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EE EES S]® YD Eien rope “Oh . Fremont — > Rewtel ve ‘ | Tan lin f Are allernatives for In ete. YO mivraizta C2 S Pregaam 9 pritlens > deaf roith deci of bailed! resources to weet the chek as Heart cost, wearin Jee. Ih ov Rearl Pine, cohen vesnances o| ‘tind allocedion qs maya sad neg ha abternadie uses. [a bss ea 1 | Linear all hequlittes oF ed wie used aot weblion be be” marin oy whinize ct ey : cop Sete Sybyatnaged tae te aie = . 4 atte due of; ferorgzoo ore wertinear > > neurr) hos thet o unite Slee wakes dice colt « ee LA Pare diese! clus is done on Rue weber A AB, A chery Yequiver Dheas eu machke A aud & hours ew machine BA table vequnes Ghose on mackie A aud Pho on wade B There aro. 16 heures of, Hine, per aay availabe eu mache A ane le hes on maine BP tnrect by the monufackirer fren a chav and ~a abt are Re Bop ond Ke Boo ves! The. wanufoctrren Is weilhig te kroeo the. clail Pelee of each o the. Awe predudl do Martnze hie fit. $ manatee 3b Pe Scanned with CamScanner ® tem | cha | Table | Mex available tise | 'Mackme Al of hys 4 ks le how. Mode 3) B hx. 08 hes We hes. | Profit in Rs)| Re Boo R. Soo | \ a | 1 ~Suppose tect the manufacturer prodsces x chavs and dj Labbes pew oy MachireA lat 4y 30 Au + 3 Ss bo UA, YO Teed OP PPP TD ee ND Ne te ee ND fe ee Sh" y at (6n) —> Z= eho (lo) —— 2s 20 (min) | (ise) “> > Be w Scanned with CamScanner aoe we ‘ é . ‘ ms Sx, > S ; ‘ MVR, 20 pa, ee 4 4 - 4 4 Ts unkeunded then ) be bounded, / way © ‘ 0 / Ze %2+4x Ate / x >I % £2 imax 1S Unbeurd ol isales unbounded. a ‘ \ . \ t - 6 a Be Ma Z = €xy- Me i Vee) st. dy -% £2 Z m FF Hi BS - 5 a Gey Zz | % Gc) — > 226 Gb) s+ = = IR (Max) Hoetke (4,7) 4 B= to , te) => Z wil) shad deewosiny come hag region is unbounded bw is hounded Scanned with CamScanner @ sal Cobtinal) ; el ol woes exists, ‘ | 7 Note : ae No sel” > either sol® exists Unseuiae) vege > ov unbeunded cA Note SIS sol fs unhounded Phen vege must he Un beaded. Scanned with CamScanner —onex Sete f Couvex, Functions @ Line A bine, Joneses Ther Fase powds m, ad on ts Jes “the se of powts l= %~ | x= dy Geran, veri fe x ) m= Aye Gorn, det] Scanned with CamScanner aa @® & y lores © A hyperflane in rR generalizes “thes nretion el a shud Dine tn RB Nard) Fhe. wetide h a plane. in RW Def ct ch poids Gumannrte) © cahick salidy Ze Gut Gate + ty is cabled baperplave Hare , not all c=o aut = is Sealer. OR A kybecflane H i ik” is a scl 4, the fomn §% | ex-#} Uhre Cp is a wrrers vector mR aud Bsa scabr . Hue,Cp is cabled the nonral ov the qs to the hyperblane . Ke courte k con be cbininated by safe toa fined pot we PU the hypesplane . SoM EH | ther CXe=K anf ferany XEH, we have GX =B. Upen subtraction we qe EOeX)=0. wedi hE KM. Sm other words, H can be divechons} an ‘sp Hl | represented as the collection ate ports seticfyig €O-x)= 0, — where % "3 amy Svcd pete ta H. A hyberblane 19 4 conven seb, Half space :- A hybeblane divides R” ito tus veqous, called? helf- ¢ Aces, A ee plane ides i" in hwo parts. me HR RX] Cem ZF be the hyper Plane Scanned with CamScanner Yhen ® oR half h= 9x \ cree} ad H, = fx! ex >23 Chased Space. Hy = ixn]ex22} ond Hy= £ xX | cx < ZY WH, are. Chesed boll shares ancl Hs My ee ef eo Pazallel hi bre: Too Mypeplae B= Cx ad Z=GK are alled II if G=dG, forme FER, : Blythe The her cechion ey fite picbaa ay closed hobf sfoces Is Cabled ‘a poutte, Ee EG) med A Rr m4) |r re F , Hypersbhere. A hybashee ix RS voith coutve, ata and wdin ro is fined) to be the i eel ee You | Jr-al =a 3 Thos the. og foe hypeslewe mR is n JZ beraya fa Scanned with CamScanner VUUUBBEYUBEELELELLEBEALDLSbLb ea» a + esavaeweonun ® Comer Ses 4 Conny