with our individual lives. It encourages self-awareness, personal
responsibility, and conscious choices while providing guidance and support for spiritual growth, self-
realization, and leading a harmonious and fulfilling life.
The analogy of being at the right place at the right time is often used in the context
of Jyotish (Vedic astrology) to illustrate the concept of aligning with favorable cosmic
energies and maximizing opportunities in life. Here's an explanation of the analogy:

Imagine life as a vast tapestry with intricate patterns woven by celestial energies.
Each thread represents a unique moment in time, influenced by the positions and
movements of planets and other celestial bodies. Just as different threads come
together to form the tapestry, various cosmic influences converge to create specific
circumstances and events in our lives.

In this analogy, being at the right place at the right time means being in sync with
the prevailing cosmic energies that are conducive to our goals and desires. It
suggests that certain moments carry a greater potential for success, growth, and
fulfillment. By recognizing and aligning with these cosmic rhythms, we can increase
the likelihood of experiencing positive outcomes and seizing valuable opportunities.

Just as a skilled weaver understands the patterns and chooses the right threads to
create a beautiful tapestry, Jyotish guides us to comprehend the celestial influences
and make conscious choices that harmonize with those energies. It helps us identify
auspicious times (muhurta) for important activities, such as starting a new venture,
getting married, or embarking on a spiritual journey.

However, it's important to note that being at the right place at the right time is not
solely determined by external factors. Jyotish acknowledges the role of individual
efforts, intentions, and free will. While cosmic influences set the stage, our choices,
actions, and attitudes also play a crucial role in shaping our experiences.

This analogy reminds us of the importance of self-awareness, mindfulness, and

preparedness. By understanding the prevailing cosmic energies indicated in our birth
chart, we can align our actions and decisions with the flow of the universe. It
encourages us to cultivate a deep connection with our inner selves, make conscious
choices, and create a harmonious interplay between our intentions and the cosmic
energies at play.

Ultimately, the analogy of being at the right place at the right time highlights the
interplay between celestial energies and human agency. It emphasizes the potential
for personal growth, fulfillment, and success when we consciously navigate the
cosmic tapestry, making choices that align with the prevailing energies and
recognizing the opportunities that unfold in our lives.
Say four people are crossing a street. Two are in a crosswalk with the light in
their favor; two are jaywalking. One of each is hit by a cyclist. The unhurt
person in the crosswalk was in the right place at the right time; the hurt person
was in the right place at the wrong time. The unhurt jaywalker was in the
wrong place at the right time; the hurt jaywalker was in the wrong place at the
wrong time.

Introduction to Vedic Astrology and Parts of Indian Astrology System

Sidhant, Hora, Sanhita, Prashna Kundli & Shakun Shastra

Qualities of an Astrologer. Characteristics of a good Astrologer.

Karma Theory- Sanchit, Prarabdh and Kriyaman Karma Theory.

Types of chart

Types of Zodiac

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