Fanctons i Couvex Sets - A st X Rs called a convex set ppdds ta ad te in X, then iL ghen an Awe j Fe ee PON ge each C6. ¥ ew Bi] » Nete tek Awe (du. for 01 dhe iewal B yepresenls a pest eu the Seqned prog + hoy pod of, the fom Awt(ira, whore of rel tow. or ioeigited avereqe) wy and m,. is called q Conver combinal y and at. *b . ° dion is callecl - Jf de Gin , then the Convex combi styick, eouctvic_hutorpetehion:— Fev each path sports oy aud mm in K the Ure sequed joluing them, ov the conver couabinalting ie Rute poate, wast belong to X. \Z i = TA convex set] 2 S= ovr) Boyt Rte = 18 f AS " ae z é 2 = i. z + £ & Ay + 3% E12 me, HL 2E canned with CamScanner LHOCHOHOHHOHHOHOHROONXVM94 Eranebes : LL Gam): Pad Ab + (hAyb ae D> fe Awe (rn EX, 3 X= Fur Axah, xaop , chae A Gam mnnmching and b ig an m-vedor, ar Cre Gare cet a xrof, 2 ~ ae “ Mo “a ' el a X= § x: x= ‘ja]> ». | 3 3 2 MAMAEL AA rede S , mA AD Lt x x eX suck thet Re MMe RMA , MARtB=AL | WAP. ad xre Ay t metAM , MtMemar AX Nae they fer omy AE Gul ax ti Dx = Orns doy) t Grto)y + r+) My Nw re MM + A vy (say Scanned with CamScanner " a il ine ila VS &®S 6G HO 56B505005665 6 wa o a a 3 ee Y ws a alled aw AasSa_ Convex if x cauret be ef Luo distinc poste m Q-aA) ot, with ae At then Jen oe® Net wy Che bie habe ef, “| vay © A(x td 4 Goyer r»a »)9 \ . Mish ropa (1d) Xe c v . y { “eX \ Z Vote qda* V-vyv, € 5 a y A poi x of a Convex + X y { y sf d canngt be exbressed e poicl 1 ma trae other. chichinet points oR we preseude eel aca X. 4n other words , if Ne Cop) and A € ry slid couvex combinal in S NG rs ms new PH , ve ’ % 7 \ eo AN fou Corners are e jeu poate, wall Jour + Bourdon of clo — * pet (we oN fey. ames Dire have, “infinite oe ee AN entvewe. pork, Scanned with CamScanner @® NM ertveme peat Coun aot ee any othe two poinhs eh the set Extreme perch Ts a boundary point but converse a) net be Ryne. Extveme poi the convex set fensihle sol are Mate in Mor ber & Py Nete: ee feasible Yegion a LPP, Stree, th ig net (near, 4d vO NET Be Pe Pon- (nen Jensible wegie . SF We, ae timum seldro eb uso extreme porieks r, ie ad a, ther we opi sel at on these pots rolick can be Lovitter as Conver combhration ees poids. Ex Max Zz Yt mG t3ILE ® i) UAL 2O (* Go| = Cc 2 we have two extreme eo potts @,2) ad (2,0) where Z breve oti ; “Theresf foe. Convex these, a extyeute_ ports alse qos obtivality , ie, all petats Ayeg on ths Ine. Scanned with CamScanner VOLE bRLba se ee eee eve Ye VVUVVYVV'? DIDDLEY L Def: ex: “Tham | Than 2. Phe Thom? . Thay, ® Cowen conbnation of vectors: Given a seh of, vectors ou mares a ther Cubinalion acs At att ree is calle& a Comer combinah for the aes vectors, if Ap dese Me BO amd ae A Une, sgn je my and ~, 1% the seh oe “— odious of 4 avd = 3x [ w= Ant O-A% , oe detf, “The set}, all conver cousin ious of adisite whe ch (near 2 indepeadeut yectors (as a convex = coy u A hyperplane. fs A Conver sch. a Cuzz be @ bypapha nd BA ya any puso pouds of Then cue t aud C%SE New, if 241, then (Ay caym)= cay tS cQnt & ~) . a (en) + Hes —- dz + (hz ae Tre closed half Spaces Cope bolf spices) are convey cst The itasedion of two conver sche tg altoa conver eet, Calto Ane for finite commx st ). Scanned with | CamScanner Conver holybectron: The set alk conver oubirabione fale mee che I ® uber linearly is Colland “a couvex polyhedron. The conver poly hero geet bg He fate . oR The Whasection of, all the conver set condos S ts called conver hull. Gey SD ae = Fr] x a due (va, ActAT 2. 3 Levy) ere \ Wt gts a} <= Tay Ere | wage s ot Rework? Every conver, polyhedron is conver: hall but converse may rat be. tvue. Comex edo aud die Soa iN Convex hull but wet commer hult canned with CamScanner a envex Fusetion := Bete eSuibeten uu oft convex. subs of, IR A function £65 on bo be Convex if for om dure vedors and a, IK s fm dra) < AfOo4 C9) fess, o£ AeI is sath | | ' Strictly cowex funchb. :- Let S bea non-omply convex Subsh of W A funtion fw on S is seid te be Stvidlly “ convex if for any Juve lifferend vectors yy and a, in S, $Qar tvs) < Aft + dry fey , osfh, f jis s, 49 fe oy fe X i cv m ™ my “ & (2 Concane function Nether COuvex hey Concave a Couver fom dion Conca (Stridly Contre) Sundtioes = ° IK A Fancher feo ona nou empl eubset S +) 56 said to be concave. CaArictly concave) if fey is Convex ( siAly pone) iii iti Scanned with CamScanner Genera LAR toe cla apo coudtla dhe LPP in the general coeyt bes achen the, uen bee + vanidhles js wove. thar wo. Def Let Zy bea Dincar fuetion on I defined by eye COQ eC He GOS 208 oe | whee cj cane Coustadls Gist kuowor uh cok Coeffieieks Subject te eee > 6, wt > peace Gy %y + Axa Mt- - agate ne yy Ay Aone’ —___ ke and (inal) bX oy Ma re KH FO ie ' ( ( ' : ‘ ‘ ‘ i) ‘ ' ‘ lohere all ay /s pbs and g|s we conctau and ' yt are. Variolles (are kreon as clecision vauables ) ' be. voritter alse mm ir. | We. above. A LPP wary fom ok follows . “ Optimiee. eae en] mae ‘ subject to ee a Oe ee HW] Swe ov = & | co om “| Ha ond TL Ma, ser, An BO. Scanned with CamScanner oR Ofiwre (Marinize ov uthiniee) Z = CX Subject te AX zen B ood X20, 4 An ee - ag Pe oe meee ak ee A aE Det «ay bj echine (uncdion - The Uren -(anehion Conchgit oe Cutt Zz Cut Ga te- tohich iste be wininized oy maxized 1S cabled dhe the Generel) LPP. object funckion ey The in ae Ware abled 3 " | oe Ler. of he apt: vethvichious)coustsaicks. 1 We sk +, im: wue (c) ts usualy fusion ak the sch of nop “ey cdi veorA ried ous +, the Generel LPP. veal numbers Seldon :— A ntuple Cu stay ome) cH sole. saibefies dhe contents He General LPP is called a sol tothe & LPP Feasible selibion.— Ayy caldiou to < Gonarall LPP whi, ative vehvictouc of Hee, also sate ies the. we preblen, ‘s called 4 fers calidon. to tha Genero) UP ~~ Scanned with CamScanner t 4 Sphinn solution a Assy feasible cal usliel optimizes ‘ ‘ ' Comoximizes ov ms seizes) Toe bijeckie futchin oe Gener LPP is cabled an oPinain solution be the Genera UP. Nade- Cftinal soluble is also used for oftinuan seliit Ex es PEL A clivhtinn cohishes to wi tise Ropes of food - aud a way ok the Vika wai, coutauts the. hw Su / wirxture_ coutam ak Deak & its ) Vite A . and 10 waits of, viru C. Feed I coeds _ pe ke h easel and | ut porkg an vit ule we coutains Tumit per kg 4b vitamin A aud of wuts por kg of, ytkauts C . SK Costs Rs BO perky te purckete dead T amd Re Fo pos Ka te produce food E. Fermubele the above, dhe cock of suck q mixtwe LPP to wining Scanned with CamScanner LA the dietician wie hy ofyded = ont gat. feod Ir , Clearly 220 3 : “Therecfeve, tedeh cost Za Tort cs subject to Qu + y >8 : eae =e) an 4.420 a Ph? Example ha evreral LPP (Diet Problens). Ginn the madriew] couteate ofa number ftient fod duffs aul dhe “4, mitviman 7 mn eatk nat fora ot, cekeruine he clas reqsiveweuts aud af the some Cine has tae babar cost. eel" Mattenatte all Fenaulallon (od Were ore % be aff facts a a PPE ree vadeeak cos one oh footer ye where @ fe 1 2 F om ts 1,2, Lt ny be he “habe of ante ff fed S' fi the cred het . wg be the Aaa ben itiba of units 4 nufyrenk ¢ vepuived! let te cost per unit pf Scanned with CamScanner Mudviewe i : c i | Ow | | an a \ aun : 2 Aa, | a | . es vr\ 7 ney | ' | |» |a| de c Cn cn Grd. By) ‘ | “ pee a Objective frac: MM tnimige Z- é. G7 cule “ Sy Ge be ) CEN Dr me J anol *y oO ¥- Jr pe \ Scanned with CamScanner

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